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Duster folgt den wahnsinnigen Erlebnissen eines Fluchtwagenfahrers, der in den 1970er Jahren für ein Verbrechersyndikat im Südwesten der USA arbeitet und schließlich von einer FBI-Agentin rekrutiert wird. Die Serie wurde von J.J. Abrams und LaToya Morgan für HBO Max kreiert.

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00:00Do I know you need to remember I was warned not to come see you that you're nothing but
00:11a loyal driver hey check out where you been well sister I do love my job what do you want
00:19how long you been at this it's my second day oh here's a little heads up you're gonna have
00:29a shitty day three how do you feel about violence you don't get to where Saxton is
00:39without leaving a trail of bodies got a feather in my ass she wants me to ride on side I'm
00:45telling you this deal happens we leave them all in the dust if I stick around it's gonna
00:52make my life complicated dangerous ways you can't possibly understand
00:58right on
01:09you said we got to find out what happened well I found a thread and I'm gonna keep
01:13hold on we're having to say
01:21you know I love