• 2 days ago
thank you for watching my glow-up journey! 💖

I want to be open about my procedures to stay transparent, but this isn’t to influence anyone to get surgery they don’t want. your journey is yours—love yourself and do what feels right for you!

lip injector: @littlenursemandy (if you say tina colada referred you, you get $50 off)
tattoo artist: @dennysaurtats

snap: @nottinacolada
main IG: @tinaa.colada
grwm IG: @nottinacolada
tiktok: @nottinacolada
00:002025 is only one month away and I fear this is what I look like
00:04We got a glow the F up
00:07Extreme edition cuz I need it. Let's break down the game plan physical wise lip filler chin lipo
00:15Tattoo teeth whitening tooth gems
00:18Eyebrows, okay now mental wise set my new year goals make a vision board
00:23Stay super smart and sexy and funny. What who wrote that?
00:28Like oh, no, I fear I'm already doing that what I
00:32Not only want to look but feel brand new to start off my new year, right and I only have one month to do so
00:40Let's get this shit started. Okay. Yeah, I'm currently getting ready for my lip filler appointment
00:44It's at one o'clock and it's almost 12 o'clock
00:47So I'm on a bit of a time crunch really excited and kind of nervous because I don't know if you guys know this but
00:53I am
00:54Really really afraid of needles. I
00:56Hate needles hate needles, it's gonna go in my lips and I don't know like the thought of that. It's just like
01:03It's like it makes me queasy. I don't know
01:05I don't know what it is
01:06Like ever since I was a kid hated needles every time I got a shot
01:09I was like, oh I better get a sticker after this
01:12That's just my doctor your guys's to like doctors give out stickers after shots, right?
01:16Cuz I had a whole collection of them
01:18so I found this injector because she actually reached out to me on DMS and asked to collab and
01:23Originally, I wasn't gonna do it cuz like I said, I'm so afraid of needles
01:27I wanted to do a extreme glow-up video for YouTube and I
01:33Had to full send. I
01:35Have to full send for you guys cuz I love you guys. And yeah, if I'm gonna do a video
01:42I'm gonna do a video. Also, I don't know if you guys could tell by my voice, but I am so sick
01:46I don't think that's a good thing because I'm getting lip filler and then the week after I'm gonna get my chin light bulb
01:52And I think my body is just gonna need a lot of recovery and it's already trying to beat this cold
01:59Good luck Charlie. This is the makeup look. I kept it very natural because I'm not going anywhere today
02:04I'm gonna go to my lip appointment after my injections. It's probably gonna be like
02:10Yeah, I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying my ass at home. I gotta go. I'll see you guys in the car
02:16Made it inside. I'm just waiting right now. Look how cute this spot is
02:22I'm scared. She just put numbing on me
02:25So we're gonna let it sit for a bit, but I literally just ate some. Oh my god. Oh my tongue. Oh, I'm tasting it
02:33So it's on my tongue. Oh
02:36Guys, it's getting them the little parts that I eat. My tongue is numb. This is so funny
02:53And so we'll just try our best to just kind of
02:55Even it out, right? Yeah, I noticed that too. She numbed my gums earlier
02:59So that was really scary, but now I feel good
03:03I don't really feel anything. When she numbed it she had to use needles and I was like
03:07Wish me luck
03:13I was gripping on to the stress ball so much. My hands are red. I was like
03:19Oh my god. It was good. Yeah, so you're a little swollen right now. Oh my god. I look like I just did like the Kylie lip challenge
03:30You're a little swollen so don't freak out. This will go down
03:32This is my injector. This is Mandy. She did so good guys, and she's so so sweet
03:39I'm Mandy. You can find me on Instagram at little nurse Mandy
03:43I work here at Elena aesthetics in Minneapolis. In Minneapolis, Minnesota guys
03:47If you're in Minnesota, please go to her. She's so good
03:50She made me feel so comfortable and like I know they're swollen right now
03:53But trust like I just know I just know they'll look so good. Day two post lip filler
03:58I just got back from the gym. So I look a little crusty but not looking too bad
04:02It's not as swollen and bruised as I thought it would be. It's just a little bruised on the sides right here
04:08I thought I'd be having to wear a mask all day today
04:11But I've just been free balling it like it does it doesn't look bad. Day three post lip filler
04:17This is how they're looking they're not really swollen at all
04:21Maybe like the tiniest bit just a little bruising. This is day five
04:26They're pretty much healed. Basically, this is with product on I put the statue beauty lip stain on and they look so good
04:33So juicy. Hello
04:36Hey, whoever's kissing me you're so lucky
04:40Currently 11 p.m. At night. It's the night before my chin liposurgery
04:45I'm sleeping over at my sister's tonight because she's gonna take me in the morning. We have to be there at 8 a.m
04:50So I'll probably have to wake up like 6 or 7. I'm so excited guys, and I'm not nervous at all like whatsoever
05:02Let me show you guys what my double chin currently looks like
05:06It's not like crazy bad, but I just want it to be more snatched and for me
05:10It's always been genetics like I can go on a diet and lose a bunch of weight. But this
05:14It's just stubborn fat. Like it's just not gonna go away
05:17I know this because I've been at my lowest weight like literally a hundred pounds and
05:22Girl, I still I still had it. What I'm doing is laser liposuction. It's a little different from traditional
05:29It's supposed to be non-invasive and they don't put you under
05:32anesthesia and a steep
05:36anesthesia and this tossy
05:40Anyway, so you're awake during the whole procedure which is supposed to be a lot less dangerous, but I
05:46Don't want to be awake during it other benefits to laser lipo over traditional lipos
05:51The recovery time is a lot quicker less bruising less swollenness. Hello. Oh
05:58Hello, this is funny guys. Say hello to bunny. What do you think bunny? What do you think of my double chin?
06:05I think it looks like 10 cans of ours
06:08I'll see you guys in a few hours. Good morning. You guys a surgery day
06:14752 right now I leave gotta leave the house in like eight minutes, but they told me to eat a little before so I'm having
06:19some yogurt and
06:23Buzz barely got any sleep last night my body like never lost me to sleep at new places or like
06:30Any other place besides my own bed?
06:33Zero sleep on surgery days crazy. Wish me love
06:39Creepy thoughts. It also made me put on a disposable bra like
06:47Feel like I'm at sky zone. I have to put this on later to be wave check wave check. He's kind of nice though
06:56Feel the waves coming in the way
07:00Wave check wave check wave check
07:09A few moments later you guys how do you see where do you see?
07:18I'm still pretty numb all over so I'm talking funny, but the procedure was really fast. It was probably like
07:2620 minutes and
07:28It did not hurt. It was painless. It was more just uncomfortable and like rough like I just felt a bunch of like
07:35Think I'm still out of it from being sleep-deprived and then taking the light, okay
07:39I'm waiting on my sister to pick me up. Why is this new wave cap isn't as good as my first one?
07:46You drowning in?
07:52I'm supposed to be eating soft foods right now. So I'm gonna make some egg drops
07:58All my seasonings mixed up in here
08:01Add it in
08:02Corn starch slurry to thicken it up. This is the cool part. You make a tornado add your egg
08:12You gently mix it
08:16Added some green onion. Oh my god. Look how good it is
08:19I'm gonna buy who said that down go go you can't be on the counter my god
08:25I look like 10 kids fast. Oh
08:29My god, oh
08:32My god, it's day three post chin up. I haven't done a good job updating you guys but earlier this morning
08:38I went to the clinic and I got the little
08:42Stitches removed. I'm really swollen right now
08:45My chin currently looks worse than how I looked before the surgery because it's so
08:51Swollen when I touch my neck right now, it's so numb. Also. I am sick. I am sick of wearing this thing
08:58Can't guys I can't I had to wear it three to four days straight no taking it off
09:02I still have like one more day left to go and then after that I could just wear it as often as possible
09:09You know how humbling it is to go out in public and like literally be like this
09:17We're gonna go thread my eyebrows you guys don't even know how relieved and excited I am to thread them today
09:22I've been growing them out for like three weeks now just to make it easier for the threading ladies to
09:28Thread them. I think this is like the longest I've gone without like cleaning them up and they look atrocious guys. Look at that
09:37Look at that, let's go
09:42Guys I forgot to film an after video. So this is all you get. Sorry. I'll see you guys at my mom's salon
09:48That's my sister guys. She stays doing my nails
09:51Unfortunately, oh, oh, oh, okay
10:07All done I
10:09Just did glitter French tips
10:13I held her hostage guys. It's seven o'clock now everyone left like six. Thank you
10:20Thank you. I give you guys a little chin update. It's ten days post-op
10:25It's still very very swollen. You guys see this part. It's like
10:30hard to the touch
10:33I'm scared
10:34I don't think you guys will see any results until two to three months later because that's when all the swollenness is supposed to go
10:42The bruising did go away
10:44If you guys remember the last time I updated you guys if my neck was literally all green
10:48Do you have a little scar from the incision but that should line up pretty well. I think my skin
10:53Handles scars really well, but for the lips though. I
10:57Just have a little tinted lip balm on and y'all look how good it looks
11:03But she looks so good and juicy I'm getting a tattoo
11:15Getting divine feminine
11:17Right here like a little bit below my waist
11:19I've been pondering thinking deciding about this for a very very very long time
11:28I think the tattoo that hurt me the most was my ribcage one
11:34This one hurt
11:37Your skin is actually like you're not moving and your skin is taking the ink pretty well itself
11:48It's like right on the bone it's done
11:52It's clean off right now. I'm too bad right? No, not too bad
11:55The bone part just like started tickling and hurting at the same time
11:59I like didn't know what to do the last time I got a tattoo was like two years ago or three years ago
12:05I don't know. This is my first tattoo when I was 18 like right when I turned 18 and then I got like four more
12:11after that and
12:13Then I stopped for a hot minute just cuz I just didn't want to anymore and this was my first one
12:20Yeah, I think since I was 18
12:22Yeah, I'm excited. Let's go see. Oh
12:29It looks so good, I like it I like it. Yeah, it looks really good
12:34I love how fine line it is. Dennis also did a little flame on me too right here like
12:40Two three years ago, and it's a little thicker than I wanted because at the time he didn't know how to do fine line tattoos
12:48It's gonna try to thin it out today by adding a little white on the sides
12:56Check out Denny's soy tats in Minnesota most mid tattoo artists ever
13:04I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. He's alright. He's alright time to whine my teeth
13:25They're so white look look at that I
13:30Feel like Chip Skylark, I was gonna do my tooth gems too, but honestly, I'm so tired right now
13:37It's like nine o'clock almost also made an appointment to get invisalign like next week
13:44So I'm like, there's no point in putting a tooth gel on for like a few days and then having to drill it off
13:51We're gonna skip over that part. But at least my teeth are white. I'm about to do my lashes
13:56I use the you cool me DIY lash clusters. This is my lashes before
14:03This is after
14:05Look how pretty
14:07Do you guys want to try these out? I'll link them in the video
14:10So you guys have seen me complete all my physical glow-up goals, but I also completed the mental ones
14:16I told you guys I wanted to make a list of my New Year's goals and I did that and I also
14:21Put it onto a vision board
14:24I can't show you guys the whole vision board just because some goals are personal and I'm also the type
14:28That doesn't like to show my goals until they're done. So you guys will see this full complete vision board
14:35Next year once I complete my goals. Happy New Year's guys
14:40My friend is coming over right now. We're getting ready to go out to the club
14:45I literally ordered the cutest fit from outcast and my dumbass
14:51Didn't try it on even though I got it like a week ago. I was just like, oh, it's gonna fit. It's gonna fit
14:55I'm always extra small. It didn't fit
14:57It did not fit the corset top would not zip the fuck up like I even I've asked my mom for help
15:03I was like mom, please please I need this to fit. She was like sweated
15:07She was breaking a sweat trying to zip that shit up. It was not zipping up guys
15:11This was the outfit. Look how freaking cute. Oh, I'm sad
15:14I feel like it gives like New Year's right like all black and then I have like little kitten heels on
15:20That's it for the video guys. Thank you so much for watching
15:22If you made it this far comment down below some of your New Year's resolutions. I really want to know
15:27Hope you guys had an amazing New Year's and I'll see you guys in 2025
15:32Love you
