MrCube6 is widely known as a Minecraft Redstone Genius, being able to build anything he wants using Redstone. And for some reason, he wants me dead. This is How I Got Hunted by a Minecraft Redstone Genius.
Like ParrotX2 and his Unstable Universe series where he broke into Minecraft's Most Secure Prisons or got Hunted by Minecraft's Deadliest Players. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or Lifesteal with rekrap2, Grian or MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on.
People in this video: @MrCube6 @Derapchu @Leowook @jumperwho @Nufuli @4CVIT @mixiku_ @Wato-1876 @lezywezy @TheSorta1 @RecallingMan nezoshoki
This is Episode 2 of Season 2 Parrot Videos on the Unstable SMP :)
TNT defusal and lava fall trap made by @Wato-1876
Tank made by @MythicalPingu
3x3 Piston door made by @ThatMumboJumbo
Thumbnail Tank made by @WarTechWarGears
This is a video on the Unstable Universe / Unstable SMP: a staged Minecraft server created by Parrot, Wemmbu, and Spoke to tell stories in Minecraft.
A Minecraft video made by Parrot or ParrotX2 on other platforms! Enjoy!
Like ParrotX2 and his Unstable Universe series where he broke into Minecraft's Most Secure Prisons or got Hunted by Minecraft's Deadliest Players. This is a new and original Minecraft idea like HermitCraft or Lifesteal with rekrap2, Grian or MumboJumbo. Survival is harder than Hardcore Minecraft because PVP is on.
People in this video: @MrCube6 @Derapchu @Leowook @jumperwho @Nufuli @4CVIT @mixiku_ @Wato-1876 @lezywezy @TheSorta1 @RecallingMan nezoshoki
This is Episode 2 of Season 2 Parrot Videos on the Unstable SMP :)
TNT defusal and lava fall trap made by @Wato-1876
Tank made by @MythicalPingu
3x3 Piston door made by @ThatMumboJumbo
Thumbnail Tank made by @WarTechWarGears
This is a video on the Unstable Universe / Unstable SMP: a staged Minecraft server created by Parrot, Wemmbu, and Spoke to tell stories in Minecraft.
A Minecraft video made by Parrot or ParrotX2 on other platforms! Enjoy!
00:00:00The last time I received an emergency redstone signal, it was because our base was under attack.
00:00:09So when I got the signal this time, I booked it for the control room to see what was wrong.
00:00:14And that's when I saw him.
00:00:17It was MrCube6, a Minecraft player widely regarded as a redstone genius.
00:00:22Using redstone, Cube has the unique ability to build whatever contraptions he wants to.
00:00:28Complicated doors, massive tanks, or even deadly traps.
00:00:34I don't remember you ever being a part of this base.
00:00:37No, no, I'm not supposed to be here.
00:00:40I am actually supposed to kill you, so...
00:00:43Dude, I can't catch a break!
00:00:45This is like the second assassin that has jumped me in the past week!
00:00:48I can't- like, if I want-
00:00:50What the-
00:00:51It was a good try, I'll give Cube that.
00:00:53He'd used the emergency signal to lure me on top of his trap.
00:00:56But if Cube really thought that a simple lava fall trap was enough to kill me, he was wrong.
00:01:01All I had to do was keep holding out my totem of undying, which would break my fall.
00:01:06At least, that's what I thought.
00:01:10It wasn't a lava trap.
00:01:12It was a void trap disguised as one.
00:01:14And the lava had just been turned into obsidian using a water dispensing mechanism.
00:01:19Cube had planned this all out from the beginning, and I was now sealed in the void with no escape.
00:01:24Garrett, you think you are so smart!
00:01:26But I will always be one step ahead of you.
00:01:29Bro, you are actually a yapper, dude!
00:01:31What are you doing at this-
00:01:32You know, I would say good luck, but that would be bad luck for me.
00:01:35With Cube gone, I realized that I needed to come up with something quick.
00:01:39That's when I remembered that I had six ender pearls in my inventory.
00:01:42I knew that if I timed them right, I could potentially glitch through the obsidian.
00:01:46This was my one chance to get out.
00:01:49Oh my gosh, dude.
00:01:57Oh my gosh, I'm dead.
00:02:04I'm actually dead.
00:02:05I'm dead.
00:02:05I'm just stuck here underneath the void.
00:02:08This guy actually-
00:02:09And it was true.
00:02:10I had never been outplayed this badly.
00:02:12But the one thing that Mr. Cube didn't account for
00:02:15was one of my teammates finding a massive hole in the control room
00:02:18and coming down to investigate.
00:02:20What iteration do I turn?
00:02:23Help me!
00:02:25Help me!
00:02:26Help me!
00:02:28Bro, oh my gosh!
00:02:29Mine through that obsidian right now!
00:02:30Diraptu, mine through the obsidian!
00:02:32Oh yeah, okay, okay, I'm mining it, I'm mining it, I'm mining it, I'm mining it, bro.
00:02:37Bro, what is this, bro?
00:02:38Like, what is this hole?
00:02:43Where's the rest of Bat?
00:02:44No one's really here right now, I'm not gonna lie.
00:02:47The rest of Bounty Assassin Team, or Bat for short,
00:02:50had been completely out of the base when Cube had trapped me.
00:02:54So, when they finally got back,
00:02:56it was safe to say that our leader, Leowook, wasn't happy with Diraptu,
00:03:00who was on duty at the time.
00:03:01Diraptu, you know everyone in this base.
00:03:05How do you let some guy in iron armor through the base
00:03:08and build a boy trap in our control room?
00:03:11My bad.
00:03:12But there was clearly a more pressing matter on our hands.
00:03:16Specifically, what we were supposed to do about Cube.
00:03:19So you said this guy, what was this guy's name again?
00:03:22Mr. Cube.
00:03:24Mr. Cube.
00:03:25Okay, so I actually know of a Mr. Cube that is...
00:03:34There was an invisible player in the sixth seat at the meeting room.
00:03:37Jumper had spotted this player as well, which made sense,
00:03:40since she ran her own team of invisible spies within Bat.
00:03:44Both me and Jumper were probably thinking the same thing.
00:03:47There was no way this was Mr. Cube, right?
00:03:51He's like an infamous redstoner on the server.
00:03:54For building traps and, like, weapons to kill players.
00:03:58And now he's trying to kill me.
00:04:00I guess so.
00:04:02Why, I mean, why else would he be in our base, I guess?
00:04:04But that's when I realized how genius this was.
00:04:07For one, if this was Cube and I killed him right here,
00:04:10I wouldn't be able to question him about his ties with the Director,
00:04:13a mysterious player who had presumably hired him,
00:04:16since the Director hired the last assassin.
00:04:19The Director told me to.
00:04:21And two, there was a decent chance that this wasn't Cube,
00:04:24and instead, it was a decoy player that Cube had sent in.
00:04:28Regardless of which of these it was, I couldn't kill the invisible player.
00:04:32I had a better idea.
00:04:33Tomorrow, 10 a.m., uh, Northring Garden.
00:04:38We should all meet there.
00:04:40To practice redstone.
00:04:42What's the point?
00:04:43I'm not really trying to do some redstone.
00:04:45I'm not really good at it.
00:04:46It doesn't really matter what the point is.
00:04:48Like, I guess we'll meet then.
00:04:52The practicing redstone thing was a complete lie.
00:04:55The moment I got back to my room, I sent a message to the four other B.A.T. members.
00:04:59If I wanted to pull this off, I needed them to come to my room a bit before 10 a.m.
00:05:04You see, regardless of whether that invisible player was Cube himself or a decoy,
00:05:09Cube knew about that 10 a.m. meeting time.
00:05:12And because of this, he would almost certainly set a trap there to try and kill me,
00:05:16which meant that if we played this right, we could catch him in the act and detain him.
00:05:21Hi, hi!
00:05:22Yo, you got my message?
00:05:24The sun is shining.
00:05:25I'm ready to go.
00:05:27Yo, what's up, guys?
00:05:28Yo, what up?
00:05:30I guess we're just waiting on Diraptu now.
00:05:33Bro is always late.
00:05:34Always late.
00:05:35Always late.
00:05:36So after a few more minutes of waiting for Diraptu,
00:05:39the four of us realized that he probably wouldn't show up
00:05:42and decided to head straight to the Northring Garden to try and catch Cube.
00:05:46Can we just spread out?
00:05:47We shouldn't all be clumped together.
00:05:54Yo, I see Diraptu's name tag.
00:05:58Yo, what?
00:05:59Yo, Diraptu?
00:06:02Why are you in a row?
00:06:02What are you-
00:06:03Whoa, what, what?
00:06:04Do not-
00:06:05Okay, okay.
00:06:07If I take one step off the block I'm standing on,
00:06:12I'm going to explode the entire base and myself.
00:06:15What are you talking-
00:06:17Are you kidding?
00:06:19I'm strapped to a bomb.
00:06:22There was absolutely nothing I could do in this situation
00:06:25besides try and save Diraptu.
00:06:27I knew that if I tried anything funny,
00:06:29Cube wouldn't hesitate to blow this entire thing up.
00:06:32Somehow, he'd outplayed me once again.
00:06:35Miss Cube, you built an entire bomb under our base.
00:06:38Hey, no, it's okay.
00:06:39You guys can come in.
00:06:39It's totally fine.
00:06:40Yeah, you guys are good.
00:06:42Uh, okay.
00:06:43Listen, if I were to kill you guys, I would have killed you already.
00:06:46That is kind of true.
00:06:49No, it's okay.
00:06:49You guys can come in.
00:06:50Don't worry about it.
00:06:51Why are you doing this?
00:06:52My gosh, bro.
00:06:54Um, anyway, so there are a few rules to this.
00:06:57Um, basically-
00:06:59You see, in the center of the room was Diraptu,
00:07:02and if he happened to step off of the pressure plate that he was standing on,
00:07:05all of us would blow up.
00:07:07Attached to him were five different redstone lines,
00:07:09which could each be activated by their corresponding lever.
00:07:12According to Cube, four of the levers would blow up all of the TNT,
00:07:16and only one of them disabled Diraptu's pressure plate.
00:07:19This meant that it was our job to figure out which of the lines were complete decoys,
00:07:23and since Diraptu had already been standing on the pressure plate for eight minutes,
00:07:27the 20-minute timer that Cube had set was now down to 12.
00:07:31Yo, we don't have that much time.
00:07:33Okay, does anybody here have wool?
00:07:35Jumper has some.
00:07:36Jumper has some.
00:07:37Jumper has some on him.
00:07:38I think we can walk around here.
00:07:40These are calibrated smoke sensors,
00:07:41so I think they're only adjusted to breaking or placing blocks, would be my guess.
00:07:47What are we even looking for?
00:07:49Oh my gosh, this is so complicated.
00:07:52Yeah, so-
00:07:52There's five different-
00:07:54Just gonna give you guys a heads up.
00:07:55Um, I've also may or may not have made an entire bomber tank
00:08:00that's now hurtling towards your base.
00:08:03A bo-
00:08:04Guys, guys, just take care of it.
00:08:05There's a tank outside our base?
00:08:06Guys, just take care of it!
00:08:08Take care of it!
00:08:09I will save this.
00:08:09Oh my gosh, okay.
00:08:12Bro, Durap, I just don't understand how you can possibly get into a situation like this.
00:08:18I'm sorry, I really am.
00:08:20Like, I wanted to actually do something, you know?
00:08:22Do you know how cool it'd be if, like, you know, like, you guys just like-
00:08:25Bro, Durap, let me think!
00:08:27Let me think!
00:08:28I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:08:30Do you want to, like, survive or not?
00:08:32I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:08:34My bad, my bad.
00:08:35I don't know much about redstone, but this was easier than I thought it was.
00:08:38Most of these lines were made simply using redstone dust and repeaters.
00:08:43Redstone dust is the most fundamental block in redstone.
00:08:46It's the most basic way to get a signal to travel from point A to point B.
00:08:50However, a redstone dust signal can only travel 15 blocks before
00:08:54needing a repeater to extend that signal.
00:08:56This meant that a 16-block redstone dust line like this one couldn't reach Durapchu.
00:09:01It was a decoy.
00:09:02Yeah, I'm not sure if that's the right word.
00:09:04No, it's not the right one.
00:09:06There was a 16-block redstone gap in between two of the repeaters.
00:09:16Oh, I see it!
00:09:17Oh, there's an actual tank!
00:09:21Wait, are you kidding?
00:09:23Did you break it?
00:09:24Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:09:25It's laggy!
00:09:26Oh my god, I can't even hear it.
00:09:28Yo, break it, break it, break it, break it, break it, break it, break it!
00:09:30Get rid of the TNT!
00:09:31Get rid of the TNT!
00:09:32Oh, I heard a light, I heard a light!
00:09:34Watch out, watch out, watch out!
00:09:37Just, just, just trust your gut, Pat.
00:09:39Like, that's what you should do.
00:09:41Bro, whatever this is that Cube Setup is not about trusting your gut.
00:09:47Wait, hold on.
00:09:49Why is this one four ticks?
00:09:50You see, most of the other repeaters on all the other lines were set to one tick,
00:09:55which looks like this.
00:09:57I quickly realized that this repeater was facing the opposite direction.
00:10:01This meant that the moment the signal reached this point in the line, it would stop.
00:10:06It was also a decoy.
00:10:07Okay, okay, yeah, it also can't be yellow line.
00:10:11Yeah, just saying that, you know, you gotta probably work a little faster,
00:10:15because, you know, you've got around...
00:10:17How much time?
00:10:18Six minutes left.
00:10:20Please hurry, Pat.
00:10:21You know, even a guy in iron armor, imagine a guy in iron armor!
00:10:25Maybe I should have gone leather armor, actually.
00:10:26That would have probably been just, that would have been so funny, actually.
00:10:30That'd be so funny.
00:10:31But iron armor is kind of a flex, too.
00:10:33I'm not gonna lie.
00:10:33Oh my gosh, I'm stuck in the room with two Yapatrons, bro.
00:10:40Your base is actually probably completely blown up by now.
00:10:44Oh my god!
00:10:46Oh my god!
00:10:48Yo, we need to break it!
00:10:49We need to break it!
00:10:51Yo, there's missiles!
00:10:52There's missiles!
00:10:53There's missiles!
00:10:55Get the missiles!
00:10:57Yo, that's how you stop it!
00:10:58Break the slime, break the slime!
00:10:59Oh my god, I'm low, I'm low, I'm low, I'm low!
00:11:02They're headed towards the base!
00:11:05Oh my god!
00:11:12Oh my god!
00:11:16Are we good?
00:11:17What is this?
00:11:23We probably should go back and help out Giraffe, too.
00:11:26You think?
00:11:27Definitely, yeah.
00:11:31I don't know, Pink might be right to route you, I don't know.
00:11:38You know, I would stick around, but I got somewhere to be.
00:11:42And I'm sure you guys can figure this out.
00:11:44Not really, though.
00:11:46I hope I don't see you guys again.
00:11:48See ya.
00:11:53I don't know, I'm so confused.
00:11:55I think Blue and Pink are both correct.
00:11:58Oh, I hear Jumper.
00:11:58Yo, hello?
00:12:00Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:12:02Hey, guys.
00:12:04We're here to help.
00:12:06I don't think we have that much time left.
00:12:08Okay, well, that's why we're here.
00:12:10Yeah, I don't know how much time we have left.
00:12:12I know it's not the cyan or yellow, but like, Pink and Blue both looked good to me, I'm checking Red right now.
00:12:18Check Pink, check Pink.
00:12:20No, no, you need wool.
00:12:22If you're gonna build around, you need wool.
00:12:24Someone take this, someone take that.
00:12:26Please, there's only not much time left.
00:12:28Do not break any blocks.
00:12:30The skulk sensors are calibrated.
00:12:32I'll check out Pink, someone check out, what's the other one?
00:12:36I'm checking Red, I need someone to double check Red.
00:12:38It couldn't be Red.
00:12:40There was a disconnection in the redstone dust signal right in front of me.
00:12:42It was another decoy.
00:12:44Wait, Red, it's not Red, it can't be Red.
00:12:46It's between Blue and Pink.
00:12:48You check Blue, you check Blue, Leo.
00:12:50Just look for, like, inverted observers, inverted repeaters.
00:12:54Wait, wait, wait, listen, I think it might be Pink.
00:12:58Because there's, like, the repeaters all seem normal.
00:13:02But Blue also seems normal.
00:13:04Wait, okay, I'm gonna check Pink.
00:13:06Guys, I genuinely think we have less than a minute.
00:13:08I'm checking Pink.
00:13:10Look at this, look at this, this line is really long.
00:13:12That doesn't have a repeater in the middle of it?
00:13:14Wait, where?
00:13:16Check, if it's 16, then it won't work.
00:13:181, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
00:13:22Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
00:13:24Jumper, come up here.
00:13:26Oh my gosh, it's not Pink.
00:13:28Someone click Blue, someone click Blue right now.
00:13:30Someone click Blue.
00:13:32Go, go, go, go.
00:13:34I sent it, I sent it.
00:13:36Are we good?
00:13:38Wait, the lights.
00:13:40Don't step off yet.
00:13:42It's down, it's down, it's down.
00:13:44Wait, try stepping off, try stepping off.
00:13:46Wait, wait, everybody get in the tunnel.
00:13:48Oh my gosh, everybody get in the tunnel.
00:13:50We're good, we're good.
00:13:52He's off, he's off.
00:13:54We did it.
00:13:56We did it.
00:13:58Wait, how is it not Pink?
00:14:00Oh my gosh, bro.
00:14:02How is it not Pink?
00:14:04Come up here, I'll show you why.
00:14:06The Observer, which is another fundamental block in Redstone,
00:14:08was placed incorrectly here.
00:14:10We had managed to save Girapchu with less than 15 seconds left,
00:14:12but still,
00:14:14something about this whole thing was strange.
00:14:16Go, go, go.
00:14:18Nice, wow, okay.
00:14:20Alright, first things first,
00:14:22Nuclei, we gotta get some builders
00:14:24on to getting rid of all that TNT.
00:14:26Also fixing the base.
00:14:28And tearing the wall a little bit.
00:14:30Let's talk about what just happened there though,
00:14:32because Girapchu,
00:14:36And yes,
00:14:38as frustrating as it was that Girapchu
00:14:40had even gotten us into that scenario,
00:14:42something about that entire thing
00:14:44just felt off.
00:14:46There was no way Cube did all of that
00:14:48for nothing.
00:14:50So, I started testing.
00:14:52There had to be something that Cube was planning.
00:14:54Some way for him to think a step ahead of us.
00:14:56I checked out the control room,
00:15:00Any potential places he could be hiding inside of the base,
00:15:02I couldn't find any.
00:15:04But then, the messaging system.
00:15:08I was on to something.
00:15:10What you doing in my room?
00:15:14I tried again to see if it was a one-time
00:15:16fluke, sending another message
00:15:18to Girapchu's room.
00:15:24I knew it.
00:15:28can I help you,
00:15:34Yo, you
00:15:38With this new
00:15:40information, I realized that I
00:15:42now had a way to catch Cube.
00:15:44So, I secretly reached out to
00:15:46Leo's head builder to create a new meeting
00:15:48room over the course of the next few hours.
00:15:50And soon enough, it was fully
00:15:54It should be right
00:15:56in here.
00:15:58Just don't say anything about the Cube situation
00:16:00until I say
00:16:02we can talk.
00:16:04What are we doing?
00:16:12Uh, I kind of got this
00:16:14built, and yeah, you can step on this.
00:16:16What? Whoa!
00:16:18This is...
00:16:20What is this?
00:16:22This is crazy! Oh my gosh!
00:16:24Parrot, didn't we have this thing where I told you to
00:16:26tell us about things?
00:16:28But, nowhere in that base
00:16:30was safe for me to tell you
00:16:32anything, bro. Normally, when you send a
00:16:34book through the messaging system, it arrives
00:16:36in the other person's room within a few
00:16:38seconds. The fact that there was a massive
00:16:40delay for the books to arrive, meant
00:16:42that Cube had tampered with the messaging
00:16:44system itself, and could secretly
00:16:46intercept and read any message
00:16:48that we sent. It was a smart idea.
00:16:50I'll give him credit for it.
00:16:52Most people wouldn't check something like that.
00:16:54Which is exactly why the book I'd
00:16:56sent to Diraptu had a secret message
00:16:58coded within it. Not only
00:17:00was it meant to completely throw off Cube,
00:17:02but if you took the first letter of every word
00:17:04and combined them, it would spell out
00:17:06Cube, you are a brick.
00:17:08That's what that was?
00:17:12Did you actually go to that plate?
00:17:14Yes, yes.
00:17:16This entire Obsidian box is completely
00:17:18secure. Any invis
00:17:20player that tries to enter here,
00:17:22if they step on a pressure plate...
00:17:26Okay, that makes more sense.
00:17:28We see them.
00:17:32Wait, that's so cool.
00:17:34The floor is all pressure plates on top of redstone
00:17:36lamps. And also,
00:17:38this, like, meeting table?
00:17:40It's exactly 52 blocks from every
00:17:42single side of this cube.
00:17:44Which means that even if someone's
00:17:46outside of the walls, they can't hear us.
00:17:48And finally, to test the effectiveness
00:17:50of this entire meeting room,
00:17:52I'd reached out to a few spies
00:17:54on Jumper's espionage team,
00:17:56telling them to try and listen in on us
00:17:58getting caught. And it seems like
00:18:00the first spy had arrived.
00:18:02There they are!
00:18:04Yo, is this our visitor?
00:18:08Dude, that looks so cool.
00:18:12Here, hold on.
00:18:20One other final
00:18:24I'm gonna need you to un-invis right here.
00:18:28Un-invis or I kill you.
00:18:30Spies are not allowed to un-invis.
00:18:32Chill, bro.
00:18:34What are we doing?
00:18:36It's not a spy.
00:18:38Cube, un-invis.
00:18:42Why did you bring Cube here?
00:18:44I'll explain. Un-invis.
00:18:46We can just kill him, I guess.
00:18:48No, we can't kill him.
00:18:50Okay, okay.
00:18:52You see, I technically did
00:18:54contact Jumper's spies.
00:18:56That wasn't a lie, but if Cube
00:18:58was really intercepting every single
00:19:00message that was sent in the base,
00:19:02I could just use that against him.
00:19:04An invitation like this from Cube's
00:19:06perspective couldn't get any better.
00:19:08Logically, we would never double-check
00:19:10the spies' identity since part
00:19:12of their policy was never showing themselves.
00:19:14To Cube, it was a free
00:19:16chance for him to sneak in here and scope
00:19:18out the area, which is exactly why
00:19:20he had fallen for it.
00:19:22Okay, relax, relax.
00:19:24Why'd you bring Mr. Cube here, bro? What do you have planned?
00:19:26So, it's a complicated story,
00:19:30Again, I'm always, like, a step ahead, so it's like
00:19:32I planned this all out.
00:19:34Dude, he is just completely bluffing now.
00:19:36He got, like, hard outsmarted.
00:19:40No, no, not at all.
00:19:42I have a big trap planned.
00:19:44Trust me. It's a big trap. I mean...
00:19:48Alright, now we're just saying this.
00:19:50...into a room of pressure plates and lights.
00:19:54Cube, you talked all that
00:19:56about being steps ahead of us
00:19:58and this is how we get you, bro?
00:20:00You can't be serious.
00:20:02You guys...
00:20:06Maybe, I don't know.
00:20:08And as we transported Cube to a prison cell,
00:20:10I explained something to Bat that I'd
00:20:12kept secret for a while.
00:20:14Cube almost certainly had been
00:20:16hired by the Director,
00:20:18a mysterious player who was responsible
00:20:20for the death of my best friend.
00:20:22The player is the one who killed
00:20:24Beefy's parrot, not me.
00:20:26And they call themselves
00:20:28the Director.
00:20:30I get it.
00:20:32Here's where you'll be staying.
00:20:34I explained that this was the reason
00:20:36why I couldn't kill Cube beforehand,
00:20:38but since Cube had now
00:20:40been detained, this was the perfect
00:20:42opportunity for us to question him
00:20:44about his ties with the Director.
00:20:46So, after putting him in his cell,
00:20:48Leo assigned Daraptu to watch over him.
00:20:50Uh, Daraptu?
00:20:54I need you to watch Mr. Cube.
00:20:56In the meantime, the rest of us
00:20:58went to the meeting room and came up with a plan
00:21:00to get Cube to talk.
00:21:02Like, we could get so much information out of him.
00:21:04Like, why did the Director hire him?
00:21:06Where did he meet with the Director?
00:21:08How did the Director contact him?
00:21:10All these things.
00:21:12What if we just genuinely tell him
00:21:14that if he doesn't talk, you're gonna starve to death in here?
00:21:16Then I think that's when he'll start talking.
00:21:20Because if he dies in there anyway, then it's just one less assassin.
00:21:22It's a win-win regardless.
00:21:24It's like, why not do that?
00:21:28Alright, should we hop in? Let's go.
00:21:34What? Daraptu?
00:21:40Mr. Cube!
00:21:42Oh my gosh.
00:21:44You have to be kidding me.
00:21:46You cannot be serious, Daraptu.
00:21:48Did you...
00:21:52Did you build this around yourself?
00:21:54How did this happen?
00:21:56No, no, no.
00:21:58No, genuinely, what did you do?
00:22:00Listen, listen.
00:22:02I went to the bathroom.
00:22:04I was getting a really bad stomach ache.
00:22:06And I went to the bathroom for literally 30 minutes.
00:22:08I was stuck there.
00:22:1030 minutes?!
00:22:12What were you doing in the bathroom?
00:22:14My stomach was hurting!
00:22:16How did he get out?
00:22:18I don't know.
00:22:20It was 30 minutes.
00:22:22And I come back and I'm stuck in that.
00:22:24No armor, nothing.
00:22:26Where did he go?
00:22:28Which way did he even head out?
00:22:30I don't know.
00:22:32There's no exit.
00:22:34He's sitting still over the door.
00:22:36He had to have gotten water or something.
00:22:38Wait, how did...
00:22:42Wait, what's in the chest?
00:22:48Do not open that!
00:22:50Get out!
00:22:52Oh my god!
00:22:56Way to go, Daraptu!
00:23:00But something about this entire thing
00:23:02just felt off.
00:23:04Daraptu had said that there were bricks
00:23:06in that chest, meaning Cube
00:23:08had deciphered my message
00:23:10and was taunting me.
00:23:12And if that wasn't enough, Cube had to
00:23:14have set this all up beforehand.
00:23:16He knew he was going to be put in this
00:23:18prison, which meant that there was
00:23:20an ulterior motive to all of this.
00:23:22Dude, how does this even happen?
00:23:24Alright, where are we going?
00:23:26Please don't tell me.
00:23:28Where are we going right now?
00:23:30Oh, armory?
00:23:32Oh my...
00:23:40Everything in the armory had been stolen.
00:23:42Months of work that
00:23:44Leo had put into funding this team
00:23:46was all for nothing.
00:23:56Oh my god.
00:23:58Did he seriously have enough time to just take
00:24:00all of this and leave?
00:24:02Okay, hold on, bro. No, he had that much time.
00:24:04Like, actually.
00:24:06Wait, wait, wait.
00:24:08Did he just take everything, bro?
00:24:10Did he actually just take everything?
00:24:12Oh my god, this is where he got the materials from.
00:24:14Probably got them from here.
00:24:22This is your fault!
00:24:24Okay, don't crash out on Daraptu.
00:24:26No, no, no.
00:24:28Oh my god, bro.
00:24:32Are you serious?
00:24:34This is like
00:24:36all of my wealth!
00:24:38Should we try to track him down?
00:24:40I guess how far can he be right now?
00:24:42No more than like
00:24:445,000 blocks.
00:24:46Okay, we gotta go quick then.
00:24:52We'll all split up. You two are gonna stick together.
00:24:54Go west.
00:24:56Nufly, go south.
00:24:58North, all go east.
00:25:00Alright. Try to ask him
00:25:02where he put the gear, if he put it anywhere.
00:25:04I need that back.
00:25:06Go, go, go.
00:25:10Well, uh...
00:25:12I guess on the bright side,
00:25:14Cube didn't take any of the tipped arrows.
00:25:16What's the point?
00:25:18They're useless.
00:25:20I don't know. I brought two stacks with me.
00:25:22Shouldn't you have saved that for like
00:25:24inventory space?
00:25:28The problem is, he could have just gone anywhere.
00:25:30Like, even if Leo told us to head west,
00:25:32like, where are we supposed to go, bro?
00:25:36Not too
00:25:40The only place he could have gone
00:25:42that's west is, I think there's like a
00:25:46I don't really remember what it's called.
00:25:48West? I know there's a lot of redstone
00:25:50stuff there. That's like the only place
00:25:52I could imagine him going to.
00:25:54That's west of here?
00:25:58I don't know the exact location though.
00:26:00No, I don't. I don't know where the location is.
00:26:02But if we keep going west,
00:26:04we'll see a railroad. We can just take that.
00:26:06Okay, and I could tell that
00:26:08Deraptu was going through it.
00:26:10I mean, for the past few days, he had been
00:26:12getting called out and blamed for everything.
00:26:14But, no matter how
00:26:16bad I felt for him, I realized
00:26:18that the only way to make things right
00:26:20was to get these items back and
00:26:22take down Cube.
00:26:24Wait, is this it?
00:26:28I guess so.
00:26:30Why does it look...
00:26:32Huh, okay.
00:26:34Okay, hold on.
00:26:40Wait. That's him.
00:26:42Wait, yeah.
00:26:44That is him, yeah.
00:26:46Dude, he's wearing netherite armor.
00:26:48That's our stuff.
00:26:50And it's a 2v1.
00:26:52No, bad idea.
00:26:54Bad idea.
00:26:56Why? It's just 2v1.
00:26:58Dude, he said it himself.
00:27:00And he's never not done this.
00:27:02But he's always ahead of us.
00:27:04He probably already knows we're here.
00:27:06You see, based on what he had built,
00:27:08I realized that Cube had transported
00:27:10all of Leo's items using chest minecarts.
00:27:12It made perfect sense.
00:27:14This was way too much stuff to fit into his inventory,
00:27:16so instead, he had constructed
00:27:18a railway from Bat Headquarters to here.
00:27:20And since he was now way up in the sky
00:27:22on a redstone flying machine,
00:27:24our best option was to follow him.
00:27:28God, I do not like the minecraft biome.
00:27:32Oh, wow.
00:27:34Something happened here.
00:27:40Dude, there is just, like, random stuff everywhere.
00:27:44Yeah, I bet that it's just because the railroad
00:27:46is, like, an active place among players.
00:27:48It's still way up there, yeah.
00:27:50Okay, let's keep going.
00:27:52Dude, what the heck is all this stuff?
00:28:00Mr. Sandman.
00:28:04Bring me a dream.
00:28:08What the?
00:28:12Did you see that big dirt pillar in the sky?
00:28:14Oh, yeah.
00:28:16Oh, yeah. Wait, what?
00:28:20Just like Diraptu had said,
00:28:22we had arrived at a small town.
00:28:24This town's industry was clearly centered
00:28:26around selling redstone and redstone-related items,
00:28:28and Cube was heading
00:28:30directly for it.
00:28:32Should we enter the redstone town, you think?
00:28:34Um, yeah.
00:28:36I've got a pot of invis if you want.
00:28:38Armor off?
00:28:40I'll be holding out a spyglass.
00:28:42That's how you know it's me, okay?
00:28:44There's people here. Diraptu, there's people here.
00:28:48I don't see any. I do.
00:28:52Dude, we need to get a better spot for this shot.
00:29:02Hey, 4C.
00:29:04Cube! 4C!
00:29:06Oh, dude, what is this guy doing?
00:29:08Dude, these people, I swear to god,
00:29:10these people have been coming in here and robbing me.
00:29:12It's actually messed up.
00:29:16I'm actually running out of redstone. It's really bad.
00:29:18I have none in my storage.
00:29:20So, I kind of have a payload here.
00:29:22What do you mean, payload?
00:29:24And I need, okay.
00:29:28Hold on, hold on.
00:29:30I need to hide these.
00:29:32Diraptu, over here, over here.
00:29:36Right here, right here.
00:29:38The moment Cube leaves,
00:29:40we try to, like, get it from the store owner.
00:29:42We try to steal it.
00:29:46We know where it is.
00:29:48Dude, these are our items!
00:29:50Seriously, dude, you're a legend.
00:29:52No problem, anytime.
00:29:54You can count on me.
00:29:56I'm gonna see you later.
00:29:58Alright, bye, 4C.
00:30:00Thank you so much.
00:30:06Diraptu, let's go.
00:30:10Oh, shit.
00:30:16You're not slick. I see the invis particles.
00:30:24Welcome to my store.
00:30:26Oh, Parrot, hi! It's been a while.
00:30:28It has been a minute since we talked.
00:30:30I am running, actually, really low on redstone,
00:30:32but if you do need to buy some,
00:30:34there is redstone for one diamond.
00:30:36One redstone for one diamond?
00:30:38Oh, no, it's a stack.
00:30:40Well, no, it's a stack of redstone.
00:30:42I mean, somebody did take 63 redstone,
00:30:44and I'm gonna have words with somebody,
00:30:46but, uh, I mean,
00:30:48you can buy that one redstone dust for one diamond
00:30:50if you really want to.
00:30:52I mean, are you sure?
00:30:544C, I'm gonna be honest.
00:30:56We're not here to buy stuff from you.
00:31:00What were you doing with Cube, bro?
00:31:02What do you mean?
00:31:04No, I'll say it one more time.
00:31:06What were you doing with Cube?
00:31:08Yo, that's crazy.
00:31:10I mean, I have conversations with my friends all the time.
00:31:12I mean, the business that I do with my friends
00:31:14has nothing to do with what you guys want to do.
00:31:16So, you know, he didn't, like, come here,
00:31:18drop, like, I don't know, maybe, like,
00:31:20six minecarts, you know,
00:31:22like, down.
00:31:24I mean, that's very specific, Drouchu.
00:31:26I mean, how do you know that instance even happened?
00:31:28Because we saw you do it, and those are our items,
00:31:30so we're gonna ask for them now.
00:31:32Why should I believe you?
00:31:34Oh, you know, because it's like, uh,
00:31:36you know, netherite helmet.
00:31:384C, all the shulker boxes are yellow.
00:31:42Why would we know about that?
00:31:44Here, come with me, come with me.
00:31:46So I actually have a little bit
00:31:48more than just a place to sleep.
00:31:50Maybe we had intimidated him,
00:31:52but 4C surprisingly
00:31:54just showed us an entire underground
00:31:56section of his store.
00:31:58A farm, a main living area,
00:32:00a storage room, and then
00:32:02finally the final layer.
00:32:06Oh my gosh, that's it!
00:32:08Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:32:12I set this up today.
00:32:14Every single block
00:32:16around you, if you break a single
00:32:18block, change a single
00:32:20thing in this room, it will
00:32:22explode instantly,
00:32:24killing all of us in this room right now.
00:32:26There's only one path
00:32:28to get through this,
00:32:30and if you get the right path,
00:32:32you can get your stuff back.
00:32:34But if you get it wrong,
00:32:36you will die.
00:32:38That's so strange, though.
00:32:40This doesn't feel dangerous
00:32:42at all. And why did you
00:32:44tell us this?
00:32:46I mean, I've been around you
00:32:48before, Parrot, and I
00:32:50feel like I can tell when you're lying
00:32:52and when you're telling the truth, and I have
00:32:54a weird feeling
00:32:56that you're telling the truth right now.
00:32:58I kind of believe you.
00:33:00I'm gonna actually step back a little bit.
00:33:02I mean, there's no way we
00:33:04guess something like this, right?
00:33:12If this was such a secure vault,
00:33:14then what was the purpose of having
00:33:16these weird flowers on the side of the
00:33:18wall? And that's when it clicked.
00:33:20These flowers had to correlate
00:33:22with the path somehow. For example,
00:33:24this purple flower is called
00:33:26Allium, a six-letter word,
00:33:28which could mean that the right path
00:33:30was six pressure plates over from the wall.
00:33:32Logically, it made sense.
00:33:34There were enough pressure plates where memorizing
00:33:36a sequence like this would be relatively
00:33:38difficult. And since we needed
00:33:40these items back desperately, I was
00:33:42willing to take a leap of faith.
00:33:48Oh my gosh, no way that just
00:33:52Oh my gosh, it worked!
00:33:54What are you doing?
00:33:56Okay, Dorath, don't come on this yet.
00:33:58Do not come on this yet.
00:34:00Cornflower, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
00:34:0210. One forward.
00:34:06Torchflower, 11.
00:34:12Allium again.
00:34:14Dandelion, 9, which is
00:34:16one forward. Oh my gosh, I can
00:34:18basically make this jump after the next one.
00:34:20Cornflower, 10.
00:34:22I'm going for it.
00:34:24I'm over. Oh my gosh, bro!
00:34:28Oh my god, it's everything! Yeah, this is everything.
00:34:30Start mining this. I just can't even
00:34:32comprehend. I actually got that first try.
00:34:34I just like fully winged it.
00:34:38You're wrong.
00:34:44There was no TNT.
00:34:46None of these were rigged. None of this was even
00:34:48made to explode. None of these
00:34:50do anything. You just did all of that
00:34:52for nothing.
00:34:56You look so stupid, I'm not gonna lie.
00:34:58Dude, shot allium!
00:35:00It was really funny.
00:35:02It was really funny.
00:35:04Well, I still get
00:35:06to keep the items, right?
00:35:08Yes, yes. You can
00:35:10keep the items. I mean, most people
00:35:12would get too scared to even go across
00:35:14these, sure. But
00:35:16I don't think you understand what
00:35:18all of this is about.
00:35:22The moment that you entered this room,
00:35:24you knew something
00:35:26was wrong.
00:35:28Can you look?
00:35:30He's putting it away.
00:35:32It's actually crazy.
00:35:34Press the button.
00:35:36Alright. Oh my goodness.
00:35:38That's awkward. One of them just fell?
00:35:40Two of them just fell.
00:35:42I'm glad you got your shulker boxes
00:35:44back. Oh my.
00:35:46There's no way.
00:35:48I'm not even gonna blame this on you, bro.
00:35:50Put it in the corner, bro.
00:35:54Can I just say one last thing before
00:35:56you leave? Just one thing while
00:35:58you're taking all of these chests
00:36:00out the door? Yeah, I mean, we gotta be quick
00:36:02though. We don't know when Cube's coming back.
00:36:04Cube is one of the
00:36:06smartest people that I know.
00:36:08He's done some crazy things.
00:36:10Yeah, we know.
00:36:14I wouldn't mess with Cube, I'm gonna be honest.
00:36:16Well, what if we're forced to?
00:36:20why did Cube even steal your things?
00:36:22You never answered that question
00:36:24to me.
00:36:26I mean, does it really matter that much?
00:36:28I mean,
00:36:30it kinda does.
00:36:32He wouldn't do something without
00:36:34reason. He always
00:36:36has some plan and always thinks
00:36:38ahead with everything that he does.
00:36:40Do you
00:36:42think you can beat him at his own game?
00:36:52Do you have any food? I mean,
00:36:54I'd have that, I guess.
00:36:56Maybe 4C did have a
00:36:58point. No matter how hard I tried
00:37:00to outsmart Cube, I had never
00:37:02beaten him, let alone
00:37:04come close to beating him at all.
00:37:06And if thinking ahead wasn't enough,
00:37:08then maybe I needed to try
00:37:10something else. Wait, you think Cube's
00:37:12not gonna come back here?
00:37:14I mean,
00:37:16he could.
00:37:18Don't you think we could
00:37:20maybe set up a trap for him?
00:37:26Like, if he comes back here
00:37:28and we just set up a trap, like...
00:37:30I mean,
00:37:32in theory, it's not a bad idea at all,
00:37:34but like...
00:37:36I just have this feeling that we should get this
00:37:38back to, like, Bat Headquarters as fast as
00:37:44And now the long journey.
00:37:54Bro, I just don't get
00:37:56it, bro.
00:37:58What do you not get?
00:38:02I've been on this team for like a few months now.
00:38:04I feel like you've only been here for like
00:38:06only a few weeks now, and you've just
00:38:08like, done so much more than me.
00:38:10Bro, like, people respect you like so much more
00:38:12than me, bro. Uh, okay, hold on, hold on.
00:38:14Let's talk about this later.
00:38:16Someone's flying above.
00:38:20What in the world is this?
00:38:22He should be fine, right? Okay, no,
00:38:24never mind, they stopped on the tree.
00:38:28Do you recognize that player, or...?
00:38:30No, never. I've never seen them.
00:38:32Oh, but they're flying again.
00:38:46I mean, I don't see them anymore. They should be fine.
00:38:54You don't see them, right? No, they're back!
00:38:56They're back! Oh, wait, wait, what?!
00:39:02Right above us, right above us.
00:39:04Yeah, yeah, I see it, I see it.
00:39:08Bro, I'm sure they're just flying the same way, bro. It's fine.
00:39:10Why did they double back, though?
00:39:12Dude, I don't think you understand. If we lose these items...
00:39:20Bro, I'm just curious, like, what we're doing. Like, it's fine, bro.
00:39:24What is that?
00:39:28Why is there...? Do you see that?
00:39:32Oh, wait.
00:39:38We had been spotted by bandits.
00:39:40Groups of four to twelve players on the server
00:39:42who only exist to steal items and give people a hard time.
00:39:44And unless we did something fast,
00:39:46we were about to lose all the items
00:39:48that we just worked so hard to get back.
00:39:50Oh my gosh, garrache, this is so bad!
00:39:52This is really bad! Garrache!
00:39:54Oh my gosh.
00:40:06Oh my gosh, dude.
00:40:08Our items!
00:40:10Oh my gosh.
00:40:12They're gonna...
00:40:14Bury these two underground.
00:40:16Bury these underground.
00:40:18Oh my gosh, it's a group of bandits.
00:40:20It's a group of bandits, come on.
00:40:22Oh my gosh.
00:40:26Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go.
00:40:28Into the town, into the town.
00:40:30Oh my gosh, there's three more behind us!
00:40:32Garrache, into the town.
00:40:34Okay, we're good, we're good, we're good.
00:40:42Wait, wait, they're coming, they're coming.
00:40:44Run, run, run, run, run.
00:40:46Come on, just hide behind the wall.
00:40:48Hide behind the wall.
00:40:50Come on.
00:40:54Dude, you cannot be serious right now.
00:40:56Alright, what do we do?
00:41:16Knowing that the bandits
00:41:18were busy searching the town for us,
00:41:20we saw this as the perfect opportunity
00:41:22to loop around the railroad
00:41:24and get our items back.
00:41:26But, as we started making our way there,
00:41:28we were caught.
00:41:30Oh my gosh, you cannot be serious, bruh.
00:41:32Yo, you guys have mics?
00:41:36Yo, mics?
00:41:38Does anybody in your team have a mic?
00:41:40We, like, we, we...
00:41:42Uh, they wanna talk to us.
00:41:44There were six bandits
00:41:46in total.
00:41:48And it was pretty obvious that they weren't going to leave
00:41:50until they had everything.
00:41:52Taking a fight against them would be impossible.
00:41:54I would just have to figure out a way
00:41:56to weasel my way out of this.
00:41:58Yo, boss.
00:42:00We found a ton of minecarts that could be really useful.
00:42:02Stuff that lasts us a year.
00:42:04That's our stuff.
00:42:06No, that's our stuff now.
00:42:08So how about you hop off and get lost?
00:42:10Well, no, no.
00:42:12Let them stay for a bit.
00:42:14We might have more.
00:42:18So this is all you guys do.
00:42:20You run around the server terrorizing a bunch of players and stealing their stuff.
00:42:22Sounds like a real fun time, bruh.
00:42:24Womp womp.
00:42:26It is, considering we just got
00:42:28free things out of it.
00:42:30Now, let me ask you this. Do you have anything more?
00:42:32Oh, bet they got more. Look at that, they got totems.
00:42:34I can get one next time.
00:42:36Bro, we don't have anything else.
00:42:38Like, you got everything.
00:42:40It's a pretty shiny sword you got there.
00:42:42You look like you got more.
00:42:44What are you going to do if we don't have anything else on us?
00:42:46Like, what could you...
00:42:48Ls bro, you've already taken all of our stuff.
00:42:50I mean...
00:42:52That's a pretty good idea.
00:42:54It makes you weaker, doesn't it?
00:42:56I like this guy. He's got some good ideas.
00:42:58Bro, we can just give them all
00:43:00our stuff.
00:43:02And that's when I remembered something.
00:43:04I still had those two stacks of tipped harming arrows
00:43:06in my inventory.
00:43:08I had no idea why I brought them with me in the first place.
00:43:10But now, I knew.
00:43:12Diraptu was technically right.
00:43:14We were heavily outnumbered,
00:43:16and logically, it would make the most sense
00:43:18to give the bandits everything we had and leave.
00:43:20But I just couldn't explain it.
00:43:22I knew we could win.
00:43:24Bro, I'm ready to give my stuff, bro.
00:43:26I'm not trying to do all this right now.
00:43:28See? At least one of you is compliant.
00:43:36What are you walking around for?
00:43:38Dude, I get nervous when you guys are talking, bro.
00:43:40I get nervous.
00:43:42Okay, cry about it. I don't care anymore.
00:43:44Give me your stuff.
00:43:48Alright, no need to be pushy.
00:43:54We've gotten most of their things already.
00:43:56We just need to get the final bits.
00:44:02Like, literally, it's...
00:44:04We are not...
00:44:06It's not worth it.
00:44:08We're not gonna win this.
00:44:10Diraptu, I know it makes no sense, but like...
00:44:16I just have a feeling we'll win this.
00:44:18Bro, what?
00:44:26Come on, come on.
00:44:28Oh my gosh, they do damage. They do damage.
00:44:30Diraptu, come on. Oh my gosh, my helmet's gone!
00:44:32Bro, what am I meant to do, bro?
00:44:34It's easy, too.
00:44:36Told you we had an easy way for this, but you ain't taking that.
00:44:40I don't have this much gear, bro.
00:44:42Diraptu, come on.
00:44:44Just let me, let me, let me.
00:44:46Yo, you should've listened to that guy.
00:44:48He's pretty smart.
00:44:50We might have run into our team if he lives.
00:44:56Diraptu, get them off of me.
00:44:58Yeah, I'm trying to get them off of me.
00:45:00Diraptu, I need you to just...
00:45:04I killed one! I killed one!
00:45:06I actually killed one!
00:45:10Oh my gosh, he had a helmet!
00:45:16I killed another!
00:45:18Oh my gosh, what?
00:45:22Boots! Boots!
00:45:28Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:45:30Nice, nice.
00:45:38Killed him!
00:45:40I killed him!
00:45:42Okay, clean out the rest.
00:45:44Clean out the rest.
00:45:48Okay, their leader's low-key good.
00:45:50Where'd they go?
00:45:56Back up, back up, back up, back up.
00:45:58Back up.
00:46:00I got this one, I got this one, 100%.
00:46:02Not so tough now, huh?
00:46:04Not so tough now, huh?
00:46:06I'm not tough, I give up, I give up!
00:46:08Sorry, buddy.
00:46:10Nah, sorry, buddy. Nah, bro.
00:46:12Yes! Nice, dude!
00:46:14Where's the leader? Get the leader!
00:46:16I see him, I see him, I see him.
00:46:20Wait, they dipped?
00:46:22They dipped, they're dipping right now, yeah.
00:46:24Wait, there's so many, like, weird items.
00:46:26Wait, what?
00:46:28Oh my gosh, bro, the items!
00:46:30Are our minecarts safe?
00:46:32Are our minecarts safe?
00:46:34Yes! I know, bro, that's what I'm saying, bro.
00:46:36Dude, hopefully everything's there.
00:46:38I mean, I guess it is, right?
00:46:40Unless they, like, looted it, I don't know.
00:46:42Isn't it? Yeah, around here.
00:46:44Oh my gosh.
00:46:50I can't...
00:46:52I can't...
00:46:54Oh my gosh, it's still...
00:46:56Oh my gosh!
00:46:58What about the other...
00:47:00Because that was only...
00:47:04Boom! Yeah, we got it.
00:47:06We got everything. It's fine, bro.
00:47:08It's fine.
00:47:10Dude, that was terrifying.
00:47:14I thought we were so done there.
00:47:16I thought we were so done there.
00:47:18I can't even lie.
00:47:22This should be all set to go. You ready?
00:47:30I don't have a minecart.
00:47:34When we get back
00:47:36to, like, Bat Headquarters,
00:47:38can you tell
00:47:40Leo and the rest of the group that
00:47:42I was responsible for getting
00:47:44everything back, please?
00:47:52That you were single-handedly
00:47:54responsible for getting the items back?
00:47:58Like... No, I'm not doing that.
00:48:04If this is about, like, proving yourself
00:48:06to the team,
00:48:08I'm gonna keep it blunt with you.
00:48:10You don't prove yourself by getting someone else
00:48:12to say you did something.
00:48:14You prove yourself by actually doing the thing.
00:48:16You know this.
00:48:20Bro, you don't understand what I'm trying to say.
00:48:22Yes, I do.
00:48:24No, you don't, bro.
00:48:26Whenever you mess up,
00:48:28nobody cares.
00:48:30When I mess up,
00:48:32that's literally what everyone remembers me for.
00:48:36Well, that's not true.
00:48:38Your problem is that
00:48:40you get so caught up in your failures
00:48:42that you don't even realize when you succeed.
00:48:44I was just with you
00:48:46for the past few hours, and I did
00:48:48nothing. You know that.
00:48:50No, that's just not true, though.
00:48:52You were the one who took us to the railroad.
00:48:54You were the one who knew about the Redstone Town.
00:48:56We wouldn't have even found Cube
00:48:58without you. And then you helped
00:49:00transport the minecarts, and you fended
00:49:02off the bandits, which was the only
00:49:04reason why we survived them.
00:49:06None of that was like...
00:49:08None of that was what, bro?
00:49:10Draft2, look at yourself.
00:49:14When we go back to Leo's base,
00:49:16I want you to tell Leo
00:49:18that you helped.
00:49:24What is that gonna...
00:49:26What is that even gonna do?
00:49:28I just want people to, like, see me differently.
00:49:34Then see yourself differently first.
00:50:22And after all of that,
00:50:24Draft2 and I finally managed to make
00:50:26our way back to Bat Headquarters.
00:50:28Mate, so, uh,
00:50:30when's the last time you ate some macas?
00:50:32Mate, I don't sound like that!
00:50:36No, mate!
00:50:38I don't sound like that!
00:50:42Sure enough, there was an entire railroad
00:50:44that connected all the way back to Bat Headquarters,
00:50:46which meant that
00:50:48Cube had actually planned for all of this to happen.
00:50:50But then again,
00:50:52we'd gotten all of our items back,
00:50:54and Cube was nowhere in sight.
00:50:56Oh my god!
00:51:00Wait, that's awesome! Oh my god!
00:51:40Wait, what?
00:51:52Let's finish this once and for all.
00:51:54One final trap.
00:51:56Regardless of whether you live or die,
00:51:58my job is done.
00:52:00Bring no one with you.
00:52:02The only items you may bring are a full set of armor,
00:52:04your tools and food.
00:52:06it. I will not give you a second chance if you fail to adhere. I would say good luck,
00:52:11but that would be bad luck for me." And that's all that was written in the book.
00:52:15So take no one with you?
00:52:19That sounds like a really bad idea.
00:52:21I don't know. For some reason, I just have this feeling that he's telling the truth. Like,
00:52:24why would he leave this book in my room?
00:52:26I mean, yeah, but like...
00:52:30I feel like this is our one chance.
00:52:34I would normally not really be for this, but if this is something you think you can do...
00:52:42I'll take the railroad tomorrow morning. But genuinely, like, if this book says
00:52:48that he's not going to give me a second chance if anybody shows up,
00:52:52or like if I don't play by his rules, like, we should play by his rules.
00:52:57Or else this whole thing is pointless.
00:52:59Okay. Be careful, though.
00:53:05Don't do anything stupid.
00:53:53Garrett! It's good to see you!
00:54:02What is this?
00:54:03I mean, that was actually surprising. I thought you were going to show up with some
00:54:07some other guys, you know, kill me on the spot, which, you know, good luck. Probably
00:54:11not going to happen. Definitely will not happen. But... And even if you did, I have plans for that,
00:54:16too. But...
00:54:17I did exactly what you wanted me to. Nobody's here with me.
00:54:22All the items I have are the items you told me to. Here, I'll even give you these.
00:54:26I just want to be done with this, bro.
00:54:30Thank you, thank you. And it's actually kind of surprising that you're even here in the first
00:54:35place. Why?
00:54:36I mean, you survived all those other traps. The void trap, the diraptu trap, which was hilarious.
00:54:42I mean, he's really funny. But he's also incredibly stupid.
00:54:48He's learned.
00:54:49Oh, I'm sure he has. I'm sure he has. But before we get started, I do want to ask you
00:54:55one question. You know, I was wondering why you didn't stay at the 4C's base and wait
00:55:03for me to come back when I gave him all those shulkers. You know, that's... I did plan for
00:55:08that. You know, you kind of caught me off guard a little bit.
00:55:12Because I just had a bad feeling about it.
00:55:15I might need to write that down for next time, even though there won't be a next time.
00:55:18Well, this, what you see in front of you is 12 chambers. All you gotta do is survive.
00:55:25It's pretty simple. It's a pretty simple game.
00:55:27Cube explained that the moment he flipped the lever, I would have to pick one of the
00:55:3112 hallways to go down and then hope that it didn't blow up. And since I had basically
00:55:36no gear or healing on me, picking the wrong hallway would result in a near instant death.
00:55:41This was presumably Cube's final test of logic. I would have to figure out which hallways
00:55:46were safe.
00:55:46Parrot, are you ready to finish this?
00:55:54So are you willing to bet your life on just simple odds? Like, you could just walk away.
00:56:02Walk away, but then this is never going to end.
00:56:05That's right. That's right.
00:56:07That's right. That's right.
00:56:10So are you sure?
00:56:14Because there's no going back.
00:56:17Yeah, I think so.
00:56:19All right. All right.
00:56:24In three, two, one.
00:56:30One last thing. I would say good luck, but that would be bad luck for me.
00:57:03There were 12 possible paths that I could have taken.
00:57:07But I didn't take any of them.
00:57:11Not because I had some calculated plan.
00:57:14Not because I was trying to outsmart Qube.
00:57:18I don't know why I stayed there.
00:57:21I just knew I had to.
00:57:23Uh, you should be running.
00:57:27Um, there's a- did you not hear the rules?
00:57:33Did I say the rules properly?
00:57:36Uh, I'm fine here.
00:57:40There's 12 passageways.
00:57:41You gotta choose one.
00:57:44I'm not gonna die, bro.
00:57:46You are, I'm telling you.
00:57:47I made the trap.
00:57:48You are going to die if you stand there.
00:57:52Okay, I seriously don't understand why you're not moving.
00:57:58You should be moving because that's the only way that you can escape.
00:58:02Because logically, logically, I thought that- Qube, logically it doesn't matter, bro.
00:58:32It's over, Qube, it's over.
00:58:40You promised, bro.
00:58:43I just- I don't even know what to say anymore.
00:58:47I don't know why you didn't- why you didn't go through one of the passageways.
00:58:52I just don't know.
00:58:53I have no idea.
00:58:54Everything that I built, dude, this is- For nothing.
00:59:02You built it for nothing.
00:59:04Oh my gosh.
00:59:07Everything- You rigged every passageway.
00:59:15Hey, Qube!
00:59:20What are you doing?
00:59:21Oh my gosh!
00:59:23We had a meeting!
00:59:25That said none of you guys should- Parrot.
00:59:30You brought somebody here.
00:59:31Okay, well, yeah.
00:59:33Good thing I planned for this, Parrot.
00:59:34I did plan, so.
00:59:39Qube, we've come here to detain you.
00:59:45Wait, what?
00:59:47Wait, can you say that?
00:59:48Can you say that one more time?
00:59:50That's hilarious.
00:59:51We've come here to- We've come here to detain you, Mr. Qube.
01:00:02You know, I have a contingency plan for all of this.
01:00:06Even though that you didn't choose a pathway, and you still broke the rules- So, Parrot,
01:00:12I guess this is the final fate.
01:00:16Alright, I'm done with this.
01:00:18Durapchu, run!
01:00:22Just run!
01:00:25Wait, what the heck?
01:00:26Hold on.
01:00:27Give me a second.
01:00:28Is it this one?
01:00:30Is it this one?
01:00:35What is going on?
01:00:36So, as I was saying, Mr. Qube, you are coming with us, and you are being detained.
01:00:44No, no, this can't be right.
01:00:47Qube, you are being detained.
01:00:53I disarmed the trap.
01:00:56You of all people?
01:00:59Yeah, I disarmed your trap, bro.
01:01:00I got rid of it.
01:01:01No, this can't- This can't be the way I go out.
01:01:03Oh my- Oh my god.
01:01:05So, Qube, as I was saying, you will be detained by us, and we will put you in- We will bring
01:01:12you in for questioning.
01:01:17Yeah, I guess, uh.
01:01:20Okay, okay.
01:01:21Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
01:01:25Durap, is the rest of Bat back at the base?
01:01:27Oh yeah, they're all back at base.
01:01:29So you really just came here alone?
01:01:34And you did this- You did that?
01:01:39Yeah, this is actually pretty easy, I'm not gonna lie.
01:01:42Okay, okay, relax, relax, relax.
01:01:45Swim up, swim up.
01:01:47Swim up.
01:01:49Swim up.
01:01:50Okay, okay.
01:01:57Let's take him back to Bat.
01:02:00Oh gosh, dang it.
01:02:01Nice, nice.
01:02:03Okay, okay.
01:02:04And after going through all of that, and finally taking Qube back to the base and carefully
01:02:09inspecting the prison for any traps, we realized that this was our best chance to question
01:02:14Qube, and finally get any information regarding the director.
01:02:18Like, genuinely, I just say, if he's not willing to cooperate, we just kill him.
01:02:22Because we genuinely have, like, no more use.
01:02:25If he doesn't want to answer.
01:02:29That's seriously messed up, like, you guys-
01:02:33First things first.
01:02:35Are you working with the director?
01:02:43Dude, this-
01:02:44You don't understand, like, this-
01:02:47I wouldn't say I'm really working with him.
01:02:49It's more that he's forcing me to do these things.
01:02:52I don't want to do this stuff to you-
01:02:53Well, I mean, it's kind of fun, but-
01:02:54Then just don't do it, bro.
01:02:56Seriously, you guys seriously don't understand.
01:02:58This guy is, like, insanely powerful.
01:03:01He's, like-
01:03:02I don't even know how to describe it.
01:03:05Okay, so tell us who the director is.
01:03:07I don't know who the director is.
01:03:09How do you not know who the director is?
01:03:11You spoke to them, right?
01:03:12You're telling me this guy, all-powerful being, whatever you want to call him, the director,
01:03:18he's just gonna, like, walk up to my front door and say,
01:03:20Hey, do this.
01:03:23That's not gonna happen!
01:03:24Why is he going prepared?
01:03:25Why is he going prepared specifically?
01:03:27I don't know.
01:03:28Listen, I'm just the guy to do the job.
01:03:32Bro, just leave this guy in here forever.
01:03:34He's not gonna tell us anything.
01:03:37I mean, but-
01:03:38Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on.
01:03:40Okay, before you guys go, can I-
01:03:42Whoa, dude, come on!
01:03:44If I'm gonna die here, like,
01:03:46it might as well be with some decoration.
01:03:48Not again, bro.
01:03:49Please, please!
01:03:50Like a couch-
01:03:51Are we allowing this?
01:03:53Do we have anything that, like, he guaranteed can't use?
01:03:56I mean, I have something.
01:03:59Um, I got a flowerpot and a dandelion.
01:04:04Okay, this is good.
01:04:05Alright, I guess, uh-
01:04:06This guy's smart, though, but whatever.
01:04:07I guess we'll see Cube another day.
01:04:10Maybe not.
01:04:11Maybe he'll start-
01:04:12Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
01:04:13Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute.
01:04:14I'll come visit you.
01:04:16I kept one thing in my inventory for you.
01:04:18Dude, we have a yapper.
01:04:19Alright, let's go.
01:04:20No, I'm serious, I'm serious!
01:04:23I have this book.
01:04:24It's from the director.
01:04:26It's to you.
01:04:27How do you let them get that through?
01:04:29Wait, what?
01:04:30It's to you.
01:04:33I don't even know what's inside of this.
01:04:34Give me that, give me that.
01:04:35I am not allowed to read it.
01:04:36Give me, Cube, give me that.
01:04:37It's for you.
01:04:38It's for you.
01:04:39Hello, parent.
01:04:40What's it say?
01:04:41I don't think we've properly met, so allow me to introduce myself.
01:04:42I am the player who killed Rufus.
01:04:43What the-
01:04:44I am the player who killed Rufus.
01:04:45What the-
01:04:46I am the player who killed Rufus.
01:04:47I am the player who killed Rufus.
01:04:48I am the player who killed Rufus.
01:04:53I know you already believe me, but I'll prove it to you anyway.
01:04:57Five, four, three, two, one.
01:05:07Wait, what?
01:05:08That was not me, that was not me.
01:05:10I had nothing to do with that.
01:05:11Are you kidding me?
01:05:12Oh, he had a safe room.
01:05:13I had nothing to do with that.
01:05:20Don't worry about Cube.
01:05:21His job is done.
01:05:22Not because you beat him, but because I said so.
01:05:26I don't think he's a big fan of dandelions anyway.
01:05:29How do you even check for a safe zone?
01:05:31That's the problem.
01:05:33Parent, what's in the book?
01:05:35Did Cube have time to write anything inside of this book?
01:05:38Maybe only a couple seconds.
01:05:40We will meet each other soon, parent.
01:05:42Whether you want to or not.
01:05:44Because that's the story I wrote.
01:05:47And I don't write stories where I lose.
01:05:53Are you going to tell us what's going on?
01:05:55Hey, Cube is gone.
01:05:57I don't care what I have to do.
01:06:01Yo, lock in bro.
01:06:04I'm going to kill the director.