18 BJP MLAs were suspended and marshalled out of the Karnataka Assembly for causing disruptions over the alleged honey trap scandal.
00:00It's not under the name of
00:13See the
00:15Giving is usually
00:19That is not the reason they just want to pass the next will be the only fight so they're suspending
00:30The Muslim
00:36This is the 60%
00:39Government has done in the state of Karnataka. This is about that. This is our budget what they have presented in the
00:52The party will think about it and we'll take an action on that
01:09Was a BJP MLA Bharat Shetty talking about being suspended one of the MLA's was suspended from
01:1518 MLA's was suspended from the Karnataka Assembly over disruption and heckling saying that the Congress government only wants to pass the next bill
01:23Without any discussions as can be seen in the visuals on air
01:26They're carrying certain placards attacking the Sudhir Amir government carrying 60% commission saying 60% loot
01:32Placards which are an attack at the Sudhir Amir government. Now, this is amid the entire honey trap scandal that has rocked
01:38the Karnataka Assembly and created a ruckus
01:42During which there was heckling and disruptions and 18 BJP MLA's have now been suspended for the same
01:50We can see the 18 MLA's being marshalled out of the Karnataka Assembly
01:56Visuals that are coming in this is due to disruptions being caused in the Karnataka Assembly over the honey trap scandal
02:02And this is after the revelation of the cooperation minister K N Rajanna who alleged that 48 people
02:0848 politicians had fallen victim to honey traps in the state and that obscene videos are being circulated
02:14Now the BJP which is the opposition Karnataka stormed the well of the house raising slogans and demanding a judicial probe into the entire
02:21Matter and they also told papers before the speaker's chair and due to these disruptions
02:26They were 18 MLA's BJP MLA's were suspended from the Karnataka Assembly
02:31We just saw certain visuals of BJP MLA's being carried out being marshalled out of the Karnataka Assembly just now
02:38During the entire
02:40Ruckus that took place in the Karnataka Assembly
02:42We could see certain some members were also holding CDs in their hands
02:45Which they waved inside the house saying that they had proof of the alleged honey trap and the BJP members also staged a dharna
02:53for the probe demand
02:54Now this ruckus happened as Chief Minister Siddharma was speaking in the house and continued even after his assurances
03:01The Chief Minister has continued to defend his government and he said that he will continue to defend his government
03:06He has continued to defend his government and he said that there's no question of protecting anyone in the honey trap
03:11Case saying that there will be a probe in the entire matter saying that the government's responsibilities to protect
03:16anyone in the case
03:17The Chief Minister also said that according to law the guilty should be punished and the Home Minister had replied if Rajanna complained a high-level
03:24probe would be
03:25Investigated would be formed
03:29Now after the entire ruckus that took place in the Karnataka Assembly in the honey trap
03:34Now 18 BJP MLAs have been suspended
03:37You can see in the visuals on air that the 18 the BJP MLAs who have been suspended are being
03:44carried out of the newsroom
03:46Apologies are being carried out of the assembly
03:48My colleague Akshata Nandagopal is joining me live on the broadcast from the newsroom. Akshata, what more can you tell us about the
03:56BJP MLAs who have been suspended?
03:59There are about 18 MLAs in all who've been suspended
04:03By in fact the speaker Utti Khadar Daya Chetna
04:06Because of what we witnessed a few hours ago where you had these BJP MLAs storming into the well of the house
04:12Ripping up sheets of paper throwing it at the speaker
04:16Allegedly even hurled books at the speaker and then at Chief Minister Siddharam Iyer all of this because the BJP
04:23Misunderstood that the finance bill was actually the minority quota bill
04:27So they immediately stormed the well of the house
04:29They even tried to climb atop and take over the speaker's chair
04:33So soon after that the assembly was adjourned even at that point
04:36Marshals came into the assembly tried to block off these BJP MLAs
04:40Who had clearly gone on a rampage in the well of the house?
04:43So there were very dramatic images that came in so it was expected that speaker Utti Khadar would crack down on
04:49Many of these MLAs 18 of them have been identified as the ones who created that ruckus in the well of the house
04:55Which is why dramatically enough. They're being carried out in this manner by marshals from the Vidhan Sauda
05:02Unprecedented scenes that are playing out right now in the Karnataka Assembly
05:05And this is because even inside once the speaker announced that you know
05:10These are the MLAs who are being suspended they refused to leave which is why the marshals once again had to be deployed and that
05:17Started carrying out many of these MLAs one after another 18 of them have been suspended Chetna
05:23Which means that the BJP's numbers also have dwindled in the assembly
05:26but this was an expected crackdown seeing the images that we saw a few hours ago of
05:31How these MLAs really in the well of the house started targeting the speaker?
05:36Which is always always warranted action against these legislators
05:41They were seen ripping up sheets of paper
05:43Trying to throw it towards the speaker and then you had Congress MLAs all gathering around chief minister Siddharma to kind of protect him because
05:51Allegedly books were being hurled back and forth as well
05:54And despite appeals that came in from the speaker to calm down the BJP MLAs weren't listening
06:00They continued their protest in the well of the house, which is why 18 of them have now been suspended
06:06So drama playing out in the Karnataka Assembly
06:09What this also shows you is that when the minority quota bill is actually tabled
06:13You can only imagine the kind of ruckus that will play out as well
06:17Remember that the bill wasn't able today the BJP assumed it was they were having a discussion on the issue of the alleged honey
06:26Scandal that's playing out of the Karnataka Assembly. The BJP wanted a full focus only on that
06:31It was during that that the finance bill was tabled the BJP
06:35Misunderstood it to be the bill on minority quota
06:37So immediately stormed the well of the house went forward with that dramatic protest that I mentioned to you
06:43About you know how they targeted the speaker and then it turned out this wasn't even the minority quota bill
06:49It was a finance bill
06:50But having said that the BJP sticking to its guns maintaining that this kind of action against them against the MLAs is unwarranted
06:56They're also maintaining that the only issue they want addressed right now is the honey trapping scandal and they don't want a discussion on
07:04Anything else so from early this morning from when the Assembly convened
07:08We've been seeing non-stop drama and ruckus playing out from protests over the honey trapping scandal
07:14Which is what you see there with the CDs that were displayed by these MLAs to protests
07:18so over the minority quota bill where all things of course got to another extreme of
07:24Papers being thrown at the speaker where books were allegedly hurled at Chief Minister Siddharam Iyer and to now when you've got 18
07:31BJP MLAs being paraded out literally carried out by these marshals because they refuse to leave
07:38These are the images that are playing out and for the BJP, of course
07:41They're going to claim that this is our symbolic protest over the minority quota bill the reality
07:46However, and I'll repeat this for our viewers is that the bill wasn't even tabled today in the Karnataka Assembly Chaitanya
07:52Right Akshita. Thanks for bringing us those details