Thank you guys for 2024!
- Next year we are setting the bar high: 1 Million Subscribers...
- (Baseball Training Programs)
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Chapters -
0:00 SKIT
1:24 2025 Goals
- Next year we are setting the bar high: 1 Million Subscribers...
- (Baseball Training Programs)
► Leave a like if you enjoyed!
Chapters -
0:00 SKIT
1:24 2025 Goals
00:05🎵 phone ringing 🎵
00:09🎵 music 🎵
00:46Holiday's over, what time is it?
01:16Time to eat, get back to work, let's go.
01:23Yo, what's going on guys?
01:24Thank you for sitting through and watching that video.
01:27I know it was pretty random, but all I'm trying to say is that baseball
01:30season is approaching, it's just around the corner, the holidays are done with.
01:35So no more eating and snacking around.
01:37It's time to get back to the grind.
01:39It's time to start training.
01:41And if you don't know what you're doing, check out
01:44I got everything, all you need in one place, super convenient.
01:48All the training programs go from mobility programs to strength training,
01:53to hitting, throwing, catching, all that good stuff, be sure to go check it out.
01:57But anyway, I came on here to say a huge thank you to all of you guys who have
02:02subscribed to me, who have sent me nice messages, supported me, encouraged me in
02:06any way whatsoever with all this social media stuff, I haven't really been as
02:10consistent as I could have been, and I think next year I'm going to make it a
02:14goal to A, hit 1 million subscribers, and two, upload more, try to give you guys
02:21better content, whatever you guys want, let me know, I'm going to try my best.
02:26I'm going to get a new camera, do some cool vlogs here and there, maybe take it
02:30into the gym, start talking, being one of those weird guys that is like recording
02:34himself, but that's how it feels.
02:35At the end of the day, I don't care, I'm down to do it as long as I can.
02:40Thank you for making this a possibility, and all the programs have been selling
02:44like crazy, Catcher Drills has been growing like crazy on Instagram, and this
02:48YouTube channel has been taking off recently, so let's go for 1 million
02:52subscribers next year in 2025, this year 2024 has been awesome, and anyways, thank
02:58you once again, and later, into 2025, let's go.