DJ Vlad rebukes the notion his interviews put people in jail ... Big U, Bricc Baby just got locked up on RICO charges, and have done VladTV interviews in the past -- but they don't discuss active cases!!!
00:00Social media users, you know, they're blaming Vlad TV, you know, again, you know.
00:08Well, I mean, I think in this particular case, Vlad TV doesn't have anything to do with this
00:14Brick Baby was a regular guest on the show, Big U had done an interview some years back,
00:21really just talking about things, you know, that they had done in the far past and, you
00:25know, a life that they essentially have left behind.
00:29There is no act of anything being talked about in any of our interviews.
00:32Like you said, you've covered Big U's life story in the past, you know, did you see this
00:37raid coming?
00:38Like, you know, was there any hints that, you know, like, essentially the feds are saying
00:45that he was living a double life?
00:47None, none at all.
00:50We did an interview, it was maybe 2019, something like that, 2018, 2019, it was a very cool
00:59He's a very nice guy.
01:00We kept in contact, we spoke over the years, you know, we speak maybe a couple of times
01:05a year, just kind of checking in on him, seeing how he's doing, seeing some of the positive
01:10things that he's doing in the community, and that's what we talked about in the interview
01:13as well.
01:14I didn't know anything at all on any level with Big U, I'm completely shocked as to this
01:20actually happened.
01:22It seems like they like to group, you know, rappers on a lot of hearsay, you know, a lot
01:27of activity and group it all into one, like Big U was claiming he doesn't even know everybody
01:32in his indictment.
01:33And I'm sure he doesn't.
01:36Yeah, I remember Big U in our interview even said that he was never a Rollin' 60s, you
01:42know, himself, he was never a Rollin' 60s member.
01:46That's on record.
01:48But at the end of the day, these situations happen around people that are continuing to
01:56do criminal enterprises outside of their career as an entertainer.
02:01And this has always happened.
02:02It happened with A.R.
02:03Abb, it happened with Casanova two times.
02:07There's a VladTV interview talking about what they had done years and years ago.
02:11But if you notice, none of these cases have anything to do with interviews.
02:15There is actual crimes being committed.
02:18There's actual snitches that are around them that are taking the stand and testifying against
02:24It's not the interview that does it.
02:26And a lot of times, not even social media, it's, you know, people sometimes send DMs
02:30through their Instagram of illegal activities that ultimately get subpoenaed by the government
02:36and becomes part of the case.
02:39These are the things you have to really worry about, not so much the interviews.
02:42You really have to worry about actual crime.
02:44Now, if you're not doing anything, do all the interviews you want.
02:48You know, I've done some criminal stuff in the past, past the actual limitations that
02:51I've talked about in my interviews.
02:54Doesn't matter at this point.
02:56And I mean, I guess a lot of people kind of missed the point that, you know, VladTV interviews
03:02are voluntarily, you know, like you're not holding a gun to anyone's head and make them
03:07say it in this info.
03:10And in fact, you know, a regular guest like a Brick Baby actually gets, you know, compensated
03:16for coming in and doing interviews.
03:18You know, Brick Baby, I had just seen him at the mall at the Beverly Center, like three,
03:25four days ago.
03:26Like, you know, we just randomly ran into each other.
03:30It was, it's crazy how quickly things change, like he, I'm sure, had no idea what was about
03:35to happen a few days from now.
03:37No signs of, you know, panic or...
03:41What's up?
03:42You know, gave each other a hug.
03:43What's up?
03:44What's up?
03:45Like, he had some people with him.
03:46Like, it was cool.
03:48I saw nothing.
03:49Just, you know, just a carefree L.A. day at the mall.
03:55Like, you know, everyone's, you know, in good spirits.