Das auf wahren Begebenheiten basierende Historiendrama Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight erzählt die letzten Tage des ehemaligen Rhodesien, ehe Teile davon durch Aufstände und Entkolonialisierung zur unabhängigen Republik Simbabwe wurden. Der Krieg, der dem voranging, wird durch die Perspektive der 8-jährigen Bobo (Lexi Venter), aber auch der Einheimischen und ihrer Mutter erzählt.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/don-t-let-s-go-to-the-dogs-tonight
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/don-t-let-s-go-to-the-dogs-tonight
00:30Sorry about the mess. Can you have Jacob bring me my tea, please?
00:38On our farm we live with Sarah and Jacob.
00:41Is that me story?
00:43Once upon a time, everyone got along with everyone else.
00:47All of nature has one family.
00:50Mum, am I African?
00:52No, bubba.
00:53Is it because we don't have brown skin?
01:00I don't want to. I'm not real.
01:04There's still rhodesia in my eyes.
01:07Bring on the bloodshed if that's what they want.
01:09I've got enough ammo for a world war.
01:14Mum says she'll die for the slum.
01:16Who said you could come on the slum? This is my farm!
01:19I believe her.
01:24Are we racist?
01:26What? Certainly not.
01:28What sort of people are we then?
01:39Afrikaans have eyes to see what the whites cannot see.
01:44These people know what we're doing, so you just better bloody watch yourselves.
01:49I'll never leave here, and you'll never leave me.
01:52This is how the story ends.
01:54All our lives we are cast with separation and loneliness and longing.