• 2 days ago
That's IT! Today Omz is IGNORING Roxy, Crystal, Lily, Kevin, Megan and Violet (CRAZY FAN GIRLS) #minecraft #minecraftmod #omz
00:00We finally made it home, Floof!
00:02And you are my only dog that hasn't gotten killed by any crazy fangirls!
00:07And I'm gonna keep it like that.
00:09We're gonna have THE BEST LIFE TOGETHER!
00:11We're gonna live for like a million years, go on playdates, all of that!
00:15Knock knock, Sugar!
00:17What? Oh my gosh!
00:21It's one of the crazy fangirls.
00:22I gotta hide you, buddy! I'll put you right over here,
00:24cause you are not dying!
00:26Floof is gonna live a very, very long life.
00:28Sugar, are you ready for our date?
00:30Yo, Violet, when people knock at a house, they don't just walk on inside!
00:34Well, you're not just a person, you're my boyfriend!
00:38I am NOT your boyfriend! Eww!
00:40We're barely even friends!
00:41I don't even know how you showed up here, as a matter of fact.
00:43You don't belong in the Ohm's Town.
00:45Well, Sugar, are you ready to go on our date?
00:48We can eat ice cream and fall in love,
00:51because I'm the only thing that you love, right?
00:55I have something new that I really, really love.
00:58Isn't that right, Floof? You're the best boy ever!
01:00Sugar, what are you doing back over there?
01:03Uh, nothing, nothing, nothing to look over here!
01:06Is that a dog, Sugar?
01:08It looks like I have to get rid of it, doesn't it?
01:10What? No! No, no, no! Not again! No, no, no!
01:13No one is touching Floof, seriously!
01:15Every time I get a pet or anything meaningful,
01:18one of you girls kill him!
01:20Well, Sugar, just put him down! Let me pet him!
01:23Is that a gut in your hand?
01:24No, no, no, no! It's just my hands. Put him down!
01:27Mmm, should I put Floof down? I don't know.
01:32Sugar, put the dog down! I just wanna pet him!
01:35Um, okay. I saw the gut! No, I'm not putting him down!
01:39I'm not putting him down!
01:40Wait, wait, wait, Sugar. Let me talk to the viewers.
01:43If Ohm should put the dog down, like the video.
01:45Violet, no one is gonna like the video like that!
01:48Uh, I just like the video, so put him down.
01:51Okay, fine, if you say so, Violet.
01:52No! Stop!
01:54Hey, he's dead, mate!
01:56No! Oh, my go- Oh, my gosh!
01:58Oh my gosh!
02:02No, no, no, no, no!
02:04You pushed it too far, Violet!
02:05No, no, no!
02:07Ugh, there's boogers in my mouth.
02:09How dare you! Why would you do that?!
02:12Now, Sugar, come on, let's go on our date!
02:14No. No, no, no, no, no.
02:16No, you actually pushed it too far this time, Violet.
02:18You pushed it too far! You pushed it too far!
02:21Sugar, what are you talking about? That's it. I am done with everybody
02:27No more crazy fangirls. I'm not speaking to you ever again violet for the next 24 hours
02:34I'm ignoring everybody sugar. Why are you ignoring me? Oh, I cannot believe this. I cannot believe this and
02:41crystals here too, I
02:43Hate both of them
02:46Hello. Hello. I missed you. No, no, no, I'm ignoring her
02:50Time to watch some owns videos because today's been a really stressful day sugar. Yeah, we should watch them together
02:57Violets here. I need to get her out. Okay, I'm gonna walk out and then just lead her out with me
03:02All right time to go for a walk over here. Yes, let's go for a walk
03:08Okay, perfect. Babes. Babes. Hello violet move out the way. I'm here for my boyfriend
03:12Uh girl come here and fight if you won't fight for him. Holy smokes. They are being so annoying those girls
03:20Before I met crystal or violet or Megan or anybody else life is so good. Oh
03:26Gosh, but let me just watch my alms video. Oh
03:30This is an interesting one. Oh
03:33Hello, oh my gosh now Megan is here. What does she want? Just ignore her time for me to go make some food in my
03:41Kitchen. Oh, hello. I know you see me in the window. How you doing sugar?
03:46You know why she call me sugar that it's disgusting. Okay. Let me grab some food. Oh, we have some cookies in here, okay?
03:52Let me grab my cookie jar. I'll put it right over here babies. Oh, babe. Oh, they're so weird sugar
03:58I'm still at the front door waiting for your love dude. What is wrong with them, okay?
04:03Let me grab some cakes uh homes fireworks look. It's me. Can we put the cakes over here?
04:09I'm not sure what's wrong with you sugar, but I'm gonna get someone that you want to talk to what is viola talking about?
04:15I'm not care, but I'm gonna watch my show. Oh
04:18It looks like it's the outro right now after we build something awesome sauce
04:23Mmm. Sugar look at the front door. We got someone for you. Oh my gosh wait. I need to look without looking
04:29I'll just go like that and what they got Lily here. Hi the girl said we're going on a playdate
04:34I want to hang out. Oh my gosh
04:37Ignoring them. I'm ignoring them. Why is he talking about girls? I have no idea
04:41I say we pull out some guns what oh my gosh. Oh my gosh, babes open up or else
04:46We will shoot you holy smokes. Just uh oh gosh. I'm just eat my cookies. Just eat my cookies babes
04:52I said open up right now. Oh gosh. We're starting to go crazy
04:55I say we just break down his windows and go get him we have guns girls. Oh, yes. Let's do it. Oh my gosh
05:05Gotta escape I gotta escape babes come over here. I'm out of here. I'm out of here, and I'm just walking away babes
05:11Hello, babes
05:15Sugar come over here. We just want to speak to you. Oh my gosh. You're being so weird well
05:20It's time for me to go to the playground, and I'm gonna make an awesome sandcastle. It's gonna be so much fun
05:26Oh, I love sandcastles. I'm gonna play with you. Oh my gosh. I'm not playing with any of them
05:32Let me just go over here and clear up all these toys for my little sandcastle homes
05:36I am so excited which side should be my side
05:39Oh, yeah, me too. Yeah, sugar. I want to play with you as well, okay?
05:43Let me just put it over here like that babes. Why are you ignoring us? Hello?
05:48Okay on this side as well sugar. Hello. Let's play with you. What you doing, okay?
05:54And then on this side and then boom okay? That's an awesome outlining girls. I think we should bring Roxy
06:00Maybe he's just ignoring girls great thinking get him over right now
06:05And let me do the pillars over here like that awesome sauce and go up like that
06:10Oh, oh wait. This is actually looking awesome
06:13Roxy talk to him your friends broken or something. Yeah, what's good?
06:17I'm the girls want me to talk to you. Oh my gosh now Roxy's working for the girls
06:21I'm ignoring him too. Oh we built the sandcastle or what I'm help you out
06:25Okay, let me go up like that then hit this side Roxy both of them, so he notices you okay?
06:30I'll help you out right over here. Okay, then we could put the bridge area over here
06:36I'll put it like that then let me make our little drawbridge like this. I'll work on the back side whoa what the heck
06:43There's like a ghost building for me. That's pretty cool
06:46It's me Roxy. Hi, babes. Why are you not looking at us anymore? What's wrong with you?
06:52Okay, let me get a little door boop awesome, and then sandcastle it up like that
06:57Whoa this is such a dope
07:02Pretend together y'all I want to be your queen and we can make out so let's do it
07:06So sugar I want to make out with you Megan. I'll kill you for him alright girls, and let's fight guns a-blazin
07:17Just walking through wait sugar where you going sugar sugar hello
07:21All right, oh my stomach is getting very grumpy. I could use some awesome treats from on kids store
07:27Let's see what we got. Oh, I'll take this cake over here awesome sauce
07:32Watermelons, I'll be very buzzed babies by me me me me babes eat me up eat me up. Mmm. Take some bread babes. No
07:40Sure, the hell over here me me me me sugar. Mmm. I could use some of this, too
07:45They have some cakes and on kids over there mmm should I ignore him I can't make us talk to us
07:52Hey, hi to him for us. Please. What are you talking about does he not want to talk to you guys?
07:57I know for some weird reason so just talk to him for us. Okay. I'll talk to him
08:03Hello, how are you doing today? I'm not talking on kit either. He's working for the girls
08:08Ah, I hope I'd get doesn't mind if I just take all this stuff wait, bro. What are you doing?
08:13Alright, let me just walk out of here. No
08:16Come over here. Come over there bro. Oh my gosh. Oh, this is just wrap in the store. Okay?
08:23Okay, I think I should start eating I'll start with this over here
08:27That tasted weird but still bust oh, I'm calling the police bro. I'm calling the police
08:32Yeah, I'm kid. Ohms is acting super weird right now. Wait sugar. He's looking at us. Hey sugar
08:38What you doing?
08:41All right girls if we can't make them speak I say we heard him wait how with a gun girls pull out
08:48Hey, what? Oh gosh, what are they doing? Where they do it?
08:50Mm-hmm, uh, just eating my cake in the middle of the street. Nothing weird is gonna happen, babes
08:55If you don't talk to us right now, we will shoot you in the leg. Wait girls. Really?
08:58Yeah, anything for his attention guys. I feel like this is a little bit out of pocket girls. Shut up
09:04It is not out of pocket. All right, I'm down then if it means getting a kiss from you. Oh
09:14That's it let him up girls, uh, wait, what's up?
09:23Gosh now sugar. Are you gonna talk or what? Huh? Must be a new Minecraft update where it rains bullets
09:31Babes, are you serious? We just shot you. Hmm better go to the doctor or something
09:38Are you the one that robbed that store? Oh my gosh, it's the police owns can't ignore him
09:44Yeah, sugar, you're gonna have to talk to the authorities. Oh, what is he gonna do?
09:49Hmm, they think I won't ignore a police officer. Huh? Watch this
09:53Hey, hey, hey, what why is he walking away? Hey, buddy. What are you doing? You're under arrest. You just stole from that store
10:02All right, that's it I guess I'll just take him to jail then
10:05The movies would be really fun today. Hey, hey buddies. Hey, hey, why is he walking away? Come here? All right, buddy
10:11You're going to jail
10:13Oh my gosh. Yeah sugar now you have to speak
10:17Mmm, huh? I'm doubling down. Wow. It looks like the new Minecraft update has me floating. This is awesome
10:24Babes, what are you serious? Whoa?
10:27Look at me. I'm in the police station. This is really really cool
10:32And where are they putting me? All right, buddy, we got to interrogate you for your crime stand up over here
10:37What's an interrogation? I mean I have to speak. He's definitely gonna talk guys or else he's gonna go to jail
10:44So you owns is cool. What did you do today?
10:50Not talking not talking. This is a really cool room with no people inside. Wow. This is awesome
10:55I guess I'll just walk out
10:57No, he's walking on a police officer. Hey, hey, buddy. Hey
11:03I'm just running away from nothing. Hey. Oh, no, you're a wanted man. Come over here. Holy smokes. Holy smokes
11:10This is getting off. This is getting bad. Oh, oh, I gotta go. I gotta go Larry's lab
11:15He always has some sort of gadget. There's a portal
11:18I've never jumped inside here, but today's gonna be a good day, buddy. You're quartered in this room
11:22There's nowhere where you could go
11:27Yeah, sugar just speak speak right now
11:32See you later
11:35What the what where'd I just go
11:39There is no way it actually works the portal sent me to a random area and wait, it's the play place
11:45Oh my gosh, this is sick. Oh, holy smokes
11:48I could play all day here
11:49But I probably want to get a little bit farther away because I do not want my friends finding me
11:54So I'm gonna go to a water park. Have a fun day over there. Let's go
11:58Wait, did I just hear Kevin's voice? Is he at the water park? This is so much fun. Holy smokes
12:04It's Kevin and I guess since he's not talking to anybody else. I guess I'll say hi. Oh, someone's calling me
12:09Hello, who this Kevin if you see Ohms, make sure you try to talk to him
12:15He's pretending like he doesn't see us. Huh? Oh, okay. I guess I'll try. Oh my gosh, really then
12:21I guess I'm not gonna talk to Kevin. Wait, he's right here right now. I'm gonna try and say hi. Hey Ohms
12:26Time to go swimming. This looks like so much fun. Yo Ohms. Hello
12:30Ohms, what's up? Hello. I gotta call the rest of the crew. Yo crystal. Oh, is that the water park?
12:37All right, we're right over there right now. Oh my gosh, you're pulling up
12:40Ah, I better get to a water slide so they can't catch up to me
12:47If you don't speak I will kill Roxy, you know, oh my gosh, I do not care
12:51I do not care just going up the water slide Ohms. You would never go down that water slide. It's way too scary
12:56So just come down here. Oh, really? He thinks I won't go down this water slide. Hmm. All right, we'll see about the
13:02Mm-hmm. Holy smokes. This thing is huge
13:07Hello, all right, that's it Roxy come up over here. Um, what's going on? We gotta kill him right girls. Yeah
13:16Are you sure guys we can get his attention a different way babes
13:19I know you can see us if you don't talk to us. We're killing your best friend
13:25No way, they would actually kill Roxy. They would never do this. Oh
13:30My gosh. Oh my gosh. No reaction. No reaction. No reaction. Holy smokes. Uh, wait, we actually did it
13:35It's almost gonna say anything. Oh my gosh. Mm-hmm. Really afraid of this water slide over here. This looks serious
13:42Um time to go on it Ohms you're not going on that water slide it's way too scary. Yeah, you're gonna coward out boy
13:50Mm-hmm. I'm not counting out
13:53Holy smokes, this is sick
13:59I'm not going down. That's way too scary. Yep. They're all way too afraid
14:04Let's go and it looks like I could finally have the rest of my day by myself
14:09And Loki Roxy should have respawned so I'm not even tripping about that. Let's just enjoy the waterpark. Oh
14:16My gosh, awesome. Then let's go down. What the what sugar? I know you see me and I know you see this poop
14:27We've okay jump around jump around like that sugar. What? All right, let's keep going babes
14:33Babes come here. We just avoid all this poop. That's just randomly spotting in base. It's a spotting it
14:40It's not the map. I wonder what update makes watering to poop randomly, but yeah, I made it without touching any poo
14:47Guys, I'm back. I can't believe you killed me. Oh, she's taught. Oh my gosh. He just left us. Are you serious?
14:52I'm babes. Oh
14:54We can't throw them in with killing Roxy. What do we do?
14:58Hmm what to do now what to do now? Oh
15:02I've always wanted to go on the Ferris wheel and since there's no crazy fangirls
15:07I could actually go and it won't be like we're like a date or something sugar
15:10Yes, I want to go on a date with you on the Ferris wheel. Let me go
15:15There is real time
15:17Hello, please. Stop ignoring us babes. I hate you guys. It's all your fault Viola for killing his dog
15:24I did not kill no dog. Oh, oh my gosh my dog
15:29I miss him so bad. Get your dogs here. Get your dogs here. Oh wait dogs. Oh my gosh
15:36Oh my gosh, I want a brand new dog. Oh, hello. Hello over here, buddy
15:40Yeah, if you shoot the target you win a dog
15:46Like a puppy why yes, he's right over here. His name's floof
15:53I lost a pet named floof. Don't make me cry. Don't make me cry. All right, buddy. Do you want to play?
15:58All you have to do is shoot all the targets and you win them. Oh, yeah, I'll play
16:03No, no, ignore that guy. I'll be your dog. You can pet me. No sugar
16:07I'll be the one you give all your attention to oh, no way pet me homes pet my hair
16:15Babes look at my ears babes. Oh, hmm. The wind is really hitting right now
16:20Okay. Hello. Mr. Carl carnival guy. It's in here. Why? Yes, it is, buddy
16:25You're gonna have only six chances to get this six chances and there's one two, three, four five six targets
16:32Oh gosh, everybody. We got a distract arms. Do not let him win this. Oh, yeah
16:41Hmm I don't see anybody over here. This should be easy. There's no distractions. Oh
16:49Over here. Look at me. Look at me
16:51Second one heads up. Okay, that third one's a little more complicated. Everybody go in his face. Boom third one heads up
16:58He's gonna get it. No Ohms. Look over here. Mmm in my face. Just ignore him. Just ignore him. Oh
17:06My gosh, I hit it. Okay. Now this one over here babes. That one is too hard. Give up
17:11Hit it and then the last one babes, I'm covering it you're not gonna hit it. I just need to hit the corner of crystal
17:19Winner winner winner we got a winner winner chicken dinner. Here's your prize, buddy. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh
17:26I got a brand new pet dog
17:28Make sure to take him home and love him very much. Oh my gosh, babes. No sugar. Please talk to me
17:35I promise I won't hurt your dog. Just please talk to me babes. We promise
17:41Alright, you guys all heard the dog. Okay, fine. I'll talk to you. Wait, what and sugar you could hear us the whole time
17:46Yeah, I was just ignoring you guys cuz violent killed my dog
17:52Yeah girls I say we kill the dog
17:57Remember, um, if the viewers like you can't kill the dog. All right, babes if every viewer likes we won't kill it
18:03Well, the Ohm's crew at home got me like the video and the girls won't kill the dog
18:08They're liking homes everyone's liking wait, you didn't like the video one person didn't like the video babe say bye
18:19Are you serious right now bro now sugar come and let me give you a smooch
18:26Was an awesome adventure and if you are to join us on the next click right here
