• yesterday
राजस्थान पंचायतीराज एवं माध्यमिक शिक्षक संघ ने कक्षा 9वीं और 11वीं की वार्षिक परीक्षाओं का समय दोपहर में रखने का कड़ा विरोध जताया है। संघ ने शिक्षा मंत्री से मांग की है कि परीक्षा का समय ग्रीष्मकालीन विद्यालय समय के अनुरूप संशोधित किया जाए।
संघ के प्रदेश उपाध्यक्ष प्रकाश विश्नोई खारा ने बताया कि राज्य में 1 अप्रैल से ग्रीष्मकालीन समय लागू हो जाएगा, जिसके अनुसार स्कूल सुबह 7:30 से दोपहर 1:00 बजे तक संचालित होंगे। इसके बावजूद शिक्षा निदेशालय बीकानेर ने 9वीं और 11वीं की परीक्षाओं के लिए 9:30 से 12:45 बजे तक और द्वितीय पारी में 1:15 से 4:30 बजे तक का समय निर्धारित किया है, जो भीषण गर्मी को देखते हुए अनुचित है।


00:00The timetable for the equalization test has been announced.
00:05We are opposed to it.
00:07The test will run from 24th April to 8th May.
00:11The sun will rise at its peak.
00:14The test will start at 9.30am and will end at 1.15pm.
00:21At 4.30pm, our children will be exposed to the scorching sun.
00:25What will happen to them?
00:27The temperature of Jaisalmer and Badmer is 48 degrees.
00:32When the temperature exceeds 40 degrees,
00:36there is a heat stroke.
00:39According to the protocol of the ILO,
00:43it is unsafe to work outside the 35 degrees.
00:47In that situation, if you give your children
00:51a test in the sun at 2 or 4pm,
00:55it is not fair.
00:57That is why we oppose the equalization test.
01:00We oppose the 48-degree policy of the ILO.
01:10We want a new timetable.
01:14Our education minister said that
01:17if the result is less than 50%,
01:20the teacher will fail.
01:22We will send Jaisalmer and Badmer.
01:24We will also send Jivaram Chaudhary
01:28so that the teachers will be paid more.
01:32We will also send cheap teachers.
01:35But don't say that
01:37the doctors studying in surgery are expensive.
01:40That is why we will send dentists.
01:44We are ready for any such policy.
01:46But we are responsible for the safety of these children.
01:50If the result is good, it is our responsibility.
01:53If the result is bad, it is our responsibility.
01:56But in this situation,
01:58you see our soldiers cooking papad
02:01and roti in the sun.
02:03You are sitting in a place
02:05where there are no houses
02:07and no place to drink water.
02:10You are doing a test in that situation.
02:13This is a condemnation.
02:15The government and the education department
02:18should change their timetable.
02:21Otherwise, we will protest.
02:23I am Prakash Vishwanath.
02:25I am a teacher.
