Full Video: Why Seeking Social Approval is Your Biggest Trap || Acharya Prashant (2024)
00:00Even a criminal can attain liberation, but not someone who wants to be respected by the society.
00:07I repeat, freedom and truth are not for those who care about their reputation.
00:13Iszat ki dhajjiyaan udwani padti hain.
00:15Freedom is an explosion.
00:17Spirituality is not for people who want to have composed faces.
00:21It tears you apart.
00:22It makes you look like an idiot.
00:24It makes you feel as if you are absolutely naked in front of everybody.
00:28Liberation doesn't come without an internal earthquake.
00:33Those who want to live balanced and respectable lives, liberation is not for them.
00:38One has to experience the heat, the fire, the dust, the insults, the rejections,
00:44whatever exists within that is vulnerable to be destroyed.
00:48One has to go through the pain of letting it be destroyed.
00:52As long as you carry vulnerable stuff within you, you will be afraid.
00:56Anybody can attack you.