• 2 days ago
Murdoch Mysteries - Season 15 Episode 1


00:30Previously, on Murdoch Mysteries.
00:46My mom told me about you.
00:49Your mother?
00:50Where is she?
00:51She's dead.
00:52When did you last see your father?
00:55You're him, aren't you?
00:56I am.
00:57I'm going to ask Effie to marry me.
00:58I bought the ring and everything.
00:59Where is Effie?
01:00I don't know.
01:01You're lying.
01:02Tell me.
01:03I go with my sister, George.
01:05She made me do it.
01:06She's lying.
01:08Maybe I am.
01:09Miss Fulford put her rings in the drum with the body.
01:10To make it appear as though she were dead.
01:11But her finger marks are on the lid.
01:12Where's Harry?
01:13He went to the water closet.
01:14What's going on?
01:15I don't know.
01:16I don't know.
01:17I don't know.
01:18I don't know.
01:19I don't know.
01:20I don't know.
01:21I don't know.
01:22I don't know.
01:23I don't know.
01:24I don't know.
01:25I don't know.
01:26What's going on?
01:27Anna Fulford might still be alive.
01:29Julia, he's gone.
01:3475 Rue Saint-Mathieu, Montreal.
02:18Hello, sir. Is this one available?
02:2775 Saint-Monsieur Street.
02:44Are you with the police?
02:49It started about an hour ago.
02:51So you said.
02:52I told them to stop, but they ignored me.
02:54Probably don't even know the language.
02:57I don't know what the devil they are doing,
02:59but it certainly isn't safe.
03:02You there.
03:04What are you doing?
03:06Please, be quiet.
03:09You can't be doing this.
03:12We are saying goodbye to our daughter.
03:15Your daughter?
03:18Her soul is now on its journey.
03:21The man who killed her is inside the house.
03:25He is alive.
03:27You are police?
03:29Then he is now your responsibility.
03:33Now please leave us with our grief.
03:39All right.
04:04Are you all right?
04:08I don't want those two arrested.
04:10They appear to want the same for you.
04:14They say you killed their daughter.
04:16I killed...
04:17She's my wife.
04:19I did no such thing.
04:21Now get them off my property!
04:25Where is your wife?
04:28I don't know.
04:29Ask them.
04:30They seem to think she's dead.
04:33Maybe they're right.
04:34And why do you say that?
04:37She's been dead for days.
04:42And so you burned your daughter's body?
04:44It is our religion.
04:46And highly irregular.
04:49Shintoism requires that the body be cremated.
04:54We were afraid that it would not be a doubt.
04:57You're probably right.
04:59And you say her husband killed her.
05:03And why do you say that?
05:06He visited her often.
05:09She tried to leave often.
05:12And he also had a wife before Minori.
05:16He also had her tent.
05:19You have proof of this?
05:20I know.
05:22Please do not disturb her.
05:25Her ashes needed to be returned to the ground.
05:29Of course.
05:30She is yours.
05:32Arigato gozaimasu.
05:37What will you do to see that our daughter receives justice?
06:31Vous êtes un voisin?
06:34Je cherche la femme qui habite ici.
06:36Elle a quitté les lieux.
06:38Elle est partie avec une autre femme.
06:40Savez-vous où?
06:44Inspecteur William Murdock de la police de Toronto.
06:48Est-ce qu'elle avait un petit jeune homme avec elle?
06:55Beaucoup de fleurs ici.
06:57Elle travaillait chez une fleuriste.
06:59Elle disait que ça la rendait heureuse.
07:02Il y a de quoi d'autre?
07:06Un autre homme est venu ici.
07:07Il a cherché elle et le garçon.
07:12Il était beaucoup moins...
07:15amicable que vous.
07:20Ah, George!
07:22You still look so surprised.
07:24Is it a good surprise?
07:26What have you done with Effie?
07:28Effie, Effie, Effie.
07:29It's always Effie, Effie, Effie.
07:32Effie had to go away, George.
07:35Don't you understand that?
07:36She wasn't right for you.
07:39You know, I was married once before.
07:43I did not know that.
07:45Swore I would never do it again.
07:47Well, that was before you met Mr. Crabtree.
07:51It's funny how the right man can change a woman's mind.
07:54I'd say that cuts both ways.
08:00A little liquid courage?
08:02Oh, Dorothy, you're a devil.
08:07I am that.
08:22Miss Newsome does like a drink,
08:23but I'm sure you knew that, George.
08:25She's no good for you.
08:27Well, liberated women love their libations,
08:29so it didn't take long.
08:30No good for you at all.
08:48She is a long woman.
08:51For a time, I thought I had given her too much.
08:53If you harm her...
08:54Oh, please, George.
08:57Sit down.
08:58She was alive and breathing when we left her.
08:59What condition she's in now isn't highly up to her.
09:05We've done it.
09:06We've done it.
09:12Let's get out of here.
09:15Let's go.
09:21So when are we going to do it?
09:23You'll have to make your preparations, George.
09:25Does it not matter that I don't love her?
09:27No, but you will.
09:29Once you get to know me better.
09:31And I want it to be proper in a church.
09:33You hear that, George?
09:34Yes, I heard.
09:37And, George,
09:39only two people in this world know where Miss Newsome is.
09:42You tell us all,
09:43and we will both go to our graves without telling anyone where to find her.
09:49This is madness.
09:51The road to true love never follows a straight line.
09:54We really are the poet in the family.
10:05So it's a busy day, but I shouldn't be too late.
10:10This seems to be the right one.
10:14Everything's signed.
10:18I'll see you tonight.
10:19Don't get up to anything I wouldn't.
10:24I'm hoping Freddie has gotten to her.
10:26But I haven't found Anna.
10:29And what about Harry?
10:31He's been to the flat, but no sign of him.
10:33Are they safe?
10:35I certainly hope so.
10:38Are you well, William?
10:40As well as can be expected.
10:44You'll find her, William. I'm sure of it. Both of them.
10:48Of course.
10:51And what will you do when you find them?
10:54I'll make sure that they're both safe.
10:57Of course.
10:59William, I have to go.
11:02I love you, Julia.
11:04As do I.
11:09There's a patient I need you to see.
11:12A day off?
11:13Just one, sir.
11:14Have you not noticed all the empty desks?
11:16It's important.
11:17I don't think I can.
11:18Well, then, I quit.
11:20Whoa, whoa, whoa, Crabtree. Hold your horses.
11:22What's the bloody importance?
11:23Sir, it's a personal matter. I'm inclined not to share.
11:27Look, take it if you need it.
11:31Thomas, what is going on? Where's Bobby?
11:34I don't know.
11:35Are you even looking?
11:37Of course I'm looking.
11:38Well, it certainly doesn't look like it.
11:40What it looks like is that you're sitting on your backside while our son is in trouble.
11:45You believe them, don't you?
11:47You believe our son's a murderer.
11:53Constable, I need you to dig up some information on a Mr. Jack Larkin.
11:57I can't.
11:58It would be a great help.
12:00I said I can't.
12:03What's wrong?
12:04What's wrong?
12:05I can't talk about it.
12:07Well, maybe I could help.
12:10Actually, maybe you could.
12:16I like the Blues' chances. They're a strong side.
12:18Are you joking? For the Grey Cup?
12:21That's what it's called.
12:22Yeah, it was just announced.
12:23You think the Blues will beat the Canoe Club?
12:26They have a good chance.
12:27Fifty cents.
12:28You were told to stay away from my son. Now get in here.
12:31And I did, Tom.
12:32Don't lie to me.
12:34Stay out of this, Constable.
12:35You sent a man to attack him.
12:36I did no such thing. Now get your hands off of me.
12:39I will when I'm finished with you.
12:40You let go of me now, or I will have you arrested for attacking a fellow officer.
12:46Fellow officer?
12:48You're hardly that.
12:52The Chief Constable came to me, gave me a stern warning, which I obeyed.
12:57Unlike you and your boy, I have no problem living under the rules which govern us.
13:03Who's the man that attacked my boy?
13:04How would I know?
13:05The warden said you put him in the same cell.
13:07I arrested the man. I hardly put him in the cell.
13:10I'm not to blame for this, Tom.
13:13Now your boy has got the blood of two dead men on his hands.
13:17I think it's time you looked to your own business.
13:29I thought she was a good woman.
13:31And what made you think she wasn't?
13:33I had just hired her. She worked three days.
13:36I paid her week's wages in advance.
13:38Where did she go?
13:39I don't care now.
13:40I didn't ask you that.
13:43She mentioned something about visiting a policeman in Toronto.
13:46I imagine you're him?
13:49Then she didn't return for any reason?
13:51As far as I know, she went to Toronto and never came back.
13:57Four dollars.
13:59I beg your pardon?
14:00If you see her, she owes me four dollars.
14:03Not everything grows on trees.
14:12Je vous emmène.
14:22Freddie Pink, I presume.
14:26One word, and you say goodbye to the boy.
14:30Or the boy says goodbye to you first.
14:33You choose.
14:42Well, they certainly burned something.
14:45Didn't the family say the remains were sacred?
14:48They did. But we have a job to do, don't we?
14:52Is there a way to ascertain if that bone is from their daughter's body?
14:56I'm no magician, but I doubt they're lying.
14:59Why is that?
15:00I know what lying looks like, Detective.
15:02I have no doubt you do, Mrs. Carmichael.
15:06Well, if that is all, I have a reservation I must keep.
15:10If you don't mind me saying, I can't help notice a certain spring in your step.
15:15Are there romantic problems behind you?
15:18They're certainly on their way out.
15:20I envy you.
15:23She may be with another woman.
15:25Detective Murdock, I can't help you.
15:27This is a city of half a million people.
15:29Surely you could spare an officer or two?
15:31My men, they have their duties.
15:33Sir, she's being pursued by the Black Hand.
15:37Then she is already dead.
15:39I don't believe that to be the case. Anna Fulford is a very clever woman.
15:42Cleverness does not trump brutality.
15:45I believe quite the opposite.
15:47If that is the case, then your experience with the Black Hand is limited.
15:56Excuse me, sir.
15:58Are you Detective William Murdock?
16:02It is an honor.
16:04I have studied your accomplishments with great interest.
16:07It is an honor.
16:11I can help you.
16:14Your inspector stated...
16:16You know little of me. You won't even know I'm missing.
16:18Please, you might actually find me quite useful.
16:20If only to be your guide.
16:22Or do you know the city well enough already?
16:25I could use the help.
16:26Then you shall have it.
16:27Now, let's locate your lost love.
16:29Oh, she's not my lost love.
16:31Nah, let's find her anyway.
16:33William Murdock.
16:37I say bring the family in first, not Mr. Larkin.
16:40What cause would you have to do that?
16:42Bad feeling.
16:44Not enough.
16:45Find out if there's any truth to what the family is saying.
16:47They're saying he's a murderer.
16:49Doesn't make him one.
16:54Uh, any news on your son, Inspector?
16:58Just that a lot of people are calling him a murderer.
17:01Do you want to convict him as well, Watts?
17:08Are you sure? He's close to death.
17:11His condition is untreatable.
17:14Are you saying the surgery will not extend his life?
17:17Not by an appreciable amount.
17:19He and his wife, Beatrice, are very decent people.
17:22They have both been valued friends to this hospital.
17:25They bankrolled our pauper's ward.
17:27If your actions can grant them a little more time together,
17:31I'd like to give it to them.
17:33Well, I may be able to relieve the pressure on his skull.
17:36Dr. Cushing's technique has proven quite successful,
17:39but it won't cure him.
17:41Then do it. And we hope for a miracle.
17:47You're the surgeon.
17:49Yes. Yes, I am.
17:51And you will help my husband.
17:54I will do what I can.
17:56And, uh, the men who are pursuing her,
17:59they are from Toronto?
18:00Yes, but they have associates here.
18:02Oh, they certainly do.
18:04I can assure you, sir, Montreal is not as pristine a place
18:06as the city fathers would have you believe.
18:08Crime is highly organized here.
18:10I'm aware.
18:11And there is no love lost between the members of the Black Hand
18:13and the Falcone family,
18:15contrary to what they would have you believe.
18:17And what's that?
18:18The organization is one big, happy family.
18:20I can assure you it's far from that.
18:23I beg your pardon?
18:24It's a dug.
18:26Steamed shut inside a bun.
18:27It's something of a delicacy here.
18:29I think I'll defer. Thank you.
18:30Ah, your loss. I'll take one.
18:32No, make it two.
18:34This is an auspicious day.
18:37You were saying about the Falcones?
18:39I was.
18:40And no love lost?
18:42Oh, of course.
18:43I was momentarily lost in paradise.
18:45A Falcone, the elder, he had respect.
18:48His son is tolerated for his name only.
18:51I think most of the organization would be happy if he was gone.
18:54I may be able to use that.
18:56That's the reason I was providing you with the information, sir.
19:05So you were on duty the day that my son escaped.
19:07You mean the day he killed the man?
19:11What happened?
19:12The two of them had words earlier that day.
19:14Then when they were in the yard, they fought.
19:16What kind of words?
19:17How would I know?
19:19Perhaps my boy was justified.
19:21Every man in the place thinks their actions are justified.
19:24Not every man settles his problems with one of these.
19:28That's the weapon your son used on the other fellow.
19:31Where did he get that?
19:33Made it himself.
19:34Clever little bugger.
19:36Both of them ended up in the infirmary,
19:38but your boy wasn't as badly hurt as he led on.
19:41He overpowered the trustee on duty and escaped.
19:44I see.
19:45Like I said, clever little bugger.
19:48I know. I heard you the first time.
19:53It was important she be cremated in her home.
19:58So her kami could be released to the worlds beyond.
20:02Her kami?
20:04Her soul.
20:05Oh, I see.
20:07I don't expect you to understand.
20:10No, no, no. I understand completely.
20:12There are worlds aplenty beyond our mortal grasp.
20:17Why are my parents here?
20:18I simply had a few questions.
20:20Well, let them go. They have done nothing wrong.
20:22Not exactly true. They did appear to assault Mr. Larkin.
20:26Only to deliver him to you.
20:27He killed my sister with their daughter.
20:30Why isn't he here instead of them?
20:32I have no reason to bring him in.
20:34He's done it before, you know.
20:35At least once.
20:36And Miss Katherine Wilson, his first wife, mysteriously disappeared.
20:40And now my sister.
20:42We don't know...
20:43He brutalized her.
20:44Sir, she tried to leave many times.
20:47He wanted to take her home.
20:49He wouldn't let her.
20:51And now she is dead.
20:53Would you please let my parents grieve in peace?
20:57And where is Miss Fulford?
20:59I don't know.
21:01Please, don't lie to me.
21:05If you're with the boy, you know where she is.
21:08That is a ridiculous supposition.
21:13You're a very pretty woman.
21:15So I would like for you to stay that way.
21:19I want you to know that none of this is personal.
21:24I just have a job to do.
21:27My mom did nothing wrong!
21:29That's not for me to decide, kid.
21:32Now, I don't know how you got yourself messed up in all this.
21:36But I know you know more than you're letting on.
21:47I don't want to have to kill the two of you.
21:49But if I have to, I have to.
21:52Do what you like to us if you want.
21:55But we are not your real problem.
21:57No. My real problem is Anna Fulford.
22:00No, it's not.
22:02It's William Murdoch.
22:04And you're going to have to get rid of him.
22:06I got no quarrel with him.
22:07He certainly does with you.
22:09You're holding his son captive.
22:15What's your point?
22:16I can bring him to you.
22:19If you let me and the boy go free.
22:28Do I look pretty?
22:30You look pretty as a picture.
22:31What kind of picture?
22:33Oh, you.
22:34Are you ready?
22:36Am I.
22:57I now pronounce you man and wife.
23:17Oh, that's so special.
23:37I believe I was able to substantially relieve the pressure.
23:40He should awaken soon.
23:42Thank you, Doctor.
23:44So it was a success?
23:45As much as it could have been, yes.
23:47Will I be able to bring him home?
23:50Honestly, I don't know.
23:54But you do believe he will awaken?
23:56I do.
24:00Well, then we take one miracle at a time, don't we?
24:05Thank you, Doctor.
24:16I'm right here by your side.
24:21For now and always.
24:27This isn't the first woman in your life to meet an unfortunate end, is it?
24:32I am simply a man who's lived a life of tragic circumstance.
24:40You took your sweet time getting here, Jones.
24:43Jack, are you all right?
24:44What's this all about?
24:45Miss Day here is prepared to say that she was with Mr. Larkin for the last three days before his wife's disappearance.
24:51You mean before his wife was killed.
24:53I was there to understand there was no body.
24:56As there was no body for Catherine Wilson.
24:59As far as I know, Catherine walked into Lake Ontario with a sack of rocks in her pocket.
25:03I grieved her death deeply.
25:05So the source of these accusations was held at my client's home?
25:11Based on the amount of ash and the ravings of some Asians?
25:16You know, they never wanted their daughter to marry a Gaijin.
25:18That's what they called me.
25:20That's what they called me.
25:21So, why did you marry her?
25:25I was seduced.
25:27Those women are devils.
25:29How was it you were found at your residence?
25:31I had been with Eliza the two nights previous.
25:33He was.
25:34And I was intending to make that arrangement permanent.
25:37We were very happy.
25:39And when I arrived home, they had already started that ghastly fire.
25:43The boy took me by surprise and knocked me out.
25:45And now I am here, facing ridiculous accusations.
25:49We were well within our rights to lay charges.
25:52But I understand their grieving.
25:55So if you just let me go, the matter can be considered done with.
25:59Are you prepared to charge my client?
26:02No, we're not.
26:10This woman, she means something to you, right?
26:13She's the mother of my son.
26:15Your wife?
26:17Tangled web. No offense.
26:20I saved her from the Black Hand once.
26:23But then I reneged on a deal that I would not keep.
26:27Since then, she's been in their crosshairs.
26:30For some reason, she returned to Toronto.
26:32Why would she do that?
26:34Perhaps for me to meet my son, or she had nowhere else to turn.
26:37May I be bold?
26:39Of course.
26:40There is something you are not telling me.
26:42There is?
26:43You mentioned another woman to my inspector.
26:46Who is she?
26:47Freddie Pink.
26:49The detective.
26:51You know her?
26:52Every policeman in Montreal knows Freddie Pink.
26:54And not favorably.
26:56How is she involved in this?
26:58When I learned of Miss Fulford's location, I contacted Freddie Pink.
27:01She and I have a long acquaintance.
27:04Oh, do you now?
27:06Not like that.
27:07If you say so.
27:09I dispatched Miss Pink to find her and hide her.
27:13I believe she may have done both.
27:15And the boy?
27:17That I don't know.
27:20We will find them.
27:21If Miss Fulford was dead, we would already know it.
27:24Same with the boy.
27:25The Black Hand are not shy about showing their power.
27:28Each death is a warning to others that they are not to be crossed.
27:33And you?
27:34You're willing to cross them?
27:36Truth and justice, sir.
27:38There is no more noble a calling.
27:54Andrew never thought it was very manly, but I know deep down he loved the smell.
27:57It's beautiful.
28:00He acquired it in Tibet three years ago.
28:03It was a wonderful journey.
28:05Feels like a lifetime ago.
28:08Doctor, is he comfortable?
28:11If he's showing no outward signs of distress, then he's in no pain right now.
28:18I don't think we're ever prepared, are we?
28:21To say goodbye?
28:24To the love of our life.
28:27No, I don't think we are.
28:49What do you want to talk to us about?
28:51We haven't done anything wrong.
28:53Living on the right side of the law now, Inspector.
28:56Model citizens.
28:59I need you to find my son.
29:01He broke out of jail.
29:03Did you hear about that?
29:04You can ask around.
29:07What's in it for us?
29:12Same again if you find him unharmed.
29:16You can't promise that.
29:18I didn't ask you for a promise.
29:20You find him, you bring him to me, no one else.
29:25Now I need to get the law involved, right?
29:27Don't get smart with me, sunshine.
29:36Excuse me.
29:39Qu'avez-vous, George?
29:40Excuse me?
29:41What have you discovered?
29:44Giuseppe Leone, the capo of the Black Hand,
29:46is planning to entertain two visitors from Toronto this evening.
29:49He's not happy about it.
29:50The Falconis?
29:51The young Falconi.
29:52And his right-hand man, Anthony Pucci.
29:55Was there any sense as to whether they'd been successful in finding Anna Fulford?
29:58They are alone, so I would say no.
30:01And Frank Rhodes?
30:02Who's that?
30:04He's an assassin that works for the Falconis.
30:06You keep adding names to the list, sir.
30:10This man.
30:12If you see him, steer clear.
30:13He's very dangerous.
30:15We are swimming in a sea of dangerous men.
30:18Pardon the imagery.
30:21You haven't touched your cake.
30:27This will be the perfect little love nest.
30:31For now.
30:34I have fulfilled my side of the bargain.
30:38It's more than a bargain.
30:40It's a vow.
30:42In front of God Almighty, it's a promise of love everlasting.
30:47You promised you'd get Effie.
30:50Not until you eat your cake.
31:11Harry, stop!
31:24Harry, that's enough.
31:30Good job, kid.
31:33Come on.
31:47I'm sure you got some catching up to do.
31:50Never send a woman to do a man's job.
31:57Is Anna safe?
31:58Hello to you, too.
31:59I got her on a train to New York.
32:01She has to wait there for further instruction.
32:03I have a friend I trust with her.
32:04I'm sorry I got you into this.
32:06Oh, don't be.
32:07It was my idea.
32:09Your idea?
32:10I figured you'd be bright enough to get all three of us out of this.
32:39So where will we live?
32:57I do like the city, but I must admit I'm more of a country mouse.
33:01But I suppose we should stay in the city for a while.
33:05So you can move up the ladder.
33:08In your job?
33:11Will our children be safe here?
33:13The city is such a dangerous place.
33:17What do you think?
33:20I don't have an opinion either way.
33:25Oh, um.
33:29Well, there is time.
33:31And we do need time.
33:33Don't we, Georgie?
33:44I suppose it is rather a lot to take in.
33:47When does Dorothy get here?
33:48She'll be back.
33:52I'm sure of it.
33:55And I wouldn't worry, George.
33:57About us, I mean.
34:00Many loving marriages have been born out of stranger circumstances.
34:03Oh, yes, I'm sure.
34:05Who knows, maybe one day we'll be at a place where my wife doesn't need to hold me at gunpoint.
34:14Your wife?
34:19Oh, I do love the sound of that, Mrs. George Crabtree.
34:23All right.
34:41You released him?
34:42There's no solid basis on which to hold him.
34:43He killed my sister.
34:44There's no proof of that.
34:45It's obvious.
34:46If it was, there would be proof.
34:48Do your job.
34:49I'm trying to.
34:50But for now, I had to let him go.
34:52The law requires reasonable...
34:53You're a slave to the law, then?
34:55Not in all cases.
34:56But in this one?
34:57As I told you, I had to let him go.
35:01Then you're responsible for what happens.
35:04Mr. Nakamura.
35:10You said you had something.
35:12Good news.
35:14Son's alive.
35:17Where is he?
35:18Don't know that for sure.
35:20A man I trust said he saw him boarding a train at Union.
35:25Where was he going?
35:26He's headed west.
35:27Train goes all the way to Vancouver.
35:29Anything else?
35:33But it might not be what you want to hear.
35:35Go on.
35:39Your boy killed that man in prison.
35:41And he wasn't shy about telling anyone who'd listen.
35:45Well, when you want people to keep their distance,
35:49you lie about being a dangerous man.
35:53Yeah, sure, Inspector.
35:55That's probably all it is.
36:01There's a chance I may be able to save your husband.
36:04Oh, Lord.
36:06There's a tumor near his pituitary gland,
36:08and I may be able to remove it.
36:10Then do it.
36:11It's an operation that I've never done before.
36:16Very few have.
36:18It's a very risky procedure.
36:22What would you do?
36:24It's not my decision.
36:25I understand.
36:27But what would you do?
36:34Given the choice between my husband's certain death
36:37and a chance at his survival,
36:39no matter how slim, I would take it.
36:44Then I put my faith in you.
36:52Is the boy safe?
36:54If Rhodes wanted him dead, he would have done it already.
36:57He may be awaiting further instructions.
36:59We're getting them now.
37:08None of this is your fault.
37:11I feel like it is.
37:13It isn't.
37:19How would you like to help us to get out of here?
37:31And this is the last of them?
37:34And Mr. Carmichael is in agreement with all of this?
37:37His signature is right there.
37:38Of course he is.
37:40Well, congratulations, Mrs. Carmichael.
37:44You are now a wealthy woman.
37:46Carmichael House alone is worthwhile.
37:48I'm well aware of what it is worth.
37:50Well, if that is it, then I shall be off.
37:54There is one more thing.
37:56I would like to revert to my given name.
37:58I am no longer Mrs. Arthur Carmichael.
38:00I am Mrs. Violet Hart.
38:03As you wish.
38:05I do wish.
38:09I need your assistance, Mrs. Hart.
38:25Good lord.
38:28Detective Watts?
38:30She's still alive.
38:34The lucky one, it appears.
38:45Bad news, I'm afraid.
38:47Seems the powers that be aren't interested in the detective.
38:51They want Miss Fulford.
38:53That's who I've been looking for.
38:55Not asking you.
38:58Where is she?
39:00I was looking for her, too.
39:02She's an elusive bird, isn't she?
39:04No less than three searchers, and she's evaded them all.
39:09Hey, where's the kid?
39:11Now, Harry!
39:20You two make a good team.
39:24I suppose we do.
39:32Are you all right?
39:33Don't touch him!
39:37You're a married man now.
39:43What are they talking about?
39:46I am now Mrs. George Crabtree.
40:00What an absolutely marvelous day!
40:03Juliette's had a sale that was absolutely scandalous.
40:06Marcel will bring dinner by later.
40:08Chateau Brion for two.
40:10I thought you'd like to share with me.
40:14Oh, and thank you so much for signing those papers.
40:22I'm really starting to feel like we're true partners in this marriage.
40:25Like we're really getting somewhere.
40:29You've made me so happy.
40:40So what do you plan on doing to me?
40:42Surrender you to the Montreal police.
40:46Won't solve anything.
40:49I am just a bullet.
40:52Falcone's the gun.
40:54And all he's going to do is find another bullet.
40:58I'll get him as well.
41:03And then one day you slip up, and the woman and the boy are dead.
41:07Doesn't have to be that way.
41:11You help me, I help you.
41:15Why should I trust you?
41:18I am a man for hire.
41:20Nothing more.
41:23Falcone's the one with the burr under his saddle.
41:27I'll cancel the contract for my freedom.
41:36You should listen to me, detective.
41:38I'm the best chance you've got.
41:53You should listen to me, detective.
