• 2 days ago
What if Mace Windu killed Chancellor Palpatine at the end of Revenge of The Sith?
Would Anakin still fall to the dark side ane become DARTH VADER?
Would Order 66 still happen?
Would Padme still die of sadness?
Tell me what you think in the comments below!
AND which "What if" do you want to see next?

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0:00 - What if Mace killed Palpatine?
1:31 - Will Anakin still TURN?
5:05 - Order 66
7:35 - Battle At The Jedi Temple
10:49 - Rebellion
13:25 - Battle of Coruscant

#starwars #whatif #macewindu #palpatine #anakin #obiwankenobi #ahsokatano #disneyplus #disney
00:00A single moment, a single choice.
00:20The fate of the galaxy turns as Anakin Skywalker chooses the darkness over the light.
00:25But what if he couldn't choose?
00:27What if he didn't stop Mace Windu's lightsaber?
00:30If Palpatine died, would Order 66 still happen?
00:33Would Anakin still fall to the dark side and become Darth Vader?
00:36Would Padme still die of sadness giving birth?
00:39And would Palpatine still return?
00:41What if Mace Windu killed Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith?
00:52As the Jedi go to confront the Sith Lord that has been right under their noses for years
00:56as the Chancellor of the Republic, they don't realize that this battle, although epic, ends
01:02with all of them dead.
01:04However, in this alternate universe, Jedi Master Mace Windu, after getting the upper
01:08hand on Darth Sidious, stands over the weakened Chancellor, his purple blade reflecting the
01:13terror in the Sith Lord's eyes.
01:15And this time, there is no hesitation.
01:17This time, he strikes him down before Anakin can decide which side he is on.
01:22Mace swings his lightsaber down, severing Palpatine's head clean off in one swift motion.
01:27The Sith Lord's body collapses.
01:28The darkness has been vanquished, or so it seems.
01:31The room remains thick with tension.
01:33The darkness has not left.
01:35It's almost as if it left Palpatine's dying body, but was transferred to the young Jedi
01:39that stands before Master Windu.
01:41Anakin Skywalker, who only moments ago had been teetering on the edge of darkness, and
01:46is now fully consumed by it.
01:48The promise of saving his wife, Padme, the whispered assurances from the Dark Lord that
01:53lies dead in front of him, are all gone in a flash.
01:56His thoughts run wild, his fear manifesting into something primal and uncontrollable.
02:01No, no, no.
02:03You killed him.
02:04He was the only one who could save her.
02:06Anakin's anger begins to grow, and Mace can sense the darkness is not yet destroyed.
02:11Palpatine was a Sith Lord, Anakin.
02:14He was trying to manipulate you.
02:15We can still set things right.
02:17Without thinking, without reason, Anakin lashes out.
02:20The Force surges through him with devastating fury, and with one powerful push, Mace Windu
02:25is hurtled backwards.
02:26The Jedi Master's body flies through the air, plummeting into the endless abyss of
02:30Coruscant's underworld.
02:31In a matter of seconds, two of the most powerful figures in the galaxy have perished, and Anakin
02:36Skywalker stands alone, trembling in the eerie silence.
02:41What have I done?
02:43The realization sets in like a cold dagger in his heart.
02:46Palpatine, the only one who could have taught him the power to save Padme, is gone.
02:51Mace Windu, one of the Jedi's greatest warriors, has fallen at his own hand.
02:56Four Jedi and one Sith are all dead in this room, and Anakin is the only witness.
03:02The weight of his actions is crushing, and for the first time in his life, Anakin feels
03:07utterly lost.
03:08Even when his mom died, he had Padme.
03:11But his wife is not here right now.
03:13Anger, hatred, and fear all flow through his body uncontrollably.
03:16Can he still save Padme without Palpatine?
03:19Or will his nightmares become reality?
03:21Will the Jedi ever believe what truly happened here?
03:24As all these emotions run wild through Anakin's mind, he knows there's only one person in
03:28the galaxy he can trust right now, Obi-Wan.
03:31Anakin makes his way to Palpatine's holotable.
03:34With shaking hands, he activates the holotransmission to Utapau, where his master, Obi-Wan, just
03:39finished his battle with General Grievous, killing the leader of the Separatists and
03:43ending the Clone Wars.
03:44Kenobi answers, his face weary as he can see something is wrong with his apprentice.
03:49Master, I didn't mean to.
03:52Chancellor Palpatine is dead, and so is Master Windu.
03:55Anakin, what have you done?
03:58Anakin tells him everything.
03:59How Palpatine promised that he could protect Padme.
04:01But the Sith Lord had been manipulating him for years, and he tells him everything that
04:06happened in this office.
04:07The death of Palpatine, the killing of Mace Windu, his own fear and confusion.
04:12Obi-Wan's face darkens as he listens.
04:14The Republic is leaderless, the Jedi have just committed what will surely be perceived
04:18as treason, and the fragile political landscape is about to collapse into chaos.
04:23Obi-Wan understands immediately that they are all in grave danger, and his apprentice
04:28needs him now more than ever.
04:30But he is on Utapau, and it will take him a while to get back to Coruscant.
04:34Find Padme.
04:35Stay hidden.
04:36I will be back as soon as I can.
04:39Trust only in the Force.
04:41As Obi-Wan is about to end the holo-transmission, Anakin stops him.
04:45Obi-Wan, find Ahsoka.
04:47Obi-Wan nods.
04:48Anakin's former padawan, Ahsoka Tano, left the Jedi Order as she saw the flaws of the
04:53Jedi Way.
04:54Probably something that affected the way Anakin looked at the Jedi Order ever since.
04:58However, she is currently leaving Mandalore with Darth Maul as her prisoner, but she has
05:02no idea what disaster is coming her way.
05:05Back on Coruscant, the Senators are losing their minds.
05:08News of Palpatine's death has spread like wildfire, and the fear in the room is palpable.
05:13It's ironic.
05:16See what I did there?
05:17The absence of their supreme leader has left the Republic in a vulnerable state, and it
05:21is in this moment of crisis that Mas Amedda, the late Chancellor's most loyal advisor,
05:26takes control.
05:27The Jedi have betrayed the Republic.
05:30They struck down our Chancellor in cold blood.
05:34They seek to overthrow the government and rule the galaxies.
05:38We must act now before it is too late.
05:41Murmurs fill the room as we see Padme Amidala and Bail Organa, watching on with fear in
05:47their eyes.
05:48And before they can say anything, a hologram fills the center of the room as it shows Mace
05:52Windu killing Palpatine.
05:55The Jedi are evil, and they are far too powerful to be running around with no supervision.
06:02Our former leader, Chancellor Palpatine, had a plan if the Jedi ever lost control.
06:08The order to kill all the Jedi that could be given to the clone army at any moment and
06:13would rid the galaxy of its biggest threat.
06:15The Force-users, the lightsaber-wielders that can't be stopped by any citizens of
06:19the Republic.
06:20With this evidence and little resistance, the desperate Senators agree.
06:25Order 66 will be enacted.
06:27As the command spreads across the galaxy, clone troopers turn against their Jedi generals.
06:31The once loyal soldiers, bred for obedience, execute their comrades without hesitation.
06:36In much like the original timeline, we see countless Jedi fall at the hands of their
06:40own clones.
06:45And right now, the most important similar outcome is Ahsoka Tano's.
07:00Just like before, she is able to stop Order 66 by manually taking out Captain Rex's inhibitor
07:06And her and the Captain are able to escape with their lives.
07:08And she sets her course for Coruscant.
07:11And on Coruscant, the Jedi Temple, once a sanctuary of peace and wisdom, is transformed
07:15into a battleground.
07:17As the clones lay siege to its hallowed halls.
07:20But this time, Anakin is not there to help take the Jedi Temple and kill the younglings
07:24and other masters.
07:25Yeah, that doesn't happen.
07:26And while the clone army is struggling to take the temple, Obi-Wan has arrived.
07:39He finds Anakin, sitting alone in the Jedi Council's chambers.
07:42Still caught between his own guilt and his instincts of a warrior.
07:46Although there is much conflict in Anakin that needs to be resolved, right now the two,
07:50Master and Apprentice, fight side by side to defend the temple.
07:53But the situation is hopeless.
07:55The Jedi are outnumbered, and their forces dwindle with every passing moment.
07:59But as the fight rages on, Anakin and Obi-Wan are quickly losing hope.
08:03And suddenly, amidst the chaos, a familiar voice calls out to Anakin.
08:11Ahsoka Tano, having sensed the tremors in the force, has finally returned to find that
08:16Order 66 was not just something that happened to her, but even the place she once called
08:20home, the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, is in ruins.
08:23And she barely managed to break through all this carnage to find Obi-Wan and Anakin.
08:28Together, the three of them save all the Jedi they can as they make a daring escape, knowing
08:32that their survival is the only hope for the Jedi Order.
08:35But as they are about to board the ship, Anakin stops.
08:40Seeing the fear and desperation in his apprentice's eyes, Obi-Wan knows there is no convincing
08:46So as the battle rages on, Anakin races through the darkened streets of Coruscant.
08:50His heart pounding, clone patrols at every corner.
08:52But he moves unseen, guided by the force.
08:55His mind is in a whirlwind.
08:57In the midst of fear, anger, and desperate hope, he must find Padme before it's too
09:02Arriving at her apartment, he finds her staring at a holonet broadcast.
09:06Her face a mask of horror as she is listening to the horrible things the Jedi are being
09:10accused of.
09:11She turns as he enters.
09:12Her eyes widen in relief and fear.
09:21Anakin moves towards her, taking her hand in his own.
09:41Padme places a hand on her stomach.
09:43These babies are due at any moment now.
09:47Before he can answer that question, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan burst into the room.
10:00Anakin turns back to Padme, determination in his eyes.
10:05Obi-Wan and Padme share a glance.
10:07Obi-Wan nods as if to tell her that he knows everything.
10:10The kids she's about to have are Anakin's, and that he's okay with it.
10:13It's time to go.
10:14We all board Bail Organa's ship.
10:16With blaster fire echoing through the city, the ship makes its way off the planet.
10:20As they fly away, they see Coruscant on fire.
10:23The Republic is in ruin.
10:25The Jedi Order is gone.
10:27As the ship flies away, Anakin holds Padme close, the reality of their new existence
10:31settling upon them.
10:33They are fugitives on the run, and their home is now gone.
10:36However, this is not the end.
10:38No, it is just the beginning.
10:40The Republic may be gone, but the Rebellion is born on this day.
10:50Padme and Anakin have welcomed their two new children, Luke and Leia.
10:54Now far from Coruscant, deep in the Outer Rim, the remaining Jedi, led by Anakin, Obi-Wan,
10:59Yoda, and Ahsoka, regroup on a secret base provided by Bail Organa.
11:03They can't go to Padme's homeworld of Naboo, they'll be looking there.
11:06They must stay hidden.
11:08The Jedi Order is now all but destroyed, but its survivors refuse to give up.
11:13With Padme's political influence and Bail's connections, they begin reaching out to senators
11:17and systems still loyal to the Republic.
11:20This time, the Rebellion grows a lot quicker.
11:23With Palpatine now dead, not being able to lead this new galactic empire, and Anakin,
11:28although still struggling with the darkness, not fully consumed by it like Darth Vader,
11:33the Empire is far weaker, and this Rebellion needs to act fast.
11:37We can't stay hidden forever.
11:39The Republic may be gone, but the galaxy needs us now more than ever.
11:44But there are too few of them.
11:46Even if they gathered every Jedi who survived, which is impossible because they are all in
11:50hiding across the galaxy, they still wouldn't stand a chance against the Empire's clone
11:56Strong the darkness is, but the clones' minds alone they are not.
12:03Free their minds, we must.
12:07Realizing that the key to defeating the Empire lies within their own army, the Rebellion
12:11begins targeting smaller Imperial outposts, ambushing clone units, and capturing as many
12:17soldiers alive as possible.
12:19Using the medical equipment they have from trusted Republic loyalists, they painstakingly
12:24remove inhibitor chips one by one from the clones they capture.
12:28What Ahsoka and Captain Rex accomplished during Order 66 was the key to winning this war.
12:34However, although they are turning the tides in this war by freeing all these clones, they
12:38are making too many waves and the Empire is catching on.
12:40The talks of Rebellion forming have crossed the galaxy.
12:44But this is not all bad news, as Jedi who have gone into hiding now have a new hope
12:49to strike back against the Empire.
12:51And that will truly bring the return of the Jedi.
12:55Oh my god!
12:56Okay, but those Jedi who are in hiding find their way to the Rebellion.
13:00Every Jedi that we've saved, every clone that we've freed, now we can take back what
13:06was stolen from us.
13:07Over the next few years, the Rebellion grows stronger, gathering more and more clones,
13:11removing their inhibitor chips, finding loyal Republic citizens, and more Jedi who went
13:16into hiding.
13:17With the Empire weakened by corruption in the absence of Palpatine, their forces are
13:21stretched far too thin.
13:23Mas Amedda struggles to maintain control as more and more systems begin to resist.
13:27And now the Rebellion has the perfect time to take back what is theirs.
13:31The army, led by Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka, lead an armada to Coruscant.
13:36The capital world, once the center of the Republic, is now the heart of the Empire.
13:40While on the ground, the Rebel forces storm the Imperial Palace, what was once Palpatine's
13:45office is now Mas Amedda's.
13:46While Obi-Wan leads the fleet in the sky, Anakin and Ahsoka lead the charge on the ground.
13:51Cutting through stormtroopers and clone loyalists, they fight alongside the clones who they saved
13:56along the way.
13:57These Rebel forces storm their way to Palpatine's old office, as Anakin and Ahsoka run into
14:02the room, confronting Mas Amedda.
14:04The last time Anakin stepped foot in this room, he had just killed Mace Windu and watched
14:08as the lies and deceit of the Sith died.
14:11The false notion of his wife dying proved to him that the dark side was not the way,
14:15and one swift attack the Empire that only lasted a few years was vanquished.
14:20The Rebellion officially declared their victory, and the remaining Imperial loyalists surrendered,
14:24and the Republic was restored.
14:26With Coruscant reclaimed, the Senate is reassembled.
14:29Padme, alongside Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and other Senators, lead the efforts to rebuild
14:34The remaining Jedi Survivor, although very few, pledge to restore the Jedi Order, this
14:39time learning from their past mistakes.
14:41Anakin Skywalker, no longer the fallen Jedi that he was destined to become, stands beside
14:58Padme as they watch their two kids, Luke and Leia, play in front of them, symbols of the
15:03No longer consumed by the fear and anger, he has found balance in the Force.
15:08As the Republic rises from the ashes, a hope for a new era has begun in the galaxy.
