MandJTV's top 100 favorite Pokemon (as of 2025)
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Edited by KeeLoker!
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00:00This website helps you figure out
00:01and rank your favorite Pokemon.
00:03And I spent over an hour going through it
00:05to figure out my top 100 favorite Pokemon.
00:09Number 100 is Steelix.
00:11I've always liked Onix.
00:13It's a really cool and terrifying design,
00:16but when I got older and learned
00:17how horrifically weak it is,
00:19I now feel kind of disappointed whenever I see it.
00:22I think that sent some affection Steelix's way
00:24since Steelix is Onix, but good.
00:27Number 99 is Groddle.
00:29Middle stage Pokemon often end up looking awkward,
00:32but when they're good,
00:33they strike the perfect balance of cute and cool.
00:36Groddle is a great example of that.
00:38And also it has a fantastic shiny.
00:41Number 98 is Toxtricity, specifically the amped form.
00:45Toxtricity and Toxel are the first poison electric types.
00:48And a theme you'll pick up on throughout this video
00:50is that I really like it when they create
00:52interesting new Pokemon
00:53with interesting new type combinations.
00:56Toxtricity is really creative
00:58and I had a lot of fun using it on my sword team.
01:00Punk Rock boosted Overdrive is a blast.
01:03Number 97 is Hisui and Zoroark.
01:06Like with Toxtricity, I was thrilled
01:07when they created the first ghost normal type.
01:10This thing is insane in the coolest way
01:12and absolutely terrifying.
01:14It's not my top regional variant, but it's up there.
01:17Number 96 is Toxapex.
01:19Most of the Pokemon you'll see in this video
01:21will fit kind of a similar vibe,
01:22either cute little base forms
01:24or big, powerful monsters that are often reptiles.
01:28But every once in a while, a weird one is gonna sneak in
01:31and Toxapex is the first.
01:33This dude is just weird and spiky and I dig it.
01:36I used one on my Ultra Sun team because I liked it so much.
01:39Number 95 is Aggron.
01:42Aggron is simply so cool looking.
01:44This is an armored iron kaiju and it totally kicks ass.
01:48It's unfortunately lower on this list
01:50because it's not as good as it should be.
01:53It's level up moveset back in Gen 3 is absolutely awful.
01:57I did use it in Auris where it's much better,
01:59but it's rock typing really holds it back.
02:02You can get rid of that rock typing with its Mega Evolution,
02:04but unfortunately, I think Mega Aggron is a huge downgrade.
02:08Overall though, Aggron is one of the cooler Pokemon
02:11out there.
02:12Number 94 is Dragapult.
02:14I used a Dragapult on my Sword team,
02:16but I also just like its design.
02:18A stealth bomber dragon that fires its babies as weapons
02:22is so wild yet so perfect.
02:24Number 93 is Dialga.
02:27Diamond was my first Sinnoh game
02:28and I ended up using the Dialga on my team.
02:31I think most of my affection for it comes from that.
02:34Dragon steel is really cool typing and also it's blue.
02:37I like blue.
02:39Number 92 is Shaymin Sky.
02:41I don't know why they decided to make this thing.
02:44It's a totally different vibe from regular Shaymin
02:46and because it's just an alternate form of a mythical,
02:49it's locked behind being mythical.
02:52This could have been a starter
02:54or just a normally obtainable Pokemon,
02:56and it's a shame this charming design
02:58is locked into being so obscure.
03:00Number 91 is Xerneas.
03:03For a period of time, I considered Xerneas
03:05to be my favorite fairy type.
03:06I love how its regality contrasts
03:08with the cuteness of most fairies,
03:10and at least in battle,
03:12its rainbow tree branch horns are so cool.
03:16I also never dealt with it in competitive play,
03:18so its overwhelming Geomancy power
03:20never had the chance to piss me off.
03:22Number 90 is Dragonite.
03:24Some Pokemon will be on here
03:25not because I have any personal,
03:27sentimental attachment to them,
03:29but because they're simply great classic designs.
03:33It's iconic not only for being
03:34the original powerful dragon type,
03:36but because it's simply a great Pokemon.
03:39Number 89 is Arcanine.
03:41This is just like Dragonite, classic and for good reason.
03:45It's powerful and a really cool design,
03:47and it's fun to ride around on in Let's Go.
03:49Number 88 is Ferrothorn, another spiky one.
03:53When I first saw all the new Unova Pokemon,
03:56Ferrothorn really jumped out to me.
03:58It was the first Grass-Steel type.
04:00Again, I like fun new type combos,
04:02and its design felt so unique and odd
04:05while still being really cool.
04:06I remember painstakingly training up
04:08a Ferroseed in Chargestone Cave
04:10just so I could use Ferrothorn,
04:12and it was absolutely worth it.
04:14Ah-ha, it is I, Grunty Boy.
04:17Hey man, wait, where are you?
04:21Down here.
04:27Hey, what is going on?
04:29I've been turned into the Grunty Form Mighty Plushie.
04:32The only way to return me to normal is by-
04:34I am not kissing you.
04:36Ew, no.
04:37The only way to return me to normal
04:39is by purchasing enough of this plushie.
04:41Available now at
04:44This is ridiculous.
04:45You are not a plushie.
04:46You're just using a voiceover trick
04:48to do some manipulative marketing.
04:50Look, man, I'm a criminal.
04:51I am perfectly fine doing some manipulative marketing.
04:55Watch this.
04:56There's also this Grunty Boy T-shirt that you should buy,
04:58because if you don't, I'll die.
05:01Unbelievable. for a limited time.
05:07Number 87 is Alolan Muk.
05:09I never cared much about regular Muk.
05:11It's just a big pile of sludge.
05:13But Alolan Muk is a fantastic upgrade.
05:17The bright colors and fangs elevate this design so much,
05:20and Poison Dark typing is simply really good,
05:23only having one weakness.
05:24It's a great example of why I really like regional variants.
05:27Many of them elevate older designs.
05:31Many of them, to be clear.
05:32Not all of them.
05:34Number 86 is Mudkip.
05:36Not much to say here.
05:37It's Mudkip.
05:38It's one of the most beloved Pokemon of all time,
05:41and it's a starter from my first region.
05:43Of course I like it.
05:44Number 85 is Crocodile.
05:47I used a Crocodile in my first white version team.
05:50It's simply so strong, having both Intimidate and Moxie,
05:53two of my favorite abilities.
05:55It's also really creative.
05:57I love Pokemon that take something
05:58like a Crocodile or Gariel,
06:00and drastically alter something about it,
06:03like making it live in sand instead of water.
06:06Number 84 is Trapinch.
06:08It's just so cute.
06:10Little body, big pinchy head.
06:12It's great.
06:13There's gonna be several more base form Hoenn Pokemon
06:16in this list that I just fell in love with as a kid
06:18because I thought they were super cute.
06:20Number 83 is Scolipede.
06:23Prior to Gen 5, I could count on one hand
06:25the number of bug-type Pokemon
06:27that I thought were really cool,
06:29and most of them didn't really look that much like bugs.
06:33But then Gen 5 dropped Scolipede,
06:36a hulking eight-foot-tall beast that looked really cool,
06:40but also like an actual bug.
06:42I immediately respected it.
06:44Number 82 is Clawdesire.
06:46The Clawde is a straight upgrade to Quagsire.
06:50Rounder, cuter, more horizontal,
06:53and randomly shoots bones out of its back.
06:56It's wild, and I love it.
06:58I just wish it didn't keep Quagsire's terrible stats.
07:01Number 81 is Sandshrew.
07:03I feel like amongst Gen 1 Pokemon,
07:06Sandshrew is really overlooked.
07:07I genuinely think it's one of the cutest of the bunch
07:10and is criminally underrated.
07:12Just look at its sprite from Gen 3 Hoenn.
07:15Aw, look, look, he's waving.
07:18Hey, good to see you too, buddy.
07:20Have a good day now.
07:21Number 80 is Yanmega.
07:24Yanmega was one of the pre-Gen 5 bugs
07:26that I thought was cool that I just mentioned,
07:28and it does look like a bug.
07:31Yanma is cute, but disappointingly feeble.
07:34Yanmega, honestly, it still isn't great
07:37unless you're wealthy, but it does look fearsome.
07:40Number 79 is Zekrom.
07:42Zekrom looks like a dinosaur, and I like dinosaurs.
07:46Its color scheme is also black and electric blue,
07:49which is one of my favorites.
07:50It is the reason why I chose white version over black.
07:53Number 78 is Archeops.
07:55Again, I like dinosaurs.
07:58I had known about the Archeopteryx
08:00since I was a six-year-old little dinosaur nerd,
08:02so when they came out with a Pokemon based on it,
08:05I was stoked.
08:06I used one on my team in white version
08:07despite Defeatist being stacked against me,
08:09and to this day, it's one of my favorite fossil Pokemon.
08:12I will admit, though, it did not transition to 3D well.
08:18Just looks a lot better as a sprite.
08:21Number 77 is Blastoise.
08:24Blastoise was my first Kanto starter,
08:26and I will always be fond of it because of that.
08:28Like other Gen 1 Pokemon, it's a simple, classic,
08:31and just plain good design.
08:33Number 76 is Bagon.
08:36Bagon is another base form Hoenn Pokemon
08:38I thought was cute and really latched onto as a kid.
08:40It's got such a nice blue color as well.
08:43I mostly grew to like it from art and toys, though,
08:46not its Gen 3 sprite.
08:48Woof, did it look rough back then.
08:50Thankfully, Gen 4 dramatically upgraded it.
08:52Number 75 is Salamence.
08:55Years ago, Bagon might have been above its evolution,
08:57but as an adult, I've gained a lot more appreciation
09:00for Salamence.
09:01I've used it in several more playthroughs
09:03and had fun using its power.
09:04It's also the first dragon Pokemon
09:06that looks like a not-cute dragon,
09:08and I respect it for that.
09:10Number 74 is Jolteon.
09:12Jolteon is my second favorite Eeveelution.
09:15Making it covered in spines is such a cool way
09:17to represent electricity,
09:19like it's just supercharged with it,
09:21and it successfully finds the difficult balance
09:23between cool and cute.
09:25Number 73 is Giratina.
09:28Since childhood, the only versions of Sinnoh I've played
09:31at all have been Platinum
09:33or that one unfortunate run through Brilliant Diamond.
09:36Because of that, I've spent a lot more time with Giratina
09:39than the other members of its trio,
09:41and I've really grown to appreciate it.
09:43I think its mythology is the most interesting,
09:45and I really like how it looks in both forms.
09:48Ha ha, it is I, Grunty Boy!
09:51Here to apologize for your ridiculousness earlier?
09:55No, I just have an actual brand deal to do,
09:57so I'm gonna behave.
09:59This video is sponsored by Raycon.
10:02Raycon's latest model of the Everyday Earbuds
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10:06featuring a 32-hour battery life
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10:12The quick charge function is very impressive too.
10:1510 minutes of charging yields 90 minutes of battery.
10:18I guess I'll hop in on this.
10:20I love my Raycon earbuds.
10:22I wear them every time I go to the gym.
10:24With their active noise cancellation,
10:25I can really zone in for my workouts,
10:27and the tap functions are so convenient.
10:30It makes it so easy to pause or go to the next song.
10:33I also keep mine in this really cool protective case.
10:35And all of that for an affordable price.
10:38Go to slash mnjtv
10:41to get 20% off the best-selling Everyday Earbuds.
10:44The link is in the description below.
10:47And that about does it.
10:48Have a good rest of your night, or day.
10:52I don't know what time it is.
10:55Number 72 is Nidoking.
10:58Nidoking is another classic Gen 1 Pokemon
11:01I've always really liked.
11:03It's such a unique and standout design,
11:05somehow making a mouse look tough as nails.
11:09At least I think it's a mouse.
11:10Like, I feel like the Nidorans, Nidorinos,
11:12like more like rabbits,
11:14but like Nidoking's ears look very mousey.
11:17I think it would have ended up higher on this list
11:19if I had used it much,
11:20but I was always too scared to use Stones and TMs as a kid,
11:24which were necessary to make Nidoking good.
11:26Also, it should be taller.
11:30It is ridiculous that this thing is under five feet tall.
11:32Number 71 is Midday Lycanroc.
11:36This is my favorite Lycanroc form.
11:38Midnight looks odd, to be honest, and Dusk is cool,
11:41but the poofiness of its collar and spike
11:43looks a bit out of place, in my opinion.
11:46Midday Lycanroc is sleek and cohesive,
11:48and I really enjoyed using one
11:50on my first team in sun version.
11:52Number 70 is Electivire.
11:54Even if the designs aren't considered popular,
11:56new evolutions of old Pokemon
11:59always get the benefit of the doubt from me
12:01because I really like it when underwhelming Pokemon
12:04are given new life,
12:05especially when that new life is permanent.
12:09I never once cared about Electabuzz,
12:11but Electivire makes it much cooler and much more powerful.
12:15I don't really have a history of using it,
12:17so most of my fondness for it
12:19simply comes from thinking it's pretty cool.
12:22Number 69 is Kyridon.
12:24When Scarlet and Violet were announced,
12:25I immediately loved Kyridon.
12:28I like lizards in general,
12:29and the ancient past has always been more intriguing to me
12:32than the distant future.
12:33Remember, dinosaur nerd.
12:36So I liked Kyridon right away,
12:37but after playing through Scarlet's story,
12:39which is the game's strongest aspect,
12:42I fully loved it.
12:43Number 68 is Grimmsnarl.
12:46Like with Xerneas, I respect when fairy types stray away
12:49from the cutesy theme that most of them have.
12:52Grimmsnarl is a fairy type, yet straight up scary,
12:55and I love it for that.
12:57Having a Pokemon based on evil creatures from fairy tales
13:00is a brilliant way to make a dark fairy type.
13:04Number 67 is Latios.
13:06Sometimes when I think about Ruby and Sapphire,
13:09Latios and Latias come to mind
13:10before Groudon and Kyogre.
13:13Not often, but sometimes.
13:15I've always preferred Latios's look,
13:17and because it's so closely tied to my home region,
13:20I've always been fond of it.
13:21Number 66 is Grovyle.
13:23The middle stage of my first starter,
13:25and a very good middle stage at that.
13:28I know some people like Grovyle even more than Sceptile,
13:31which I don't agree with, but I do respect.
13:33Number 65 is Seviper.
13:36I like reptiles of all kinds,
13:37and Seviper has always been my favorite snake Pokemon.
13:41It just looks so mean and cool,
13:43and the unbalanced scar patterns on its body
13:46are so badass.
13:48I just wish it wasn't absolutely terrible.
13:51Number 64 is Knacklestack.
13:53I like to root for underdogs,
13:55so sometimes I end up liking a Pokemon quite a lot
13:59because I started out liking it just a little bit,
14:02but then I found out that other people disliked it
14:05for, in my eyes, unjustifiable reasons.
14:08Knacklestack is one of those Pokemon.
14:11Its entire line has been dismissed
14:12as the Minecraft Pokemon,
14:15but I think all three are a creative way
14:17to do a unique rock-type concept.
14:19Knacklestack ended up as my favorite of the trio,
14:22partially because I think it's the cutest,
14:24and partially because John and Katie
14:25like calling it Nutsack.
14:27At least they did when it was first announced,
14:30and I thought that was mean.
14:33I like Knacklestack.
14:35It's not Nutsack.
14:36Number 63 is Palossand.
14:38I love Palossand's design.
14:40A Sandcastle Pokemon is interesting on its own,
14:43but then they decided to make it alarmingly dark,
14:45which is fun.
14:47Tack on its top-tier shiny and nostalgia
14:49from using it on my first Sun team,
14:51despite already having a Ghost-type in Decidueye,
14:54and you've got one of my favorite Alola Pokemon.
14:57Number 62 is Mamoswine.
14:59Mamoswine is an excellent later-gen evolution.
15:03I never once cared about Pile of Swine,
15:05but Mamoswine is a dramatic and very cool upgrade.
15:08I also like how strong of a Pokemon it is,
15:11and it's really fun to use.
15:13Number 61 is Scyther.
15:15Scyther is yet another one
15:16of the few cool early-gen bug types,
15:19but I have to admit, I've always liked Scyther
15:22because it doesn't actually look like a bug.
15:26At least, its head doesn't.
15:28You could take Scyther's head
15:29and put it on a dragon's body, and it would look normal.
15:34Therefore, to me, Scyther is a reptilian-looking beast
15:37with blades for hands, and that is straight-up awesome.
15:41Number 60 is Go-Goat.
15:44I used Go-Goat on my first X version team,
15:46but I never grew attached to it.
15:48Instead, my affection is much more recent.
15:51I grew fond of it during my Pokemon Y
15:53but Everything is Random video,
15:55where a ground-flying-type Go-Goat
15:57ended up being my best team member,
16:00despite having multiple legendaries on my team.
16:03Additionally, it was my first shiny in Scarlet,
16:05which took me far longer to find
16:07than seemingly everyone else.
16:09If you don't remember,
16:10I could not find a shiny in Scarlet
16:13until I had the shiny charm
16:15and intentionally hunted for it,
16:18and I got a little upset about that.
16:20Three shinies in one day, obtained by me, and only me.
16:25I had defied the gods that had defied me
16:28and slain them in the process,
16:31because after all, what is a god to a non-believer?
16:40Number 59 is Turtwig.
16:41Turtwig was my first Sinnoh starter
16:43and is a very cute turtle.
16:46I like reptiles.
16:47Number 58 is Gengar.
16:49Gengar is another quintessential Gen 1 Pokemon,
16:52simple and cool and iconic as a result.
16:55It's not my favorite ghost type,
16:57but it's a great mascot for the type.
16:59Also, check out this cool Gengar Halloween candy bowl I got.
17:03Pretty awesome, right?
17:05I actually had a different one and it broke in a move,
17:08and thankfully they were still selling it,
17:10so I bought another one.
17:11Number 57 is Greninja.
17:13Greninja is a shining light
17:15among a disappointing generation of starters.
17:18I am so impressed that they made a Pokemon
17:20with a tongue scarf,
17:22one of the coolest Pokemon out there.
17:24Also, like many others on my list,
17:26it has an excellent shiny.
17:28Number 56 is Bulbasaur.
17:31Bulbasaur is awesome,
17:32and I genuinely get a little ticked off
17:34when people say it's the worst of the original trio.
17:37I watch the Base Vineyard podcast all the time.
17:40But there have been times
17:41where they have bad-mouthed Bulbasaur,
17:43and I'm like,
17:45do I need to turn the episode off?
17:46Statistically, it's the best Kanto starter,
17:49and Bulbasaur as a Pokemon is just so great.
17:52Plus, my nostalgia for the Pokemon Talk series
17:54has made me like it even more as I've gotten older.
17:56Number 55 is Typhlosion.
17:59Typhlosion was my first Johto starter ever
18:02back in SoulSilver,
18:03and oddly ended up as my favorite of the trio
18:05despite my fondness for reptiles and dinosaurs.
18:08I simply like its straightforward design,
18:11and the crest of flames is really cool.
18:13I am also very glad they repaired its terrible 3D model
18:16in the move to Scarlet and Violet.
18:18From Gen 6 to Gen 8,
18:19its flames would not be constantly on in battle.
18:23In Scarlet and Violet, they finally are,
18:26which, thank goodness.
18:28Number 54 is Tropius.
18:30Again, I like dinosaurs.
18:32And specifically, when I was growing up,
18:34my favorite was the Apatosaurus,
18:36a long-necked dinosaur from the Jurassic.
18:39I used to get very indignant
18:40when people would call it a Brontosaurus,
18:42which was a later name for the same dinosaur.
18:46It's like, Apatosaurus was Twitter,
18:50and Brontosaurus was X.
18:52But then, a study in 2015 revealed
18:54that Apatosaurus and Brontosaurus
18:56were actually distinct animals,
18:59which is pretty fascinating.
19:00But it's so deeply ingrained in my head
19:04that Brontosaurus is wrong,
19:05that whenever I hear the word,
19:07I'm like, huh!
19:11It's fine.
19:12But anyways, back to Pokemon.
19:14I like Tropius because I like long-necked dinosaurs.
19:16I might like Aurorus too, if it weren't for the fins.
19:19Frankly, I feel like they detract
19:21from the majesty of the neck.
19:25Number 53 is Infernape.
19:27Infernape was not my first Sinnoh starter,
19:29so my appreciation for it came more in adulthood.
19:32It is the strongest of the trio,
19:34and I have used it in multiple playthroughs as an adult.
19:38I got my first Nuzlocke, Platinum Without Catching,
19:40Brilliant Diamond, and the Teal Mask.
19:42It's a really awesome Pokemon
19:44that's also really fun to use.
19:45Number 52 is Venusaur.
19:47Similarly, I did not use Venusaur much until adulthood,
19:51but I've enjoyed doing so a lot.
19:53It's the best Kanto starter in regards to effectiveness,
19:56and I've enjoyed using it across many playthroughs,
19:58such as Let's Go and FireRed with no new moves.
20:01Number 51 is Scizor.
20:03Scizor is the final early-gen bug type on this list.
20:07It is simply so cool and also really fun to use in battle.
20:11I had one on my first SoulSilver team.
20:13It only had one weakness,
20:15and Technician-boosted Bullet Punch is an absolute blast.
20:18We've reached the halfway point,
20:20and if you've watched this far into a video
20:22about my personal, specific opinions about Pokemon,
20:27then you probably like hearing me talk.
20:29And if you wanna hear me talk more,
20:31make sure you're subscribed to the channel.
20:34A lot of people think they are, and they're not,
20:36so hit subscribe, tap the bell for notifications
20:38if that interests you.
20:40And now, the latter half of the list, the top 50.
20:44Number 50 is Garchomp.
20:46Garchomp is appropriately iconic.
20:49Cynthia's is the strongest champion Pokemon ever,
20:52even before the nasty competitive set it got in BDSP,
20:56and it does so while being a horrifying land shark.
21:00It's so cool, and therefore so fun to use.
21:03I had one on my first Ultra Sun team,
21:06and my team for the only VGC tournament I ever competed in,
21:09the 2014 Houston Regionals.
21:11I placed in the early 20s out of over 200 people.
21:17Coming for that title, Wolfie.
21:21God, that was a decade ago.
21:22Number 49 is Ludicolo.
21:25Ludicolo is here not only because I like its design,
21:27but also because its cheery dancing
21:30always makes me think of the Mirror B battle music
21:32from Pokemon Colosseum,
21:34a song I love so much that I use it as the background music
21:37for all of my main channel videos
21:39for probably a lot longer than I should have.
21:43Number 48 is Groudon.
21:45Groudon is the first legendary Pokemon I ever caught,
21:48and I will always appreciate it for that.
21:51I also think its design perfectly encapsulates
21:53the lord of the land.
21:55Not all legendaries feel legendary,
21:57but Groudon certainly does.
21:59Number 47 is Dracovish.
22:03Actually, it's probably Dracovish.
22:05But like, Dracovish sounds like ra.
22:08For many years, I hated that all fossil Pokemon
22:11were rock type.
22:12Just because fossils are technically rocks,
22:15that doesn't mean the Pokemon still has rocks
22:18as part of its body once it's revived.
22:21Archeops is probably the most egregious example of this.
22:24Like, it's a dinosaur with feathers.
22:26Like, that's it.
22:27Nothing on its body has anything to do with rocks.
22:29You could argue that residual stone from the fossils
22:31gets into their DNA,
22:33but that doesn't work anymore
22:35because they revealed the Galar fossils,
22:37which not only were not rock type,
22:39but were also extremely creative.
22:42They're inspired by early paleontologists
22:44mistakenly creating chimeras
22:47by combining the fossils of creatures
22:49that absolutely were not related.
22:51Now, it is ethically questionable
22:53to create these tortured abominations,
22:56but I can live with that
22:59because not only is it fictional,
23:02but also it is very cool.
23:05Dracovish became my favorite of the group,
23:06both because it looks absolutely insane
23:09with the fish head attached to the end of the tail,
23:12but also because it's stupid strong.
23:15Vicious Rend doubling in power
23:18if Dracovish moves before the target?
23:20That is wildly fun.
23:22Also, quick side note,
23:24many believe the head part of Dracovish and Arctovish
23:27is inspired by the Dunkleosteus,
23:30which I am only bringing up
23:32because its name is very fun to say.
23:35Dunkleosteus, Dunkleosteus.
23:38Number 46 is Seedot.
23:40Seedot is yet another cute Gen 3 base form
23:42that I've liked since I was a kid.
23:44It's just a cute little acorn, aww.
23:46And then it evolves, and I do not like it anymore.
23:49But Seedot, aww.
23:51Number 45 is Lapras.
23:54Lapras is another Gen 1 Pokemon
23:55that's here because it's simple, cool, and iconic.
23:59Also, it's a Plesiosaur,
24:00which is not a dinosaur, but is similar.
24:02Number 44 is Grapploct.
24:05When Sword and Shield came out,
24:06I instantly became a massive fan of Grapploct,
24:10and seemingly one of the only ones.
24:12I like Pokemon with goggles,
24:14some kind of pattern around both eyes,
24:16and Grapploct has super cool ones.
24:19I love the contrast of the colors,
24:20dark blue with lime green, or yellow.
24:25Some people have told me that the mask is actually yellow,
24:29but the border is lime green,
24:31and that's really throwing off my perception.
24:33And it reminded me of a superhero.
24:35It also has one of the best shinies in all of Pokemon.
24:39I used a Grapploct on my Sword team
24:41because, of course, I had to,
24:43and it rapidly ascended to being one of my favorites.
24:46Unfortunately, it's fallen down the list
24:48because I haven't liked it as much since.
24:51It's actually so bad in battle,
24:55which is so disappointing,
24:57and also it's not a water type,
24:59and I think it would be better if it was.
25:01So a lot of the recency bias has worn off,
25:04but I do still like it a lot.
25:05Number 43 is Aegislash.
25:08Aegislash is the best object Pokemon.
25:11And by object Pokemon,
25:12I mean it's based off of a specific item,
25:15not just made of inanimate material.
25:18It is pretty much just a sword,
25:19but it still feels unique and special.
25:22I also had a ton of fun using it.
25:24One named Eggyslash was also
25:26on that 2014 Houston Regionals team.
25:28Number 42 is Staraptor.
25:30Staraptor was my first bird Pokemon.
25:33I'd played Ruby and Leafgreen before Diamond,
25:36but Staraptor was the first bird
25:38to be a true member of my team.
25:40Its emo hairstyle is awesome,
25:43and I really enjoyed using a bird
25:44to close combat blast through my enemies.
25:48Intimidate is also simply really nice to have around.
25:50Some regional birds are misses,
25:52but Staraptor is definitely a hit.
25:55Number 41 is Tauros.
25:57Tauros is the final Gen 1 Pokemon on this list
25:59that's here mostly because I simply like its design
26:02and don't have as much sentimental attachment to it.
26:05It's simply a cool-looking bull,
26:07and I respect the hell out of it for that.
26:09I finally ended up using one
26:10in my first and only playthrough of Gen 1,
26:13Yellow on the Virtual Console,
26:15where its speed gave it a preposterously high chance to crit.
26:18It was a blast.
26:19Number 40 is Annihilate.
26:22I've made it clear I tend to like later-gen evolutions,
26:25and Annihilate is the most genius of all of them.
26:29It's not my absolute favorite,
26:31but how they came up with its design
26:34is just unrivaled in its brilliance.
26:38If you didn't know, Primate's sun entry,
26:40an overall recent one,
26:42says it has been known to become so angry
26:45that it dies as a result.
26:47Its face looks peaceful in death, however.
26:49They took that dex entry and realized,
26:52oh, wait, we can make a really cool Pokemon out of this.
26:56In one fell swoop, they buffed a long-underpowered Pokemon
27:00and gave it a super cool typing
27:02previously only on a Mythical.
27:04And they did so by expanding on a dex entry
27:07they wrote just a few years prior.
27:10It is absolutely brilliant.
27:12Also, the name Annihilate, insanely good.
27:16Number 39 is Hisuian Decidueye.
27:19I know that some people felt that Hisuian Decidueye
27:21was a massive downgrade from Alolan Decidueye.
27:25While I do prefer the original, spoilers, sorry,
27:28Hisuian Decidueye is still awesome.
27:30For so many years, I've wanted to see
27:32green leafy grass-type Pokemon turn autumnal colors,
27:36whether through a new form or a shiny.
27:38Sawsbuck did it, of course, but I wanted more.
27:41There have been some previous examples,
27:43but most of them just don't end up looking good.
27:47Some like Chikorita or Exeggutor's shinies
27:49look too washed out and thus end up appearing just ill.
27:53Breloom nails it, but it's not leafy, it's a mushroom,
27:57which are not even technically plants.
28:00But then they made Hisuian Decidueye,
28:02which has bright red and orange autumn leaves
28:05forming its super cool new hat.
28:08And since I already loved Decidueye,
28:10it was the instant easy pick
28:12for my Legends Arceus starter.
28:14Number 38 is Hawlucha.
28:16When I was in high school,
28:17the first time I ever edited a Wikipedia page
28:20was when I saw a passage on some Pokemon-related page
28:24that said the flying type has been paired
28:26with every other Pokemon type at least once.
28:30And that was wrong.
28:32But all I had to add to that passage to make it correct
28:34was accept fighting.
28:37But then a few years later, Hawlucha was revealed
28:41and I was stoked.
28:42It was a brand new interesting typing,
28:44which I've made clear I love,
28:45and it was an awesome way to do it.
28:47A Hawk Luchador?
28:49That's brilliant.
28:50I've used it several times since then, often on Team Sky,
28:54and it is really fun to do so.
28:56Number 37 is Squirtle.
28:58Squirtle was my favorite Pokemon when I was very little,
29:01back when I was only watching the anime or had the cards,
29:04not even knowing the video games existed.
29:07It was simply a very cute turtle
29:09and that was good enough for me.
29:10It's remained a Pokemon I'm fond of since then,
29:13and of course I love Squirtle on Pokemon Talk.
29:15And speaking of that, or talking of it, huh,
29:19number 36 is Yveltal.
29:22I never cared about this Pokemon
29:24until I made its Pokemon Talk episode.
29:27It was a hit, as was the silly pronunciation
29:30of the Pokemon's name.
29:31What I truly did not expect was how that meme
29:34would persist in my community almost a decade later.
29:37It has become so ingrained in my mind
29:41that I default to Yveltal,
29:44and saying Yveltal feels so wrong.
29:48Because of all the fun it's brought me and my viewers,
29:51I've become quite the fan of Yveltal, god of death.
29:55Number 35 is Spheal.
29:57Yet another generally round Gen 3 base form
30:00I immediately liked as a kid because it's cute,
30:03and it is extremely cute.
30:05Look at this thing.
30:06Anyone who does not like Spheal genuinely concerns me.
30:10Number 34 is Golurk.
30:12I like giant robots.
30:15Have you seen Pacific Rim?
30:17I cannot watch that movie without cheering
30:19like I'm at a sports game.
30:21And Golurk is a creative way to do a giant robot Pokemon.
30:25It's a robot, but it's an ancient one.
30:29That is so cool.
30:31Tack on its excellent shiny,
30:33and the fact it can turn its legs into a rocket booster
30:36and fly, and you have a top tier Pokemon.
30:39Number 33 is Talonflame.
30:42I love this bird.
30:43While some have criticized it
30:45for being basically just an orange falcon,
30:47but to that I say, yeah, fair, and that's awesome.
30:53Talonflame was a consistent part of my Gen 6 Pokemon days.
30:57I had a Flame Body one I kept in the party
30:59to hatch eggs faster and fly me around the region,
31:02very creatively nicknamed Hen Mother,
31:05and I had a Gale Wings one
31:06that was on that 2014 regional team.
31:09I was genuinely really bummed
31:10when they nerfed Gale Wings in Gen 7.
31:13I liked how OP Talonflame was.
31:16Number 32 is Gastrodon.
31:18I like both forms, but I prefer the East Sea version.
31:22The colors and head protrusions are nicer, in my opinion.
31:26This is another Pokemon that I somewhat liked as a child,
31:29but I grew to like a lot more once I got older.
31:31For those who don't know, I met John slash PM7
31:35because I participated in a Pokemon draft league
31:37that he was running.
31:38Draft league is Pokemon combined with sports.
31:41At the beginning of the season,
31:43you have a draft for Pokemon that you can use
31:46and no one else can, and then you have weekly battles
31:48that are your regular season battles.
31:51My first time trying it was in the GBA D League,
31:53and I was so bad at it,
31:56but I was very proud of my Pokemon sports pun team name,
31:59the Houston Gastros,
32:01and I've liked Gastrodon a lot more ever since then.
32:04Number 31 is Zen Mode Galarian Darmanitan.
32:08I'd really wanted a Fire-Ice type Pokemon for many years
32:11because I wanted to see the creative way
32:13they would combine two opposites.
32:16Zen Mode Galarian Darmanitan,
32:18which from now on I will refer to as ZMGD
32:20because my goodness, that is a mouthful,
32:22is the only Fire-Ice type,
32:24and that alone would be enough to make it into the top 100.
32:27It's this high on the list because I love how they did it.
32:31Regular Darmanitan calms down in Zen Mode,
32:34but Galarian does the opposite,
32:36igniting the dormant fire within a snowman.
32:40It is so fun, and I really wish ZMDG
32:43was a Pokemon on its own
32:45and wasn't locked behind half health.
32:47Number 30 is Rowlet.
32:49I love owls.
32:51I've always liked them,
32:52but I also went to Rice University,
32:54and our mascot is the owls.
32:56Despite that, I never much cared for Hoothoot or Noctowl,
33:00but then they introduced Rowlet,
33:02which is insanely adorable
33:04and immediately became my favorite Alola starter.
33:07My first one was named Sammy, after Rice's mascot.
33:10And don't make fun of the original canvas one.
33:14I know it's ugly, but it's got a sword and a gun.
33:18Also, fun story about the original Sammy the Owl,
33:22Texas A&M students kidnapped it in 1917,
33:26and Rice students hired a private detective
33:29to go track it down,
33:30all the way to College Station,
33:32which is over an hour and a half away today,
33:36driving a car on a highway.
33:38The detective found it,
33:39and when reporting back, sent a coded telegram
33:42that said, Sammy is fairly well
33:45and would like to see his parents at 11 o'clock.
33:47And that's how Sammy the Owl got its name.
33:51That detective never could have imagined
33:54that almost exactly a century later,
33:58this random guy would name a fictional owl Pokemon
34:02after his telegram.
34:04Number 29 is Swampert.
34:07Hoenn was my first region,
34:08so maybe my opinion is biased as a result,
34:11but I genuinely believe Hoenn has the best trio
34:15of final form starters, with Kanto in close second.
34:18Since I love all three, I of course love Swampert.
34:22It's such a cool design based on a unique animal,
34:25and it's so fun to use.
34:27It's just so darn good in Hoenn.
34:29Its only weakness is grass,
34:31in a region where almost no major trainers use grass types.
34:37Number 28 is Umbreon.
34:39Umbreon is my favorite Eeveelution
34:41and has been since I learned it existed.
34:44It's simple, but sleek and cool.
34:46It's an excellent Pokemon design.
34:48Number 27 is Decidueye.
34:51This should come as no surprise,
34:52considering I already discussed
34:54its Hisuian form and Rowlet.
34:57Darkrix is not on this list.
34:59Sorry, man.
35:00I overall dislike the modern starter trend
35:03of making most of them very humanoid
35:05instead of keeping them animal-like,
35:07but I think Decidueye strikes this balance perfectly.
35:11It does human things,
35:12like wield a bow and arrow and wear a hood,
35:15which is one of the cooler human things to do,
35:19but despite that, it's still a very well-designed owl.
35:23This is the best starter Pokemon from the last 15 years.
35:28Number 26 is Minior.
35:30For many years, I wanted a Pokemon
35:32that had color variations that did not include its shiny,
35:36and Minior delivered that spectacularly.
35:39So many different options,
35:41and then its shiny is literally the best in all of Pokemon.
35:45How do you make one shiny for so many colors,
35:48turn it a neutral color,
35:50then have individual speckles for each of the regular ones?
35:54It's genius.
35:55Unfortunately, its dumb shields down mechanic
35:58makes it really not fun to use.
36:00If the core form was permanent,
36:02this Pokemon might be in my top 10.
36:05Number 25 is Alolan Ninetales.
36:08This is my favorite regional variant.
36:10I never so much as thought about Kantonian Ninetales,
36:14but I love its Alolan form.
36:16Every aspect of original Ninetales' design
36:19was improved to make it a much cooler,
36:21no pun intended, Pokemon,
36:23particularly the new wisps on its head and tail.
36:27And also it just looks a lot friendlier.
36:29Ice Fairy is really fun typing,
36:31and I've had a lot of fun using it to set up Aurora Veil.
36:34Alolan Ninetales is the standard for regional variants
36:38improving upon their originals.
36:40Number 24 is Lantern.
36:42Remember how I said I like Pokemon with goggles?
36:45Boom, Lantern.
36:47It's cute, has goggles,
36:49and is my channel colors of blue and yellow.
36:52I've never really used it on a team that I can remember,
36:55but I genuinely adore its design.
36:58I'd really like to see it get an evolution.
37:00Number 23 is Torterra.
37:02As I mentioned, Turtwig was my first Sinnoh starter,
37:05and thus I found my love for Torterra.
37:08This is such a brilliant design.
37:11It is a world turtle that you just get to have.
37:15It's not a legend.
37:17It's just your friend.
37:19That's badass!
37:20I desperately hope it gets a cool new form
37:23in a future Legends game.
37:25I'd love to see what they change on its back.
37:27I also really respect that it's a beast.
37:29As I mentioned, final form starters
37:31with no human attributes are a dying art,
37:34and Torterra epitomizes good, strong starter beast.
37:38Number 22 is Haxorus.
37:41I was obsessed with Haxorus for Gen 5 and Gen 6.
37:45It's a reptile with axes on its face,
37:48and is therefore very cool.
37:50I also used one to dragon dance sweep my way
37:53through the Pokemon World Tournament back in Black 2.
37:56I named it Obliterate because, sure.
37:59I haven't interacted with Haxorus
38:00in a very long time, though,
38:02but I still have very fond memories of that era.
38:05Number 21 is Gigalith.
38:08Gigalith is the best rock type.
38:10I know it's a soft reboot replacement of Golem,
38:14but unlike Kunkelder is to Machamp,
38:16I think Gigalith is a big upgrade.
38:19The brightly colored spikes make this stony robot stand out,
38:24and I love how they turn electric blue in the shiny form.
38:27It just looks so powerful and mean,
38:29and I hope it gets shown some love with a new form someday.
38:32Number 20 is Torkoal.
38:35I've loved Torkoal for a very long time.
38:38Again, reptile, but also I think it's really cute.
38:42Pokemon Emerald was the first time I ever had a true team,
38:45where I used more than just my starter and a legendary,
38:48and I used a Torkoal.
38:50It also made me super happy to see how much getting Drought
38:53buffed it and turned it into a strong competitive Pokemon.
38:56I'm not gonna use it in competitive personally,
38:59because competitive battling is bad for my mental health,
39:03but I like cheering it on from the sidelines.
39:05Number 19 is Armourouge.
39:08Armourouge is easily my favorite Gen 9 Pokemon.
39:12Skeledurge is my favorite of the fully evolved starters,
39:15but I wanted to use Armourouge so badly
39:17that I chose Quaxley instead.
39:19For both it and Ceruledge,
39:21they nailed the humanoid designs
39:23while still looking like unique cartoon characters.
39:27Plus their use of armor and weapons is badass.
39:30I know Ceruledge is more popular,
39:32but Armourouge's color contrast of red and yellow
39:35just looks so nice.
39:36I also dig the big football pad shoulders,
39:39and that it uses them as a cannon.
39:42I just wish it's shiny wasn't stupid.
39:45Number 18 is Gallade.
39:47In the same vein, I like Gallade a lot
39:49because it's much like an older version
39:51of Armourouge and Ceruledge.
39:53As a child, I didn't like that there wasn't
39:55a more masculine version of Gardevoir.
39:57As an adult, I don't care,
39:59but when Gallade came out as a kid, I was stoked.
40:02Elbow swords are very fun.
40:04I've used Gallade a few times over the years,
40:06and I remember in Sinnoh building myself one
40:09that I could use in battle facilities
40:10even if it wasn't on my playthrough team.
40:13I even traded myself a Dawn Stone
40:15so I could use it on my first Omega Ruby team,
40:18since stupidly, the only reliable way to get a Dawn Stone
40:21was from Wally, steps away from the league.
40:25Number 17 is Corviknight.
40:27I already discussed Talonflame and Staraptor,
40:30but all the other regional birds
40:31before Gen 8 underwhelmed me.
40:34But then boom, a seven-foot-tall armored raven
40:38with glowing red eyes you can start
40:40working toward immediately.
40:42Hell yes!
40:43Also, Rookidee and Corvisquire were the first,
40:45and to this day only, pure flying types
40:48other than Tornadus, something I'd wanted for a while
40:51due to so many other birds being normal flying,
40:54when just flying would have sufficed.
40:57In my first sword playthrough, I promptly caught a Rookidee
41:00and ended up with a Corviknight named Nosedive.
41:03Absolutely awesome Pokemon.
41:05Number 16 is Treecko.
41:08Treecko was my first ever starter
41:10and kickstarted my fondness of reptiles and lizards.
41:13I named it Blade, and to this day,
41:15it's my favorite base form starter.
41:18The only reason it's not higher on the list
41:19is because I didn't spend as much time with it
41:22as the base form.
41:25Like, I think I evolved it before the first gym.
41:27Number 15 is Flygon.
41:30I have distinct memories of walking to school
41:32in elementary school and imagining a Flygon
41:34swooping down to whisk me away on some grand adventure.
41:38So clearly, I've liked it for a long time.
41:42It's again a perfect balance of cute and cool,
41:45and I wish it got more love.
41:46May we all mourn the Mega Flygon that never was.
41:50Also, goggles!
41:52They're a different kind, but they're there!
41:54Number 14 is Blaziken,
41:57yet another member of the greatest starter trio.
42:00Blaziken exudes cool, with its long, powerful legs
42:04and burning wrists, and excellent hair.
42:06I'll never forget watching Ash lose to one
42:08in the Johto League and being like,
42:10oh, I'm so mad at you, but wow, you're so cool!
42:14I think Ken Sugimori said that he designed Blaziken
42:17so people would feel a sense of disappointment
42:20when it used to be a Torchic, and that's unhinged.
42:24This is one of the best Pokemon designs ever.
42:27Number 13 is Luxray.
42:29No one escapes Sinnoh without falling in love with Luxray.
42:32It is easily accessible and wildly cool.
42:36Remember, I love the black and blue color scheme,
42:39and I think Luxray might have started my fondness for that.
42:42Not to mention, it has piercing eyes and electrical power.
42:45Electric is my favorite type,
42:47but not because of goofy ones like Magneton or Voltorb.
42:50It's because of badass electrical beasts like Luxray.
42:54I used one on my first Diamond team,
42:57and on many teams since.
42:58Number 12 is Metagross.
43:01Metagross is my favorite pseudo-legendary Pokemon.
43:04Think back to being nine years old
43:06and seeing a vicious robot with an X over its face
43:09that makes it always look angry.
43:11Actually, no need to think back.
43:13That's sick as hell today!
43:15It's also the last non-Dragon type pseudo we've gotten,
43:18and I wish we had more, so I respect Metagross
43:21for representing a trend that has sadly died,
43:24and it has a perfect Shiny.
43:26It is unreal how cool this thing is,
43:29and the only reason it's not higher on this list
43:31is that I've struggled to find chances to use it.
43:33Beldum is sadly locked to the post-game in Hoenn.
43:36I regret not using the event Shiny one I got in Omega Ruby.
43:40Maybe there was a reason, but I just, I didn't use it.
43:43Number 11 is Gyarados.
43:45Gyarados has the best evolution in all of Pokemon.
43:48Turning the feeble Magikarp
43:50into this monstrous beast will forever be,
43:52I know I've used this word a lot, but iconic.
43:55Gyarados likely would have been on this list no matter what,
43:58but it's in this high of a spot
44:00because of Team Sky.
44:02In the first episode, I foolishly did not use one
44:04because I didn't think it could fly.
44:07Turns out, it can, and I've used a bunch of Gyaradoses
44:10since then in Team Sky playthroughs.
44:12Team Sky has been one of the most fun pieces of my content
44:15the last four years.
44:16Yeah, the first episode came out almost four years ago,
44:19and I heavily associate Gyarados
44:21and its Dragon Dance sweeping with it.
44:24Number 10 is Phalanx.
44:27War, Kirbys!
44:29As may have become clear,
44:30I love cute little round Pokemon,
44:32and Phalanx is several of them.
44:35Not only is it adorable,
44:36but I think its design concept is really cool.
44:39They took an ancient war formation
44:42and somehow made it adorable.
44:44That's fantastic!
44:46And then its signature move is No Retreat,
44:49which goes insanely hard.
44:51Hell yeah, Phalanx.
44:54Number nine is Marshadow.
44:56I wish this Pokemon sucked.
45:00Okay, not sucked, but like, let me explain.
45:03Marshadow is preposterously excellent in every way.
45:08First is its appearance and design.
45:10It is stupid cute.
45:12Big head, little body, awesome.
45:15It isn't colorful, but when it powers up,
45:17it is secret fun.
45:19And it's a ghost fighting type
45:21that punches you from the shadows.
45:24That is insanely cool.
45:26But then it's also alarmingly excellent in battle.
45:30Technician, 125 Attack, 125 Speed,
45:34Unresisted Stab, and a signature move
45:37that steals stat buffs from the opponent.
45:41It is in the Ubers tier of Smogon.
45:44Marshadow is just so fantastic
45:47that it's like it came from myth.
45:50Oh, wait, it did!
45:52It's a stupid mythical Pokemon!
45:55It is part of the most inaccessible group of Pokemon
45:58across all of them.
46:00I can't even watch people competitively battle with it
46:03because it's banned.
46:05I wish Marshadow was weaker and a regular old Pokemon
46:09so I could enjoy using it on a playthrough team.
46:13But instead, it's only obtainable every few years.
46:18I hate the category of mythical Pokemon,
46:20and I wish Marshadow wasn't trapped within it.
46:24Number eight is Vikavolt.
46:26Vikavolt is the mascot of my Alola years.
46:29I liked this thing as soon as it was revealed,
46:32an elusive bug type that looks like a bug
46:34but still looks super cool.
46:36It's my favorite type, Electric, and I liked it so much
46:39I used it on two playthrough teams,
46:42a regular one in Sun,
46:44and it took way too long to turn it into a Vikavolt
46:46because they stupidly made it a location evolution
46:49you couldn't do until Vast Poni Canyon,
46:51and then I used the totem one in Ultra Sun.
46:53I used it again in the Teal Mask.
46:55This lightning laser blasting bug
46:57is easily the best early game bug type Pokemon.
47:00I just wish it was faster.
47:03Number seven is Breloom.
47:05Like Torkoal, I've liked Breloom for a very long time.
47:09It's yet another cute but cool Pokemon,
47:11appearing friendly but then bashing you
47:14with its stretching arms and mushroom head.
47:17Also like Torkoal, I used it in my first Emerald playthrough,
47:20the first one where I had any semblance of a team.
47:24I have used it many times since,
47:25most recently a shiny one in Scarlet
47:27as my False Swipe Spore Pokemon.
47:30Its name is Rushi, a combination of Kangaroo and Reishi,
47:34a type of mushroom.
47:35Rushi taking a nap is still my little profile photo.
47:38Breloom is great and one of the most iconic Hoenn Pokemon
47:42that isn't a starter or a legend.
47:44Number six is Crobat.
47:46Crobat is just so damn cool.
47:49Zubat and Golbat are, frankly, not for me.
47:52But suddenly they evolve into a mean, sleek, four-winged bat?
47:56What an absurd upgrade.
47:58Like Gallade, I never really used Crobat
48:00on playthrough teams as a kid
48:02because I didn't tend to use teams at all,
48:04but I often ended up building one
48:05after the game was over just to have.
48:08As an adult, I've used Crobat countless times
48:11and not even just in Team Sky playthroughs.
48:14When Zubat is everywhere, so is Crobat.
48:16And because of that, Zubat isn't as annoying
48:19as it used to be.
48:20Number five is Zebstrika.
48:23I know I've talked a lot about my fondness
48:24for reptiles in this video,
48:25but my actual number one favorite animal is the zebra.
48:29Some of my earliest memories are being three years old
48:32and lining up my animal toys in a specific order
48:35that I insisted be in that specific order.
48:39Turns out that was autism.
48:40And the front of the line was always Ponky the zebra,
48:44which was the only animal that didn't just have
48:47the animal's name with an E sound on the end,
48:51like giraffe-y.
48:54I do not know where Ponky came from.
48:56So you can imagine that when they revealed
48:58not only a zebra Pokemon,
48:59but one with my favorite type with lightning bolt stripes,
49:03I was thrilled.
49:04It was an instant addition to my first white version team.
49:08If it ever gets a much needed power buff,
49:10maybe like a Pegasus evolution,
49:13I might vaporize from excitement.
49:15Number four is Rayquaza.
49:18Go Team Sky.
49:19Rayquaza has been my favorite legendary
49:21pretty much the whole time.
49:23Once I caught it in Ruby, it never left my party.
49:27I'll also never forget the thrill of discovering
49:29I could catch a level 71 in Emerald
49:32before the Pokemon League.
49:34It's just a perfect Pokemon.
49:36It's a monstrous serpentine dragon
49:39that soars you around wherever you want.
49:41Nothing beats it.
49:43My love for it has only grown since creating Team Sky,
49:46which like I mentioned with Gyarados,
49:48has brought me a lot of joy.
49:50Oh, and we can't forget Excellent Shiny.
49:52Number three, Gliscor.
49:55Many later gen evolutions were in this list,
49:57but Gliscor is their king.
49:59Gligar was completely irrelevant to me,
50:02but then Gliscor conquered my consciousness.
50:05It is so cool.
50:08Bright yellow eyes that glow against a dark body,
50:10shadowy wings, and a mischievous smile.
50:13This design has so many fun things about it.
50:16It's like Batman, like a vampire,
50:20got the harassing vibes.
50:23I'd wanted to use one for a while growing up,
50:25but it never worked out logistically.
50:27Even in Platinum, when you could use one,
50:29it can't learn Fly,
50:31and having a Flying type that cannot fast travel you
50:34was a major letdown.
50:35But since then, I've made it happen many times.
50:39Many of those times have been in Team Sky,
50:42but I also forced my way into using it in Brilliant Diamond
50:45despite the Razor Fang being unjustly post-game.
50:48And then I'd be remiss not to mention it's exquisite shiny.
50:51Guys, it's blue and yellow.
50:55This Pokemon was made for me.
50:57Number two, Castform.
50:59You knew it was coming,
51:01but maybe you didn't think it was number two.
51:03Castform is the quintessential favorite for me
51:06because it combines many things I already mentioned liking.
51:09Gen three, cute and round,
51:11disliked by others, and goggles!
51:14I know, it looks like it has balls or boobs or whatever,
51:17but I don't care.
51:18This is the cutest Pokemon out there.
51:21Just look at its face.
51:23How can you say no to that face?
51:25I'd always liked it, but I grew to really love it
51:27once it became a big part of my content.
51:29I will never forget finding out about the shiny Hail form.
51:32If you didn't know, prior to Pokemon Home,
51:34Castform's weather forms did not have shiny forms.
51:38If a shiny Castform changed forms in battle,
51:40the other weather forms looked identical
51:43to a regular Castform.
51:45But finally, in early 2020,
51:47they gave the weather forms new life,
51:50and the Hail form was blue and yellow!
51:53This gave rise to my phrase Hail Yeah,
51:56which I don't say as much anymore,
51:57but it was a really big part of things for a while.
52:00In short, Castform is tied up in my whole thing,
52:03and I'm okay with that because it is so damn cute.
52:08And finally, number one is Sceptile.
52:11Like many people, my favorite Pokemon is my first starter.
52:16Sorry if that disappoints,
52:17but nostalgia and lizards are powerful things.
52:22Blade the Sceptile was my second Pokemon
52:24to ever hit level 100 after the Rayquaza from the same file,
52:28so that shows you how much time I spent with it.
52:31My affinity for reptiles and lizards
52:33exists because I fell in love with Sceptile.
52:36It's a cool lizard with a spiky tail and knives on its arms.
52:40Hell yeah, or hail yeah.
52:43Over the years, exciting Sceptile moments
52:45have really stood out to me.
52:46I was thrilled when Ashes was the first one
52:48to land the final blow against Tobias's Darkrai.
52:51It was so exciting to see it get into Pokken Tournament.
52:55When it got a mega evolution, I literally screamed.
52:58Overall, I don't think the transition to 3D
53:00was very kind to Sceptile.
53:02I think it looks much better in Sprite form,
53:04but I definitely still love it.
53:06And I'll admit, there were times I doubted
53:08if it was still my favorite.
53:09It's not as strong as it used to be,
53:11its hidden ability sucks, and it's a special attacker
53:14due to the Gen 3 lack of a physical special split,
53:17so it doesn't even make sense to use its iconic Leaf Blade.
53:20I considered if Castform had usurped it,
53:23but then I recently played Emerald Seaglass,
53:25a ROM hack of Pokemon Emerald, on my Plays channel.
53:28I picked Treecko as my starter
53:30and discovered that they had buffed Sceptile dramatically,
53:34making it the best it has ever been,
53:37even factoring in its mega evolution.
53:40And I had an absolute blast.
53:43Sceptile is my favorite Pokemon,
53:45and I hope to someday see it get a really awesome new form
53:49in a Legends game.
53:50Thank you so much for watching,
53:51and if you wanna check out another video
53:52of mine packed with nostalgia, I recommend this one here.