• 2 days ago
00:00The month of mercy, the capital of greatness, the cradle of life, the soul of Mecca, Medina.
00:11This is the human being who makes man.
00:18Ladies and gentlemen, you are welcome to Ilm-ul-Ulema.
00:21Today we are here with another important topic.
00:25And today's topic is the doctrine of the hereafter and us.
00:29This is our fundamental doctrine that if a believer lives his life keeping in mind,
00:35then he can lead a very successful life.
00:38Both worldly life and the hereafter life.
00:41And if this doctrine of the hereafter is not given importance in his life,
00:47and if a person lives his life as he wishes,
00:52then such a disaster comes in his actions that he has to face in the hereafter.
00:58When we read Surah Al-Fatiha of Maliki Yawm-e-Deen,
01:02we get goosebumps that it is the last day,
01:06in which we have to be accountable,
01:08in which we have to present our actions in the presence of Allah.
01:12So this doctrine of the hereafter is very important for our life and our character.
01:18In this regard, we will talk about it in today's era,
01:21in fact, it is very necessary for every era.
01:23In today's era and in the coming eras,
01:26when the believers think about this,
01:29they will continue to correct their actions.
01:31Inshallah, we will talk about this.
01:33And we will talk about this in the light of the Quran and Hadith.
01:36And we will talk about this with reasonable arguments.
01:39Our scholars, Mufti's of Deen, Allama Mufti Muhammad Akmal Madani Sahib.
01:43Please come, I welcome you.
01:45Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.
01:46Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah.
01:48And Allama Liaquat Hussain Azari Sahib, please come.
01:51He is a great scholar of Deen.
01:52Please come.
01:53Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.
01:54Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah.
01:56And Allama Hafiz Uwais Sahib, please come.
01:59He is a great scholar of Deen.
02:00Once again, I welcome you.
02:02Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.
02:03Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah.
02:05If we start by knowing what is the meaning of the doctrine of the hereafter,
02:10and why is it necessary?
02:12In this regard, I would like Mufti Sahib to give us some instructions.
02:15I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
02:17In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
02:19Allah Almighty has mentioned the attributes of the righteous.
02:24And they are certain of the hereafter.
02:27And Allah Almighty has narrated a prayer.
02:29O our Lord!
02:31Indeed, You are the Gatherer of the people.
02:34For the Day of which there is no doubt.
02:36Indeed, Allah does not break His promise.
02:39Undoubtedly, Allah Almighty will gather His servants on a day
02:43in which there is no doubt.
02:45Undoubtedly, Allah Almighty does not go against His promise.
02:49There are many other verses.
02:51But what is our doctrine of the hereafter?
02:54Our doctrine is,
02:55kullu nafsin za'ikatul maudh.
02:57Every person has to taste death.
03:00What is death?
03:01When the body and the soul are connected, it is life.
03:04When it is cut off, it is death.
03:06After death, we will go to the grave.
03:08There is more knowledge about the grave than the hadiths.
03:12When we reach the grave, people will bury us and leave.
03:15Two angels will come to us and ask us three questions.
03:18What is your religion?
03:20What is your religion?
03:22What is your religion?
03:24Who is your Lord?
03:26What is your religion?
03:27And what did you say about them?
03:29In some narrations, it is mentioned that he is Muhammad.
03:32What did you say about them?
03:34But there is another narration.
03:36My Prophet will be in front of me with his real body.
03:40Because the word used in this is,
03:43Hada is a sign.
03:44It is used to indicate the feeling of death.
03:47This is the meaning of the sign.
03:49And Hada is the one who is close to him.
03:52This means that he will feel death.
03:54The dead will see him.
03:56The smell of the holy body will be coming to him.
03:59And he will be very close to him.
04:01And if he is a believer, he will answer him.
04:03If he is a hypocrite, he will deny him.
04:05Whether he is of the time of the Lord.
04:07Whether he has seen the Lord 50 times with his eyes.
04:10He will deny to recognize him.
04:12He will say, I don't know.
04:14As people used to say, I used to say the same.
04:16And if the Lord has said a grave,
04:18it will become a garden from the gardens of heaven.
04:20Or it will be a pit from the pits of hell.
04:22Then when the Day of Judgment is near.
04:24The Day of Judgment is the day in which Allah will gather everyone.
04:27It is called the Day of Judgment.
04:29He will decide in it.
04:30Although Allah knows everything.
04:32And then Hazrat Israfil is like a horn.
04:35It is called Sur.
04:36If you blow it for the first time,
04:38then the whole world will be destroyed.
04:40When you blow it for the second time,
04:42then everyone will leave their graves.
04:44And they will reach this station.
04:46In the court of Allah.
04:47Then it has been stated in many cases.
04:49That the Prophet will be worried.
04:51The Lord will open the door of intercession.
04:54Otherwise, the door will not be open.
04:56Everyone will be calling, O Allah.
04:58But Allah will say,
05:00If you say, O Messenger of Allah, help.
05:02Then you will get help.
05:04Everyone will be like this.
05:07When everyone will say, O Messenger of Allah, help.
05:09Then the Lord will say,
05:11I will find myself in prostration.
05:13Allah will say,
05:19O Muhammad, raise your head.
05:21And what do you ask?
05:23Whatever you ask, you will be given.
05:25Whoever you intercede for,
05:27your intercession will be accepted.
05:29Then we will reach the court of Allah.
05:31There is a scale.
05:32In it, good and bad will be weighed.
05:34There is a scale.
05:36In it, good and bad will be weighed.
05:38The Lord will give water to some people.
05:41And there will be some companions.
05:43Who will get permission.
05:45And then there will be a throne.
05:47The shadow of the throne will be there.
05:49Although it is a luminous thing.
05:51But Allah has created coolness in it.
05:53There will be people in its shadow.
05:55And then Allah will take account of whomever He wills.
05:57Whoever He wills, He will forgive without account.
05:59Whoever He wills, He will put in hell without account.
06:01And whoever He wills,
06:03He will put in hell without account.
06:05Then there is a bridge.
06:07Which is above hell.
06:09It is sharper than a thin sword.
06:11The Lord says,
06:13Some will come out of lightning.
06:15Some will come out of the speed of a horse.
06:17Some will walk slowly.
06:19And some will fall and reach.
06:21And some will fall into hell.
06:23And then there is heaven and hell.
06:25Heaven is the place of Allah's mercy.
06:27And hell is the place of Allah's punishment.
06:29And the place of his displeasure.
06:31And the place of his displeasure.
06:33And when these heavens will go to heaven and hell to hell.
06:36That is, the last heaven will also come out and enter heaven.
06:39Then Allah will bring death in the form of a frog.
06:42And he will make him sacrifice between heaven and hell.
06:45And an angel will say,
06:47O heaven, be happy.
06:49Now you will never die.
06:51So their happiness will be doubled.
06:53And when the hell-bound will hear this cry.
06:55O hell-bound, now you always cry.
06:57You will never die.
06:59And their sorrow will increase manifold.
07:01This is our general doctrine of the hereafter.
07:04We must believe in it.
07:06And why is it necessary?
07:08The first thing is that whatever the Prophet brought from Allah.
07:13That is the standard of faith.
07:16That is the standard of salvation.
07:18That is why it is necessary that if you do not have this doctrine.
07:21Then it is as if you have rejected the words of the Prophet.
07:24And whoever rejects the words of the Prophet and does not believe in him.
07:27Then in the hereafter he will be in need.
07:29He will be counted among the disbelievers.
07:31Or if a Muslim rejects, he will be counted among the apostates.
07:34And he will be destroyed.
07:36So it is necessary to believe in this doctrine.
07:38The second is that it is a day of judgment.
07:41When we have faith and believe.
07:43And especially bring it in mind again and again.
07:46Then the things that are related to the person.
07:49That doing good deeds, avoiding sins.
07:51That is in fear.
07:53That is the doctrine of the hereafter.
07:55I will go to the grave.
07:57In the field of humiliation and disgrace.
07:59If Allah is angry, then enter hell.
08:01And then the biggest thing is to be deprived of heaven.
08:04What is this? How can I do it?
08:06So he will understand.
08:07Similarly, the dealings of the rights of worship.
08:09He will stop there.
08:10The ones who are slapping the faces of wives.
08:12And the wives are ready to slap her husband's face like a lioness.
08:16The sisters-in-law are conspiring against their sisters-in-law.
08:19Trying to break their house.
08:21Sometimes our parents are in ignorance.
08:25Complaining about their daughters-in-law.
08:27Creating hatred in the heart of their son.
08:30Those who have suppressed the plot.
08:32Those who have suppressed the inheritance.
08:34Those who have taken loans.
08:36Those who are earning unlawful money.
08:37Taking bribes.
08:38Emptying people's pockets.
08:40Those who are not fulfilling their duties properly.
08:44Not doing it right.
08:45And causing harm to others.
08:47Whether they are lawyers, judges, doctors.
08:50Whether they are scholars.
08:51Whether they are Muftis.
08:52All of them are poor there.
08:53So if it is in the mind.
08:55That we can be poor.
08:56Then a person will do everything in the world.
08:58He will do everything in the world.
09:00Sir Kaan-e-Ishaq said.
09:01If someone has done something against someone.
09:04If he has done something wrong.
09:05If he has suppressed the wealth.
09:06He should do everything in the world.
09:08Before that day.
09:10In which there will be no bribes.
09:12No money.
09:13Good deeds will be taken out and put in the name of wealth.
09:15So that is why.
09:16Belief in the hereafter.
09:17Is necessary for the establishment of faith.
09:19And for salvation.
09:20And second.
09:21To get rid of sins.
09:23And for the success of good deeds.
09:26It is very important.
09:27What to say.
09:28In a very beautiful way.
09:29What is meant by belief in the hereafter.
09:31And why is it necessary.
09:32The answers to both these questions.
09:34Are in a very good way.
09:35Qibla Mufti.
09:36Muhammad Akmal Madani said.
09:38It is a matter of thinking a lot.
09:41Life is passing in a lot of heedlessness.
09:43We have taken everything very easily.
09:45We do not keep the legal issues in mind.
09:47Nor do we keep the commandments of the Holy Quran and Hadith.
09:51As if we are living life.
09:54The day of judgment.
09:56That day has to be settled.
09:58So we have to keep that in mind.
09:59This is belief in the hereafter.
10:00We will return after a short break.
10:02Stay with us.
10:04Belief in the hereafter.
10:05And we.
10:06In a very good way.
10:08In a comprehensive way.
10:10Qibla Mufti.
10:11Muhammad Akmal Madani.
10:13In the first segment.
10:15My heart is happy.
10:17On the belief in the hereafter.
10:18After listening to such a beautiful conversation.
10:19Now we move forward.
10:20Allama Ali Akhdusain Nazari.
10:21Will say.
10:22In the Quran and Hadith.
10:24With reference to the belief in the hereafter.
10:26What details are present.
10:28Because this is our source.
10:29Apart from this.
10:30The Quran and Hadith.
10:31The most comprehensive.
10:32And the most complete.
10:33The commandments we get.
10:35These are the two sources.
10:36What will you say.
10:37Thank you very much.
10:38Qibla Mufti.
10:39He gave a very beautiful and comprehensive speech.
10:42The belief in the hereafter.
10:43The Quran.
10:44Is such a big topic.
10:45That all the Meccan Surahs.
10:46You will see in it.
10:47The scholars of Mecca.
10:48First of all.
10:49He warned.
10:50That this is our life.
10:51Not real life.
10:52This is a temporary life.
10:53They had to understand.
10:54That maybe we will stay here.
10:55This is our life.
10:56So God.
10:57First of all.
10:58He said.
10:59And at one time.
11:00It was on man.
11:01That man.
11:02There was no mention worthy of mention.
11:04We created man from a sperm.
11:05And sent him into this world.
11:06You say.
11:07How is it possible.
11:08That after death.
11:09Will rise again.
11:10Who will join these bones.
11:11These bones were broken.
11:12God says.
11:14That Allah.
11:15Provided for his people.
11:16First of all.
11:17First of all.
11:19That Allah.
11:20Provided for his people.
11:21First of all.
11:22He said.
11:23That Allah.
11:24Provided for his people.
11:25First of all.
11:27Provided for his people.
11:28And he said.
11:29That Allah.
11:30Provided for his people.
11:31And he said.
11:32First of all, tell me who brought you into the existence of Adam?
11:37The One who gave you the existence of Adam, He is the One who brought you back to life.
11:42Allah is the Greatest.
11:43Did you think that Allah has made man useless and useless?
11:52He does not have to go into the court of Allah and does not have to give an account?
11:56How is this possible?
11:58My Lord and Master have not made anything useless.
12:01My Lord and Master have not made anything useless.
12:05Man is the most noble of all creatures.
12:07He was created for the purpose of life.
12:09And I have not created the jinn and the men except that they may worship Me.
12:12He has to go into the court of Allah.
12:14The basic verse read by Ibn-e-Mufti,
12:16And in the Hereafter they are certain.
12:18He said that their belief is the basis.
12:20Further in Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah says
12:22Those who think that they will meet their Lord and that they will come to Him.
12:27Here they think about that certainty.
12:30They are certain that they will return to their Lord and Master one day.
12:36And they will go and give an account of everything in life.
12:40Their name and deeds will be in their hands.
12:42And it will be said,
12:43Recite the book of self-sufficiency on the Day of Resurrection.
12:47Allah says,
12:48This is enough for you today.
12:50The wealth and the children, the adornment of the worldly life, and the good deeds.
12:54The best is the reward from my Lord, and the best is the end.
12:58This is the Hereafter.
12:59Allah says,
13:00The best is the reward, and the best is the end.
13:03While living in this world, you have to prepare for that end.
13:07While living in this world,
13:09On the Day when everything will be fulfilled.
13:15Everything will be fulfilled.
13:18The voice will come,
13:19Who is there today?
13:20Where are those kings?
13:21Where are their kingdoms?
13:29Allah says,
13:30All the powers, all the powers will be with the same Lord and Master.
13:36So this is such a big fundamental belief of Muslims.
13:40On which the whole structure is standing.
13:42Look, today the system runs in the world.
13:45They say,
13:46The more strict the law is, the more strict the action will be on it.
13:50Because of the fear of that law, people avoid crimes.
13:53But the biggest law for a Muslim is the thought of the Hereafter.
13:58That I have to go and stand in the court of my Lord and Master.
14:01I have to go and account.
14:09He knows that I have to go and stand.
14:12I have to account for everything.
14:14Allah says,
14:15When this knowledge is firm, then he will stop himself from selfish desires.
14:20When he knows this.
14:22But if he thinks that he is dead.
14:25Allah says,
14:27The end of life.
14:28No, no.
14:29This is the evening of life.
14:31The morning of the medicine of life.
14:33This is the end of a temporary life.
14:36Which is a permanent life.
14:38It is an eternal life.
14:42You have to live forever.
14:43Prepare for that life while living here.
14:46When this belief will be firm.
14:48Then every moment, every moment.
14:51Man will live in such a way.
14:57All of them will be held accountable.
15:02In the court of my Lord,
15:04About every blessing.
15:05Everything will be asked.
15:07How can I make a difference in the Hereafter.
15:11What a beautiful way, Allama Ilyas Husain Nazari Sahib.
15:14Keeping in mind the many verses of the Quran.
15:17And in his light, he completed his answer.
15:20This is the position of the scholars.
15:22Those who read the Quran, read the pure words of Allah.
15:25And about our beliefs.
15:27And how we have to live our lives.
15:30What are the commandments of the Holy Quran.
15:32And the blessed hadiths.
15:34Allama Hafiz Uwais is with us.
15:36Now we would like to know.
15:38The effects of the belief in the Hereafter.
15:41On the life of a believer.
15:43How does it affect?
15:45I want you to say something about this.
15:47In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
15:49Certainly, this is the desire of the Holy Quran.
15:52This is the desire of the hadith.
15:54That a person should leave the belief in the Hereafter.
15:58That is why the word of certainty is used in the Quran.
16:04And it is said.
16:09That he should intend for the Hereafter.
16:11Keep trying for it.
16:13And be a believer.
16:18Then their effort will be accepted.
16:22The question you asked is very important.
16:26We see two types of life.
16:30One is the person who does not believe in the Hereafter.
16:34The other is the person who believes in the Hereafter.
16:38If you compare the two types of life.
16:41There will be a difference between heaven and earth.
16:44A person who believes in the Hereafter.
16:48He will take every step carefully.
16:51He will take every step carefully.
16:54So that his Lord does not get angry with him.
16:57And so that he does not suffer any loss in the Hereafter.
17:01And a person who does not believe in the Hereafter.
17:05He will feel free.
17:08And when he feels free.
17:10He will not hesitate to kill anyone.
17:14He will try to get rid of the world.
17:18For him, theft, abuse and immorality do not mean anything.
17:24So his life will feel that he does not have faith in the Hereafter.
17:32The Holy Quran has also mentioned these effects.
17:36It is said.
17:38Those who do not believe in the Hereafter.
17:45Those who do not believe in the Hereafter.
17:48He said.
17:49If they spend money, they do it with generosity.
17:52The Holy Quran has tried to give a sign.
17:55When a person knows that he does not have faith in the Hereafter.
17:59Then there is no good for a person.
18:03Generosity becomes easy for him.
18:06He said.
18:07Those who do not believe in the Hereafter.
18:10Their hearts are rejected.
18:12And they are arrogant.
18:14Their hearts are rejected.
18:16Those who do not have faith in the Hereafter.
18:18And they are arrogant.
18:20Everyone should beware of this.
18:23Even among the believers.
18:25But Allah's attribute is.
18:27If there is no faith in the Hereafter.
18:29Then there is arrogance in it.
18:32Similarly, the Holy Quran has mentioned many other things.
18:37So, the belief in the Hereafter.
18:39If it comes into a person's life.
18:41If I start counting 2-3 things.
18:44For example.
18:45The importance of goodness is established in his life.
18:48See, goodness is that currency.
18:51Which will be useful to me on the Day of Judgment.
18:53So, how will his life be seen in the world?
18:56That he must be looking for goodness.
18:58He must be saving himself from evil.
19:00This belief in the Hereafter will have an effect on his life.
19:04The second effect you will see in his life.
19:06He will not be a coward.
19:08He will be brave.
19:10A coward is one who knows.
19:13That he will not get up after death.
19:16But a person who knows.
19:18That there is another life after death.
19:20This is a life of a few days.
19:22Then he says.
19:23What is there to fear?
19:24As long as he lives.
19:25He will live in the servitude of the Prophet.
19:27And he will live in obedience to the Lord.
19:29So, the belief in the Hereafter makes a person brave.
19:33The belief in the Hereafter creates patience in a person.
19:36A person knows that there is nothing after death.
19:39So, he will do whatever he can in life.
19:42He has to do everything.
19:44But a person who knows that there is a lot after death.
19:47His life becomes stable.
19:49Patience comes.
19:50Trust in Allah comes.
19:52And I will say in the end.
19:54If you want to see this difference and see the effects.
19:57Then look at the Prophets of Allah.
19:59Look at the Saints of Allah.
20:01Look at the Companions.
20:03Because they had the belief in the Hereafter.
20:05When you look at their life.
20:07You will feel.
20:08In their lives.
20:14And all the morals.
20:15They all belong to them.
20:17Because they took only one desire.
20:19O Allah!
20:20On the Day of Judgment.
20:21Give us its reward.
20:22And in front of you.
20:23That Halaqu.
20:24That Changez.
20:25That Pharaoh.
20:26That Haman.
20:27That Qarun.
20:28All of them.
20:29Who did not believe in the belief in the Hereafter.
20:31Keep looking at their lives.
20:33And keep looking at the lives of the Prophets.
20:37This is the standard.
20:39The difference of the belief in the Hereafter.
20:41Which on one side.
20:43Reformation is being created.
20:45And on one side.
20:46Corruption is being created.
20:48What to say.
20:49Glory to Allah.
20:50Glory to Allah.
20:51That is.
20:52The belief in the Hereafter.
20:53That is.
20:54The belief in the Hereafter.
20:55And after that, those.
20:56Those rewards.
20:57Which Allah has kept for the believer.
20:58How many qualities.
20:59This thing is.
21:00If man has a belief in the Hereafter.
21:01Because when he takes every step.
21:02He takes it with fear.
21:03That such a thing should not happen.
21:04That the command of Allah should be violated.
21:05Or the command should be violated.
21:06Any blessing of the Messenger of Allah.
21:07Any Hadith.
21:08And Allah.
25:47Mola Mola Rang De Mola Mola Mola
25:57Mola Mola Rang De Mola Mola Mola
26:07Mola Mola Rang De Mola Mola Mola
26:17Mola Mola Rang De Mola Mola Mola
26:27Mola Mola Rang De Mola Mola Mola
26:53Tu Mere Khayalon Ke Gulshanon Mein Basa Misaal-e-Shameem Ghai
27:09Tu Mere Yaqeen Ki Usaaton Mein Khiraaj-e-Mauz-e-Yaseem Ghai
27:21Mujhe Rang De Mujhe Rang De Mujhe Rang De Mujhe Apne Rang Mein Rang De
27:33Hai Dua-e-Bismil-e-Neem Jaan Ke Meri Khataon Ko Bakhsh De
27:49Hai Mujhe Toh Tera Bhi Asra
27:57Tu Haleem Hai Tu Rabeem Hai Mujhe Rang De Mujhe Rang De Mujhe Rang De
28:07Mujhe Rang De Mujhe Rang De Mujhe Rang De Mujhe Rang De
28:23Mola Mola Mola Rang De Mujhe Rang De Mujhe Rang De
