• 2 days ago
Senator Waleed Iqbal called the inclusion of founder PTI in APC necessary
00:00Mr. Kakeel, you heard Mr. Kamran Murtaza speak before the break, he is in the opposition but still he talks about making a way for the government.
00:12You could not even take him along. You heard his speech, there are a lot of complaints, a lot of complaints.
00:17It is another thing that he does not want to do aggressive politics, so you could not take him along.
00:23Who are you taking along with you, other than MQM, People's Party, the same government alliance,
00:28which is obligatory with you because it is also a convenience alliance.
00:33Apart from that, you are not taking anyone along with you.
00:37Look, to some extent, I totally agree with what Maria Sahiba said.
00:41Not to some extent, but to a very large extent, we should have engaged more.
00:48The CBMs, I think, in the opposition, it is not that we did not try.
00:56If there was an invitation, then only the JUIF came. If there was an invitation, then the NPI came.
01:01But we should have taken the allegations on board and there should have been a unanimous, single document.
01:11Not that every party is taking out its own document.
01:15Then the importance of that document cannot be taken out of that.
01:24This is also true. I think if we point to Akhtar Mengal sir or the PTI people,
01:32then we should have engaged the friends of the opposition.
01:36But these are also some political decisions.
01:39And from a political point of view, I think that the Prime Minister should be given useful and better advice.
01:47The political advisers should also be engaged in this regard.
01:53And the political advisers should be told that if we, for one reason or another,
01:58and I understand that this whole matter was at the eleventh hour,
02:01given the gravity of the situation, the whole matter of Jaffer Express,
02:06this meeting was called at the last minute and in a hurry.
02:12But it was necessary.
02:14It was necessary for the national security of the country.
02:16It was necessary for the peace of the country.
02:18And it was necessary to take all the parliamentarians on board,
02:22and make them aware and tell them that this is what has happened and this is what we are up against.
02:28And this is the situation on the ground.
02:32It was necessary.
02:33But I still think that it is not too late.
02:37When the Prime Minister has announced that after Eid,
02:40APC should be called, he is mulling it around.
02:44This is a good idea.
02:46APC should be called.
02:48I support this because all the decisions that have to be taken,
02:52all the decisions have to be taken by the parliamentarians.
02:55We, the political people, have to take them.
02:57We have to face the people.
02:59Your discussion with APC will obviously be a good thing.
03:05But the opposition is also accusing you that you had already taken the decisions.
03:08You did not have to create a consensus, nor did you consult anyone.
03:11You just needed an endorsement or support.
03:16You have already taken the decisions.
03:20Look, Maria Sahiba, in this situation,
03:22when the country is surrounded by terrorism,
03:25when terrorism is all around the country,
03:28when there has been a double or triple increase in the number of terrorist attacks,
03:36I think these decisions have already been taken.
03:39Because the government of the day is responsible.
03:42And I think we, as parliamentarians and as politicians,
03:45collectively have a responsibility.
03:47It has not been said that we should leave one group
03:50and operate on the other group.
03:54This is a generic thing.
03:57We are all against terrorism.
03:59Tell me, what consensus should have been developed on this?
04:02Or what consensus can I develop on this?
04:05Against terrorism as a citizen of Pakistan.
04:08So what is the purpose of APC?
04:10What will you talk about in APC?
04:12What consensus will you develop in APC, if it is not necessary?
04:15In APC, look, there are some matters
04:19which are related to the kinetic operation.
04:22Because that day, no decision was made that
04:24there is going to be an operation or whatever.
04:26There are IBOs, intelligence-based operations.
04:28They have been going on for a year and a half or even before that.
04:33Where there is credible intelligence,
04:35the law enforcement agencies, the officials of the law enforcement agencies,
04:38act on it rapidly.
04:41And they nip in the bud of terrorism.
04:44Where there is credible intelligence.
04:47And in terms of intelligence sharing,
04:49look, you talked about the National Action Plan in the beginning.
04:54I say that the previous governments did not properly involve themselves in the National Action Plan.
05:01But we also have to see whether there is any capacity at the moment or not.
05:06Senator, talking about APC, the Prime Minister is in Pakistan.
05:09Is it a good idea?
05:10Will Tariq-e-Insaaf participate in it?
05:12What do you think?
05:13Should it be done?
05:14Unconditional, unconditional.
05:16What kind of participation should there be, if there is?
05:19Yes, I will definitely respond to this.
05:22Two things that have been discussed before I came here,
05:26I will address them.
05:28You said that the PPP and NQM are supporting them for convenience.
05:34I just want to remind you that the PPP is also raising a lot of objections at the moment.
05:40Well, not on this issue.
05:43Obviously, we are all in agreement on this issue of terrorism and Jaffar Express.
05:49But they have a separate complaint about the PPP on the issue of rivers.
05:52And it is a very strict complaint.
05:54And the NQM has made its own complaint.
05:56They are having daily meetings these days,
05:59that we have started leaving this government.
06:01So this is the position of the government at the moment,
06:03to the extent of consensus building.
06:05And with that in mind, I will say a few things.
06:08If this is the time to unite,
06:10then our apparatus of government and state is opening more fronts.
06:15Now look, we are not allowed to celebrate till 23rd March.
06:19We have rejected a request to hold a Jalsa in Minar-e-Pakistan.
06:24What has been done with that?
06:26Look at this.
06:27What are the fronts opening?
06:28Leave us alone.
06:29On the people of Aurat March,
06:31they have made a case on the 144th,
06:34and have now started the proceedings.
06:36Now, when you want to build consensus,
06:40you need to bring your people together.
06:45They are opposing other people.
06:48And the second thing I wanted to say,
06:51before coming to your question,
06:53is that Kamran Murtaza is like a brother to me.
06:56He has been my colleague.
06:57He is my colleague in the Senate and in the profession.
07:01This is exactly what I was worried about.
07:04Not from the PTI, but from the other parties,
07:06PKMAP and BNP,
07:08that some decisions have already been made,
07:10and they had to be legitimized in this committee,
07:14and that is why they did not participate.
07:16This confirms that.
07:18And not participating,
07:20and legitimizing through the committee,
07:25that is at least...
07:27You could have protested,
07:29but if we come to the APC...
07:32Yes, I will come to the APC.
07:34We want the APC,
07:37and we are thinking of calling our own APC after Eid.
07:40But for the APC,
07:42it is very simple,
07:44clear, and easy.
07:45Look, PTI is Imran Khan,
07:47and Vote Bank is Imran Khan.
07:49And especially that one province,
07:52where we have two thirds of the support,
07:55without their participation,
07:57how can this be legitimized?
07:59He is the PANI chairman of this party.
08:01And Rana Sanawala has also conceded to such an extent,
08:05that his presence on parole,
08:07he does not oppose it on a personal level.
08:11So if this happens,
08:13then what is consensus building?
08:15I say, if this happens, then it is very good.
08:17In fact, if we want to save Pakistan,
08:19then our slogan is also going on these days,
08:21that Imran Khan should be brought out,
08:23and they should participate in this.
08:26And look, in Punjabi it is said,
08:28when it was going on in 2014,
08:30the government of that time and ours,
08:32Khan Sahib and Nawaz Sharif Sahib
08:34were sitting together when the APS happened.
08:36So if you want to do it this way,
08:38then this is the way to do it.
08:40Thank you very much.
08:42Thank you very much.
