Goodnight 😊
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I Built The Scientifically ‘Perfect’ Night Routine
Topics: Sleep, night routine, sleep score, perfect night routine, morning routine, health, longevity, science
#fitness #sleep #health
Download the MacroFactor App- CODE "WILL" for 2 week free trial!
I Built The Scientifically ‘Perfect’ Night Routine
Topics: Sleep, night routine, sleep score, perfect night routine, morning routine, health, longevity, science
#fitness #sleep #health
00:00So recently I just got this, it's a sleep tracker.
00:03And they say if you love something, put a ring on it.
00:05And I love sleep.
00:07And ever since I've gotten this thing,
00:08my sleeps have been good, but not perfect, until tonight.
00:13Because I've curated the most insane nighttime routine
00:16that guarantees the best sleep of my entire life.
00:21The perfect night starts with what goes inside you
00:23for dinner.
00:24Anyone and everything else is fair game.
00:26Essentially, I am meal prepping for my dreams.
00:29So we're gonna go inside, pick up some foods
00:31that are optimal for my sleep.
00:38Even before this grocery haul,
00:40I got myself prepared for the perfect night's sleep
00:42by eliminating caffeine after 12 p.m.,
00:44getting my workout finished earlier in the day,
00:46and unfortunately, no naps.
00:49Kiwis look like kangaroo balls.
00:52Not that I've ever been that close to them, but just.
00:58I feel like the only time food has ever helped me sleep
01:01is when I eat myself into submission.
01:03So, in theory, a 10-pack of cinnamon buns
01:07should knock me out just as fast.
01:08But I have a feeling we're going more for sleeping beauty
01:11than food coma.
01:13Time to get some salmon.
01:18Pick me, I'm the best salmon.
01:19I'm the best salmon.
01:20I'm delicious.
01:21Pick me, I'm the best salmon.
01:22I'm so delicious.
01:24Pick me, I'm the best salmon.
01:25Choosing between farm salmon and wild salmon,
01:28it's like choosing between a guy with a 4.0 GPA
01:31or a Hell's Angel.
01:32Like, I know which one is better for me,
01:35but I always end up opting for the other one
01:38because it tastes better.
01:39Farm salmon tastes better.
01:42I'm putting this back.
01:45Although the color is just substantially different.
01:49You know what?
01:50Maybe I'm gonna do it.
01:53Wild salmon.
01:55Walking by the pharmacy,
01:56it was really tempting to just grab a bottle of NyQuil
01:58and slam it before bed.
02:00Doing things naturally is always less fun,
02:02but then again, having working kidneys is fun too.
02:04I did read that dark chocolate apparently helps with sleep.
02:08However, there's also caffeine in it.
02:10So I'm not really sure what to do
02:12because I'm either gonna sleep like a baby
02:14or stare at the ceiling the entire night.
02:17And I don't wanna play blackjack with my sleep tonight.
02:20But it's chocolate though.
02:25Can't do it.
02:27We're getting 99 sleep score.
02:28Up next, cherry juice.
02:33Cherry juice is hiding from me.
02:44Tart cherry juice equipped, 11.99.
02:47This stuff ain't cheap.
02:49Definitely a lot more expensive than lean,
02:51but hopefully just as effective.
02:53If you don't know what lean is,
02:54it's what the rappers drink.
02:56Flexing on all the insomniacs right now.
02:59To complete the most wholesome basket
03:00I've ever put together,
03:01I grabbed some unsweetened almond milk and some white rice,
03:04then headed home to cook the ultimate dinner.
03:06Scientifically designed to knock me out
03:07faster than a rag of chloroform.
03:09Let the sleepy time feast begin.
03:12In theory, this meal should be so powerful
03:15at making me wanna sleep
03:17that each bite risks turning me into a narcoleptic.
03:20Also, as you can see, it is extremely early.
03:22It's not even 5 p.m. and I'm having dinner.
03:25Is that giving me anxiety?
03:28But there's a reason for it.
03:29Apparently the earlier you finish eating,
03:32the lower your heart rate is before bed,
03:34which helps you sleep better.
03:36I feel like I should be coming straight
03:37from a shuffleboard game eating so early.
03:40Like has happy hour even started yet?
03:42I have a feeling by 9 p.m.
03:44this mouth is gonna be in some trouble,
03:47which is exactly why I always chew gum in any locker room.
03:50We have quite the odd meal.
03:53Salmon, rice, fruit, tart cherry juice.
03:56Kind of like a meal parents would make for their kid
03:59as the last resort before sending them to fat camp.
04:02But I'm starving.
04:07It kind of reminds me of that like,
04:10that fake wine I would drink as a kid
04:13pretending to get turnt on New Year's Eve.
04:15I love salmon.
04:17But that is not how I got the nickname, the fishmonger.
04:26I feel like I'm on the verge of getting dentures
04:27eating so early, but there's always a method to the madness.
04:30Bedtime is set for 10 p.m. sharp,
04:32meaning we have exactly five hours to prepare.
04:35Time to get to work.
04:36Up next, we have progressive muscle relaxation.
04:38And this is an exercise where you tense all of your muscles
04:42one by one, and then you release.
04:44It can stress you, help with insomnia.
04:47So I guess I was on the right track
04:48with my nightly Kegels.
04:49Also, do I have to tense muscles
04:51that I'd rather forget exist?
04:53I'm looking at you, Cavs.
04:55Anyway, I just pulled up a 20-minute YouTube video,
04:59and I'm gonna follow it,
04:59and we're gonna see how it makes me feel.
05:04I just realized my heart is a muscle.
05:06Am I supposed to stimulate a heart attack?
05:09To begin, I'll ask you to imagine a ball of light.
05:13The ball of light is about the size of a ping pong ball,
05:17and it glows yellow in color,
05:19a warm yellow glow like the sun at dawn.
05:23Let's move that ball of light up, up,
05:26up to your calf muscles.
05:29Move the ball of light right to this.
05:31Starting at my toes and slowly working my way up
05:33the entire body, I guess there is a point
05:35in flexing without a mirror directly in front of you.
05:37Despite my faces in these moments,
05:39it was extremely relaxing.
05:40Lucas is my goat.
05:42People who suffer from insomnia often report
05:44that practicing progressive muscle relaxation at night
05:47helps them fall asleep.
05:48Simply tensing your muscles and slowly releasing
05:51have been shown to reduce symptoms of depression,
05:53anxiety, and stress.
06:03That was a genuine yawn.
06:04That wasn't fake.
06:06I feel
06:11I feel distressed.
06:18Up next, we have journaling and writing down our worries
06:22to prevent nighttime overthinking.
06:25Do you ever just get in bed, end up staring at the ceiling,
06:28stressing about the work you have to do tomorrow,
06:30or stressing about really whatever I do every single night?
06:34And apparently writing it down helps with that.
06:37And when I'm home alone,
06:39I usually have two worries.
06:41The first one is someone's gonna break in
06:45and that someone is not gonna think I look like I lift.
06:50And I just wanna eliminate that thought
06:51as fast as possible.
06:55if I just write that down,
06:56like, I mean, I feel like I'm manifesting this shit.
06:59No matter what happens, though,
07:00I'm gonna get through it because I'm gonna be able to sleep
07:02through anything.
07:04I have a feeling that this is the night
07:07and Amazon delivery's coming at midnight.
07:10Like, if the doorbell rings,
07:12all of today's efforts are instantly undone.
07:16Making a to-do list is a process
07:18that's both satisfying and slightly alarming
07:20because, let's be honest, am I organizing my life
07:22or just procrastinating in a more sophisticated way?
07:26The answer, it remains unclear.
07:28Well, I just wrote down my to-do list for tomorrow
07:31and I have a feeling that this is where productivity
07:34meets wishful thinking.
07:35Regardless, though, the fact that I wrote it down,
07:38the fact that I have some sort of plan,
07:41I think that might help me tonight.
07:43Time for the next sacred step of this evening routine,
07:46a glorious hot bath.
07:51Oh my God.
07:54Mm, I feel so yummy right now.
07:57A nice hot bath with a flavor bomb.
08:00Vegans can't convince me
08:01that lobsters don't enjoy any of this.
08:03But what looks to be a Chernobyl spa treatment
08:07is actually a magnesium bath bomb
08:09with some eucalyptus in it.
08:11And I'm smelling hella mint.
08:13It doesn't claim to have mint in it,
08:15but nothing gets by these things.
08:17I smell a Sunday roast on a Wednesday.
08:20But overall, it's 4.7 stars for this bath bomb,
08:22so I got high hopes.
08:24And we're having the bath two to three hours before bedtime.
08:27The reason for the bath is that when you have the bath,
08:29it drops your body's internal temperature.
08:32And when your body is colder, it helps produce melatonin.
08:36So they say.
08:38But I'm boiling right now.
08:40This bath is perfect.
08:41It's so relaxing.
08:42You know those guys I was worried about breaking in?
08:44At this point, I think I'd just scoot over
08:46and be like, fellas, grab a loofah.
08:48There's enough space for everyone.
08:50However, I am starting to feel something I wasn't expecting.
08:55I'm putting so much pressure on getting the perfect sleep
08:58that I'm actually starting to get a little bit
09:00of bedtime performance anxiety.
09:03Like I'm getting, I'm so nervous
09:04that you would think that Shaq is waiting in bed for me.
09:07So I have a feeling that my sleep score
09:10is either gonna be perfect or awful.
09:13No in between.
09:14Because I've just been so focused on myself
09:16and de-stressing and calming down,
09:19I've had no desire to go on my phone.
09:22The vibrate function is too weak anyways.
09:25And let's not even talk about how hungry I am.
09:28Usually this is when I have dinner.
09:30It's 7.19.
09:32I haven't eaten for like over two hours.
09:38I'm so scared to try to go to sleep.
09:40I think it's gonna be a battle.
09:41But I might be proved wrong.
09:42There has to be something to it.
09:44It just makes no sense.
09:46Another benefit of the hot bath is that once you get out,
09:48it makes you look way leaner and more vascular,
09:51which just makes you feel better about yourself
09:54when you go to bed.
09:55In my dreams, I'm rarely the hero.
09:57I'm more of like the comic relief that gets eaten first.
10:00But I don't know, man.
10:02This might change things right now.
10:06Whoa, what?
10:07It is now time to get the sleep environment ready.
10:10Time to turn this into the ultimate sleep paradise.
10:14Welcome to the best ever one man slumber party.
10:19I don't know if I wanna go to sleep
10:20or invite the boys over for a pillow fight.
10:23Let me show you around.
10:25Nothing sets the bedroom mood
10:26quite like proper fire safety.
10:28And I've taken many, many risks in the bedroom,
10:32but candles is not one of them.
10:34We got the fake ones there up on the backboard.
10:37It's so cute.
10:39Over in the corner, we got the star projector going.
10:43Apparently the subtle movements of the lights
10:45can help soothe you to sleep.
10:49I can definitely see that.
10:52When you just stare up in the sky,
10:54it just makes you realize how small your problems are
10:58in this world.
11:03Check how neat this thing is.
11:05It's not fire, don't worry.
11:06It's just smoke, it looks like fire.
11:09But it's a diffuser and I put lavender in it.
11:12And apparently the smell of lavender
11:14de-stresses you and helps you go to sleep.
11:17Just put a few little dashes in there.
11:21Smells like a nice, very personalized spa experience.
11:26I was literally so excited for this little sleepy paradise
11:28I created for myself.
11:30I feel like a fairy and this is where I belong.
11:32We're closing in on bedtime.
11:34I also set the house temperature to 65 degrees.
11:38I live in Canada.
11:39If I wanted to live in an igloo, I would just do it.
11:42That's like the perfect temperature
11:43for an animal that's capable of hibernation.
11:46It's been a while since I've slept
11:47in the fetal position crying.
11:50So we're going to see how that goes.
11:52Definitely not going to be expecting
11:54any sort of morning wood with that.
11:57But one thing's for sure,
12:00I have no excuse not to have the perfect sleep.
12:03I feel like I'm one yawn away from a coma.
12:06I just feel like my dream is going to be so interactive
12:08and deep in more ways than one.
12:11But we're not done yet.
12:14As you can see, the red light is on.
12:16A black light would make this place light up
12:18like a Christmas tree.
12:19But we have a mini checklist that we need to get through.
12:21And this is really going to calm me down before bed.
12:24So let's get to it.
12:25Next step was to put on some white noise,
12:27but apparently brown noise works just as well.
12:29And I felt inclusive.
12:30Unlike white noise, brown noise has deeper, richer tones
12:33that some people find soothing before sleep.
12:37The brown noise is a little bit more intense
12:39than the white noise.
12:39So I'm going to put on some white noise.
12:42The brown noise kind of just sounds like my vent's broken,
12:46but I don't mind it.
12:46I do find it kind of relaxing.
12:48Next up on our checklist is to read.
12:50I don't read.
12:52It's not that I can't read, I can read.
12:54I just don't enjoy it.
12:56And it's a bit too late to watch the new season
12:57of Squid Game.
12:58So we're going to jump on to the next one,
13:00which is going to be legs up the wall pose,
13:04which is a yoga pose that helps calm the nervous system
13:08and reduce physical tension before sleep.
13:12I'm not used to my ankles feeling cold
13:13when I got my legs propped up like this.
13:18That is quite nice though.
13:24It's 9.30, 30 minutes to bed.
13:27I look like I should be on every single watch list
13:29right now.
13:30I'm looking like Dahmer at Woodstock.
13:32Speaking of Dahmer, nutmeg is actually a natural sedative,
13:36which explains why my uncle had so many bake sales.
13:40We are actually going to make a pre-bed cocktail,
13:43if you will,
13:44which consists of the nutmeg and some warm almond milk,
13:47because it has high levels of tryptophan and magnesium.
13:52Let's do it.
14:01It smells quite nice.
14:02And because I frothed it up,
14:03it has a beautiful foam on the top.
14:05It's like my own Starbees drink.
14:11Warm almond milk and nutmeg
14:15is what I've always imagined Santa to taste like,
14:18but I was sadly mistaken.
14:20When I met him at the mall,
14:23he was serving something up.
14:27it hugs your heart.
14:30It's very warm and comforting.
14:33And you know how I know what I'm doing is working?
14:36My brain feels heavy.
14:39It doesn't usually feel heavy before bed.
14:41Like it's ready to rest.
14:43Like I really want to go to sleep.
14:46I'm almost starting to slur my words,
14:48but I'm going to take my time with this,
14:50savor the nut.
14:53And right before we go upstairs,
14:55I'm going to take my supplements.
14:56Supplement wise,
14:57I'm taking this magnesium drink called Natural Calm,
15:01and then a full dose of melatonin.
15:10The magnesium that I've naturally produced
15:14throughout this routine,
15:16on top of supplementing magnesium,
15:20I've reached super physiological levels
15:22of magnesium in my body.
15:25I'm a non-natty sleeper.
15:28Then right before I finally made it to bed,
15:29I spent some time with my son, Bulba.
15:31Studies show that simply interacting with an animal
15:33is enough to reduce stress hormones,
15:35heart rate, and blood pressure.
15:37So I'm currently naked and only wearing socks.
15:40And yeah, it's weird.
15:43I can't be the only one that thinks
15:44that wearing socks to bed is psychopath behavior.
15:47But given the fact that the house is at 65,
15:51I don't think a sock is such a bad idea.
15:53But apparently by warming your feet,
15:55it increases blood flow and helps you fall asleep quicker,
15:59which is the theory.
16:01Now I know you guys are gonna think this is kind of crazy,
16:03but I'm not.
16:04Now I know you guys are gonna think this is kind of crazy,
16:07but we got honey in the bedroom.
16:08And when honey enters the bedroom,
16:10I'm usually stuck to the sheets
16:11and way closer to pulling an all-nighter
16:13than getting a full night's rest.
16:15Gotta love those Craig Bliss days.
16:17But apparently honey can help promote
16:19the production of melatonin
16:21by giving a slight rise in insulin levels.
16:25So we're gonna have a little tablespoon.
16:27Honey for sweet dreams.
16:29And to be fair, Winnie the Pooh
16:32looks to have a banger of naps.
16:34Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
16:40The last thing I'm gonna do is the count to 300 technique,
16:44which is supposed to help you get out of your head
16:46while you're trying to fall asleep.
16:49Now I thought it was for something else,
16:50which explains why I only ever got halfway.
16:54So I'm just gonna go lie down, start counting to 300,
16:58love a little mental marathon before bed.
17:01But I really think I've done everything in my power.
17:04To set myself up for the perfect night's rest.
17:09So now we just wait for the long awaited score.
17:12I'll see you guys in the morning.
17:14One, two, three, four, 18, 19, 20.
17:23My dreams were vivid that night.
17:26I had a dream of donuts.
17:27I mean, I usually always do,
17:28but I think it's from the nutmeg in the drink.
17:30I also dreamt about Shaq.
17:32At least I think it was him.
17:33I was facing the other way.
17:34Maybe his presence in my dream
17:36is supposed to symbolize strength and success.
17:38It's crazy how I brought him up in the bath
17:40and it just carries over.
17:41Then because I've been playing
17:42the Nintendo Switch Mario Kart for so long,
17:44I dreamt I was actually in the game
17:46with Katie and Boba, of course.
17:48And it turns out Nintendo World
17:49is actually coming to Orlando this year.
17:52What kind of prophetic fever dream is this?
17:54Good morning, everybody.
17:57It is 7.37.
17:59I just woke up.
18:01I feel like it was a good sleep.
18:02I also did not get up to go to the bathroom once.
18:06Usually, I get up at least twice.
18:10All right, everybody.
18:11Time for the moment of truth.
18:13Let's open this app.
18:22That line cannot move fast enough.
18:30Oh my God, my heart's actually pounding.
18:39You know when you plan the perfect date
18:41and then all you get at the end of the night
18:42is a kiss on the cheek?
18:44So then you have to go home and rub one out.
18:46That's how I feel right now.
18:47I feel like I put so much in to this perfect sleep
18:50and all I got was a readiness to go to sleep.
18:54I don't know if you can see it,
18:54but I feel like I put so much into this perfect sleep
18:58and all I got was a readiness score of 86
19:01and a sleep score of 90.
19:05What the heck?
19:05I was expecting minimum 95,
19:08but let's find out a little bit more here.
19:11Sleep optimal, sleep efficiency, 93%.
19:14That's pretty good.
19:15I didn't even get grades like that in high school.
19:17Total sleep, eight hours and 17 minutes.
19:21Resting heart rate was a little bit high.
19:22I think that's what affected my score overall,
19:25to be honest.
19:26Everything else looks pretty good.
19:28REM sleep, two hours and nine minutes.
19:29Deep sleep was pretty good.
19:31And now take a look at this.
19:32I went to bed right around 1030
19:35and I was lights out until like 6 a.m.
19:38There's no white in between that period.
19:40Again, like I said,
19:41I usually wake up to go to the bathroom, nothing there.
19:44So that's definitely not like me,
19:46which is a pretty good sign.
19:47Overall, I'm happy with that.
19:50Readiness, something in the air.
19:51Let's take a moment to breathe
19:52in the refreshing scent of supremely optimal readiness.
19:56I feel like I'm one of those people
19:58that I could feel great,
19:59but then I see my score
20:01and then I will act in reflection to my score.
20:04I felt like a 95 readiness,
20:06but now I'm down to an 86.
20:08I think I'm gonna need an extra cup of coffee.
20:09Everything looks pretty good here.
20:11I don't know where the 86 came from.
20:17All I can say is that we're just gonna have
20:19to do better next time.
20:22Despite all my hard work,
20:23I'm still 10 points away from the perfect sleep.
20:26It's back to the drawing board,
20:27but some things will remain the same.