• yesterday
00:00Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen, Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem, Maliki Yawm Al-Deen, Iyyaka N'abudu Wa Iyyaka Nasta'eem.
00:26Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema Sirata Al-Ladheena An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Wala Al-Dalliin
00:43Laqad Ra'di Allahu Ani Al-Mu'mineen Izz Yubai'uuna Katahta Ash-Shadarati Fa'alimama Fi Qulubihim Fa Anzala As-Sakinata Alayhim Wa Athabahum Fathan Qareeba
00:58Wa Maghanima Kaseeratan Ya'khudhoonaha Wa Kana Allahu Azeezan Hakima
01:06Wa'adakum Allahu Maghanima Kaseeratan Ya'khudhoonaha Fa'ajjalalakum Hadhihi Wa Kafayidiyan Nasi'ankum Wali Takuna Ayatan Lil-Mu'mineen Wa Yahdiyakum Siratan Mustaqeema
01:22Wa Ukhra Lam Taqadiroo Alayhaa Qada Ahata Allahu Biha Wa Kana Allahu Ala Kulli Shay'in Qadeera
01:32Walaw Qatalakum Alladheen Kafaroo Lawallaboo Al-Adabara Thumma La Yajidoon Waliyan Wala Naseera
01:40Sunnatallahi Allatee Qad Khalat Min Qabalu Walantajida Li Sunnatillahi Tabadeela
01:48Wahuwa Alladhee Kafa Aydiyakum Ankum Wa Aydiyakum Anhum Bi Batani Makkata Min Ba'di An Azfarakum Alayhim Wa Kana Allahu Bima Ta'amaluhuna Baseera
02:00Idh Ja'ukum Min Fawqikum Wa Min Asfala Minkum Wa Idh Zaghati Al-Abasaru Wa Balaghati Al-Qulubu Al-Hanajira Wa Tadunnoon Billahi Al-Zununa
02:13Hunalika Batulya Al-Mu'minuna Wa Zulzilu Zilzaalan Shadeeda
02:21Hum Alladheen Kafaroo Wasaddookum Alilmasjidil Harami Walhadyama Koofan Ayyabalugha Mahillah
02:29Walaw La Rijalun Mu'minuna Walisa'un Mu'minatun Lam Ta'alamuhum Anta Ta'uhum Fatuseebakum Minhum Ma'arratun Bi Ghairi Ilm Li Yudhkhilallahu Fi Rahmatihi Man Yashaa
02:47Lawtazayyalu La'azban Alladheen Kafaroo Minhum Adhaban Alimaa
02:52Idh Ja'ala Alladheen Kafaroo Fi Qulubihimul Hamiyyata Hamiyyata Al-Jahiliyyah
02:58Fa'ansalallahu Sakinatahu Ala Rasoolihi Wa Ala Al-Mu'minina Wa Alzamahum Kalimatat Taqwa Wa Kanoo Ahatta Biha Wa Ahlaha Wa Kana Allahu Bikulli Shai'in Alimaa
03:17Allahu Akbar
03:26Sami'Allahu Liman Hamidah
03:30Allahu Akbar
03:39Allahu Akbar
03:59Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem Maliki Yawm Al-Deen Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
04:08Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema Sirata Alladheena An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghloobi Alayhim Wala Ad-Dalleen
04:24Laqad Sadaqallahu Rasoolahun Ru'yaa Bil-Haqq Latadkhulunna Al-Masjid Al-Haramain Sha'Allahu Amineen Muhalliqeen Ru'oosakum Wa Muqassireen La Taqafoon Fa'alimama Lam Ta'lamu Fa Ja'ala Mindooni Thalika Fathan Qareeba
04:48Huwa Alladhee Arsal Rasoolahu Bil-Huda Wa Deenil Haqqin Yudhhirahu Ala Al-Deen Kulli Wa Qafaa Bil-Lahi Shaheeda
04:58Muhammadun Rasoolullah
05:04Walladheena Ma'ahu Ashidda'u Ala Al-Kuffari Ruhama'u Bainahum Tarahum Ruka'an Sujjadan Yabtaghoon Fadlan Min Allahi Wa Ridwana
05:18Seemaahum Fi Wujuhihim Min Athari As-Sujood
05:23Thalika Masaluhum Fi Al-Tawrati Wa Masaluhum Fi Al-Injeel
05:30Kasar'in Akhraja Shata'ahu Fa'asarahu Fa-Istaghlaza Fa-Istaba'a Ala Suqih
05:37Yu'zibu Al-Zurra'a Li-Yaqeeza Bihimu Al-Kuffaar
05:42Wa'adallahu Alladheena Amanu Wa Amilu As-Salihaati Minhum Maghfiratan Wa Ajaran Azeema
05:52Allahu Akbar
05:59Sami'Allahu Liman Hamidan
06:03Allahu Akbar
06:11Allahu Akbar
06:15Allahu Akbar
06:21Allahu Akbar
06:51As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
07:21As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
07:51Allahu Akbar
08:21As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
08:51Wa La Tajharu Nahu Bil-Qawni Ka Jahri Ba'dikum Li Ba'din An Tahbata'a A'malukum Wa Antum La Tash'uroon
09:00Inna Alladheena Yaghudduna Aswatahum Inda Rasoolillahi Ulaika Alladheena Imtahanallahu Qulubakum Littaqwa
09:15Lahum Maghfiratan Wa Ajaron Azeem
09:19Inna Alladheena Yunadoonaka Minwarai AlHujurati Aktharuhum La Yaqinoon
09:28Walaw Annahum Sabaru Hatta Takhruja Ilayhim Lakaana Khayran Lakum Wallahu Ghafoorun Rahim
09:35Ya Ayyuha Alladheena Amanoo In Ja'akum Fasiqun Binabain Fatabayyanoo Antuseebu Qawman Bijahalatin Fatusbihu Alaa Maa Fa'altum Nadimeen
10:01Allahu Akbar
10:09Sami'Allahu Liman Amida
10:13Allahu Akbar
10:21Allahu Akbar
10:25Allahu Akbar
10:31Allahu Akbar
10:41Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
10:44Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
10:45Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
10:47Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
10:51Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema Sirata Alladheena An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Wala Ad-Dalleen
11:07Wa'alamu Anna Feekum Rasool Allah Law Yutee'ukum Fee Kaseerin Minal Amri La'anittum Walakinna Allaha Habbaba Ilaykumul Iman Wa Zayyanahu Fee Qulubikum Zakarraha Ilaykumul Kufra Wal Fusuqa Wal Istiyan
11:33Ulaika Hum Ar-Rashidun
11:37Fadlan Minallahi Wa Ni'matan Wallahu Alimun Hakim
11:43Wa'in Ta'ifatani Minal Mu'mineena Qatataloo Fa'aslihiu Bainahumaa Fa'in Baghat Ihdahumaa Ala Al-Ukhraa Faqatilu Allatee Tabaghee Hatta Tafee'a Ila Amri Allah Fa'in Fa'at Fa'aslihiu Bainahumaa Bil'Adli Wa Aqsitoo Inna Allaha Yuhibbul Muqsiteen
12:12Innama Al-Mu'minuna Ikhmatun Fa'aslihiu Baina Akhawaykum Wattaqullaha La'allakum Turhamoon
12:24Allahu Akbar
12:32Samia Allahu Liman Hamidah
12:36Allahu Akbar
12:44Allahu Akbar
12:48Allahu Akbar
12:54Allahu Akbar
13:24As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
13:46Allahu Akbar
13:57Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem Maliki Yawm Al-Deen Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
14:06Ihdana As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema Sirata Al-Ladheena An'amta Alayhim Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Ala Ad-Dalleen
14:21Ya Ayyuha Al-Ladheena Amanoo La Yaskhar Qawmun Min Qawmin Asaa'an Yakoonu Khayran Minhum
14:34Wala Nisa'un Min Nisa'in Asaa'an Yakoonu Khayran Minhum
14:45Wala Talmisu Anfusakum Wala Talabasu Bil-Alqaab
14:51Bi'sa Al-Ismu Al-Fusuqu Ba'da Al-Iman
14:54Waman Lam Yatub Fa'ula'ika Humu Al-Zalimun
15:01Ya Ayyuha Al-Ladheena Amanoo Jataniboo Kaseeran Min Al-Dhanni Inna Ba'da Al-Dhanni Ithmun Wala Tajassasoon Wala Yaghtab Ba'dukum Ba'da
15:15Ayyuhibbu Ahadukum An Ya'kula Lahma Akhihi Maytan Fa Tarihtumoo Huwa Attaqullah Inna Allaha Tawwabun Raheem
15:25Ya Ayyuhannasu Inna Khalaqnakum Min Dhakarin Wa Untha Waj'alnakum Shu'uban Wa Qaba'ila Lita'arafu Inna Akramakum Inda Allahi Atqaakum Inna Allaha Ghafoorun Raheem
15:50Inna Akramakum Inda Allahi Atqaakum Inna Allaha Alimun Khabeer
15:57Qalati Al-A'raabu Amanna Qul Lam Tu'minoo Walakin Quloo Aslamna Walamma Yadakhulil-Imanu Fi Qulubikum Wa In Tu'ti'u Allaha Wa Rasoolahu La Yalidkum Min Ahmalikum Shay'a Inna Allaha Ghafoorun Raheem
16:19Allahu Akbar
16:49Allahu Akbar
17:19Innama Al-Mu'minuna Al-Ladhina Amanoo Bil-Lahi Wa Rasoolihi Thumma Lam Yartaboo Majahadoo Bi-Amwalihim Wa Al-Nafusihim Fi Sabeelillah. Ulaika Hum As-Sadiqoon
17:41Qul Atu'allimoon Allaha Bi-Deenikum Wallahu Ya'lamu Ma Fi As-Samawati Wa Ma Fi Al-Ardi Wallahu Bi-Kulli Shay'in Alim
18:03Inna Allaha Ya'lamu Ghayb As-Samawati Wa Al-Ardi Wallahu Baseerun Bima Ta'amaloon
18:15Allahu Akbar
18:23As-Sami'Allahu Liman Hamidah
18:28Allahu Akbar
18:36Allahu Akbar
18:40Allahu Akbar
18:44Allahu Akbar
18:49Allahu Akbar
19:14As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
19:37Subhanadil Mulki Wal Malakuti Subhanadil Izzati Wal Azamati Wal Haibati Wal Qudrati Wal Kibriya'i Wal Jabarut
19:48Subhanal Maliki Al Hayyi Alladhi La Yanamu Wa La Yamut
19:53Subuhul Quddusu Rabbuna Wa Rabbul Malaikati Wal Ruh
20:02Allahumma Ajirna Minan Naar
20:06Ya Mujir Ya Mujir Ya Mujir
20:10Salat Bar Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
20:26Allahu Akbar
20:52Al-Maghdubi Alayhim Ala Al-Dallin
21:00Inna Allaha Ya'lamu Ghayb As-Samawati Wa Al-Ardi Wallahu Baseerun Bima Ta'amaloon
21:12Qaf Wal Qur'ani Al-Majeed
21:22Bal Ajibu An Ja'ahum Munzirun Minhum
21:29Fa Qala Al-Kafirun Hatha Shay'un Ajeeb
21:33A'itha Mitna Wa Kunna Turaban Zadika Raju'un Ba'eed
21:39Qad Alimna Ma Tanqusu Al-Ardu Minhum Wa Indana Kitaabun Hafeez
21:44Bal Qazabu Bil-Haqqinam Ma Ja'ahum Fahum Fi Amrin Mareej
21:52Afalam Yanzuru Ila As-Samai Fawqahum Kaifa Balaynaha Wa Sayyannaha Wa Ma Laka Min Furooj
22:03Wa Al-Arda Madadnaha Wa Alqayna Feeha Rawasia Wa Anbatna Feeha Min Kulli Sawjin Baheej
22:12Tabasiratan Wa Dikran Kulli Abdin Muneeb
22:19Wa Nazzalna Min As-Samai Ma'an Mubarakan Fa Anbatna Bihi Jannatin Wa Habbal Haseed
22:30Wa Al-Nakhla Basiqatin Laha Tala'un Nadeed
22:34Rizqan Lil'ibadi Wa Ahyayna Bihi Baldatan Maytan Wa Kazadika Al-Khurooj
22:41Kazzabat Qabalakum Qawmu Noohin Wa Ashabu Ar-Rassi Wa Thamud
22:46Wa Aadun Wa Fir'aun Wa Ikhwanu Lootin Wa Ashabu Al-Aykati Wa Qawmu Tubba'
22:53Kullun Kazzaba Ar-Rasoola Fa Haqqa Ba'eed
22:58Afa'ayina Bil-Khalki Al-Awwali Bal'un Fee Labasin Min Khalkin Jadeed
23:06Wa Naqad Khalqana Al-Insana Wa Na'lamu Maa Tuwasbisu Bihi Nafsuhu Wa Nahnu Aqarabu Ilayhi Min Habli Al-Waleed
23:16Ith Yatalqal Mutalqiyani Aali Al-Yameeni Wa Aani Al-Shimabi Qa'eed
23:22Ma Yalfidhu Min Qawlin Illa Ladayhi Laqeebun Ateed
23:27Wa Ja'at Sakratu Al-Mawti Bil-Haq Zalika Ma Kunta Minhu Taheed
23:36Wa Nufiqa Fissuuri Zalika Yawmu Al-Wa'eed
23:40Wa Ja'at Kullu Nafsin Ma'a Ghaa Sa'iqun Wa Shaheed
23:48Laqad Kunta Fi Ghaflatin Min Hada Fa Kashafna Aanka Bita'aka Fa Basaruka Al-Yawma Hadeed
24:00Wa Qala Qareenuhu Hatha Maa Ladayhi Ateed
24:04Alqiyaa Fi Jahannama Kulla Kaffarin Aneed
24:08Manna'in Lil-Khairi Mu'tadin Mureed
24:12Alladhi Ja'ala Maa Allahi Ilaha An-Aakhara Fa Alqiyaa Hu Fi Al-Athabish Shadeed
24:19Qala Qareenuhu Rabbana Maa Atgaituhu Walakin Kaana Fi Dalarin Ba'eed
24:29Qala La Takhtasimu Ladayya Wa Qad Qadamtu Ilaykum Bil-Wa'eed
24:34Maa Yubaddalu Al-Qawlu Ladayya Wa Maa Ana Bi Zallamin Lil-Aabid
25:05Allahu Akbar
25:09Allahu Akbar
25:18Allahu Akbar
25:24Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
25:29Maliki Yawm Al-Deen Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
25:35Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema Sirata Al-Ladhina An'amta Alayhim
25:41Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim Maladdallin
25:50Yawma Naqoolu Lijahannama Halim Talaqi Wa Taqoolu Hal Min Mazeed
25:59Wa Uzlifati Al-Jannatu Lil-Muttaqeena Ghayra Ba'eed
26:04Hala Maa Tou'aduna Likulli Awwabin Hafeez
26:08Man Khashiyar Rahman Bil-Ghaybi Wajaa'a Bi Qalbin Muneeb
26:14Udkhuluha Bi Salamin Thalika Yawmul Khulood
26:19Lahumma Yasha'oon Feehaa Waladayna Mazeed
26:25Wa Kam Ahlatna Qablakum Min Qarnin Hum Ashadd Minhum Batashan
26:30Fa Naqabu Fi Al-Biladi Hal Min Mahis
26:34Inna Fi Thalika La Dikraa Liman Kaala Lahum Qalbun
26:39Aw Alqas Sam'a Wahuma Shaheed
26:45Udkhuluha Bi Salamin Thalika Yawmul Khulood
26:50Lahumma Yasha'oon Feehaa Waladayna Mazeed
26:56Wa Kam Ahlatna Qablakum Min Qarnin Hum Ashadd Minhum Batashan
27:01Fa Naqabu Fi Al-Biladi Hal Min Mahis
27:05Inna Fi Thalika La Dikraa Liman Kaala Lahum Qalbun
27:09Aw Alqas Sam'a Wahuma Shaheed
27:13Wa Laqad Khalaqna As-Samawati Wal-Arda Wa Ma Bainahuma Fi Sittati Ayyamin Wa Ma Massana Min Lughoob
27:22Fa Asbir Ala Ma Yaquluna Wasabbih Bi Hamdi Rabbika Qabala Tulu'i Ash-Shamsi Wa Qabala Al-Ghuroob
27:29Wa Mina Al-Layli Fasabbih Huwa Adbara As-Sujood
27:33Wa Astabih Yawma Yunadi Al-Munadi Min Makanin Qareeb
27:37Yawma Yasma'oon As-Saihata Bil-Haqq Thalika Yawmu Al-Khurooj
27:43Inna Nahnu Nuhyi Wa Numeetu Wa Ilayna Al-Maseer
27:47Yawma Tashqaqul Ardu Anhum Siraa'an Thalika Hashrun Alayna Yaseer
27:54Nahnu Alamu Bima Yaquluna Wa Ma Anta Alayhim Bi Jabbar
28:02Fadakkir Bil-Qur'aani Man Yakhafu Wa A'id
28:10Allahu Akbar
28:19Sami'Allahu Liman Hamidah
28:23Allahu Akbar
28:32Allahu Akbar
28:36Allahu Akbar
28:45Allahu Akbar
29:01Allahu Akbar
29:17As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
29:21As-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
29:27Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Wa Rahmatullah
29:33Allahu Akbar
29:44Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin
29:47Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim
29:48Maliki Yawmi Al-Din
29:50Iyyaka Na'budu Wa Iyyaka Nastaeen
29:53Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema
29:55Sirata Al-Ladhina An'amta Alayhim
29:58Ghayri Al-Maghdubi Alayhim Maladdalliin
30:08Wazzariyati Dharwan
30:10Fal Hamilati Bitaran
30:12Fal Jariyati Usran
30:14Fal Mukassimati Amra
30:16Innama Tu'aduna La Sadiqun
30:19Wa Inna Al-Deena La Baqi'
30:23Wa As-Sama'i Thati Al-Hubuki
30:27Innakum La Fi Qawlin Mukhtanifin
30:30Yu'faku Anhu Man Ufiq
30:32Qutina Al-Qarrasuna
30:34Al-Ladhina Kum Fi Ghamratin Sahoon
30:36Yas'aluna Ayyana Yawmud-Deen
30:39Yawmakum Ala Al-Nari Yuftanoon
30:42Thuqu Fitnatakum Hatha Al-Ladhi Kuntum Bihi Tasta'ajiloon
30:47Inna Al-Muttaqina Fi Jannatin Wa Ayyoon
30:51Aakhidhina Ma Aataakum Rabbuhum Wa Baqaakum Rabbuhum Azaaba Al-Jaheem
30:58Kuloo Washraboo Hanee'an Bima Kuntum Ta'amaloon
31:03Muttaqeen Ala Sururin Masfufatin Wa Sawwajnaakum Bi Hurin Ayn
31:12Inna Al-Muttaqeen Fi Jannatin Wa Ayyoon
31:17Aakhidhina Ma Aataakum Rabbuhum Innakum Kanoo Qabla Thalika Muhsineen
31:25Kanoo Qaleelan Mina Al-Layli Ma Yahja'oon
31:28Wa Bil-Ashaari Hum Yastaghfiroon
31:31Wa Fi Amwalihim Haqqun Lissa'il Wal-Mahroon
31:38Wa Fi Al-Ardi Ayatun Lil-Muqineen
31:41Wa Fi Anfusikum Afala Tubasiroon
31:45Wa Fi As-Sama'i Rizqukum Wama Tu'adoon
31:50Fa Wa Rabb As-Sama'i Wal-Ardi Innahu La Haqqum Mithlama Annakum Tantiqoon
32:43Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
32:46Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem
32:48Maliki Yawm Al-Deen
32:49Iyyaka N'abudu Wa Iyyaka Nasta'een
32:52Ihdina As-Sirata Al-Mustaqeema
32:54Sirata Al-Ladheena An'amta Alayhim
32:57Ghayri Al-Maghdoobi Alayhim
32:59Mal Ad-Dalleen
33:06Hal Ataaka Hadithu Tayfi Ibraheem Al-Muqrameen
33:10Idh Dakhalu Alayhi Faqalu Salamaa
33:13Qala Salamun Qawmun Munkaroon
33:16Fa Raagha Ila Ahlihi Fa Ja'a Bi'ijilin Sameen
33:23Fa Qaddabuhu Ilayhim Qala Ala Ta'kunoon
33:28Fa Awjasa Minhum Khifa
33:30Qalu La Takhaf Wa Bashsharuhu Bi Ghulamin Alim
33:35Fa Aqabalati Imra'atuhu Fi As-Siratin Fa Sakkat Wajhaha Wa Qalat Ajoosun Aqeem
33:44Qalu Kazalik Qala Rabbuki Innahu Huwa Al-Hakeem Al-Aleem
33:54Allah Akbar
33:57Allah Akbar
34:02Samia Allahu limam amida
34:06Allahu Akbar
34:15Allahu Akbar
34:18Allahu Akbar
34:56As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
35:21As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
35:51As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
35:59As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
36:06As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
36:15As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
36:21As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
36:27As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
36:33As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
36:39As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
36:45As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
36:51As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
36:57As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu wa-sallamu ʿalaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuhu
37:04One is that which is obligatory from the side of Allah the Lord of Glory
37:15It is obligatory from the side of Allah
37:19It is obligatory from the side of Allah the Lord of Glory
37:28The second type of worship is that which is not obligatory
37:36One makes it obligatory on himself
37:42These are the two types of worship
37:55One which is obligatory from the side of Allah the Lord of Glory
38:00Like Salah is obligatory
38:02If there is any shortcoming in it
38:12There is a solution for it
38:15There is leniency in it
38:19There is a concession in it
38:26For example, if a person is unwell
38:31He cannot stand up and pray
38:35There is a concession to sit down and pray
38:39It is like this, right?
38:41Without any concession
38:44But the worship which is not obligatory
38:48But if a person makes it obligatory on himself
38:53There is no concession in it
38:56Please understand this difference
39:00The people of I'tikaf, please pay special attention
39:05I'tikaf is basically a Sunnah
39:13If some people from the community sit down
39:18It will be obligatory from everyone
39:21Like Salah is obligatory
39:24Now those who have made it obligatory on themselves
39:30They have made it obligatory on themselves
39:33With their own will and happiness
39:36Now to find leniency in it
39:41Did you understand?
39:44If someone is so strict
39:47If he goes out and breaks
39:50If he goes to bathe for no reason
39:53Look at him, he is so strict
39:56How many times have I told you to be strict?
39:59You have accepted this strictness with your own happiness
40:05You have chosen it on your own will
40:11Now when you have done it on your own will
40:14Then the boundaries given by the Shariah
40:19You have to stay within it
40:23The restrictions of I'tikaf
40:30You have to understand it from this angle
40:34Now when we talk about Shariah
40:37Mufti Faisal Jamaati Sahab is telling you in his Durood
40:42And I am also with you
40:45I thought it was necessary
40:48I have been here and there
40:51I used to smoke cigarettes
40:54I used to smoke cigarettes
40:57What do you think?
41:00I didn't force anyone
41:03Now the restrictions for that
41:06Look at the number of problems
41:09When a person doesn't talk for 30-45 minutes
41:13If your foot is stuck in the car
41:16Then go to the car
41:19How much did I force you?
41:22How much did I force you?
41:25That's why if you are a Mutaqif
41:28And obviously this is going on RYQ TV
41:31Wherever there are Mutaqif
41:34The problems there are
41:37The restrictions there are
41:40And within the restrictions
41:43You have to understand the spirit of I'tikaf
41:46You have to understand its soul
41:49You have to understand its purpose
41:55If you sit for I'tikaf
42:00And read the Waqf
42:03Do you understand reading the Waqf?
42:06Sehri and Iftar
42:09This is the meaning of the Hadith
42:13This is the meaning of the Hadith
42:16That is coming to my mind
42:19That the person who eats like this
42:22When the Adhan is called
42:25The one who eats less comes to the mosque
42:28The one who eats less
42:31Comes to the mosque
42:34And the one who eats a lot
42:37Is going there
42:40If you look at it spiritually
42:45If you look at it spiritually
42:48If you look at it spiritually
42:51If there is symmetry
42:54If there is a void in the heart
42:57Then something else will come
43:00What do you think?
43:03So this is the angle
43:06But wherever there are
43:09Mutaqif at home
43:12They should try to eat less
43:15Drink less, sleep less
43:18And spend time in worship
43:21But in worship
43:24The obligatory prayer
43:27If you get the opportunity
43:30It is the prayer of Tahajjud
43:33It is the prayer of Ishraq
43:36It is the prayer of Awwabeen
43:39And it is the prayer of Chasht
43:42So they should be given
43:45The recitation of the Holy Quran
43:48On a daily basis
43:51Even if it is for 9 days
43:54If they recite it 3-3.25 times a day
43:57The target should be that
44:00One Quran should be completed
44:03It becomes difficult for everyone
44:06It is not possible
44:09So all the cabins in the Data Darbar
44:12There are 4 blocks
44:15There are different cabins in each block
44:18May Allah reward our respected
44:21Alaj Tabre Chishti
44:24He tries to serve you
44:27Every year
44:30So you should decide among yourselves
44:33One cabin
44:36Decide among yourselves
44:39All of you should recite 5 Parah
44:42Divide it among yourselves
44:455 Parah, 3 Parah
44:48The target should be that
44:51Only one cabin should complete the Quran
44:54And then they should present
44:57The reward of the Holy Quran
45:00At the end of itiqaf
45:03In the presence of Huzoor
45:07And let me tell you
45:10In the presence of Huzoor
45:13The Surah Fatiha, Surah Ikhlas
45:16The reward of the Holy Quran
45:19It has a soul and a spirit
45:22To get the spiritual attention
45:25Of Sahib-e-Mazar
45:28To get the spiritual attention
45:31Of Sahib-e-Mazar
45:34The best way to get the spiritual attention
45:37Is to read something
45:40And reward them
45:43When that reward reaches you
45:46From your side
45:49Automatically their spiritual attention
45:52Will reach you
45:55Because when it reaches you
45:58It will be told that
46:01This is the gift of reciting the Holy Quran
46:04So if you pay attention to this
46:07And try to make your time
46:10Precious like this
46:13And along with this you get
46:16A very good opportunity
46:19To listen to the Holy Quran
46:22The Shabina that happens in Taq Rato
46:25Yesterday there were 6 Parah
46:28In 5 nights
46:31In every Taq Rato
46:34You cannot read
46:37So you get a chance
46:40To listen to the Holy Quran
46:43That you
46:46There is Qiyam-ul-Lail
46:49There is Ibadat
46:52And you get a chance to listen to the whole Quran
46:55I have asked you to pay attention
46:58To make your time
47:04And especially
47:07For some time
47:10Sit separately
47:13And pay attention
47:16And contemplate
47:19How old are you
47:2255-60 years
47:25And try to calculate
47:28What did you lose
47:31How much did the world add up
47:34And how much did the good deeds add up
47:37How much did you prepare for the hereafter
47:40How much did you prepare for the future
47:43What are your plans for the future
47:46What do you think, what do you want to do
47:49With your soul
47:52With your spirit
47:55In our lives
47:58Change and revolution
48:01Routine is
48:04We will tell you the summary of 2 Parah
48:07Because the day in Taq Rato
48:10There is Shabina
48:13We will not tell you
48:16Today we have recited the 26th Parah
48:19We will put a circular view on its topics
48:22And on the 27th Parah
48:25We will say something
48:28Surah Al-Ahqaf
48:31It started from the 26th Parah
48:34In other topics
48:37With the attributes of the believers
48:40With parents
48:43It is a permanent topic
48:46And needs a lot of understanding
48:49Surah Bani Israel, Surah Baqarah
48:52Surah Luqman
48:55And after that Surah Al-Ahqaf
48:58Allah has given its full etiquettes
49:01And prayers
49:04In the same way
49:07Jinn's acceptance of Islam
49:10Allah has mentioned its details
49:13Surah Muhammad
49:16In its fundamental topics
49:19The laws of the battlefield
49:22And especially
49:25The laws of the battlefield
49:28And especially
49:31The laws of the battlefield
49:34And especially
49:38The glory of Ramadan
49:41Ramadan, Ramadan, Ramadan
49:46The glory of Ramadan
49:49The glory of Ramadan
49:52The glory of Ramadan
49:55The glory of Ramadan
49:58Allah has said
50:01It is the month of fasting
50:04It is the month of fasting
50:07It is the night of worship
50:10It is the night of worship
50:13The glory of Ramadan
50:16The glory of Ramadan
