• 20 hours ago
In a broadcast EXCLUSIVE - Jonathan Majors covers it all with Sherri Shepherd. From CONFIRMING his new marriage to Meagan Good to addressing all his public challenges to “calling in the Avengers” for his healing journey - watch the FULL INTERVIEW - PART 1

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00:00Over the last two years my first guest has been in and out of the headlines and many people including me
00:05We've been waiting to hear what he has to say so for his daytime talk show exclusive conversation
00:10He is here to talk about it all including his new movie magazine dreams. Please welcome
00:16Jonathan Majors
00:45It's a lot of energy a lot of love over here
00:48We've been waiting for you. I have to tell you it's so many places that you could have gone
00:53Jonathan and you chose to come here and I so appreciate you coming here
00:59Being the family I just I appreciate you being here
01:03You know last time you were here was back. I believe it was March 2023 and you it's yeah two years ago
01:10you had started Marvel's you were in Marvel's Ant-Man and
01:14You came here and you were promoting Creed 3 and I just I remember it was like your career was just it was going so
01:23Great Jonathan and in a matter of weeks your entire world had changed your name was in the
01:28Headlines your legal battles were playing out in front of everybody
01:32And then you got convicted of assault and misdemeanor
01:36Misdemeanor assault and harassment now. Here's the thing
01:39I know that legally you cannot talk a lot about the details of what was going on
01:44But while it was going on and you were going through all of that, how were you feeling?
01:50Mmm, I think I just gotta say thank you so much for having me here
01:56And how's our feeling I was feeling I
02:01Mean chaos came. Yeah, you know and
02:05You talk about it, you know, you think about it, you know, oh you're in war now. Oh, you know, this is it
02:13You know, you're in the middle of it
02:15The the Bible talks about trials and tribulations, you know, but it's it's very different to find yourself in it
02:23and you look at the Bible differently and
02:27It's been a journey, you know
02:30my love is here, you know and and Megan and
02:34There were days when you know
02:36No surprises, you know laid up on the couch just wouldn't move
02:41Actually one block down from where we are now, it's funny when we drove in here I looked and I went oh that's
02:46That's the place. Yeah, you know
02:50That was hard
02:53But it's been um, it's been a healing journey it's been a moment of reflection it's been two years of growth healing
03:03Accountability about you know who I was where I was what I was doing. Yeah
03:10where my mind was that when my spirit was that and
03:15Was saying I was saying to Megan and I'll conclude I was saying to Megan a couple nights ago. I said I feel different. I
03:22Just feel different. Yeah, you know and I love the man I am now and I don't know if I could
03:33Yeah, yes, ma'am, yeah you just I know I said ma'am I said, I'm sorry Sherry
03:40You know, it's I just left my mama. I know so like not not that's how I'm saying. No, no
03:48Because I have that nurturing quality. Yeah, I have that nurture one of my mother's but no, it's just I'm a southern boy
03:53Yeah, I appreciate that. I can't shake. I can't shake it. I appreciate that. I apologize. I know you ain't gotta apologize. We good
04:00I just I love you. I love you. Yeah. Oh, thank you. You know, we and thank you for that. Yes, ma'am
04:10Do what you gonna do do what you gonna do because I know you love me it was a few days ago this happened
04:16This audio recording from 2022. It was leaked to the press
04:20It was allegedly of you and your ex discussing an aggressive incident now
04:27What can you tell me about that? How does this make you feel like now this is coming out
04:32You got a movie coming out big things are happening. And now this tape of you allegedly doing this is coming out now
04:38How you feeling about that?
04:43God has a plan
04:46And sometimes you just throw your hands up, you know
04:50You like I can't speak about it, you know
04:54But I do know
04:56There's a plan and I'm just I've let go of control, you know, and I just say hey
05:02Whatever it is
05:05You have recently opened up to the Hollywood Reporter, I read this article
05:10And I know that must have been difficult to talk about because you talked about the abuse that you suffered
05:14That you went through as a child
05:18What that's very hard to come out and talk about that because it's something so private
05:23What got you to this place that you felt you were able to share that?
05:32in the in the past two years, I mean
05:35so I'm an athlete right and I'm an actor right and and the two things that
05:41accompany those occupations are
05:45Instructors and instructors, excuse me teachers mentors and I had all that
05:51Athletically I have that, you know, I've got great trainers. I've got great nutritionist
05:55I went to I was blessed enough to go to some really great schools for my craft
06:00But then there's the third vertical of just like the self in the self because I was so focused on
06:05Career and and and health and all these things
06:09Jonathan me myself got got left to the wayside
06:12And the self myself I left that aside and now in this in this moment
06:17I would J if if the acting thing works for you and you did it this way you got to do yourself
06:23Wellness and yourself help the same way. So I
06:26Brought in I brought in the Avengers, you know
06:30Therapist, you know, so they're really therapy therapy and my pastor, you know, there is Daniels
06:36You know who I'd love and cherish shout out to change Church
06:40They have been he didn't know I was gonna say his name Lord have mercy
06:44I love you, man
06:47That and and I I was strong enough to go to it at that point
06:54You know, I'm a mother
06:56Jonathan I have a son a teenage son and I know hearing something like that because you said you went to your mother and you
07:02You know, yeah, and you talked about this with your mother. That is something that the get would have been all on me
07:08I don't know if I would have been able to let that go and you said something you said you you didn't blame your mother
07:13You just were telling her just to get to that place of that speaks of a certain forgiveness
07:17Like how did you even get to that point where you could talk to your mother?
07:22about that
07:24The first person I spoke to about it was Megan, okay, and then
07:32Months went by so it's not like I was like, oh
07:35Great session, you know, great great prayer. We'll call that call mom, you know, you know, no, no, no
07:41It was it was a process
07:44For my growth and for my family's growth because as I said, we're a sudden household and certain things don't get talked about and
07:51It was important for me
07:54that my mother knew that I
07:58Knew you know and that and that we were gonna be okay
08:02The family was gonna be okay, and we were gonna be stronger because of it because it was a cancer in our family
08:08You know
08:09and there was a cancer in me and
08:11You would be a fool to have a surgeon right in front of you and not not go to yeah
08:15You know to have a doctor right there and just just be happy being sick because you were ashamed
08:19You know that you sprained your ankle when you were nine, you know, I mean, that's that's silly
08:24It's it's the drive for healing, you know
08:28That's hard for you know, especially for black men going to therapy talking about their mental state crying
08:34How would you speak to that for for black men being able to go and get help to be able to talk about those things?
08:41That are so painful, right? Um, I
08:46Mean to my brothers I gotta say like
08:49We walk around all the time talking about oh, what's up King? What's up, bro?
08:53I got you man. I'm holding you down
08:56What's a king if he's not full
09:02What's a brother if you can't talk to you to your man's and be like hey, this is what I'm feeling right now
09:07Yeah, and yeah, I did
09:09I'm feeling this way because of this, you know and to be able to identify it, you know
09:13And then to get help with that, you know
09:16Like like that's a superpower to go I know and I don't know everything that's in me right now
09:21I don't know the but I'm digging and I'm working at that, you know, so for my brothers, I would say hey
09:29We got a girl we've got to move, you know
09:31And don't let anything stop you from being the best man you can be
09:35You know and usually the thing that stopped and this is what I realized the thing that stops you from being the best man
09:39You can be is the man in the mirror
09:41You know, that's the guy that's carrying all the shame that's carrying all the
09:45He's carrying that that guy that guy is the guy carrying all the hurt, you know, I mean and
09:51And he gets tired, you know, I mean he gets really tired
09:55And we get tired brothers, you know, I mean like like
09:59Life is enough walk around as a black man is enough in this country. That's hard, you know
10:04Get your foot off your own neck, you know
10:07And the best way to do that is to is to get in touch with yourself
10:11And the best way to do that is to is to get in touch with yourself, you know
10:15And to deal with those deal with those things, you know, it's something that struck me
10:20I remember watching you in an award show and the Yana Vanzant was
10:26You she welcomed you up on stage and you hugged her and she held you and she held you and I know
10:33There have been women of color who felt you deserved a second chance to rebuild your life
10:39What is the support been like for you from women
10:43Surrounding you in your life, Jonathan
10:46Sorry, I'm just looking at that. Yeah, we all looked at it like you just couldn't stop you let go. Yeah, it's um
10:53It's been really it's been really beautiful, you know
10:59Primarily because you know so much of my
11:03You know, we talked about the the incidents in my youth like you wear that
11:09you know and
11:11People sometimes confuse their character with their trauma
11:15You know, I mean and you start moving a certain way and having certain limiting thoughts because of something that happened to you. Yeah, and
11:23When I see sisters
11:26Holla at me in the street, you know
11:28I mean when when I'm walking down the road and they just pulled me aside want to pray with me on the corner
11:33you know, it goes oh I feel I
11:35Feel emboldened and I feel confident and I feel
11:39Encouraged to keep going the way I was going, you know
11:41Keep keep going to the help, you know
11:44I mean and when I look out here and I see all these sisters and I was like
11:46I don't know if they paid y'all to clap or what but but but but man
12:02Love y'all. I really do. I really do. I really do. You know, it's
12:07To receive this love and and and I love this for you
12:11Jonathan you found love with actress Megan good and
12:23You know and then I you know
12:25I woke up this morning just to go to get some water and I read that y'all got married yesterday
12:32You the married me. You're the married man
12:40What happened here you got to tell me about this day I
12:50Said to Megan yesterday I said today might be the happiest day of my life
13:03Love that woman so much
13:10So how did it happen well
13:14Sherry, thank you
13:16How did it happen? You fell in love? That's the question. No, I
13:21Asked the father first right in Paris if that was all right, he was it that's cool
13:28It was long is a longer cap say thank you. I'm tripping and my makeup is good
13:35Yeah, so so it's always the plan yes, right and
13:41My mother came my mother pastor and she came from Dallas where I'm from and
13:48You gotta give up for Dallas
13:52Or Houston
13:56Yeah, he had mom come and she came to the premiere the
14:00LA screen and my mother had never been to one of the one of my screenings and
14:06We had told her that hey, we're gonna we're gonna do this thing. And uh, and we did my mother married us yesterday
14:15Her mother was there
14:21Her mother was there and yeah, we had these rings and we got him engraved in in Hawaii
14:31After I spoke with her father again, yeah
14:35We finally got to do it, but it was always a plan, you know, so Wow
14:39Yeah, I just before I know you were coming back, but I just want to say to you what what makes you smile Jonathan?
14:46How did you get your smile back? Wow? Wow, that's you know, I got a buddy
14:51I got my best buddy Jason best said to me. Hey, man, you gotta smile more
14:56You know me this is probably like three years ago, right?
14:59You know, you got smile more and then that reminded me of a conversation I had
15:02while while at Yale School of Drama and
15:06Chris Bayes the incredible acting teacher there
15:09We're in a clown class and clown shows
15:11You know this stuff and I was having the hardest time and I remember sitting in class just like
15:17You know and nose on my face, you know, and I and I said to him man
15:23When can I when can I when I'm gonna laugh like all the other classmates I got around me
15:29You say it's gonna come you just got to take time and I didn't realize I graduated from Yale in
15:352016 I didn't realize it's gonna take almost 10 years for me to find that smile in that laugh and
15:42How we did it, you know God did it, you know
15:47You don't think about it. I'll say this. I'll say this, you know, you don't think about it
15:51You know trials and tribulations that they can lead to they can lead to joy
15:55Yes, you know me and that amount the amount of weight and the amount of struggle you have to go through
16:00I mean we say it all the time like like like joy comes in the morning for me joy came ten years later
16:06But I found it but it came and I don't want you. I don't want you to go anywhere
16:10Because up next we're chatting with Jonathan about his new film magazine dreams. Keep it right here
16:16We're gonna have a good time
