• 22 hours ago
(ភាគទី 03) អូនជាឃាតករគួរអោយស្រលាញ់ | សង្ខេបរឿង Anime | Vigo Anime

•Title: You Are Ms. Servant

A beautiful assassin with a dark past becomes a maid for a young awkward high school boy, and starts a journey to become a normal person. The story follows high-schooler Hitoyoshi Yokoya, whose life turns upside down when a beautiful but mysterious former assassin arrives at his home, asking to work as a maid for him.

▪︎Supp : ABA (500110739)
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-Fb: Vigo Prime
-Tik Tok : Vigo Prime / Vigo Anime
-IG : Vigo Prime

#vigoanime #សម្រាយ​រឿង #YouAreMsServant #anime


00:00Hello, welcome to my channel
00:02I'm Vyko, the slayer.
00:04Today I'm back with the 3rd UR Mithran
00:06But before we start the 3rd part
00:08I want to thank you guys for subscribing
00:10and liking my videos
00:12Thank you so much
00:14So let's get started
00:16with the 3rd UR Mithran
00:18I've talked with Hugo
00:20and he said
00:22that he brought this girl from the countryside
00:24to help with the house
00:26But she's not a good friend
00:28So Hugo didn't like her
00:30And Hugo told her to stay away
00:32because it's a secret
00:34And Hugo took her
00:36to stay away
00:38And when Hugo heard that
00:40Hugo said that she's Hugo
00:42a smart girl
00:44who's the sister of a bad guy
00:46And Hugo said
00:48let's break up
00:50I don't want to talk to her anymore
00:52because she's my sister
00:54I don't want to talk to her anymore
00:56Hugo asked Hugo
00:58to stay away
01:00because she's a bad girl
01:02and she's a bad person
01:04And Hugo told her
01:06to stay away
01:08But Hugo didn't want to talk
01:10to her anymore
01:12And Hugo said
01:14let's break up
01:16because she's a bad girl
01:18And Hugo said
01:20let's break up
01:22But Hugo didn't want to talk
01:24to her anymore
01:26And Hugo told her
01:28that she's a smart girl
01:30who's the sister of a bad guy
01:32Hugo asked her to stay away
01:34because she's a bad person
01:36And Hugo told her
01:38to stay away
01:40because she's a bad person
01:42And Hugo said
01:44let's break up
01:46But Hugo didn't want to talk
01:48to her anymore
01:50And Hugo told her
02:22Yuki is really good at eating
02:24and she is really good at eating with bread
02:27and she really likes the dipping sauce
02:30and we can see that Riko is really happy with Yuki
02:33because Yuki is really good at eating
02:36and when she sees that she eats her own bread
02:37and the bread is really good
02:39the seller will give her another bowl of dipping sauce
02:42and next, let's wait for them
02:44they are going to buy some fruits to eat together
02:46and when Yuko and Yuki are sitting in the green area
02:49we can see that Yuko asked Yuki
02:52what is this game called?
02:54and Yuki, when she heard that
02:55she followed the instruction
02:57and didn't play the game at all
02:59the game itself is just for fun
03:01in the game itself
03:02so she did her homework in the game itself
03:05so she didn't have fun playing it
03:07that's the game itself
03:08and they are also waiting for Riko to come in
03:11and Riko came in and bought 13 bottles of water
03:14and gave them to each other
03:16and they sat and watched
03:17and there were 3 people watching each other
03:19so I think that's how life is
03:21and Yuki likes Yuki
03:23and Yuki is also happy
03:24because her life has changed
03:26her life has changed
03:29and if you see this table
03:30it's really messy
03:31except for Yuko's brother, Riko
03:34he followed the table
03:36and they followed Yuki
03:37and the table is really messy
03:39but the messiness is not only Yuki
03:42it's also the messiness of everyone
03:44that made the table messy
03:45and he couldn't continue
03:47so he was like
03:48I don't know what to do
03:49I'm going to clean it up
03:51and at that time, it reached the point
03:52that he couldn't continue
03:54Yuki didn't complain
03:55Yuki came in and said
03:56this is how it is
03:57this is how it is
03:58stop doing this
03:59and then they went to buy a new bottle of water
04:02and went home with each other
04:04when they went home
04:05we saw that Riko
04:06talked about his study
04:08he had a meeting with his friends
04:10and he asked Yuki
04:12about his study
04:13but Yuki didn't say anything
04:15at that time, Riko's phone was ringing
04:17and Riko's wife called Riko home
04:19to eat beef
04:21beef or something
04:22we don't know
04:23and at that time
04:24we saw that all three of them
04:25went together
04:26Yuko and Yuki went home first
04:28and we saw Yuko
04:29sitting on the table
04:31in their room
04:31our room is really clean
04:33it's not messy
04:34and at that time
04:35they knew that
04:36that was Yuki
04:37but they didn't know
04:39their friends said
04:40oh, it's clean
04:40they saw it before
04:41they shared something like that
04:43and they asked Yuki to exchange
04:45but they didn't know that Yuki
04:46was staying at home with Yuko
04:48and Yuko didn't do anything
04:49so they didn't want her to score
04:51so they didn't want her to score
04:52and at that time
04:53we called Yuki
04:54but the name of the bottle
04:55was the name of the bottle
04:56of Yuko
04:57so we called Yuko the name of the bottle
04:59so they were like brothers
05:01and Yuko was a big girl
05:03and then
05:04they didn't do anything
05:05and then they broke up
05:07they broke up and got close
05:08like brothers
05:09and this guy
05:11that's all
05:12and this is the 4th episode
05:13of Saikyung
05:14so that's all for this video
05:16see you in the next video
05:17don't forget to subscribe
05:18and see you in the next video
05:19good luck, good health, good health
05:20bye bye everyone