The long awaited JFK Files, or at least the remaining unredacted files, have finally been released on the orders of President Donald Trump.
Many of the pages are still being digitised, but fascinating details are indeed emerging. Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was apparently ‘recruited’ by a CIA agent, and was closely surveilled by the KGB when he lived in the USSR. Other revelations pertain to the Cold War and President Kennedy signing off on covert operations to destabilise Fidel Castro’s Cuba.
The entirety of the material is still being combed through, but for a deep dive into what we know, Piers Morgan has brought together former CIA covert operations officer Mike Baker, author and JFK expert Jefferson Morley, former CIA officer & whistleblower John Kiriakou for their expert opinions.
Our last JFK video:
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01:00 - Introduction
02:30 - "There's a bombshell in here!"
05:50 - What the files tell us about CIA Involvement
11:00 - "NO question mob involved"
16:55 - Leaked CIA memo on Oswald's activity
24:50 - Redactions in JFK files
27:55 - Was Oswald a KGB agent?
30:30 - "I have a deep distrust of the FBI" - MLK files
32:00 - When will we see the Epstein files?
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#jfkfiles #kennedy #trump #leeharveyoswald #piersmorgan #piersmorganinterview #piersmorgandebate
Many of the pages are still being digitised, but fascinating details are indeed emerging. Kennedy’s assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was apparently ‘recruited’ by a CIA agent, and was closely surveilled by the KGB when he lived in the USSR. Other revelations pertain to the Cold War and President Kennedy signing off on covert operations to destabilise Fidel Castro’s Cuba.
The entirety of the material is still being combed through, but for a deep dive into what we know, Piers Morgan has brought together former CIA covert operations officer Mike Baker, author and JFK expert Jefferson Morley, former CIA officer & whistleblower John Kiriakou for their expert opinions.
Our last JFK video:
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01:00 - Introduction
02:30 - "There's a bombshell in here!"
05:50 - What the files tell us about CIA Involvement
11:00 - "NO question mob involved"
16:55 - Leaked CIA memo on Oswald's activity
24:50 - Redactions in JFK files
27:55 - Was Oswald a KGB agent?
30:30 - "I have a deep distrust of the FBI" - MLK files
32:00 - When will we see the Epstein files?
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Follow Piers Morgan on:
#jfkfiles #kennedy #trump #leeharveyoswald #piersmorgan #piersmorganinterview #piersmorgandebate
00:00There's a bombshell in here. A very severe question for proponents of the theory that
00:04one man alone killed the president. Was Angleton just atrociously incompetent or was he actually
00:10running an operation involving Oswald? This is not a nothing burger. There's a memo in there
00:15dated June 1967 detailing how the former U.S. Army intelligence officer Gary Underhill fled
00:21Washington D.C. the day after Kennedy was shot. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to
00:26think whoa. We're closer to complete transparency. Oswald was on the CIA's radar. I have a deep
00:34distrust of the of the FBI. Even after the president says there'll be no redactions they
00:38still get redactions. That's a testament to the entrenched power of the CIA. And that can only
00:43fuel the conspiracy theory. I was in the same exact cell that Jeffrey Epstein was in. There is no way
00:50that man could have committed suicide. 100% it's a cover-up. I imagine you're fairly proficient
00:55with firearms Michael. President Trump's order to unseal the files on a slew of scandals has won
01:03plaudits as well as criticism including from his MAGA base. The botched release of the so-called
01:08Epstein files handed redacted and incomplete to conservative influencers satisfied nobody.
01:14And the same may now be said of the JFK files albeit for different reasons. Authorities have
01:18released thousands of documents previously withheld for national security reasons on the assassination
01:24of President Kennedy. There's no immediate smoking gun that's been reported. Perhaps it was always
01:29fanciful to imagine that the CIA would have faxed or posted details of a plot to eliminate its own
01:35commander-in-chief for example. What everybody wants to know though is whether we are any closer
01:39to knowing beyond doubt what really happened and whether there could be more yet to come.
01:44We've assembled a panel of experts and insiders to answer those questions. Returning to Uncensored
01:49as we said they would after release of the files are Mike Baker the host of the president's daily
01:53brief and a former CIA covert operations officer. The author and JFK expert Jefferson Morley. The
02:00former capo in the Colombo crime family Michael Francis. And joining us for the first time the
02:04former CIA officer and whistleblower host of CIA Declassified John Kiriakou. Welcome to all of you.
02:11Jefferson Morley let me start with you. You are a JFK expert. We've had this extraordinary release
02:18of so much information. I don't know how much you've had a chance to actually go through yourself
02:25or read about or take in but what is your sort of current overview about the significance of it?
02:34It's a very significant release. It's a big break in JFK assassination information and there frankly
02:42appears there's a bombshell in here. Late last night the the National Archives released the
02:49declassified testimony of James Angleton the counterintelligence chief in 1975 and this
02:56document taken in conjunction with other Angleton documents released yesterday and other material
03:01released in the last five years indicate that Angleton recruited Oswald as a CIA source or
03:08contact. That's the phrase that's used in the in the document that he monitored Oswald's movements
03:15political contacts and personal life for four years. That he had 180 page file on Oswald on his
03:22desk at when the president left for Dallas. So what this what this raises is the question
03:31a very severe question for proponents of the theory that one man alone killed the president.
03:37Was Angleton just atrociously incompetent or was he actually running an operation involving Oswald?
03:44I think it's the latter and there's a document in the JFK collection which has not been released yet
03:50which will decide that and will show whether I'm right or wrong. So this is a big breakthrough.
03:55There's a definitely a bombshell. People who say there's a nothing burger in here
04:00are just unfamiliar with the the Angleton documents that have just become public.
04:05This is not a nothing burger. Mike Baker obviously former CIA yourself. I mean your response to
04:11what Jefferson just said. Yeah I would and John may have a different view on this having also
04:19been at the agency but I would vote for incompetent when it came to Angleton. And look
04:25we've talked about this before Pierce. I think that the importance of this okay first of all
04:30the importance is we're closer to complete transparency. I don't think we're there yet
04:37right. I think there's still some court-sealed documents. I think there's redactions in here
04:40so it's going to take time documents that haven't been digitized. But I think that the big thing
04:46here is going to be yes Oswald was on the CIA's radar right. Was he listed as a source? Well he
04:56lived in Russia right. He was clearly a self-described Marxist. He had been over there
05:03for a period of time. He came back. He had been down to Mexico visiting the Cuban and Russian
05:07embassies. Of course he's going to be on the agency's radar for a period of time. I'm not
05:12going to be able to make that connection to say he was a recruited intel source. But you'd have to
05:17go a long ways to go from that if that's the case to drawing a connection to he was being directed
05:24by the agency which some people will do. So you know there's again there's countless theories out
05:28there. But you have to build your theories on solid fact. So I think we're getting closer again
05:36to transparency which I'm all for. But again I would caution people to think that that we're
05:40there. Well let me go to the other former CIA officer on our panel. A whistleblower indeed.
05:47John Kiriakou. Welcome to Uncensored. Thank you. People just want to know were the CIA
05:55involved in this? And do we know any more about that suggestion from the release of these files?
06:01Well first I'd like to say that I agree with both Mike and Jeff. I think that we are closer
06:08to the truth. We're not there yet. But recruitment has a very specific meaning at the CIA. And
06:17I'm not convinced yet that that Oswald was a recruited asset. He may have been but we're not
06:24quite there yet. You know I think that that this Underhill memo is very interesting too.
06:33Certainly Jeff knows more about it than I do. But but the fact that somebody who made a career
06:38in army intelligence and was very close with people in the CIA at senior levels was so distraught
06:46about what he thought he knew that he either committed suicide by shooting himself behind the
06:52right ear which the left ear rather which is extraordinarily difficult or was killed is
06:58something that needs to be followed up. Well I actually have that. I actually have details of
07:03that. I was going to ask you. So you've raised it. I'll I'll tell everyone for those who haven't
07:08seen it. But there's a memo in there dated June 1967 detailing how the former U.S. Army intelligence
07:14officer Gary Underhill fled Washington D.C. quotes very agitated close quotes the day after
07:21Kennedy was shot and spoke with a friend about how a quote small clique within the CIA close quotes
07:28was behind the assassination. And six months later he was found dead in his apartment. You know just
07:35that snippet alone. If you know you don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to think whoa what's
07:42happened there. Who's this guy. I want to know more about him. Why was he so agitated. What had
07:48he been told. Why did he apparently take his life. I mean these are you know if we don't get the
07:53answers at the very least there right there is enough of information I would say to get a lot
07:59of people running around. Yeah. Yeah. Agreed. Agreed. And it's one of those questions that
08:08that we don't yet have the answer to. Although I will say that it is consistent what with what
08:13so many people including Oliver Stone have said over the years that that while the Kennedy
08:20assassination was likely not a CIA plot that there may have been elements within the CIA
08:27who were so angry with Kennedy over his failure to to call for air cover during the Bay of Pigs
08:33for example. Or as this memo implies or not even implies but comes out and says the CIA or elements
08:40of the CIA may have been involved in some kind of criminal activity. It bears investigation. Yeah.
08:47Michael Francis welcome back to us. It's always good to have you. One of the one of the files
08:53includes a memo from the CIA's St. Petersburg station dated November 20th 1991 which said the
09:00KGB a former security agency for the Soviet Union watched JFK's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald closely
09:07and they commented on his marksmanship and said he was a poor shot when he tried target firing
09:14in the USSR as it was then. Again a really fascinating bit of information because if he
09:21was a poor shot how did he manage to pull off the extraordinary accuracy of three bullets
09:30two of which killed John F. Kennedy.
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10:57slash peers. Well you know Pierce I can only say this and I've been saying this consistently over
11:04the past 25-30 years that I've been in in the know on this and that is I heard my entire life from
11:121963 on that the mob was involved in this hit. I've heard it from the right kind of people.
11:18There's no question that everybody in that life hated the Kennedys specifically Robert Kennedy
11:24and Joe Kennedy because a deal was cut during the presidential election with Kennedy and Nixon
11:31that the White House Department of Justice would lay off of the mob and Robert Kennedy did just the
11:38opposite and from what I was told somebody in government I don't know who it was most likely I
11:43would say the CIA since this would have been the third time that the CIA approached the mob for
11:48help. They did it in World War II. They did it again when they wanted to assassinate Castro.
11:54These are facts. They came again and for some reason Lee Harvey Oswald needed to be silenced
12:01and they came to us and we were more than happy to oblige them in that regard. Jack Ruby who
12:06100% was a mob associate going back to the days of Capone and Ocardo in Chicago and then Carlos
12:13Marcello in New Orleans and also his connections in Dallas. He was the one designated to silence
12:20Oswald. I've heard that consistently my whole life from the right people, people in the know.
12:25There's no reason for them to brag about this. Normally they wouldn't say anything when they're
12:30involved in a hit but I've heard this from my father who was the underboss at that time
12:34to Joe Colombo and to others involved it was consistent knowledge within our life.
12:40And I said this before Pierce if they try to downplay Jack Ruby's role and say that he wasn't
12:46associated with the mob in any of these confidential classified documents then I wouldn't
12:52believe much of what's stated in there because he 100% was and that was common knowledge.
12:57Well before I go to Jefferson there just to respond to that on that specific point about
13:03his shooting capability. I imagine you're fairly proficient with firearms Michael. To actually
13:11shoot somebody in a moving car from where Lee Harvey Oswald was I would imagine takes a pretty
13:18high level of proficiency. So would you think it's significant if the Russians have been watching him
13:23that his target practice was way off? Yeah I think. Sorry that was for Michael Francis.
13:31I'll come back to you Mike one second. Sure yeah I agree with that. You have to be very
13:36proficient to to shoot somebody to shoot a moving target like that so I think that's a
13:41that's a correct observation. Okay Mike you wanted to say something on that?
13:45Yeah look first of all I think I may be mistaken on this. I think Oswald had his marksman badge
13:52which you know you can either you know consider important or not depending on the
13:56qualification standards that you set. But I've been down there and and spent a fair amount of
14:01time at the plaza and up in the book depository looking and and and recreating that that shot.
14:11It's not a difficult shot. I've talked about this before. You know you you had the wind was not a
14:16factor. It was a very clear day. He'd wreckied the site well before the vehicles moving in line
14:22with you. It's an open top vehicle. From a shooter's perspective that's that's not a tough
14:30shot. Again I'm not drawing any conclusions from I'm just saying from an operational perspective
14:35not a difficult shot. Okay and Jefferson on the mob point that Mike has been very steadfast about
14:42this that clearly it was openly known and discussed in mob circles that Jack Ruby was
14:50acting on their behalf and this was a revenge against Bobby Kennedy who had basically in their
14:56eyes betrayed them. Is there anything that you've seen so far in the files concerning the mob
15:02generally? I have not searched for organized crime. One of the problems is that the archives did not
15:11make these documents searchable so you really have to go through them one by one and I have
15:16not seen organized crime material in there but I think Michael's absolutely right that that is
15:22the organized crime component of Kennedy's assassination. The elimination of the chief
15:27witness. I want to go back to one thing though that that that John said before you know we talk
15:33about this atmosphere what what we've learned over the years is that the story of a lone gunman
15:40some crazy guy who came out of nowhere and no one knew anything about him that you know that's just
15:44not true. Okay and when I say Angleton recruited Oswald as a source or contact that's not an
15:52inference of mine. I'm quoting from a document where Angleton describes what was the criteria
15:59for putting somebody on his mail surveillance program and he says in this newly declassified
16:04document the sole purpose the sole purpose was to see if that person could be recruited as a source
16:11or contact. So that shows that the most likely explanation for for Angleton taking an interest
16:19in Oswald in 1959 was to recruit him as a source or contact and the fact that he then maintained
16:27observation surveillance of Oswald for the next four years supports that. So you know what was
16:34going on here there was Angleton was running a counterintelligence operation involving Oswald
16:40and I think that's what we're going to learn if we get all of the JFK documents. He wasn't just
16:45watching him and being incompetent he was running an operation and being very competent because that
16:51operation is still secret. There are lots of other CIA related bits and pieces throughout the files.
17:00One of them is a CIA memo describing Oswald phoning the Soviet embassy asking for a visa
17:06while in Mexico City in late September early October 1963. He also visited the Cuban consulate
17:12in Mexico City seeking a travel visa so he could wait there for a Soviet visa and more than a month
17:19before the assassination he drove back to U.S. through a crossing point at the Texas border.
17:25I mean Mike let me come to you on that what should we read into that activity?
17:30Yeah well look he was he was desperate to be part of the revolution right we know that
17:37he again you have to you have to you have to be a little bit careful in terms of how you define
17:42recruitment how you as as Jeffrey said as John has pointed and and what that means you can infer
17:48lots of things from that but somebody of Oswald's activities of his background of his where he's
17:56going his belief system are you going to look at him from again not drawing conclusions but
18:02from an operational perspective are you going to look at him as a potential target as a whether
18:07a recruitment target or a potential you know occasional contact a source of information
18:11are you going to want to know what he's doing has he been recruited by the other side?
18:14So there's a lot of reasons why Oswald is on the screen and to what degree that was locked down
18:20into a traditional classic sense of recruitment and running an operation I don't know I was a
18:27toddler at the time so you know I don't think they were using me for that purpose but but I think
18:31what what we are looking at here one of the things that will come out of all this once all this
18:35material is sifted through and it's going to take some time is there was a failure regardless of
18:42what status Oswald was there was a failure between the agency and the FBI to lock him down knowing
18:50what he was doing knowing his activities not being on him not sharing that information probably
18:56there was turf wars going on between the agency and the FBI not sharing that information with the
19:00bureau that's going to come out and I think part of that is why some of these documents remained
19:04hidden because it's embarrassing. Yeah I mean John let me bring you in I mean just for those who
19:09don't know your background you were the first CIA officer to be in prison for leaking classified
19:15information to reporter you expose the agency's use of waterboarding as part of its enhanced
19:20interrogation program you were the sixth whistleblower to be indicted under the espionage
19:26espionage act by the Obama administration I guess that it sort of begs the question if
19:33there was any direct evidence that the CIA was behind this assassination would somebody not
19:41like you have taken the high moral principle decision to risk everything including their
19:47liberty to tell everyone by leaking it if you've ever felt like you're being watched online it's
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21:17in a perfect world uh yes but think of this too uh we know for for some controversial cia
21:27experiments or programs like mk ultra uh the senior most levels of the agency ordered
21:33that the documents be destroyed and most of them were destroyed or uh we could even say legitimately
21:41that uh an operation like this if it were a formal cia operation would have been so tightly
21:47compartmentalized that only a handful of people would have would have been made aware of it and
21:52a lot of it would have been would have been uh left unwritten uh orders could have come down
21:58orally so it's hard to say it's hard to say but you know getting back let me ask you this let me
22:06ask you this john when you work at the agency is there a way of of of a cia agent accessing
22:14any of the jfk files uh when i was there no i mean you could go on to the uh the cia library
22:22website uh or go to the national archives or the national security archives at george
22:26washington university but no you couldn't sit at your desk and just search for documents no
22:33michael we've discussed the mob aspect to this as an american what do you feel about
22:40the fact that we still don't know the answers to this i mean it seems to me like
22:44this is one of the most seismic moments in american history the assassination of this
22:51dashing brilliant young president hugely popular when it happened um and yet here we are you know
22:582025 and we still don't have the answers to really what happened here how do you feel as an american
23:06i think it's terrible you know number one you know in my younger age i was a big fan of john f
23:11kennedy and and uh even though i consider myself a conservative now um i think it's horrible that
23:16we don't know but i think the real question here is um what i what i'm saying i know is correct
23:23why did the government or why did somebody in government want lee harvey oswald silenced i have
23:29to believe it was the cei cia and i heard cia i heard government but the most logical uh option
23:36here would be the cia since again they approached us two times in the past um why did they want him
23:42silenced there had to be some kind of government involved in this for some reason and pierce i
23:48can't answer that i've heard recently it might have to do with uh the bay of pigs and that
23:53kennedy was really upset with people within the cia i didn't hear it back then i'm only hearing
23:58that recently kind of makes sense so there had to be some government involvement if they wanted
24:04lee harvey oswald silenced and the fact that we don't know about it i think two things i don't
24:09believe that you know the government wants the world to know that a sitting president uh was
24:15assassinated in part or had anything to do with a cover-up the mob had anything to do with the
24:20cover-up they don't want the world to know that obviously they don't want the world to know that
24:24the government was involved but yeah i think it's horrible and as an american citizen now and a
24:29patriot i consider myself one i think it's terrible that we don't know what happened at this
24:34point and and we should every document should be revealed the thing is are they going to be
24:39accurate what's been redacted what's been destroyed who knows at this point so much time has passed
24:44yeah and jefferson one of the problems is we're not getting everything even now so although donald
24:50trump said everything's getting released there are there's a lot of redacted stuff in there
24:54what do you what do you feel about that well i mean the fact that the president promised that
25:00there would be no redactions and people are researchers are reporting there are lots of
25:04redactions we need to know what that happened you know what happened there and how how they're made
25:10we're going to be reporting on my jfk facts newsletter a hard number on the number of
25:15redactions that are there but you know what that tells you is the secret agencies are now involved
25:20in the process and still have the ability to withhold material when you see the things like
25:27the angleton memo where you see a pattern of misconduct of malfeasance you know the time for
25:33any redactions is really over and the fact that they've been able to after even after the president
25:38says there'll be no redactions they still get redactions that's a testament to the entrenched
25:43power of the cia yeah it is um mike i mean it does feel like yes we're getting it all but we're not
25:52really and that can only fuel the conspiracy theories when when again we haven't read everything
25:58it's impossible no one could have got through everything so far but from the stuff that you've
26:01gleaned so far what else has caught your eye well uh john referenced and you talked about the the
26:09underhill memo uh it's it's very interesting i've looked at underhill and looked there's a
26:13pattern of people you know dying in the wake of of the assassination uh in a relatively short period
26:19of time which also you know fuels a lot of thought and and and theory um but you know i think that
26:28part of the the problem is the longer they take right and and the bizarre part of this is is it
26:35seems like the agencies or the variety of them it's not just the cia but a variety of agencies
26:40that may have held documents they all seem like they were shocked and surprised on on monday you
26:46know when when president said they would be released on the next day and they they've had
26:51time to to to work on this they should but i do get the impression they were on the giddy up now
26:56and it's it's messy it's it as as was pointed out a lot of this is not digitized yet so we've still
27:01got documents that have to be searched through by hand a lot of it is just unreadable uh some of
27:06it's still redacted and that's all to your point peers that's all going to continue this no matter
27:12once we get 100 out there even with surety it's not going to stop right we're still going to have
27:17these these uh these conspiracy theories if you want to call them that we're still going to have
27:22alternative ideas as to what happened because again to your point it was so impactful it was
27:27such an emotive moment nobody wants to imagine that it came down to one individual sitting up
27:34there with a rifle and in the book depository it's it's it's it doesn't make sense there's so much
27:40right i mean there's so much other murky stuff surrounding oswald that that seems the least
27:46likely scenario to me just from everything i've read it's like if this guy's got all this in his
27:51back catalog the idea this is just a random lone guy and there's nobody else with their tentacles
27:57into him it just seems very implausible that's just that's the view from across the pond uh chat
28:04let me bring bring john back in here because one of the one of the theories was was lee harvey
28:08oswald a kgb agent it looks like from the memos that have come out so far uh in the files the cia
28:15doesn't think that's the case a 1991 memo from the ci decided to form a kgb agent named nikonov we
28:22talked about him earlier i think who was tasked to determine whether lee harvey oswald was a member
28:28of the soviet union secret police after trawling through five thick files on the assassination
28:35nikonov cast doubt that oswald was a kgb recruit he said he doubted anyone could control oswald
28:42but noted the kgb watched him closely and constantly while he was in the ussr oswald
28:48of course defected to the soviet union in 1959 he lived in minsk before returning to us
28:53with a wife and baby in 1962 and there's another relating memo again relating to nikonov who
29:01commented uh that lee harvey oswald had a stormy relationship with his soviet wife who rode him
29:07incessantly the president's commission of assassination of president john f kennedy in
29:11september 1964 also commented on the couple's tumultuous relationship so two things going on
29:17there where the kgb were watching him um he's living in russia he's got a stormy relationship
29:24with his wife there's a lot going on in the life of lee harvey oswald isn't there
29:30oh indeed in fact we know from earlier releases and from uh releases that came from the kgb upon
29:37the fall of the soviet union that uh oswald was very unhappy in minsk he was he was assigned to
29:43work uh on the production line in a radio factory the weather was bad it was cold all the time it
29:50wasn't what it was all cracked up to be and at least in his mind he was there for four years he
29:55really didn't like it he didn't like his wife's friends they didn't seem to like him and then
30:01after four years he decided to go back well we know that the kgb was watching him the entire time
30:07that he was in minsk and they really had trouble figuring out who is this guy and what does he
30:13want here and then in the end they just concluded that he was a malcontent he may have been mentally
30:19ill not terribly mentally ill but enough to function you know he was saying enough that he
30:24could function uh in uh in daily life he just didn't like living there and finally decided to
30:30go back and john just staying with you for a moment i know you've said um you believe the
30:36martin luther king files which we haven't seen at all yet are more explosive than people may think
30:41why do you believe that i have a deep distrust of the of the fbi
30:49and uh you know the the official the official story that james earl ray who had a long history
30:57of alcoholism we're we're supposed to believe that that he stood for as long as 12 hours with
31:05a rifle in a communal bathroom in a flop house a block away from the lorraine motel and just
31:12waited for martin luther king to come out of his room and then with one shot was able to kill him
31:18and then make an escape it's just it it's just not a believable scenario to me even martin luther
31:26king's eldest son uh said publicly many times that he just simply didn't believe that james
31:32earl ray killed his father and you know that we know that the fbi a couple of years earlier had
31:38tried to get martin luther king to commit suicide uh that didn't work they were worried about the
31:45uh the black messiah uh there were just too many there are too many unanswered questions surrounding
31:51the the killing of martin luther king and the official story it just doesn't it just doesn't
31:58sit right in my mind and michael francis we've also got the epstein files which turned into a bit
32:03of a farce we were told we're going to get them all a lot of conservative influencers raced down
32:08and were handed the dossier and it was a big nothing burger in the end um attorney general
32:14pam bondi says she's received a truckload of unreleased documents relating to it but we don't
32:19know when these are going to be released um again it strikes me how do we not know everything about
32:26jeffrey epstein this is not from the 60s this is stuff going on this century you know and also i
32:31would add to that the ongoing mystery bizarre mystery around this young kid who tried to kill
32:38trump you know who managed to get onto a roof with no secret service at the one vantage point that
32:44would be the most obvious to any anyone with a brain that that might be where someone would try
32:49and shoot him from 150 yards whatever it was from trump um manages to very nearly kill him grazes
32:56here and we know literally almost nothing about this kid to this day um and it just strikes me
33:02that epstein the mystery this the assassination attempt on trump a mystery the jfk files a mystery
33:09the the uh martin luther king files a mystery a lot of mystery surrounding bobby kennedy's
33:15assassination i mean it just it is slightly baffling that even now around recent events
33:23we still can't seem to get cast iron cold verifiable facts
33:30pierce i would tell you this if this was an investigation on the mob my former associates
33:35you'd know everything right 100 i agree you'd know everything yeah and the only reason i the
33:40only reason i can say that all of these cases that you just mentioned tie in because there had to be
33:45government or people in power high-powered people involved in this and there's a cover-up
33:51and i will say this again i was in the same exact cell that jeffrey epstein was in there is no way
33:57that man could have committed suicide he would have to work very hard to try to do it the cameras
34:03are off the people walking the tear they were constantly on me all the time i couldn't even
34:07use the restroom i was embarrassed to sit because they were walking by it's not possible that he
34:12would have committed suicide under any circumstances in that cell i can say that so there has to be
34:18powerful people involved maybe they're in government maybe they're in other walks of
34:22life that have been able to suppress this information in all three of those cases
34:26there's no other reason for that and i have to say this going back to your question
34:30i don't know how many people are as old as i am on this panel but i remember completely you know
34:36when kennedy was killed because for days there was no cable tv there was nothing on you know
34:41social media it was all network television and for days 24 hours a day seven days a week
34:47all we saw was kennedy kennedy kennedy everything about his life people in the
34:51street were in mourning everywhere he went that was the only topic being discussed this was major
34:57major major tragic tragic news across the country and the fact that we still don't have the answers
35:03all of these years later it's terrible it's absolutely horrible this was a one of the
35:08biggest events in the history of this country maybe in the world and we don't know what's
35:12happening there 100 it's a cover-up on all of these instances that you just mentioned
35:17like i said if this was the mob you'd know everything i totally agree i think that's
35:21completely as it's such a great point um jefferson i mean we also had the sad uh news recently that
35:27clint hill who was the secret service agent who jumped on the back of the limousine because he
35:32was jackie kennedy's personal bodyguard in the secret service i actually interviewed clint hill
35:38about what happened and he's talked very movingly about how he lived with the guilt that he tripped
35:42as he tried to get on and had he got on immediately he may have taken the second bullet and saved the
35:47president's life so very you know obviously profound moment in his life but what struck me
35:51again there was i think there were only about eight or nine people on the secret service detail
35:57that day i mean you probably know the exact number but it was a very small number of people
36:01it's nothing like today when there are hundreds and hundreds
36:05no and if you compare the security if you look at the films of jfk's other trips to other cities in
36:12the fall of 1963 the security in dallas was the weakest by far of any of those cities in every
36:19other city there were marksmen on the top of buildings all high office buildings were searched
36:25none of that happened in dallas the the secret service man riding in the car in front of in front
36:31of jfk roy kellerman he was way down the secret service chain of command they were shorthanded
36:38they'd stayed up all the night before and what people forget is there was a lot of hostility to
36:43jfk in the secret service he had brought in an african-american agent abraham bolden for the
36:50first time um and people resented it and and didn't like it that a lot of people were quitting
36:56the secret service in the fall of 1963 they didn't want to guard kennedy so kennedy's policies made
37:03him unpopular among law enforcement and that contributed to the assassination as well
37:09fascinating um mike the the one of the big things which has not emerged so far from the files that
37:16everyone has always wanted to see is a recording of the telephone call that took place between
37:21president lyndon johnson and j.a. gahoover on the morning of the assassination um you know i think
37:28if it was in there we probably know by now but how significant could that be if that is lurking
37:34somewhere in there i mean it's the great thing that people have always wanted to hear yeah people
37:40will glom onto that immediately if it was released and again going back to what we talked about
37:45earlier you know there are still things left to be released we've got what six million plus documents
37:49and recordings and other things there's there still are uh items that have to be brought forward
37:55and i think we all agree we're all on the same sheet of music here transparency is is a very
37:59good thing and there's no excuse for not having transparency at this point i would like to also
38:03go back to something that john said i'm in 100 agreement over the mlk and and pierce you and i've
38:09talked about that before the martin luther king assassination um that one uh i'm very interested
38:15in seeing i actually believe there'll be more there than in the release of the remaining
38:20material for the jfk assassination that one doesn't make any sense in in in in a number of
38:26ways right uh and the fact that the james earl ray you know who was a as he said an alcoholic
38:33but also just a bad petty thief right he couldn't keep himself out of jail and somehow we're supposed
38:38to believe that he ends up with enough cash he buys himself a car he goes off the grid for a
38:43period of time he resurfaces looking like a college professor and and then he ends up overseas there
38:50there's there's too many questions there so you know again i can't make those connections yet
38:55because we haven't seen the material but you know who knows when that's coming out because
39:00this process is taking too long it is taking too long and you know i said we get you guys back
39:06uh after we were talking about the files maybe being released um i've got you back we still
39:11don't really well we don't know yet fully what's in the release files or what's in the redacted
39:16bits which the president said would not be redacted so maybe i have to get you all back again
39:21gentlemen which i'm sure uh our viewers would love to have you back because it is utterly fascinating
39:27and there are so many remaining unanswered questions but uh we're getting we're getting
39:31little bits and pieces which i think are really really interesting and i think it's well worth
39:36following this and see uh where it all ends up so thank you to my panel uh i appreciate it
39:42thank you thank you
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