Nikki Coles hosted a Neurodiversity event at Portsmouth Guildhall.
00:00Hi, I'm Nicky Coles. Nicky, tell me where we are and what we're doing here today.
00:03We're at the Portsmouth Guildhall today and we are at the Celebrating Neurodiversity event.
00:08Tell me what that's all about. So it is an event to bring organisations like charities,
00:14volunteer groups together in one space that have some relevance to neurodiversity.
00:21And the idea was, this is second year, was it to be open for everyone. So whether you identify as
00:28neurodivergent or you don't, to just come and find out more about some of the challenges
00:35neurodivergent people face and see what there is available that might be able to help their
00:41neighbour or their family. Yeah, just so that everyone can understand and is aware of support
00:47that there is in the city. So tell me why this is important for people to really know what's
00:52out there. I know it's a bit of a silly question, but. It is important because it's quite hard to
00:59navigate what there is available in the city. And I think bringing it all together really is
01:04beneficial, especially when you are neurodivergent, like trying to find things, that's a challenge in
01:10itself. So it just makes it a bit easier for everyone. And it's good to connect people because
01:16we've had a lot of conversation already this morning where people can really relate to each
01:20other's lives and just, you know, sharing that experience like with like-minded people and people
01:26that don't really understand it just spreads that like information around. Tell me what the
01:33reaction's been like for the second year running. Yeah, it's been a really positive reaction. Yeah,
01:38we've had a lot of people come through and yeah, keen to keep it going and just keep building on
01:44this sort of neurodiversity network.