• yesterday
Sky News host Rita Panahi has mocked former first lady Michelle Obama after her podcast flopped.


00:00and it's time for lefties losing it the fake news media is really hitting new lows so eager
00:06to restart their debunked russian conspiracy theories but they somehow managed to mix up
00:13this man Modi the indian prime minister with this dude Vladimir Putin easy mistake to make if you've
00:21lost all reasoning and your semblance of objectivity when you are an activist journalist from smbc
00:27here are some of the corrections last night the last word reported on excerpts of an interview
00:32between the director of national intelligence Tulsi Gabbard and an indian tv news network
00:37in which she said trump was good friends with the world leader now we said that world leader
00:41was Vladimir Putin but the full interview was subsequently released and it showed that
00:46Gabbard was refused was referring to Donald Trump and the indian prime minister Narendra Modi
00:52wait wait so Tulsi Gabbard mentions that Trump is good friends with a world leader
00:57and they not only just assumed she's talking about Vladimir Putin but then they report that
01:03as if it were fact on television that's that's what happened let's hear one more correction from
01:09MSNBC on that issue last night we reported on excerpts of an interview between the director
01:15of national intelligence Tulsi Gabbard and an indian tv news network in which she said
01:20that Trump was good friends with a world leader we said that world leader was Vladimir Putin
01:26but the full interview shows that Gabbard was referring to Trump and Indian Prime Minister
01:31Modi clear that up now let's check in with the worst vice presidential candidate we have seen
01:38the uniquely awful Tim Walz tampon Tim remember him he had all sorts of delusions of being vice
01:44president now he has delusions of being a presidential candidate and he thinks he's a
01:49tough guy here he responds to media pundits who mocked his lack of masculinity this notion of
01:56fight it it's and well this this most of their ass i do but i don't know if we're going to fall
02:04into that place where we want to okay we challenge you to a to a you know a wwe fight here type of
02:10thing good luck with that tim i think uh judge janine has you covered here tampon explains that
02:17republican men are scared of his masculinity i think some of us scare them i think i scare
02:22them a little bit why they spend so much time on this no i'm serious because i can fix a truck
02:27they know i'm not but when he's not threatening to kick ass or brag about his truck he is cheering
02:33on the damage caused to an american manufacturer that employs tens of thousands of americans on
02:40good wages a company that chooses to manufacture cars in the u.s tim walz is happy that this
02:47company is being attacked and its stock price is falling this is disqualifying folks even more
02:54disqualifying than putting tampons in boys bathrooms that little stock app i added tesla
03:00to give me a little boost during the day 225 and dropping so
03:09to the view now and here whoopie goldberg scares the already disturbingly dumb audience
03:15by suggesting that donald trump will deport american citizens your eyes open y'all because
03:22if they can just come up and take somebody because they've made a decision that you're
03:27supposed to be that person any one of us yeah could find ourselves being deported to some
03:34country don't give them any ideas girl don't give them any ideas girl you heard uh anna navarro say
03:40that and talking about anna look how miserable she is here as fellow cnn panelist uh states some
03:47facts and figures about trump's popularity nbc news on meet the press they reported their polling
03:53found the highest level of enthusiasm and the country going in the right direction
03:57since 2004 20 years yes stating facts and figures it can be triggering for the left watch here as
04:05another panelist on cnn claims that the data is all wrong because people in the street said so
04:12you do know what you're saying is incorrect i don't care about the polling the america i don't
04:16i don't i don't care what nbc is saying i can talk to the people on the streets are you on the
04:20streets are you talking to people now to lefty john stewart here's some wise words of advice
04:26for the democrats whose approval rating has plummeted to under 30 percent you're at 27
04:34you've got to get trump to lose eight points of popularity just for you to get to the point
04:41where you're 13 points below him your approval is only seven points above where it turns red
04:48and goes into low power mode yep things must be grim if even john stewart is mocking the democrats
04:57maybe maybe you're not a numbers learner maybe a visual demonstration of where you're here
05:02let me let me meet you where you live all right here we go this is not i'm gonna do this
05:10this is 48 approval this is them this is you this is you
05:2327 this is them oh i see they're much higher yes they're much higher now former first lady
05:33michelle obama is often spoken about as a future presidential candidate the democrats are so
05:39desperate for any popular figure to take over the party but how popular is she michelle obama's
05:46launched a new advice podcast imo to much fanfare it's a podcast co-hosted with her brother craig
05:53robinson you know speaking at leadership conferences things you do um as a coach you realize
06:00that what we have um even in our lack of resources you know in our household growing up
06:11just scintillating stuff folks and the audience numbers i'm gonna say are not great the latest
06:17edition on youtube features hollywood star seth rogan but it's just got six and a half thousand
06:24views in 13 hours not even that 6400 now i don't want to brag about my lefties video but the one
06:31from just last night's program is already sitting on 894 000 in 16 hours well over a million by now
06:39but then again lefty's losing it is pretty awesome joining me now is journalist and author batia
06:46unga sargon batia what did you make of michelle obama's latest project is it relatable is it
06:53likable useful so i wrote a column about it for unheard and then somebody wrote to me in the
07:01comments oh you're the person who listened to the podcast um you're absolutely right that it does not
07:08seem to have found an audience and the reason for that is because the same thing that ails the
07:14democratic party in general ails this podcast it's for and by rich women and it's so amazing
07:24that this has not seeped in that the democrats have such a problem with men and such a problem
07:30with the working class and yet michelle obama's podcast her guests are all other unbelievably
07:37wealthy people like her and i mean they just don't have the problems that the average american
07:44needs advice on because these people are all gazillionaires and what's amazing and really
07:51offensive about this to me rita is that michelle obama grew up working class um she grew up in a
07:58black working class household and we know that black americans struggle to make it into the
08:04middle class even black men who are born wealthy more often than not find their way into the lower
08:12classes and end up poor this is absolutely devastating and michelle obama and her brother
08:18craig robinson have the answers to how to solve this problem they grew up working class and they
08:25are both millionaires and yet rita they are gatekeeping the secrets that so many americans
08:33are desperate to hear and instead they sit around with their wealthy friends and talk about things
08:38like when to end a friendship and i find that a little bit offensive
08:45absolutely and the democrats have become as a one uh very astute judge said a party for weak
08:54men and miserable women and it does seem to be what's ruining the party right now and making it
09:00unelectable and when it comes to michelle obama do you see her as a future politician perhaps even
09:08a presidential candidate she has always spoken about in those terms um her popularity her appeal
09:16to female voters but i wonder whether all of that is wildly overstated i think it is um first of all
09:24reportedly she hates politics and so i would be very surprised if she found her way into politics
09:29on a personal level but also um rita she seems very consumed by grievance culture um her speech
09:39at the dnc this year was really shocking i mean it was about the you know the myth of the persistence
09:46of racism and how hard it is to be a person of color in america she's worth 70 million dollars
09:53i mean she's sort of the proof positive that this is sort of nonsense and i feel that that is very
09:59out of touch with where most americans are at and i'm not just talking about white americans i think
10:06black americans are sort of sick of this message as well which is why you saw a lot of movement
10:11towards the gop 25 percent of black men voted for donald trump and his approval ratings right now
10:17with black americans are very very high so i think she's quite out of step with where the nation is
10:24although the democratic party again does not seem to have realized that
10:28now batia you were on bill maher's program and your clips went viral very quickly millions and
10:35millions of views and i've got to say you managed to make bill look a little bit silly on his own
10:41program we're approaching two months in i mean you must have a feeling in your gut look me in the eye
10:48and tell me you don't that this is really going badly and i shouldn't have thrown my lot in with
10:53this team oh no i feel the opposite all right tell me why i'm so sorry bill no no tell me why
11:02no i feel so proud of i i mean i was never a republican or a conservative i was a leftist
11:08and i am still a leftist i'm just a mega leftist now because that makes no sense
11:14but tell me how you are uh why you're so happy with how things are going and
11:20explain to my audience what is a mega leftist
11:24i'm happy because i feel like donald trump wakes up every morning and thinks how can i make
11:30america better how can i keep a campaign promise that i made how can i do exactly what i promised
11:36my supporters i was gonna do we've never ever ever seen efficiency like this we've never ever
11:43seen a president who truly wants to deliver exactly what he promised to his supporters
11:51and to the country overall trump throughout the campaign was saying our success will be our
11:57retribution and that's that's what we're experiencing right now this is everything
12:02i hoped for and more and i could not have believed that he would be so successful so you know there
12:08was so much that i wanted to answer bill i knew that i only had a few minutes um i a mega lefty is
12:15somebody who has realized that the maga tent is big and that this president wants to represent
12:20all americans at a more fundamental level donald trump is anti-war he's pro-worker he believes in
12:28a protectionist economy and he's a social moderate this was the left's agenda for a hundred years and
12:34so i don't see why i shouldn't get to still call myself a lefty just because donald trump lifted
12:40the best parts of the democrats agenda out from under them they abandoned labor and he decided
12:46to represent labor they embraced war and he decided to steal their anti-war platform they went totally
12:52kooky crazy on the lefty stuff and he said well you know what looks like the moderate middle is
12:57just there for the taking i'm gonna take it that's where i'm at and i feel very represented and very
13:02happy and if more people just looked at the policies and the policy outcomes the objectives
13:12of those policies they would also identify as you do but so many are transfixed by trump and
13:19hating trump that they don't actually look at what the agenda is and you're right he has taken a lot
13:25of what were traditionally leftist policies and that is part of make america great again all about
13:31america first it's all about protecting american workers starting up american manufacturing again
13:37reinvigorating that and it's gotta say how divorced from reality are these lefties even
13:43sensible ones like bill maher who think trump voters are somehow upset by what they're seeing
13:49the polls are showing something entirely different to that and even uh the the polls that are
13:55traditionally favoring the democrats are showing their approval rating under 30 but here i mean
14:01this is just uh dire straits for the democrats to have an approval rating in the 20s how are
14:09they going to come back from that it's truly amazing if you think of this split screen on
14:14the one hand you have a president who is representing the working class elevating
14:21every hard-working american he's getting us out of wars and bringing peace and he's bringing
14:26common sense moderate social policy back to the table and what are the democrats represent well
14:33they represent keeping trend agua here in america they represent opposition to deporting rapists
14:40who are not citizens they represent opposition to deporting hamas supporters who are not citizens
14:46they represent supporting uh trans men trans women in women's locker rooms and women's sports
14:53and they represent protecting the fraud and abuse of our government so you know of course their
15:00brand is in the toilet trump took everything that was good about them and instead of saying oh wow
15:05a president who's actually going to do leftist things they decided to embrace everything that
15:10is just insane and crazy and they they here's the thing rita they turned on their own values and
15:18their own voters rather than admit that donald trump had a point and this is truly unforgivable
15:25stuff absolutely and they're being punished for it uh now let's speak quickly about the
15:32russian ukraine war earlier today presidents trump and zelensky had an hour-long phone call
15:38and afterwards zelensky said he uh thinks lasting peace is achievable this year and he was full of
15:45praise for president donald trump what a difference a couple of weeks makes but tia uh
15:51tell me about how that is being perceived in the u.s i think people feel relieved um you know
16:00president trump had to speak harshly to zelensky when he was in the oval office most americans
16:06approved of what they saw there we want this war to end uh we're finished you know supporting
16:13foreign wars that have nothing to do with us we hate the bloodshed and i think a lot of us feel
16:19that we hate that our support was um a big function of prolonging this bloodshed i think
16:28president trump feels that this is a proxy war in which the two superpowers do not want to be
16:35at war anymore and he's desperate to bring this to a close and i think he's doing a really good
16:40job he has figured out how to play putin and he's figured out how to move zelensky and so i think
16:48that hopefully please god we will see movement very very soon i think he is very good at
16:54manipulating both putin and our european allies i think you know we've seen european allies coming
17:01into the oval office and being very deferential and as an american you just love to see it
17:06so i'm really hopeful that with god's help we'll see an end to this very soon
17:13and it's been very good in getting the europeans to spend more on their own defense and to start
17:18doing some of the heavy lifting which has been another objective before you go i want to play
17:24you just a small part of a speech jd vance gave he gave a master class on the failures of
17:31globalization and how in the end it hurts advanced economies there were two conceits that our
17:37leadership class had when it came to globalization the first is assuming that we can separate the
17:44making of things from the design of things the idea of globalization was that rich countries
17:50would move further up the value chain while the poor countries made the simpler things whether
17:55we were offshoring factories to cheap labor economies or importing cheap labor through our
18:00immigration system cheap labor became the drug of western economies and i'd say that if you look at
18:07nearly every country from canada to the uk that imported large amounts of cheap labor you've seen
18:12productivity stagnate and the failures of globalization are so much behind the trump
18:18phenomenon and that's again something people fail to understand that people who work to
18:24manufacturing jobs used to make decent money used to be able to provide for their family have
18:29economic security and we've seen that destroyed in so many western nations and it's been deliberate
18:38absolutely jd speech is incredible very much worth watching in full he really
18:45um makes a compelling argument there that the cost that we paid for shipping all of these good jobs
18:54overseas and then importing a surf cast in here to do the jobs that remained working class jobs
19:02that remained that the cost of that was not just the dispossession of the american working class
19:09it was also a cost in terms of innovation and in terms of productivity in terms of what americans
19:18would have innovated if they were still doing these jobs and that is truly truly criminal
19:23the disinheritance of america's working class while the elites got rich off of cheap labor
19:30it is the root of the trump phenomenon for working class people immigration and the economy are two
19:36sides of the same coin and this is something that's very hard for elites to understand
19:40and jd laid it out beautifully
19:44he really is quite exceptional i've got to say i was a bit surprised when donald trump selected him
19:50but if he's not the 48th president of the united states i'm gonna shave my head live on this show
19:56god thank you so much for your time tonight thank you so much rita god bless
