Full Video: If guilt troubles you || Acharya Prashant (2019)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZSsDdapgdw&t=0s
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZSsDdapgdw&t=0s
00:00Self-improvement cannot happen along with self-deception.
00:05If you don't even admit to yourself that you are in the dumps, how would any improvement
00:12You don't really need to announce it to the world, to yourself.
00:15You must know where you really stand, no?
00:19And that silent realization, I assure you, is highly transforming.
00:24You don't even have to then try for transformation.
00:28And remember that that transformation is not due to comparison.
00:34You do not say, I am on the second, I should have been on the tenth, and this comparison
00:39is painful, so I want to climb to the tenth.
00:42No, it doesn't operate that way.
00:45Real transformation does not really have a result in sight.