• 2 days ago
00:00Good morning from Hawaii. We are on the beautiful big island of Hawaii. It is Hallie girls first
00:19time here. She is you know how old she is? Two months. She's seven weeks old and she's
00:26already getting to go to Hawaii. How do you feel about that? Lucky girl huh? We're gonna
00:31take you through a day with us traveling with four kids. It's been quite the adventure with
00:38the newborn but honestly she's kind of the easiest. You on the other hand, just kidding,
00:43you're definitely the easiest. Everyone's been good but yeah let's should we give them a house
00:47tour? Yeah. Okay let's do it. So look at this. Here's the outside. The owner is up front. Oh
00:54hey can we get a house tour? Of course. I know I was actually just looking I was like maybe we
01:06should have done this vlog day one not day five because conditions are a little rough. We also
01:11have my sister's family of six who's staying with us so no judgments right? Okay here we go. Thanks
01:18for letting me in. So here is the living room. Oh it comes with a baby. Claudia is adorable. So
01:28here's the living space. Look at this. It's stunning. This is real life right here. How
01:34many kids do we have? Good morning. What's in there? Oh John's doing laundry. I thought Emmett was in here. How many kids? Eight kids, four adults. How's it been babe? Yeah we're pretty we're
01:49professionals. Okay take them on. Let's go to our room first. How big are the waves right now? Yeah it's
01:55December. Yeah it's a little rough right now honestly. We didn't quite know what we were getting into. Good
02:07morning. Hi. You're the one who asked me to vlog cuz why do you like mommy to vlog? Yeah you like
02:14to watch them later on huh? So here's the bathroom. We found another kid. There's just kids popping out everywhere. Hi Emmett. Oh my gosh we got another sad one. You know why
02:29Emmett's sad? He doesn't like his pink shorts. I think they're cute. I need to brush my teeth again. Oh you need to brush your teeth again? And that's why you're sad? What a life
02:43man. What a life babe. He had to brush his teeth again. Drama's unfolding. Oh you better run. Get her. Everybody get her. So here's the master bedroom that these children have destroyed. Every time you guys come in and you change and your clothes just flop on the floor. None of these clothes are on the floor. None of these clothes are mine. Okay next. I was just gonna tell
03:13them about this real quick. So these are where my sister is staying but it's kind of hard cuz this house was uh, it said it was five bedrooms but it's detached. Two bedrooms which is a little problematic with so many kids cuz we can't just like stick them out there. Luckily my sister has older kids so we did stick two of them out there but what did he find in his house? He found a rat. A rat. Did you know that Leslie? And we also found a scorpion in here. Yeah it's on there. Obviously you know we're leaving the doors
03:42open and it's bound to happen but we didn't know there were scorpions. We thought we escaped scorpion cuz there's scorpions in Arizona and Gerard got up with Hallie in the middle of the night. I did. Did you freak out? Man, I was very confused. I didn't know Hawaii had scorpions. Oh also a moment for the pajamas. These are my valentine collection for silks and they are launching January 10th. Oh Harps too has them on. What do you think about them? They're really cute for valentine's day. I have them on too.
04:13This is the laundry room. It's the cleanest room in the house. Which doesn't say much. Okay next. And then we got Emmett's entire room. Hey this room's pretty clean. Proud of you Emmett. Okay next room is mine and Harp's. Uh oh. Moment of truth. I've never been in this one. Bathing suit on the floor. It looks pretty good. I'm proud of you guys. We got some iPads. All right next. Oh let's show them the coolest room.
04:42Okay so this is the bar. The bar. Then we have the pantry. Nothing. And then we have the pool table. I call it the sticks and balls. Hayden really came up to us and was like yeah they're in the room with the sticks and balls. I'm like oh my gosh. Then look at this view. And then the coolest room. It is the coolest room.
05:10But it's messy. It's the room. It's kind of like a pillow fight. Wow. Now this is the movie room. This is what we usually do.
05:24Great. Love that. Love that. Great point. And then last thing is my favorite part. The outside.
05:33So pretty. So today we're about to head to the beach and then we're going to go to a luau tonight.
05:39Daddy booked a luau. What's a luau? It's where you get dressed nicely and you go to dinner and there's like music and fire. Like they dance with fire? Yes that one.
05:50So that's what we're doing tonight. So now let's go get ready. All right we're gonna take the golf cart to go get some breakfast because I am hungry. Me too. Anyone else?
06:01So this is pretty cool. Our little house came with a golf cart but it was supposed to come with two which is sad because
06:07like I said my sister's family is here with us so we have to go solo. We actually haven't used it at all so
06:14let's give it a shot. Holly's taking a little nappy. So one thing we did not expect about Kona
06:21which is the big island of Hawaii is all of this lava rock which we should have expected it.
06:28But none of the other islands look like this. This is our first time here and honestly it's gorgeous
06:36in a different way. Like these are literally volcanoes. So like one there's a huge one over
06:42there which actually was erupting a few days before our trip and we lit and saw and it's just
06:47like a lot of exploring here with and with little kids it's kind of a challenge because everything's
06:52like a car drive away. So if you have never been to Hawaii before we do not recommend starting in
06:59Kona the big island. Definitely do Maui or Oahu. Those are our favorites but we wanted to try
07:04somewhere else and it's not. I mean it's gorgeous it's just like a lot of work like every night we
07:09are like tired because we're driving. We had to drive two and a half hours looking at the volcano and then
07:15just imagine like the kids in the car and our car is teeny tiny our rental car and then it's just
07:22like we want to go to this beach it's an hour drive we have to pack up everything and we have
07:28two newborns so my sister has a 10 week old we have a seven week old and yeah it's gorgeous I
07:34mean absolutely stunning. I'm just saying if you have kids and you are only like gonna do one island
07:41I would say Maui or Oahu for sure. We still haven't gotten into Kauai which is funny my mom's actually
07:49there right now so she's gonna let us know how that is to see if we want to try out Kauai next time.
08:03All right what'd we get? What'd you get bub?
08:06an elephant. I got water. I got red chocolate and caramel. Look at mine.
08:23We have to go after for the smoothies. So we came back to the house for a little recoup
08:28fed the baby. It's almost lunchtime isn't it? You ready to go to the beach?
08:32Yeah. Gerard doesn't want to get up because he's enjoying all the baby stuff.
08:38I am very much so. We got three other kids who are ready to go and a wife. I don't need to go there.
08:47We've made it to the beach. How's it going girls? Good. So this is the little beach at our resort
08:55or Airbnb. I'm kind of having fear you guys because I was sitting here and one of these
09:00just fell from the sky and I was like what if it hits Halle in the head but seriously I'm sitting
09:05here and it fell and I'm like um I don't see any over her head so I think we're all right girl.
09:11What you doing?
09:16Oh you're so nice. They're thirsty huh? We just finished lunch. Swamped over there.
09:25She had a full two ounces that's it and it took her out.
09:32What you making? Did you guys make this little trench thing? Is she back to sleep? Almost.
09:39Wow Hayde you're hard at work. You're putting in your hours. Oh my gosh whoa whoa whoa
09:47Oh I saw that one. Wow. All right we are all ready for our luau. We're gonna do a quick little
09:55family fit check. Right family? Oh so cute. Let me see your outfit. Oh you're so handsome and what's
10:05in your hand? A Maui hook and what are your shoes? Sharks. Sharks and are you ready for a luau?
10:13Yeah. Miss Harper Jean. What's the fit check? What do we got? So this is maybe from Zara
10:21and my shoes are from I don't know. Mommy? Yeah. We got Mr. Taj Jean in the house. Look at this
10:31outfit. You're so handsome. Do you know where your outfit's from? Walmart. Walmart? Oh handsome boy.
10:39Cute. Do a spin. Next. So we have me and Claudie. Oh you guys look ready for a luau. She has some
10:48shingles on. Cute. And a little flower clip and I have on a green dress. My chest is a bracelet.
10:57Wow. And I got these shoes. Cute. Next. We have Walmart slash Gucci. Oh yeah slash Gucci.
11:11You got the Gucci sandals on huh? And what's your name? Cannon. Cannon Cole. Next.
11:18Ooh ooh. Who do we got here? We got Jackson Ferrato with a pure red wave Walmart special.
11:29Looking good. Wow. I love it. You look great bud. Okay. Lila's fit check. Cutie.
11:38It's from Christmas and the skull is from America. Ooh ooh. And what do we got here?
11:48Mr. Gerard Flewellen and Hallie Hayes Flewellen cutie pie. Ooh strut it.
11:56This is my sister Amanda and baby Trey with an outfit from Auntie. It's kind of a little
12:04croppy but you look adorable. And wait your outfit is from what year? 2015. And we used to
12:11have the same one. Cute. And last but not least we got Mr. She Married Old 55 year old coming in.
12:21And Uncle Danny with oh look at that Santa Christmas Hawaii. Wow looking good.
12:30Introducing Alyssa Flewellen. Work it. Work it. I like it. Where's your outfit from? I actually don't know.
12:39A little shop on Instagram. Me and Emmett have a matching one actually. Shills. Also please check out my sister's ride.
12:45I couldn't get a rental car so check out their ride. We made it to our luau.
12:52How's the food? Good. Pretty good huh? Hallie how's your food? The best in the house.
12:59So yummy. How was your food? What'd you eat? Um I eat pineapple and bread. And like thumbs up, thumbs down,
13:10or thumbs medium? Thumbs up. It's all in your teeth. And I had to hold out on the seafood this year.
13:20Oh my gosh. You know we didn't ever end up posting that vlog. We um went to Maui a couple years ago
13:27and Gerard got sick from the seafood and it was terrifying by ourselves and we had three little
13:35kids in like the eighth story of a whatever. So I cut him off actually. He can have all the food
13:42he wants if it doesn't have seafood in it because apparently that's what can make you really really
13:47sick. What's the name of that dance? The Cheeky Chaka. Did you just make it up? Yeah. I think it's pretty cool.
14:17Cheeky Chaka.
14:31Cheeky Chaka.
14:45Hello. Hi.
