• avant-hier


00:00What are you doing ?
00:04She said, she said
00:08She said, let me get it to you, I say get it to me
00:12She said, just relax and let me get it to you
00:15No, no, no
00:18She said, take it easy, I will do the work
00:22You don't have to wind up yourself
00:27She said, take it easy, I will do the work
00:31You don't have to wind up yourself
00:36And if she bubble and she bubble and she bubble and wind
00:39Push man
00:40Is the greatest man of
00:42Push man
00:43Roll your waist and bend over
00:44Push man
00:45Oh miss lady
00:46She bubble and she bubble and she bubble and wind
00:48Push man
00:49Give me the greatest man of
00:51Push man
