• 2 days ago
91+ DREAMCHASERS PACKS! 😱 FC 25 Ultimate Team

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#EAFC25​ #EAFC #FC25

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► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Better Days"

► Outro song:
Venice Beach - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
00:00Premium 91 plus Dream Chasers guarantee pack.
00:04It is also an 84 plus times 10
00:07and you're guaranteed one player above 88.
00:11Let's see it.
00:12On the content account, we get,
00:16who is that?
00:19It's Kobol.
00:21Hmm, okay, that's just a gold card.
00:23That is, yeah, it's just a gold card.
00:25It's no one like, there's no promo card here.
00:27I get Kobol and I get Schlotterbeck.
00:31Schlotterbeck is not good.
00:33Is there anyone behind?
00:35No, there's no one behind at all.
00:38That was not worth it.
00:39That is, that is an L to start it off.
00:42Round two.
00:46Hold on a second.
00:47Did I, did I just open a wrong pack?
00:50What is this?
00:51Where's my promo?
00:54That's Wrayton.
00:54I'm gonna skip.
00:56Who is it?
00:58Ooh, McAleely.
01:00We actually had him on this account as well.
01:02We had him already on this account,
01:03but we also had Desai in the exact same player pick.
01:05So we didn't go for him.
01:07So now we've got both.
01:07We've got McAleely and Desai.
01:09How much is he?
01:113.5 million coins.
01:14I don't think so.
01:15He's going for around 500,000 coins.
01:18McAleely so far the best pull
01:19and it looks like we've got another icon or hero.
01:24It's a bit weird how they don't walk out, right?
01:27It is like EA.
01:29How, how do we still have this issue?
01:31Who is it?
01:34Those cards don't walk out as well.
01:37Are we going to get one that actually walks out this time?
01:40No, no, we are not.
01:41You know, when you open a 91 plus guarantee pack
01:44and you don't see that promo
01:46when you're literally guaranteed that promo,
01:48it just doesn't have the same feeling, right?
01:50Who is it?
01:51It's Lazarazu.
01:52He's quite cheap.
01:53It's around 250, 200,000 coins.
01:55So it is an L.
01:56Lazarazu from his first one.
01:58And then the other one is not going to walk out once again.
02:02Do we have an icon this time?
02:04Oh my God.
02:05Look how long it's taken to load.
02:07No way you gave him Lazarazu again.
02:10EA, EA, come on.
02:14Show us an icon.
02:16Oh my God.
02:17I feel like what is happening right now?
02:19Where's the animations?
02:21Ooh, Desai.
02:24Okay, so he goes for like 400,000 coins.
02:25All right, it's a good pull.
02:26And he stole him into the club
02:27like he doesn't really care about him.
02:29He stole him into the club quickly
02:30because he wanted to go in again.
02:32And we've actually got an animation this time.
02:36Is that just going to be Paredes or Mapidion?
02:39I think it is.
02:40Yeah, it is.
02:43Yeah, Mapidion.
02:45No, no.
02:46Wait, hold on.
02:47No, that's not a 91 plus.
02:49Who is it?
02:52You're telling me Desai from the first one,
02:54Makaleli from the second one?
02:56Two icons back to back.
02:58We've seen two Makalelis.
02:59We've seen Desai.
03:00We've seen some okay pulls.
03:03But there also has been some questionable pulls as well.
03:06All right, so 400,000 coins has just been sent in
03:08for no animation.
03:09But it's fine.
03:10We can still walk away with a dub.
03:11Do we walk away with a dub?
03:12No, we don't.
03:14Anything in the dupe section?
03:15Oh my God.
03:15What's it?
03:17Not even good fodder, by the way.
03:18Not even good fodder.
03:19Look at the amount of 84s.
03:22400,000 coins is so much, by the way, for this pack.
03:25For how this pack has been so far.
03:28Taking two years to load.
03:29Oh, we actually got an animation though.
03:34It's gonna be Kobol again.
03:37Sure, why not?
03:38The animation looks a little bit different, by the way.
03:40Not sure why.
03:41Who is it?
03:43It is
03:47Well, to be fair,
03:48it is a doorman duo.
03:50But Schlotterbeck?
03:52Is anyone behind that could make this a W by any chance?
03:55Or no?
03:56All right.
03:57Well, that's another L, boys.
03:58Another 400K?
04:00Good luck, man.
04:01Honestly, please EA, give him someone good.
04:03He's actually got the animation again.
04:06Right wing.
04:11Is this just mead?
04:13I think it might just mead.
04:14It surely, yeah, it is.
04:15It is just mead.
04:21That's a card we've not seen.
04:22Incisive, quick step.
04:24He's on 90 physicals, 92 dribbling, 92 passing.
04:28Surely, right?
04:29Surely we can count this as a dub.
04:31400,000 coins for Waneri.
04:34And he goes for 560,000.
04:37It's a W.
04:38Waneri from the previous one.
04:40This one taking two years to load again.
04:42But we see the animation.
04:44We're actually seeing the animation.
04:47It's not, right?
04:49No, it cannot be.
04:50Yeah, it cannot be, of course.
04:51It's going to be Griezmann.
04:52Mbappe would have been the actual dream chaser card.
04:58Ah, Schlotterbeck again.
05:00That's like the third time now that we've seen Schlotterbeck.
05:02And to be honest, it's just not the card you want to see,
05:06especially when you're spending that much on this pack.
05:09Schlotterbeck from his first one and the other one.
05:12Okay, so this time we don't see the animation.
05:15It's okay.
05:17Oh, we got two.
05:18Wait, we got two and none of them walked out?
05:21To be honest, she does look pretty decent,
05:24but she doesn't really go for too much.
05:27I was about to say, unless she went up in price.
05:29Yeah, she's under 200,000 coins.
05:31And the other card is so cheap as well.
05:33Hold on a second.
05:3460% of people watching this video right now
05:36have not subscribed.
05:38So if you are enjoying the video,
05:39make sure to leave a like and hit that sub button.
05:41No Schlotterbeck.
05:43Well, no Schlotterbeck, 100%.
05:45Otherwise he would have walked out.
05:47Lazarus, that's the third time we've seen him now.
05:51Lazarus from the first one.
05:52And we've got a base hero.
05:57We've actually got Oblak as the first walkout.
06:01We've got a base hero?
06:03It's like such a random card to see.
06:06Who is it?
06:11Solshar, sure, why not?
06:14Oh my God.
06:15It's not a good dream chaser.
06:18Oh, he's out of here as well.
06:19He's full sent it.
06:22All right.
06:23Have we got two?
06:25Okay, so the first person is going to be Raiden.
06:28Just a gold card.
06:28Literally just 88 overall,
06:30non-informed, nothing like that.
06:31Just straight up.
06:36It's, oh my God, it's Schlotterbeck.
06:39How many times have we seen Schlotterbeck from this?
06:42Oh, we got another one as well.
06:44I'm quite confused.
06:45Do they just not have an animation for this guy
06:47for the conference league?
06:49He's already got a 95 Mbappe, the new one.
06:53We see, wait, is this Archie?
06:56If this is Gray, that's unreal.
06:59Please be Gray.
07:00Is this Cobalt again?
07:03Why is he popping up nonstop?
07:05Oh my God.
07:06They've actually trolled it.
07:07The 91 plus is behind.
07:10So the Zarazu, you have to be kidding me, man.
07:13You have to be kidding me.
07:14I thought that was like a guaranteed
07:16or close enough to guaranteed Archie Gray.
07:19No Schlotterbeck, please and thank you.
07:22In a way, that's actually kind of like a good sign.
07:25Actually, is it?
07:26It's not a good sign because Harry Kane is gone
07:28and Mbappe's gone.
07:29So many incredible players that you want, they're gone.
07:32Oh my God.
07:33No, wait, no, no, no.
07:35Yeah, I was about to say he's 88 overall.
07:36It makes no sense.
07:38We keep seeing her as well.
07:39He was definitely not happy with that first one.
07:41He's gone in again.
07:42He skipped it instantly.
07:43He doesn't care about a gold wall count.
07:44Who does, right?
07:45Who does?
07:47No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
07:51For me, the pack doesn't really seem
07:52like it's worth 400,000 coins.
07:54If that's Archie Gray and he's just skipped it.
07:57No, it's not.
07:57Oh, the timing.
07:59As soon as I say it's not worth it,
08:01Raul pops up.
08:03Are you kidding me?
08:05It happened with a Thunderstruck Mbappe
08:07from the campaign mixed player pick like a few days ago.
08:11Why is Kobol so common?
08:14Like, why is that with Kobol today?
08:15I feel like we've seen him like four or five times now
08:17as the first wall count.
08:21That's not him.
08:22That's not like the 91 plus.
08:23Of course it's not.
08:24Who is it?
08:26Wait, you got an icon back to back?
08:28You got Raul?
08:30I'm very surprised we've not seen Prince yet.
08:32Very surprised.
08:33How did we see Raul before seeing her?
08:35A bit weird.
08:37I don't know what, oh, is that Gundo?
08:39I'm gonna assume so.
08:40Desai again.
08:41It's a nice card to get.
08:43Have you got anything on the next page?
08:44I doubt it.
08:45He's got one dupe.
08:46Yeah, he's definitely a solid, solid card to get,
08:48especially with the fodder.
08:50For me, that's like a small dub.
08:51That's the issue actually.
08:53I just realized I've already got too many DMs
08:56on that content account.
08:58Hold on a second.
08:59So there is an animation and this is Desai.
09:04Wait, I'm a little bit confused.
09:05Why is he walking out now?
09:07Did they just fix the animation out of nowhere?
09:10Yeah, is it him?
09:11It is, Pelulu.
09:13Wait, so there is an animation for the conference league
09:17and I'm gonna assume there's an animation
09:18for the icon one as well if Desai is walking out.
09:21Why have they not been walking out then?
09:23There you go.
09:24Good luck.
09:25All right.
09:27Don't be Schlotterbeck.
09:31Oh, the Europa League card.
09:34What's his name again?
09:38I can't say his name.
09:41Why do you pop up so often by the way?
09:43Why Schlotterbeck, man?
09:45I wanna see someone new.
09:46Someone that we've not seen.
09:47We've seen you so many times.
09:50I know a lot of people are running the 4213 this year
09:52but I also feel like a lot of people
09:53are giving the 4411 a go.
09:55The 422 a go.
09:57And we got Macalady here.
09:58I'm actually quite surprised he went up in price.
10:01Like he's currently going for around 500,000.
10:03It's not the first time we see him.
10:04It is a W, definitely a W.
10:06400,000 coins.
10:08Let's see it, man.
10:09Let's see it.
10:09It's a gold card.
10:12It's such, as I said earlier,
10:13it's such a weird feeling,
10:15spending 400,000 coins on a pack
10:18and then seeing no promo card.
10:22Look at that.
10:22Gabrielle, by the way.
10:2386 Gabrielle.
10:25I don't even know who that was to be honest with you.
10:26Who is it?
10:29Macalady Desai.
10:31The Team of the Year or Future Stars
10:33icon player pick.
10:34It's a one of two.
10:36We've had some interesting experiences
10:38with this player pick.
10:39Let's find out how good it is now.
10:42We usually see Larsson on the right.
10:45Please don't do it, EA.
10:50Okay, that's good.
10:51That's actually good.
10:52He's the most expensive goalkeeper in the game.
10:54That's a W.
10:56He just got yashened.
10:57Now he's walking away with two gold cards.
11:02Just be patient.
11:02Okay, just be patient.
11:04Magnan, definitely not a good card to see.
11:12Stats wise, crazy.
11:13I've not actually seen her skill moves or weak foot.
11:18How much is she?
11:19700,000 coins.
11:21There's not many on the market to be honest.
11:23He sent 400,000 coins into it
11:25and he's not walking away with an animation.
11:27It's fine, okay?
11:28Don't worry.
11:29Don't panic.
11:31No, no, no, no, no.
11:33We've seen him way too many times.
11:34Oh, you got another one back there as well,
11:37but it doesn't really matter, let's be honest.
11:38Two Dream Chasers, sure.
11:41But when one goes for 250K
11:43and the other one is like 20,000 coins,
11:45it's a no.
11:46Try to complete Hulit.
11:47If you are going to complete Hulit.
11:48Oh, we've actually got a card.
11:50Left back.
11:54Oh, is this just Kachawi?
11:57Yes, it is.
11:588704 Kachawi.
11:59Who is the Dream Chasers?
12:04Oh, is that the left back?
12:06It is going to be the left back, Hugo.
12:07Hey, at least you got one.
12:08I think this was tradable as well, right?
12:10Wait for it to load.
12:11Yeah, it's tradable.
12:12You can sell them.
12:13250,000 coins.
12:14Good luck, man.
12:15EA, be nice to him.
12:16250K into this.
12:19Give him a...
12:20Hey, there you go.
12:20Give him a Dream Chasers.
12:22And then he gets a gold card.
12:24It's going to be Samka as well.
12:25Yeah, go for the Dream Chaser.
12:27Round two, where are we going?
12:28We are going to go for the one on the right first.
12:30It's a gold card.
12:31It's fine.
12:32It can be a gold card
12:33because this one's going to be a promo card.
12:37They gave me a City Duo as well?
12:39Really, EA?
12:40I'm very surprised we saw Makaleli and Disai
12:43from the exact same player pick.
12:45Like, that's crazy.
12:46Good luck.
12:47We get a gold card.
12:48It's KDB.
12:49Don't give us a City Duo again, please.
12:51Who is it?
12:54Haraldson, Koxu, and there's one other player
12:57that I've already forgot the name.
12:58These three players are popping up nonstop
13:00from this 90-plus player pick.
13:02They'll definitely update Archie Gray's prize
13:04very, very soon.
13:06Koxu again.
13:08Who's the other player?
13:09Another promo?
13:10Nah, it's a gold card.
13:11It's KDB.
13:12A7 Plus Icon pick.
13:15Not the middle.
13:16The left one.
13:17Oh, Puskas94.
13:20That's the second time we've seen him.
13:22We saw him on the day this icon pick was released.
13:26That's such a nice card to get.
13:28Yeah, you don't even have to look at the other two,
13:30Puskas, comfortably.
13:31He should still be around like 1.5.
13:36Oh my God, he's about to be under a mil.
13:38Icon player pick.
13:39The brightness has definitely been increased as well.
13:44Ooh, Ribbery.
13:45He should still go for like 600,000 coins.
13:48Good pull.
13:49The one on the left or the one on the right?
13:50All right, here we go.
13:51First icon player pick on this account.
13:57Good thought, though.
13:58You already got her.
14:00Go for the premium, premium fodder.
14:02It is actually kind of crazy how she's a 93 overall
14:06and then like no one uses her.
14:07I feel like for an icon that's 93,
14:11you should have like a crazy nice icon card
14:14that actually is meta.
14:17Oh, Carlos Alberto.
14:20The long ball version as well.
14:23We are currently looking at a Mascherano.
14:25I have no idea what pack he has opened.
14:27We are just chilling on a Mascherano right now.
14:29I'm not controlling, no.
14:31Let's see.
14:32What did he open?
14:33Carlos Alberto, by the way.
14:35Sour, it was the 89 plus times 11.
14:38You actually got Carlos Alberto,
14:39the long ball version as well.
14:41We just saw this guy from an icon pick.
14:44Sour's long ball version as well was nice.
14:46Who's at the end?
14:47Ah, just Magnan.
14:49That's a good pack.
14:50Oh, we're controlling it at the exact same time.
14:51My bad, I didn't know that.
14:52All right, let me go for the one on the right.
14:54Barnes over here.
14:56No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
14:59Let's not do this.
15:01Ooh, Zico.
15:03Honestly, every time I look at Zico now,
15:05it just reminds me of that level 40 icon pick.
15:08Two icon player picks.
15:09They've not been too bad today.
15:11Let's keep it going here.
15:12We get Raquelme.
15:14That's not good.
15:15We get also Van Nistelrooy.
15:18And in the final one is Cannavaro.
15:20How much is he?
15:22How much is Cannavaro?
15:23Around 400?
15:25Yeah, 400,000 coins.
15:27All right.
15:28Decent then, very decent.
15:29Let's go for the third one this time.
15:32We get Vidic, the first one.
15:35A card that I want, a card that I'm looking for.
15:38Van der Sar and then Barnes.
15:39Van der Sar, 100%.
15:41Still goes for 500,000 coins.
15:43So in total, 900K worth of players there.
15:46Three icon picks with a campaign pick as well.
15:48I need to continue doing these.
15:50At some point, they're gonna give us a good pull.
15:53At some point.
15:55A bright, roll-full menu.
15:57Hey, at least you got a sentiment version.
15:59I'm hoping there's a future Evo that gives her intercept.
16:02Because if that happens, we're cooking.
16:04Ooh, Ribbery.
16:05Because that card will be very good.
16:07It's just no intercept on a sentiment slash DM.
16:10When you want it to be like a box to box as well.
16:12It's so annoying.
16:13The ball just like bounces off her every single time.
16:17Ribbery from the first one.
16:22Is he good?
16:24Yeah, Night 3 Prince.
16:25Ribbery and Prince.
16:26Good fodder.
16:27Usable card.
16:29I don't know if I'd really use that Ribbery card anymore.
16:31But if you ain't got an amazing team.
16:35Well, there you go.
16:37There you go.
16:38That woke us up.
16:3996 Pele.
16:40Oh my God.
16:42The Brazilian icons.
16:44Out of this player pick are popping up nonstop.
16:47Of course, it's the first time though
16:48that we see a 96 Pele.
16:51Two icon picks and one hero pick.
16:54We've not opened a hero pick in ages.
17:00Dina Tali.
17:02Wait, is this the Dina Tali
17:03that you chuck into that recent Evo that came out?
17:06No, it's the Finesse Shop.
17:07Oh, sour.
17:09Long ball version.
17:10It's the Finesse Shop one.
17:11The Finesse Shop one I'm pretty sure you can chuck in there.
17:13Surely you'll be able to chuck that card.
17:14No, you can't.
17:15Ah, okay.
17:19So all of a sudden,
17:21they're unreal.
17:22What's happening?
17:23It feels like we're opening level 40 picks.
17:26Pele, two seconds ago.
17:27Hulit now.
17:30Kelly Smith.
17:37So Kelly Smith.
17:39What is happening?
17:40Hulit and Pele.
