• 2 days ago
Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/

Today, BOYS vs GIRLS manhunt FINALE in Minecraft! Nico competes against his friends in an ultimate hunt! Will Nico get caught?! Watch to find out!

#Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash
00:00Hey girls, what you up to?
00:01You know, hangin'.
00:02Wait, aren't we supposed to be chasing them or something?
00:04Oh, I forgot about that.
00:05Boys, run! Boys!
00:06Get em'!
00:07Hey, get em'!
00:08How'd they forget?
00:09Go, go, go!
00:10Come here, boys!
00:13Yo, that would've been close.
00:14I almost just hit that lava pool right there.
00:16Oh my gosh!
00:18We gotta escape the girls and beat the game.
00:20And we've done this multiple times,
00:21so we gotta use the strategies we've learned previously.
00:24Which the first strategy would be
00:26swimming up this waterfall and getting high ground.
00:28Exactly, because high ground means we can hit them off the cliff.
00:31Oh yeah, exactly.
00:32Why is Ella so fast?
00:34I do not know.
00:35Why is Ella so good?
00:36I'm gonna get you.
00:38She got a speed buff?
00:38Hey, Mia, what's up?
00:39See ya.
00:40Stop it!
00:40Come on, dude, really?
00:41Hey, Ella, what's up?
00:42See ya, Ella!
00:43Hi, Nico, what's up?
00:44Oh no!
00:45Get him, get him, get him!
00:46You don't hit Nico off!
00:47Come here!
00:48Why are the majority of girls on me?
00:50No blocking off the water!
00:51I got two girls on me right now.
00:53Mia and Julieta.
00:54Because you always make it to the end.
00:56Yeah, Mia, that's because I'm good.
00:57No water.
00:58Cash, what are you dealing with over there?
00:59I was blocking off the waterfall.
01:01Wait, they're all the way over there?
01:02Ugh, ugh.
01:03W-tap, W-tap!
01:04Nah, see ya.
01:04Come on, come on, come on.
01:05You're not hitting me off.
01:06You're not hitting me off.
01:06Mia, what is a W-tap?
01:07It's when you go forward when you get...
01:11Eh, that's one.
01:12I'll get him, I'll get him!
01:13No, no!
01:13Wombo combo, wombo combo.
01:15Wombo combo.
01:16Oh gosh, okay.
01:17I'm comboing you!
01:18Wait, Cash, I think I saw you.
01:19All right, remember.
01:20The girls have infinite lives, but the boys, we only have one life.
01:23Hey, Julia, please.
01:24I'm gonna get ya!
01:26Hey, I guess I got a wood log.
01:28Oh, Cash, you think you can get a sword from me or something?
01:29Yeah, I'm looking up the crafting recipe for sticks.
01:32One sec.
01:32What do you mean crafting recipe?
01:34We've done this before.
01:35Okay, I got it.
01:36I know it now.
01:36We've played these games before, dude.
01:38Oh, yeah.
01:39Okay, I'll make the crafting table and then you make the sword, okay?
01:41Okay, I'll make it.
01:41Do it.
01:42I'm placing it, I'm placing it.
01:43All right, lock in.
01:44Hey, I'm trying to craft!
01:45Yo, yo, I'm trying to craft!
01:46Yo, get Zoey!
01:47Yo, you are not one of the boys!
01:49I got it!
01:51Get off of Nico!
01:52Get him, get him, get him!
01:53Get him, get him!
01:54No, no, no, no, no, no, please.
01:56Oh, yeah.
01:57My savior.
01:58We're too goaded.
01:59Cash, I am flustered.
02:01Yo, it was nothing deeper than that.
02:04I'm playing, no, no, no.
02:05Hey, yo, pause.
02:06We have to use teamwork in order to win.
02:08I'm gonna get a diamond sword now.
02:10Now that we've escaped the girls once, we now have to go mining so we can get more geared up.
02:13I'm getting a bunch of wood.
02:14You don't know what Mia's doing.
02:15I haven't seen her in a minute, dawg.
02:17Nah, she probably plotting.
02:18She definitely plotting for sure.
02:20She plotting on our downfall.
02:22We have our secret weapon, Shady.
02:24So Shady should most definitely be doing some good work over where he is.
02:27Don't worry what I'm doing.
02:29I'm trying to see if they have a skillet.
02:30A skillet?
02:31I want to bring back the skillet.
02:33What is a skillet, dude?
02:34You don't know?
02:35You must not remember.
02:36I'm a demon with a skillet.
02:37Okay, I have no idea how a skillet is relevant in this game, but you know what?
02:40It's fine.
02:41He uses it as a weapon.
02:42Then he makes some eggs.
02:43It's kind of fire.
02:44Nah, you're spoiling.
02:45Nah, nah.
02:46It's barbecue chicken from there, basically.
02:48Okay, interesting.
02:49Well, I'm getting enough supplies in order to make tools.
02:51Here you go.
02:51I got us a bunch of wood.
02:52Okay, bet.
02:54We can use all that.
02:55All right, nice.
02:55You need some more?
02:56No, this is all for me.
02:57No, I got my own.
02:57Oh my gosh, he was a god.
02:59I make a stone pickaxe and a stone axe.
03:01I'm also going to make a sword as well.
03:03Guys, get over here.
03:03We can go to the nether right now.
03:05Wait, what?
03:06How, Shady?
03:06Because I found a cool thing.
03:08Let me see.
03:08One sec.
03:08All right.
03:09I have all my tools.
03:10Where are you?
03:10I over here.
03:11Yo, where is over here?
03:12I don't know.
03:13You're just going to have to find me.
03:14Well, I find a pink sheep and that's so rare.
03:16No way you actually found a pink sheep.
03:18We did.
03:18No way.
03:19I'm getting its wool.
03:20You killed him.
03:22Why you do it?
03:23Because I wanted the wool.
03:24That's messed up.
03:24So, Shady, is this what you're talking about?
03:26Oh my gosh.
03:27Yeah, I'm just trying to break this block.
03:29If we get a lead on the nether right now,
03:30then this would be overpowered.
03:32Yo, is this obsidian directional?
03:34What do you mean directional?
03:35Y'all seeing this?
03:35Yeah, I do see that.
03:36It's sideways.
03:37I placed that one.
03:39So, maybe it was me.
03:40I never realized obsidian can do that.
03:41Bro, will this block break?
03:43I've been mining it for two minutes.
03:45Can you mine a gold block with a stone pickaxe
03:47or am I going to...
03:47Nico, no, no.
03:48No, no, no.
03:50Oh, okay.
03:50I'm going to regret that.
03:51Bad boy.
03:52You're going to regret it.
03:53Yo, I don't know if we should go in the nether right now.
03:54Yeah, we're severely undergeared.
03:56You know what, Shady?
03:56I'm going to go mining first because I need to get loot.
03:59Ugh, this block won't break.
04:01If I die in the nether, that'd be very bad.
04:03All right, I'm mining down in order to find a cave.
04:05Put a sword, put a sword.
04:06Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
04:07Where did Mia come from?
04:09Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.
04:11You stay away from him.
04:12Yo, I did not see her.
04:13Okay, whatever.
04:14I'm going back into the mines.
04:15Yo, what is that horn sound?
04:16We have lit the nether portal.
04:18Wait, you have?
04:19Oh, yes.
04:20You guys want to scavenge the nether?
04:21Oh, yeah.
04:22If you want.
04:23Yo, be very careful because if you die,
04:25it's going to be very risky for me.
04:26I'm currently mining iron right now
04:28and I just found a cave.
04:29It's pretty good.
04:30Wait, never mind.
04:30I found diamonds.
04:31Let's go.
04:33It's always a good day when you find diamonds.
04:35I'm going to first smelt this iron real quick
04:36so I can collect those diamonds in just a second.
04:38And I am afraid that a girl is on my tail right now.
04:41I definitely feel like the girls are getting better at this
04:43because they have four numbers instead of two.
04:45So, yeah.
04:46Wait, where'd he go?
04:46What do you mean, Zoe?
04:47Yo, I see Ella right there.
04:48She's trying to steal my diamonds.
04:50Okay, I'm doing this fast.
04:51Could I pick actual quick?
04:52All right, I'm going down there.
04:53Hey, Ella.
04:53Oh, there you are.
04:54What's up?
04:56Oh, yo, Ella, you are knocking at PVP.
04:58Hey, I don't want to talk about it, okay?
05:00I think you definitely need the support from your comrades,
05:02but your comrades were non-existent there.
05:04Fortunately, I got myself some diamonds, so we're bougie.
05:07Well, fortunately, I have your iron.
05:09Bye, Nico.
05:09Wait, what?
05:11Zoe, no.
05:12Oh, dang!
05:13No way you can escape me.
05:14No, I'm running.
05:15Hey, Zoe, I see you.
05:17Wait, Shady's in for backup.
05:18Shady, mind it.
05:19Hey, look.
05:19Surprise, Zoe.
05:21Where'd she go?
05:21Yo, where'd she go?
05:22Yo, there's something in here.
05:23Yo, where'd she go?
05:24Is she invisible?
05:25She just phased through the wall, bro.
05:26What the heck?
05:28Where did she go?
05:30What the heck, man?
05:31Okay, well, she stole my iron and she ran.
05:32We might be able to see her pretty soon.
05:34That makes me angry that they did that to you.
05:36No, that does make me angry, too.
05:38You know, I'm going to find more diamonds real quick.
05:39I saw something at the corner of my eye.
05:41I saw some diamonds.
05:43I always like to get stacked with diamonds.
05:45They're always making me so goated.
05:46All right, there's got to be some better.
05:47Oh, my gosh, that would have been close.
05:49Okay, we have some lapis lazuli here,
05:50which might be useful for some enchants
05:52if we want to enchant later, boys.
05:54Don't be suspicious.
05:55Yo, is there a girl around here?
05:56Yeah, Zoe's just running around me, but she's going to die.
05:59Hey, Zoe.
06:00You're trying to steal my diamonds.
06:01No, no.
06:02Take it, Zoe.
06:03I'll give you my iron back.
06:06Oh, my gosh.
06:07Watch it, watch it, watch it.
06:09Okay, I currently have four diamonds.
06:10We're doing good.
06:11I'm going to go look around for more loot, though.
06:12Oh, my gosh.
06:13Why is Mia kind of stacked?
06:14Ah, ha, ha, ha.
06:15Okay, ow.
06:16Wait, what?
06:16Oh, get her.
06:17She's low.
06:17She got hit by a creeper.
06:19Nico, no armor?
06:20Oh, my.
06:20Shady, I need your help, bro.
06:21Oi, Mia, over here on the horn.
06:23Oh, my, she deals a lot of damage.
06:24Come here.
06:25Okay, how did you do that, Shady?
06:27Here, take the armor, bro.
06:28What does that axe have?
06:29It has some good enchants.
06:30Don't even worry about it.
06:31Juliet is here.
06:32Juliet's here.
06:33I'm gonna get ya.
06:34Where are they?
06:35Oh, trapped ya.
06:37What's up, Juliet?
06:38Oh, box like a fish.
06:40Oh, she dropped some good loot.
06:41Let's see.
06:42Nothing useful for us.
06:43Ow, ow, ow, there's lava.
06:45Will these zombies go away?
06:47Okay, well, did Cash enter the nether?
06:48I'm already in here.
06:49I got something for you.
06:50Wait, what?
06:50You got something at the nether?
06:51Yeah, you're going to like it.
06:52Okay, well, I'm heading over there soon,
06:54because I'm almost looted up.
06:55All right, hurry up.
06:56A little pesky diamond is waiting for me right here.
06:58Oh, yes.
06:59I have six diamonds, which will be useful.
07:01I'll use those later on.
07:02And it looks like we also found a little mine shaft.
07:04I'm also going to collect the cobwebs that are here
07:07for anything in the future.
07:08String is pretty useful.
07:09I can make a bow and a fishing rod,
07:10which will become more useful in the nether in the end.
07:12Oh my gosh, yo, there's skulk blocks here,
07:15and wait, more diamonds.
07:16Okay, I'm not using X-Ray.
07:17I don't know how I keep finding diamonds,
07:19but I just am.
07:20All right, I'm going to continue mining this string,
07:21and there's really no chests in here.
07:23This is a buns area.
07:24Wait, nevermind.
07:25A diamond!
07:25Okay, I'm getting so lucky right now.
07:27I have 10 diamonds.
07:28I think since I have this many diamonds,
07:29I'm just going to start by heading back up to the surface.
07:31I need to get to that portal
07:32that you guys were talking about.
07:33All right.
07:34Oh, yo, a creeper just jumped up on me.
07:35That would have been bad.
07:36Oh, nah.
07:37I'm going to make a diamond ax with the loot I got,
07:38and also I'm going to make a shield.
07:40That'll most definitely be very useful against the girls.
07:42We have the essentials.
07:43I have three diamonds for anyone if they want them.
07:45Get as many diamonds as possible.
07:46I'm heading back up, and we're almost up to the surface.
07:49All right, I see the portal.
07:50I was perfectly placed above the portal,
07:52so I'm just going to go inside.
07:53Shady, you can edit it whenever you want.
07:55Oh, I'm already there.
07:57I'm scared if the girls are going to meet us here.
07:58I'm not going to lie.
07:59I smell nothing.
08:00Oh, gosh.
08:01Yo, there's guys here like crazy.
08:02Yeah, we kind of let them over here.
08:04Oh, my God.
08:05What is going on?
08:06I don't know, but anyways, take this.
08:08What's the surprise you got for me?
08:10Wait, what?
08:11Four inch of debris?
08:13You got to smelt it, though.
08:14Oh, wait.
08:15We need to make this into ingots, though, right?
08:17Ow, ow.
08:17Dude, these guys.
08:18Oh, my gosh.
08:19How is this even possible?
08:20Oh, my gosh.
08:21It's a whole family.
08:22What the heck?
08:23There's so many.
08:24All right, yo, guys, let's get out of here.
08:26Oh, oh, no.
08:28I don't think we can kill all these guys.
08:29Wanna know why you're going to die?
08:30No, for real.
08:31I am going to die.
08:32I do not want to die,
08:32especially when the girls are still alive.
08:34Oh, yeah.
08:35We need to beat the game before them.
08:36Okay, Cash, where are you?
08:37Where are you at?
08:38I need to make these things into ingots,
08:39so how do I do that?
08:40Well, you need to smelt the ancient debris,
08:42and then you need to combine it with gold ingots.
08:44Okay, well, that's pretty easy
08:45because we're in the nether already, so.
08:48And here's the smithing table.
08:50Oh, this gives us something good.
08:51And wait, I just realized, guys.
08:52Yo, the nether fortress is right over there.
08:54We have netherite scrap.
08:55Combine that with four gold.
08:57Oh, yeah, you're right.
08:57If we use four netherite scrap and four gold,
09:00we can make an iron ingot.
09:00Here, lucky for you, I got some nuggets.
09:03Wait, what?
09:03How do you get all those nuggets?
09:04Well, they're in the walls.
09:05Oh, okay.
09:06We're in the nether, dude.
09:07Oh, wait, and that's perfect to make four.
09:10Oh, yeah.
09:10This is almost finished.
09:11I only need one more netherite scrap.
09:12Give it to us.
09:13All right, we have four and four,
09:15which now means we can type in netherite ingot.
09:18All right, what should I make into netherite?
09:19Probably my axe, right?
09:21Mm, yeah.
09:21Instead of nine attack damage, it does 10.
09:23Oh my gosh.
09:24Oh, yeah.
09:25We have officially been maxed out.
09:26Okay, wait, get out of here.
09:27Take that.
09:29Get out of here, Zoglin.
09:30There's a killer.
09:30Yo, where?
09:31I heard that.
09:32Is a wild Zobey on the loose?
09:33All right, I'm taking this table.
09:34I need this.
09:35Unfortunately, I'm throwing away that pink wool.
09:35They're on the fortress.
09:36Look at them.
09:37Wait, they're on the fortress?
09:39Hello, am I mudded?
09:40They must have followed us through the portal.
09:42Mia, you're not mudded.
09:43You're just talking too loud.
09:44I'm gonna break all the blaze spawners.
09:46Let's do it.
09:47No, no, don't.
09:48Okay, guys, we need to save this.
09:49Don't do that.
09:51I'll shoot him.
09:52Do not do it.
09:53Oh, wither skeletons.
09:53Oh my gosh.
09:54Don't redeem it.
09:55No, no, no.
09:56This is bad.
09:57Come on, I'm budging up.
09:58Where's the blaze?
09:59Oh my gosh, Ella's right there.
10:00Watch out, Zoey, no.
10:02Let him get up.
10:03Oh, Ella's constantly shooting me.
10:05It's time to die.
10:07Juliet, what are you doing here?
10:08I'm both firemen.
10:10Yo, why are you so stacked?
10:12Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gosh.
10:15Oh my gosh, I just got so much good loot.
10:16Don't worry, I got this.
10:17Good stuff, dude.
10:19I'll take that bow if you don't mind.
10:21Good stuff.
10:22You have the bow.
10:23I don't need the bow.
10:24I got my netherite axe.
10:25Hey, Ella, what's up?
10:26Get behind him, get behind him.
10:27Dude, what?
10:28You have a netherite axe?
10:29Yeah, I got a netherite axe.
10:32How does he have that?
10:34Cash made something for me,
10:35and also thank you guys for the arrows and the bow.
10:38Yummy, yummy, yummy.
10:40Looks like y'all have been grinding.
10:41Don't mind if I do,
10:42but I think I'll take some of this loot.
10:43Yeah, it's all yours, Shady.
10:44I got what I needed.
10:45A blaze is shooting at me.
10:46All right, it's fine,
10:47because I'm shooting him.
10:48And they dropped a blaze rod.
10:49I'm hunting that thing down.
10:50Oh yeah.
10:51My first blaze rod.
10:52We're going to grind until we get to the nether.
10:54I found the spawner.
10:56Do not block up the blaze spawner.
10:58I was going to break it.
10:59You thought you could get us?
11:01Nico, I got enough obsidian
11:02to build us a portal when we're done.
11:04Okay, bet.
11:05We need it after the bastion here.
11:06You take it.
11:07Okay, thank you.
11:08This gold axe has fortune too.
11:10Fortune too?
11:11Shady, I think you need looting
11:12in order to drop more blazes.
11:13No, bro, trust me.
11:14This thing is going to drop 300 blaze rods.
11:17Okay, kill it.
11:18Look at that.
11:19Oh, 300.
11:19Drop zero.
11:20No, you liar.
11:21No, look at my inventory, buddy.
11:22Then drop some.
11:23Yeah, look at this, buddy.
11:24Double blaze rod.
11:25Yeah, that's right.
11:26Okay, no, you just have two.
11:27No, I have 64.
11:29Which means we have a total of four.
11:30Guys, we need three more.
11:31All right, let's just try and kill as many as possible.
11:33Kill them.
11:35Here, take this.
11:36No, it's five.
11:37Should we go to the Bastion?
11:38Okay, fine.
11:39We'll do the dirty work.
11:40Well, honestly, the Bastion's more difficult
11:42than the Netherforge, so I'm not gonna lie.
11:44Nico, I gave you the ingredients for something.
11:46Something for what?
11:47Well, think about it.
11:48Sugar cane, leather, obsidian.
11:49Sugar cane, leather, obsidian.
11:51Nah, he's slow.
11:52I'm confused.
11:53An enchantment table.
11:55Oh my goodness.
11:56I didn't get the ingredients.
11:57I think you might've picked them up again.
11:58Oh yeah, I still got them.
11:59All right, I'm gonna go to the Bastion now.
12:01I'm behind you.
12:02Wait a minute, can we get a free ender pearl?
12:03Kill that enderman.
12:03Ugh, ugh, ugh.
12:05Ooh, I got a freebie.
12:06All right, it's time to go.
12:07Nah, Nico, you need gold armor.
12:08All right, it's all good.
12:09I got my whole golden helmet.
12:10Let's just head over there.
12:11In the distance, my eyes feast on a Bastion.
12:14All right, oh my gosh.
12:15Nico, you didn't wanna tell me
12:17I didn't have pants this whole time?
12:18Wait, what?
12:20Yo, sorry, dude.
12:20You know how Shady wants to play
12:21without armor all the time?
12:22Okay, yeah, you're right.
12:23Well, we're at the Bastion
12:24and I can do a little speed bridge.
12:25Ooh, hello.
12:26Here, Cash, I've got some stuff for you.
12:28You can have it.
12:29Guys, we got some piglets on me, yo.
12:30Oh, we gotta protect him.
12:31It's all good.
12:32Wait, wait, no, no, we're good, we're good.
12:33Dude, you're getting brooded.
12:34You know, I'm sure.
12:35With the netherite oxy that you gave me,
12:36this is so overpowered.
12:37Bro's actually getting brooded.
12:39All right, we're looking good.
12:40Watch out.
12:40In this Bastion, this has a lot of gold at the bottom,
12:43so let's just loot all that.
12:44They're probably one of the best Bastions for loot,
12:46so I'm just gonna be very careful
12:47scaling down this thing.
12:48And first, I gotta get rid of that thing, so.
12:50Oh, he just fell on his own.
12:51I will be your protector today.
12:53I'm going down.
12:54All right, nice.
12:54Yo, watch OJ.
12:55I got you.
12:56Oh my gosh, there's so much diamond gear in this.
12:58And gold.
12:59Keep looting, come on.
13:00And diamonds.
13:01Hurry up.
13:02Okay, I got six diamonds right here,
13:03and then I'm just gonna mine the rest of this stuff.
13:04Back away, cubes.
13:05Usually there's two chests in this area.
13:07All right, cash here.
13:07Wait, I'm gonna put the diamond boots in there.
13:08You can have those.
13:09Oh yeah, I'm keeping gold on, though.
13:11We gotta keep the gold on so the piglins don't get us.
13:13That's what I'm saying.
13:14I'm mining all their gold right now,
13:15so they probably don't like that.
13:16They definitely hate it.
13:17There's only one chest here, so you know what?
13:19It's fine.
13:19We have all the gold.
13:20We might need 24 blocks of gold.
13:22Okay, real quick.
13:23I'm just gonna go over here.
13:24And ooh, some more obsidian.
13:26That could be useful.
13:27Hey, a brood side bait.
13:28It's fine, I'm using sick parkour skills.
13:30And nothing good in here.
13:32All right, I'm getting out of here.
13:33I'm gonna find a group of piglins I can trade with.
13:35All right, at this point, I'm using our wood.
13:36We have so much of that.
13:37Nico, I'm still protecting you.
13:38Thank you, cash.
13:39These guys are crazy.
13:40Shady, got any eyes on any girls?
13:43No, I'm single.
13:44No, I didn't mean like that.
13:45I meant like watching us right now.
13:46No sir, Roger.
13:47Okay, all right.
13:48I'm not seeing any piglins here, but it's fine.
13:50Once I find piglins, I will create the gold farm.
13:53All right, finally found some piglins here.
13:54So I'm gonna make the gold blocks into gold ingots.
13:57All right, I will throw all my gold here.
13:59Piglins, I hope you enjoy.
14:00Hey, hey you, get out of here.
14:01Scurry away.
14:02All right, I'm spamming all this gold.
14:04These guys will definitely trade all this stuff.
14:06There's some more over here.
14:07I think I might try and lure these guys over with this.
14:10Hey, Shady, can you pick that guy up?
14:12Yo, why are there pigment on you?
14:13What is going on?
14:15I have no idea.
14:16All right, I'm not seeing any ender pearls in there yet,
14:18but we'll just wait a little bit.
14:19Shady, while these guys are trading,
14:20might give me the rest of the blaze rods.
14:21Oh yeah, hang on.
14:22Oh wait, and I got ender pearls.
14:24I collected a lot.
14:24Oh, I got a lot of ender pearls, dude.
14:26I got fire resistance potion as well.
14:28Here, here's the blaze rods, up here.
14:29I think we are good on loot.
14:31And yo, you collected a lot of blaze rods.
14:33Yo guys, I think we're good.
14:34We're goaded?
14:35Do you have a foot in the seal, Shady?
14:36Of course.
14:37All right, I'm making the portal right here.
14:38We're heading back to the oval world.
14:39Yo, oh gosh, misplaced, oopsies.
14:41What in the merited?
14:42Light it up.
14:43Cash, I see you over there.
14:44Right about to the oval world.
14:46I'm on my way.
14:47I'm kind of worried about cash, not gonna lie.
14:48Nah, what biome is this?
14:51Yo, this is blind sweet.
14:53I think I see something over there though.
14:54Oh, I see a wrecked boat.
14:56I know, I see that too.
14:57I'm heading over.
14:58There's treasure.
14:58There's booty.
14:59Arg, me want booty.
15:00There could be something good for here.
15:02Oh my gosh, what is it?
15:02Is this the dagger?
15:03Oh, this is not the dagger.
15:05Wait, let's just see what happens if we eat this.
15:07Hey Shady, you want to be a test subject?
15:08Why do I always have to do it?
15:09Nevermind, I'm eating it.
15:10Oh gosh, I got weakness.
15:12Oh nah.
15:13I can only last for three seconds.
15:14All right, now I can turn these blaze rods
15:15into blaze powder and combine these
15:17and we have eyes of vendor.
15:18All right, we're throwing it.
15:19We're heading over to the stronghold
15:21and it is in this direction.
15:23All right, we got a long journey ahead of us.
15:24Let's go.
15:25All right, it's been a little bit,
15:26so let's throw this and it's still in that direction.
15:29Okay, and oh gosh, we lost the eye.
15:30I haven't seen the girls in a while actually.
15:32I wonder what they're doing.
15:33They're probably waiting for us at the stronghold.
15:35Shady, my eye, it went down.
15:36Oh, we're here.
15:38Do you think we should get enchants before we go down?
15:41All right, where's cash with the enchantment table?
15:43Yes, where are you?
15:45Brother, we can't go without you.
15:47I already found the stronghold.
15:48I'll meet you guys there.
15:49Yo, you're right here.
15:50You're right next to us, dude.
15:52Oh, finally you guys made it.
15:53Did you get the enchantment table?
15:53Ah, I gotta do everything myself.
15:55Yeah, just take the diamonds and take the obsidian.
15:57All right, there you go.
15:58Yo, it's above my head?
16:00Okay, well, but you know what?
16:01That's just convenient.
16:02Let's see.
16:03I'm gonna enchant my netherite axe
16:03and oh, I didn't get anything good.
16:05Guys, do you mind if I bring my stallion down here?
16:08What do you mean?
16:08I have a stallion.
16:10Her name is Megan.
16:11You could bring your stallion named Megan.
16:13All right.
16:14Well, I'm gonna get protection on all my armor real quick.
16:15Yo, I just dropped my lapis.
16:17Ooh, free lapis.
16:18Ooh, lapis.
16:19All right, next I can enchant my boots,
16:21my chest plate, and lastly, my helmet.
16:24All right, now we are fully geared up for the girls.
16:26Except, wait, let me see.
16:27Sharpness on my sword.
16:28And we want power on my bow.
16:29And now we are fully geared up.
16:31All right, I'm heading down, boys.
16:32Sounds good, boss.
16:34I don't know how you guys got in there,
16:35but I'm hiding down.
16:36Yo, what is all those explosions?
16:37Yo, what just happened?
16:39What just happened?
16:40Gross leg.
16:41Yo, guys, what did I just hear?
16:43Dude, I stepped on a butt trap.
16:45Wait, wait, why is there obsidian here?
16:47What's going on?
16:47I don't know, but you're getting jumped on a booty trap.
16:51Wait, guys, I think this portal is in the obsidian box.
16:53Bro, my horse is so much slower than Shady's.
16:55Did they really surround the portal with obsidian?
16:58Wait, give me a second.
16:58Let me get a pickaxe real quick.
16:59Hang on, guys.
17:01I've got a genius idea.
17:02What's your genius idea, Shady?
17:03Oh, just don't even worry about it.
17:04While Shady's doing that, I'm going to real quick
17:07smash mine into here, and take him out,
17:10take him out, take him out, take him out.
17:11Oh, gross.
17:12Kill them, kill them, kill them.
17:13Girls, girls, girls.
17:14Oh my gosh, they deal a lot of damage.
17:16Yeah, kill him, kill him.
17:17We need to take out one, just one.
17:18What, is that your genius idea, Shady?
17:20My plan is going through.
17:22Oh no, I'm so low, I'm so low, I'm so low, I'm so low.
17:24What is going on down here?
17:26We called in a raid.
17:27Cash, watch out.
17:28Get off your horse.
17:29Horse, get out of here.
17:30We must escape.
17:31Get off your stallion, I can't see.
17:33Why are you on a stallion?
17:36They're jumping my stallion.
17:38Yo, what's going on?
17:39Okay, I'm not even there.
17:40Oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
17:42He's low, he's so low.
17:43Take the stallion.
17:44Oh my gosh, they're jumping my stallion.
17:46Wait a second.
17:47Where'd they go?
17:48Yo, guys, why don't you distract them?
17:49I'm going into the end.
17:50No, my pink Arabian horse.
17:52I made it.
17:53Okay, well, while my friends are in the overworld
17:55distracting them, I am going to kill the Ender Dragon
17:57and beat it for us.
17:59Yeah, you do that.
18:00Zoe's trying to get me and she can't.
18:01Ha ha ha ha ha.
18:02Where are you?
18:04All I have to do is get all of these towers
18:07so that the Ender Dragon has to heal
18:08and then I can eliminate him.
18:08She's trying to kill my pink Arabian horse.
18:10It's rare and exotic.
18:12It's a festering fish.
18:13Yo, what's going on in the overworld?
18:15Stop it.
18:15It's a festering fish.
18:18Ha ha ha ha ha.
18:21Wait, did she just die in the overworld?
18:23I killed him.
18:24They killed me and my stallion, bruh.
18:26Ella, no, no, no.
18:27Wait, what are you guys doing here?
18:28Megan is gone.
18:30Hee hee hee.
18:30What are you guys doing?
18:32Get him, get him, get him, get him, get him.
18:33No, get Cash.
18:34You're not gonna get me, not on my watch.
18:35No, I wanna win this.
18:36I want to win this.
18:37Okay, these Endermen, I'm about to be mad.
18:39Yo, Mia, how are you full diamond enchanted?
18:41I've been ready for this, bro.
18:42All right, nice.
18:43That's one.
18:44Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.
18:45Mia, if you die, I'm not gonna lie,
18:46I'm going to beat the game.
18:47No, you're not.
18:48Oh my, sharp three diamond sword from Ella.
18:50No wonder you guys are doing so much damage.
18:53We're losing that to him?
18:54That is crazy.
18:55Well, thank you for the loot.
18:56I'm gonna use that to my advantage.
18:58And I have a lot of blocks that I could use too.
18:59Give me the loot.
19:00Thank you very much.
19:02Hey, Zoe, what's up?
19:03Shot him.
19:05Now I've got a highlight around you too.
19:06Where are you?
19:07I'm gonna kill you.
19:08Onwards, my horse.
19:09Oh, is Cash still alive?
19:10We must get the crystals.
19:12He's flying on a pig.
19:14My exotic Arabian horse.
19:16Yo, what is that?
19:19Fly me to the crystals.
19:22Cash, can I trust you with the crystals?
19:24Kill him, kill him, he's down.
19:26Hey, well, yo, Zoe, why are you actually using the shield?
19:28Why are you actually good with the shield?
19:29Because I have to.
19:30All right, give me a sec, let me lock in.
19:31Don't worry, Niko, we got this.
19:32I'm scared, he's better at PvP.
19:35Oh no, oh no, oh no.
19:36This is bad.
19:37Yo, the girls have such good loot here.
19:37Oh my gosh, why is Mia so overpowered?
19:39He's hit.
19:40Why is Mia so good?
19:41He's hit.
19:42The girls ain't gonna win.
19:42Ah, this is a 4v1 right now.
19:44Get him.
19:44It's time to get him.
19:46This is a 4v1 right now.
19:48Come on, come on, come on.
19:49Nice water placement.
19:51Wait, give me a sec, let me get, that's one.
19:52No, no, no, we can win this, we can win this.
19:54Oh, I'm beating it up.
19:54Okay, give me a sec.
19:55That's two?
19:56Let me get you real quick, Mia.
19:57Nah, you're a fan.
19:58Wait, let me get Juliet.
19:59Thank you for that sharp 3-star, by the way.
20:00Oh my gosh.
20:01No, please.
20:02That's another one.
20:03Give me that, give me that, give me that.
20:04Hey, Zoe, what's up?
20:06Zoe, you're not gonna get your loot back.
20:07No, stay away.
20:09Zoe, get over here.
20:11And meanwhile, Cash is killing the Ender Dragon.
20:13What is going on up there?
20:15We're putting in the work right now, Niko, hold him off.
20:18Get him, get him, get him.
20:19He's low, Enderman.
20:20I'm not low, what are you talking about?
20:22I have so many Enderman on me.
20:23Dude, it's so hard to fight him
20:25whenever I'm dying inside.
20:28Yo, Cash.
20:30You'll have to save the final blow for me, dude.
20:32All right, go ahead.
20:33Someone snipe him.
20:35Take the final blow, mwa-ha-ha.
20:37Let's go.
20:41Are you kidding me?
20:43Okay, is that allowed?
20:45No, you disqualified, you guys are cheating.
20:48What do you mean?
20:48We found a flying pig.
20:50Dude, Shady's literally in console right now.
20:53Let's go, we win.
20:56And the dub goes to the boys.
20:58I don't wanna talk to you right now,
20:59you're being real mean.
21:01Well, girls, if you're so mad about your loss,
21:03then why don't we do another rematch?
21:04Yeah, this time, no cheating.
21:06Ah, but this time we won.
21:10If you wanna watch more Niko Kach adventures,
21:10click the one on the screen.
21:11If you enjoyed it, please subscribe.
21:13Bye guys, subscribe.