• yesterday
00:00Top three toughest people to face.
00:02Ooh, my answer is probably going to be different than some other people.
00:07I throw a lot more breaking balls than most people.
00:09So Luis Robert kind of owns me a little bit.
00:13He's really good at hitting breaking balls.
00:15He's either like two for four or three for four with like Homer in a double.
00:19So yeah, that's not a great sample.
00:22Stanton got me pretty good in New York last year.
00:25The hardest like at bat to grind out is Luis Arise.
00:28I feel like I had to earn that punch out more than any at bat in my entire life.
00:32And that was pretty cool.
00:33But yeah, he's a grinder.
00:35He makes it really tough.
