• avant-hier
Le plus grand aéroport européen, Heathrow, qui avait été fermé vendredi en raison d'une panne de courant causée par un incendie, est de nouveau "pleinement opérationnel", a déclaré un porte-parole. "Nous pouvons confirmer que Heathrow est ouvert et pleinement opérationnel", a dit cette source, appelant les passagers à "vérifier" auprès de leur compagnie aérienne les informations concernant leur vol.

La fermeture de cet aéroport, l'un des plus fréquentés au monde, a entraîné une journée de chaos dans le transport aérien mondial.

Le sinistre est survenu jeudi soir vers 23h GMT dans une sous-station électrique située à Hayes, dans la banlieue ouest de Londres. La panne d'électricité qui a suivi a contraint la direction de l'aéroport à fermer le site et à dérouter des centaines de vols.

Certains vols avaient déjà repris vendredi soir mais des milliers de personnes ont dû rechercher des chambres d'hôtel et des vols de remplacement en attendant la reprise complète des opérations.

L'incident a affecté les programmes de vols dans le monde entier dans un scénario inédit qui amène experts et compagnies aériennes à se demander comment un tel dysfonctionnement a pu se produire et avoir de telles répercussions.

Ces perturbations devraient coûter des dizaines de millions d'euros aux compagnies aériennes et probablement déclencher une bataille judiciaire pour savoir qui devra assumer ce coût.


00:00But we begin with this morning's top story, London's Heathrow Airport is now fully operational after a power outage crippled one of the world's busiest airports.
00:09A fire at an electrical substation cut power to the airport for most of yesterday and caused widespread chaos and cancellations.
00:18More than 1,300 flights to and from Heathrow were affected and it disrupted travel for more than 200,000 passengers.
00:26Lea Connery is at Heathrow. Lea, good morning.
00:31Good morning. Well, as you may be able to see behind me, planes are now up and running again at London's biggest airport.
00:37So travelers who are stuck around the world can travel through here again the day after an unprecedented shutdown.
00:45Europe's busiest tarmacs are back in business.
00:49Planes are getting higher.
00:50After this spectacular fire at an electrical substation nearby Thursday night caused a power cut to Heathrow Airport and over 16,000 homes in the area.
00:59The transport hub shut down for over 16 hours. The ripple effect immediate and global.
01:06Over 1,300 flights disrupted, dozens already in the air, flying up to 290,000 passengers.
01:13Andrew McGaskill was on his way to London.
01:16We awoke to a picture on our phone of the plane doing a U-turn.
01:21At this point, we were four and a half hours in flight, so right over the top of the Atlantic.
01:26A group of Americans in Italy among those grounded and confused.
01:31One of our parties said that we wouldn't get out until the 24th, which is a long time, you know.
01:39Roughly a million Americans travel through Heathrow each month.
01:42Justin McLean took off from Boston.
01:44The pilot came on and said that some of us may have noticed the plane was turning around.
01:49And not to be alarmed, but the London Heathrow was closed due to a fire.
01:55Pressure mounted on airlines and the airport to take care of passengers.
01:59Heathrow's chief executive saying this was unprecedented.
02:03Short of anybody getting hurt, this is as big as it gets for our airport.
02:09And we are actually coming back quite fast, I would say,
02:11when you consider the amount of systems that we have to shut down,
02:14then bring back up and make sure that they're safe.
02:17It's fueling systems, it's bridges, it's escalators, elevators.
02:22Now, travelers and officials are calling for an investigation into the fire.
02:26Police are saying at this early stage there is no indication of foul play.
02:31But because of the huge impact this has had on national infrastructure,
02:34the counter-terrorism police are leading the investigation.
02:38Lee, thank you.
