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Murdoch Mysteries - Season 15 Episode 2


00:30What sort of man are you?
00:52What did Miss Fulford ever do to you?
00:56Answer me.
00:57She's a paycheck.
00:58She is the mother of a child.
01:01His only parent.
01:04Didn't you say that detective friend of yours knocked her up?
01:06Or did I hear that wrong?
01:08Watch your mouth.
01:09Maybe you play your cards right.
01:12You'll get lucky too.
01:16Unless it's past your time.
01:24Is he about taking Harry outside for a walk?
01:29Of course.
01:30She's a pistol.
01:32Maybe I shouldn't have stopped her.
01:33Well, it's good you did.
01:34She hits harder than you.
01:41She's a pistol.
01:43Maybe I shouldn't have stopped her.
01:45Well, it's good you did.
01:47She hits harder than you.
01:51We both know our current situation is untenable.
01:56It seems like you can keep me here, or kill me.
02:02What is your plan?
02:05You said something about a deal.
02:12Let's hear it.
02:19Come on.
02:33Not too much or too quickly.
02:34You'll vomit.
02:35And I do apologize, Miss Newsome, but blood is blood and my sister was determined to
02:40help George.
02:41She loves him.
02:42Love at first sight.
02:43It was.
02:44And I wouldn't worry.
02:46You are so smart and talented.
02:51There's sure to be another man for you.
02:53You bet.
02:54Don't say that or she's just upset.
02:58Anywho, what's done is done and George and Amelia are now man and wife.
03:04It was the only thing I could do to save you.
03:07And this is what you want?
03:13Even though he doesn't love you?
03:16Love doesn't always appear.
03:17Sometimes it grows.
03:18You won't get away with this.
03:19So help me.
03:22Stay where you are, George Crabtree.
03:23Miss Newsome is in no state to do anything.
03:24And I warn you.
03:26It would be very wise that you mind your manners.
03:44What happened?
03:45Jack Larkin is dead.
03:47I know that.
03:49How did that happen?
03:51Mrs. Hart is investigating.
03:54Do you think the son did it?
03:55I think so.
03:57So now he's a murderer because we couldn't make a case.
04:02What about the woman Larkin was with?
04:04She's recovering but says she didn't see anything.
04:07So you're gonna bring this casey fellow in?
04:10We're looking for him.
04:11No look at the address he furnished.
04:13Bring the parents in.
04:14They'll know.
04:15Are you sure?
04:18They're already suffering.
04:20They're parents.
04:22They live in a world of perpetual suffering.
04:24Well at least that's something you'll never have to worry about, Watts.
04:27Get on with it.
04:54Wish me luck.
05:21You tell the Falconis you have Anna.
05:24You lead them to me and I won't pursue the matter further.
05:28Providing you furnish me with proof that Falconi authorized the murder of Anna Fulford.
05:35I can do that.
05:37Why are you willing to trust me?
05:42Because if you renege or if any harm comes to Anna or the boy, I'll hunt you down and
05:51kill you.
06:06Please just have a seat.
06:08We don't know where our son is.
06:11And our daughter is gone.
06:13Can you please just leave us in peace?
06:16I just need to talk to Keiji.
06:17And I don't know where he is.
06:20Why are you doing this to us?
06:23If your son is a good man, no harm will come to him.
06:26Because sometimes even a good man must kill.
06:31Do you think he did it?
06:32He would not do it.
06:33He would not take a man's life.
06:36I know my son.
06:38Do you have children, Inspector?
06:41I do.
06:42Two boys.
06:43And would you believe them capable of murder?
06:51Take a good look.
06:52The man's name is Keiji Nakamura, 25 years of age, of Japanese heritage, so he shouldn't
06:57be hard to find.
07:00If at all possible, bring him in without harming him.
07:03I need to question him, not arrest him.
07:18Poor dear had a terrible ordeal.
07:20Oh, I'm bored.
07:23I'm supposed to be on my honeymoon.
07:25I want my new life to start.
07:27I agree.
07:33What's done is done.
07:35Perhaps it's time to introduce my new wife to the world.
07:39Really, George?
07:40I don't think that's a good idea.
07:43I thought you wanted your sister to begin her new life.
07:46Please, Dorsey, please.
07:48You don't expect her to live in this room with me forever?
07:53She comes with us.
07:54That's not necessary.
07:56It is.
07:57And she'll have a gun in her back the entire time.
08:00You try even the slightest funny thing, and I'll kill her.
08:09Thank you, Dr. Ogden.
08:10We're not out of the woods yet, but you've given us a chance.
08:14Hello, Beattie.
08:17This is worth the bloody bother, isn't it?
08:22Is this the woman who saved me?
08:26She is indeed, bless her.
08:31So is he going to come back?
08:34That's what I'm counting on.
08:36And you trust him?
08:38I'm hoping he fears what I'll do to him more than the Falcones.
08:45What do you do about him?
08:47Return him to his mother.
08:49Hopefully grant him a normal life.
08:52Are you sure you want to curse him with that?
09:01As long as he's safe.
09:05What about you?
09:07What about me?
09:09He's your son.
09:11Are you prepared to let him walk out of your life?
09:16If it means no harm will come to him, so be it.
09:22I'm sorry, William.
09:26So am I.
09:31All I'm suggesting, ladies, is that I've seen your work and you're all as capable as any man.
09:36And it's not beyond your capabilities to become doctors.
09:39And frankly, the profession would be better served with more women in it.
09:43But Dr. Arthur, I'd never be admitted to medical school.
09:46She's fine. I wouldn't be either.
09:49Well, if with my recommendation, you might.
09:51Doctor! Doctor!
09:53It's Andrew.
09:55It's Andrew.
09:58Good Lord. Help him.
10:01Nurse, prep for surgery. Get a gurney.
10:03You two help me with him.
10:05He'll be all right.
10:13So when am I getting my bag back?
10:17Sure, ma'am. We'll have your bag for you in a moment.
10:21I don't know.
10:23George Crabtree and his harem of women.
10:26Quiet, Dorothy.
10:28This is so exciting.
10:30My new life.
10:32A policeman's wife.
10:34Who would have thought?
10:42Dearly beloved.
10:47Come here!
10:53Shoot her!
10:58Let go of me! Let go of me!
11:06Let go of me!
11:08Let go of me!
11:12Let go of me!
11:15Hurry up!
11:27It's good to see you, sir.
11:29I was afraid some ill had befallen you.
11:31Oh, I'm fine, thank you.
11:33But there's something I need you to do for me.
11:35That's why I'm here.
11:39Is that your son?
11:44You are a lucky man.
11:46Oh, I would hardly say that.
11:48The circumstance in which you find yourself is less than fortunate,
11:50but the fact you have a son
11:52is indeed a good fortune.
11:54Yes, George.
11:56So, what is it you require of me?
11:58You wish me to escort these two to the train station?
12:00Oh, no.
12:02That will be my responsibility.
12:04I need you to do something else.
12:10Amelia's behind bars.
12:14Why did you marry her?
12:16It wasn't real marriage, Iffy.
12:18It was ordained by Higgins for Pete's sake.
12:20And I did it to keep you safe.
12:22And you are now.
12:24No, I'm not.
12:26We'll find Dorothy.
12:28Maybe you should go home and get some rest.
12:30George, perhaps you should have married her.
12:34In earnest.
12:36Then maybe all this would be over.
12:38Iffy, I don't think you're thinking straight.
12:40Suppose I'm not.
12:44Constable Paul,
12:46would you escort Miss Newsome home?
12:48Maybe you stay with her until I get back?
12:50Of course.
12:52Let me go! Let me go!
12:56It's fine.
12:58Drink. You'll feel better.
13:00It's funny.
13:02It's all I did last night.
13:04And I don't.
13:06You slept in the alley?
13:08If that's where you found me.
13:13You know, Mr. Larkin is dead.
13:25But I did not do it.
13:27I was drinking all night.
13:29Talk to the bartender.
13:31Busy bar.
13:33There was one Japanese man in it.
13:35He'll tell you where I was.
13:39It wasn't him.
13:41You said you didn't get a good look at the assailant.
13:43That's true.
13:45So perhaps I should say I don't think it was him.
13:49Well, I only had a glance at the person,
13:51but he was much slighter than that man.
13:53You sure?
13:57No matter what you may think of Jack Larkin,
13:59I had a great affection for him.
14:01If I thought that was the man who killed him,
14:03I'd say so.
14:05All right. Thank you.
14:12I talked to the owner of the bar.
14:14He said the Japanese man was in there until late last night.
14:16Is he certain?
14:18We had to throw him out.
14:20That's probably why he ended up in the alley.
14:22I see. Thank you.
14:24Oh, could you escort Miss Day home?
14:26Of course.
14:28City morgue?
14:32I don't want to talk to you, George Cratcher.
14:34You have to.
14:37I hate you.
14:39You took my heart and you broke it.
14:43I had no choice.
14:45How could you leave me on like that?
14:47You're certainly not the person I thought you were.
14:49Well, nor are you.
14:51I should have made you seek help the first time we met.
14:53Help? There's nothing wrong with me.
14:55Except you.
14:57You could have taken what I had to offer.
15:02Where's your sister?
15:04How should I know?
15:06Amelia, any assistance you can give at this point
15:08can only help your cause.
15:10I'm not telling you.
15:12She didn't do much to help you, did she?
15:14She sacrificed you while she made her getaway.
15:18Now, where did she go?
15:20Oh, where, oh, where
15:22will Dorothy go?
15:29Oh, where, oh, where
15:31will she be
15:33with her head cut low?
15:39Oh, where, oh, where
15:41will she be?
15:59You like science?
16:01I don't know what I like.
16:03I haven't been in school much.
16:05It just looks interesting.
16:09Wait right here.
16:17You don't have to worry.
16:19Nobody's following us.
16:21How do you know that?
16:23I've been watching. I always do.
16:25My mother told me to always keep my head on a swivel.
16:29Well, hopefully you won't have to do that for much longer.
16:37For you, young man.
16:43You'll be going on a long journey.
16:45You'll need something to occupy your mind.
16:59I'm so sorry.
17:01Please, no.
17:05We did everything we could,
17:07but he began to hemorrhage,
17:09and there was no way to stop it.
17:11I can't do it.
17:13I can't.
17:15I can't.
17:19I can't.
17:23Combine these two chemicals
17:25for a good result.
17:27For a great surprise.
17:31But only do that outdoors.
17:37I would like it very much
17:39if you would come.
17:41As would I.
17:43But I can't.
17:45I have to be certain that you and your mother
17:47are safe first.
17:49What about after you've done that?
17:51There'll be plenty of time to discuss it.
17:54I've bought two tickets.
17:56I will accompany the boy to New York.
17:58Very good.
18:02I would be forever grateful
18:04if you would see them both safely to England.
18:10You'll see to the bill?
18:12Of course.
18:14All right.
18:16You'd best be off.
18:20You'll be brave.
18:23I'll write you
18:25once I do the experiment.
18:27I would very much like that.
18:29But only once I've told you
18:31it's safe to do so.
18:33Not before.
18:41I'm glad I met you, Father.
18:45As am I, son.
18:47As am I.
18:53I'm sorry, Detective.
18:55I'm no closer to an answer.
18:57Have you tried consulting with Dr. Ogden?
18:59I doubt that'll be necessary.
19:01I think it is, Mrs. Hart.
19:03Lack of knowledge can only be remedied
19:05by asking questions.
19:07In that way, your job is no different than mine.
19:09If you'd just give me more time.
19:11I'm sorry.
19:13That's something I don't currently
19:15have an excess of.
19:17I'm sorry.
19:19I'm sorry.
19:22I could request Dr. Ogden myself
19:24if you find the matter unpleasant.
19:28I'll do it.
19:44Detective Murdoch.
19:46Mr. Falcone.
19:48I take it you're enjoying
19:51your time in La Belle Provence.
19:53Mr. Rhodes told me you had the woman.
19:55Give her to me.
19:57I don't think so.
19:59You didn't hear him.
20:01We're here for the woman.
20:03Drop your weapon.
20:07Take them in, George.
20:09With pleasure.
20:11This one as well.
20:15What do you think you're doing?
20:17I'm saving your skin, Mr. Rhodes.
20:19Making this look good, huh?
20:21Yeah, all right, all right.
20:25It's good.
20:29I see.
20:31They're called osteons.
20:33Oh, yes. I remember.
20:35Both human and animal bones contain them
20:37and in some circumstances
20:39there's easily identifiable osteon banding.
20:41In this case, I'd say almost definitely
20:43this is animal bone.
20:45But they said
20:48Then they were likely lying.
20:50My best guess,
20:52this is a pig femur.
20:54Thank you, Dr. Ogden.
20:56But I do think I should have known that.
20:58Well, you don't have as many
21:00corpses under your belt as I do.
21:02Not yet, anyway.
21:04This was rather
21:06a pleasant diversion, actually.
21:08I lost a patient today.
21:10Oh, I'm sorry.
21:12There was little that could have been done for him.
21:14I tried.
21:17It failed.
21:19Well, have our
21:21questions been answered?
21:25Gentlemen, your suspicions
21:27are right, Detective.
21:29What we're looking at here is an extremely charred pig femur.
21:31Huh. Not human at all, then.
21:33So the two of them are lying to you.
21:35So it would seem.
21:37It would also seem their daughter is
21:39indeed alive.
21:41And now her husband's dead.
21:43Bring them in. Pressure them into giving us something useful.
21:46And if they don't?
21:48Charge them with murder.
21:50So the parent should pay for the sin of the child.
21:54You'd better tread carefully, Watts.
21:56Mrs. Hart.
22:04Ah, Dr. Ogden.
22:08I was wondering if I might impose on you a moment.
22:10Of course. What do you need?
22:12I'm hoping you'll have a word with a suspect I have in custody.
22:15Certainly. Who is it?
22:17Until recently,
22:19she was my wife.
22:23that may require further explanation.
22:25Where shall I begin?
22:31So tell me,
22:33when did it become a crime
22:35to take a train to Montreal?
22:37When that trip is
22:39for the purpose of committing murder.
22:41Oh, good luck proving that.
22:43I have testimony that posits you commissioned
22:45the murder of Anna Fulford.
22:47She isn't dead.
22:49No, but conspiracy
22:51to commit murder is also a crime.
22:53And I have a witness
22:55that any jury
22:57would be compelled to believe.
22:59If you go ahead with this,
23:01you're signing the death warrant
23:03for all those you hold
23:05near and dear.
23:07I'm not afraid
23:09of you.
23:14It isn't me you should be afraid of.
23:18The reach of the black hand
23:20extends far beyond these walls.
23:22Good day, Mr. Falcone.
23:26You're risking a lot
23:28for a bastard son.
23:46Who are you?
23:48My name is Dr. Julia Ogden.
23:52That's funny.
23:54What is?
23:56A lady doctor
23:58for Plank Pretend.
24:00Then I'm Princess Amelia Ernst.
24:04Not Mrs. George K.
24:06I'm Amelia Ernst.
24:09Not Mrs. George Crabtree?
24:11No, that's not funny.
24:13I was supposed to be
24:15Mrs. George Crabtree,
24:17but he deceived me.
24:21But he will love me someday.
24:25Why do you believe that?
24:29He sees the error of his ways,
24:31he will come back to me.
24:33And if he doesn't come back to me,
24:35then he's in for it.
24:39We'll see to that.
24:45Dorothy and I.
24:49Fool us once,
24:51shame on you.
24:57What makes you think
24:59that George is the one?
25:01Because I read his words.
25:05He's my soulmate.
25:08We are destined to be together
25:10one way or another.
25:14What do you mean by that?
25:16It means
25:20there are more worlds
25:22than this one.
25:26And I don't care
25:28which one we are together in.
25:31You planning on releasing me
25:33anytime soon?
25:35I will.
25:37Not just yet.
25:39I'm a
25:41kind of a sitting duck
25:43in here.
25:45Never know who's going to come
25:47walking through those cell doors.
25:49Patience, Mr. Rhodes.
25:53You had no right
25:55to disturb my daughter's remains.
25:57That is a pig bone, sir.
25:59You did not cremate your daughter.
26:01In fact,
26:03I believe she's very much alive.
26:05That's not true.
26:07I'm afraid it is.
26:09A scientific test has proven that bone
26:11to be animal in nature
26:13and it's not a pig bone.
26:15It's not a pig bone.
26:17It's not a pig bone.
26:19It's not a pig bone.
26:21The animal in nature and,
26:23as the inspector said, most likely
26:25a pig. What was the
26:27nature of your ruse?
26:29Our daughter is dead,
26:31and that man killed her
26:33and the woman before her.
26:35He is the guilty man.
26:39Did you know about this?
26:45is this how you want to play it?
26:47Right then, all three of you are charged with the murder of Mr. Jack Larkin.
26:57You had all better think carefully about what you are doing.
27:05I would like to make a formal statement saying that Station House Four have entered formal
27:09charges against Mr. Hakurei and Mrs. Yua Nakamura in the murder of Mr. Jack Larkin.
27:18What are you doing?
27:20I'm letting the press know that we've done our job.
27:24Amelia's not well, George.
27:34She should be in prison for kidnapping.
27:37I'd like to see her committed.
27:38It's possible her condition is treatable.
27:40And if it's not?
27:43Then the asylum is where she'd reside.
27:45I suppose I should have a charitable mind about it.
27:51She does have excellent taste in men.
27:54How's Miss Newsome?
27:58She's a bit shaken up by the whole ordeal.
28:01I can imagine.
28:02Should I reach out to her?
28:04I shouldn't think so.
28:06Effie's made of strong stuff.
28:07A good night's sleep, she'll be fine.
28:09Have you spoken to the detective?
28:11He found Harry.
28:12Well, that's good news.
28:13So he'll be coming home soon.
28:15I suppose.
28:16What do you want?
28:17I won't wait over your time.
28:18I have nothing to say to you.
28:19I have a lawyer coming.
28:21You may want to hold off on that.
28:22I'm sorry.
28:23I'm sorry.
28:24I'm sorry.
28:25I'm sorry.
28:26I'm sorry.
28:27I'm sorry.
28:28I'm sorry.
28:29I'm sorry.
28:30I'm sorry.
28:31I'm sorry.
28:32I'm sorry.
28:33I'm sorry.
28:34I'm sorry.
28:35I'm sorry.
28:36I'm sorry.
28:38And why is that?
28:40Because I'm about to make you an offer you had best not refuse.
29:07Go on.
29:13I'm sorry.
29:14I'm sorry.
29:15I'm sorry.
29:17I'm sorry.
29:18Don't do this, Harry.
29:19I'm sorry.
29:20I'm sorry.
29:21I'm sorry.
29:22I'm sorry.
29:23I'm sorry.
29:24I'm sorry.
29:25I'm sorry.
29:26I'm sorry.
29:27I'm sorry.
29:28The boy can move.
29:29And the woman?
29:30Depends on what you are prepared to offer me.
29:31can live. And the woman? Depends on what you are prepared to offer me. If Miss
29:38Fulford is granted her freedom, then I will have no reason to pursue any matter
29:43against you or any other member of the Black Hand. Except Mr. Falcone. Except
29:48Mr. Falcone. He will be put away for a long time. Okay. Then the woman can live.
29:57You can give me this assurance. The matter of Anna Fulford is only of
30:03concern to the Falcone family. The rest of the organization would rather not be
30:10involved in chasing some silly woman who did nothing wrong. You can assure me
30:15that his grievance isn't shared by any other member of the Black Hand? If Falcone
30:20is out of the picture, we will wash our hands of the whole affair. You have my
30:26word. Then what's that worth? As much as yours.
30:39I wish his son a long and happy life.
30:45No sign of her, George. I imagine she's far away from here, if she knows what's good for her.
30:57Right. Higgins, look at this. What is it? Windsor newspaper archives. Here's a
31:02story about a house fire. An entire family was killed. Sounds like a shame.
31:06There were two survivors, a couple of children that the family took in.
31:11Twin girls. And they murdered the family? Well, I don't know. I suppose it could
31:17have been an accident, but it says here there were rumblings at the time,
31:20something funny about the fire. There's nothing funny about a fire, George.
31:24And I speak from experience. Ruthie almost burned our house down a few
31:28nights ago. How? Warming milk. Good Lord. Don't you have a nanny or some such? She quit.
31:34And you didn't hire another? She quit too. Ruthie can be quite demanding. Little
31:40Jordan can be quite a handful as well. Jordan? I don't know where you came up
31:45with that name. Came to Ruthie in a dream. So are you still going to ask Miss Newsom
31:53to marry you? I don't know. Higgins now hardly seems like the right time. I think
31:59that as long as those two are out there, there's never gonna be a right time.
32:10Enjoying your grape juice? You know they didn't do it, don't you? I don't care.
32:25Then let them go. No. They're up to something. If they wanted to kill Mr. Larkin,
32:31they had ample opportunity. And so did the daughter. And up until recently,
32:36she's had the perfect alibi. Death. So what does arresting them accomplish? If she's a good
32:43person, she'll come forward. The whole of Toronto considers her parents to be murderers. Let's see
32:48if she can live with that. And if she can? I'll let them go. Right now, I'm just fishing.
32:55You're troubled, aren't you? You're very perceptive. You want to talk about it? Just
33:02leave it, Watts, all right? Of course. About time. Well? You aren't going anywhere.
33:33We had a deal. Had. But I've made another deal with the Black Hand. A better deal.
33:44I'll recant everything I told you. Every bit of information I gave you. You go ahead. I have
33:52others who will swear that you and Falcone acted alone. Acted alone about what? You murdered an
33:59innocent woman, put her body in a barrel of lye, and who knows how many countless others you did
34:04the same to. We had a deal. You were going to kill my son. You're a dead man. We all are eventually,
34:24Mr. Rhodes. Get some sleep. I hear it's good for you.
35:08I would like to see my parents released. We'll decide that once we hear what you have to say.
35:15I killed my husband, a Mr. Jack Larkin, and I acted alone. You hardly did that. Your parents
35:22helped you fake your death. That was only to escape him. Well, your family did more than that.
35:27They accused him of murder. He is a murderer. He killed his first wife. How do you know that?
35:34He told me on more than one occasion. And you never went to the police? He would have killed
35:39me, so I needed to escape him. And you had escaped him, and yet you went back to kill him. Why?
35:47He beat me almost every day, and I let him. I thought once he was arrested, it would be over,
36:01and no woman would ever have to suffer him. But then I saw him free, and with another woman.
36:10I couldn't have that on my conscience. You should have come to the police.
36:15You had him, and you did nothing.
36:22Please, let my family go. They did nothing wrong except try and save me.
36:28What happens now? We recommend leniency.
36:32A Japanese woman kills a well-respected white man? What sort of leniency will be granted?
36:38Hopefully, enough to save her from the noose.
36:41I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
36:43I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
36:45I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
36:47I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
36:49I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
36:51I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
36:53I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
36:55I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
36:57I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
36:59I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
37:01I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
37:03I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
37:05I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
37:07I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
37:09I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you.
37:12I'm sorry.
37:16I'm sorry.
37:22I am in your debt, George.
37:23It was pleasure enough to be of assistance.
37:25I've told your superior that you are a most able officer.
37:29Thank you, but that was hardly necessary.
37:32You are destined for greater things
37:34I am French, sir. The position I hold is as far as I will ever advance
37:36The position I hold is as far as I will ever advance
37:38The Montreal police is not favorably inclined towards its French officers.
37:43Of course. I've faced something similar in Toronto.
37:46The constabulary does not look favorably upon Catholics.
37:51What would a Neptunian make of us?
37:54A Neptunian?
37:55Being from another planet.
37:57What would they think about how we on Earth are dividing ourselves?
38:01Especially since we are essentially all the same.
38:05But I wonder what Neptunians think of Venusians.
38:09Not much, I would think. They are a bad bunch.
38:12Would you mind if I accompanied you to the train?
38:14I would appreciate that.
38:16Have you given much thought to other species inhabiting this Earth?
38:19Like mermen?
38:22Oh, I think mole men are far more probable.
38:25I feel that as well.
38:27If you're ever in Toronto, there's someone you should meet.
38:31For the journey home.
38:32Ah, comme c'est bon. I have converted you.
38:35We'll see.
38:44What is it?
38:47Your son's in Winnipeg.
38:50We have friends there.
38:52Reliable friends.
38:54Is he safe?
38:55As far as we know.
39:01The rest of your payment.
39:03We haven't brought him back yet.
39:05I don't want you to.
39:07His life is his own now.
39:08What he does with it, that's up to him.
39:12I appreciate this.
39:14Do you understand what I'm saying?
39:16Stay out of trouble.
39:31Sometimes you don't know how your day is going to turn, do you?
39:35I didn't expect it to come to much, but today was a very good day.
39:39I do feel like I'm starting to fit in with the people I work with.
39:42Julia Ogden helped me with a case today.
39:45Perhaps I'm not infallible, but she seems not a bad soul at all.
39:49Maybe she just needed a second chance.
39:53Which got me thinking.
39:55We all need a second chance sometimes, don't we?
39:57Would you like one?
40:15This is our second chance.
40:17How do you feel?
40:22I feel grateful.
40:26I feel grateful.
40:54Get up!
40:56Get up!
40:57Get up!
40:59Get up!
41:00He's a ghost!
41:02You're all right.
41:03You're all right.
41:06What was that?
41:09The noise.
41:10George hit the window.
41:12Let's go.
41:24There's nothing there.
41:25Are you sure?
41:28I'm sure.
41:31Oh, good Lord.
41:54Dearest Anna,
41:57I do hope you are settling into what will be a normal life.
42:01I think the threat to you has passed,
42:03and you may be able to live in peace.
42:06If there is occasion,
42:08I would dearly love to see Harry again.
42:12Yours, William.
42:17If you would rather I not send it, I won't.
42:20Of course not, William.
42:24It's clear that you share something.
42:28And he's your son.
42:31He should be a part of your life.
42:34Our life?
42:35Yes, our life.
42:40Although I'm not sure how I tolerate two of you.
42:45You could.
42:47He has a keen interest in science.
42:49Not much of a surprise.
42:53It's not something I ever thought I would need.
42:58I've always known that about you, William.
43:02And I'm glad you have it.
43:10I'm going to get ready for bed.
43:12I'll join you.
43:13I should hope so.
43:24Like this?
43:29That's very good.
43:53I'm going to bed.