• avant-hier
Dans les années 1950 à Washington, Hawkins Fuller fait carrière dans les coulisses de la politique. Ce héros de guerre charismatique tait sa préférence pour les hommes et évite autant que possible de s'engager. Il fait alors la connaissance de Tim Laughlin, un jeune homme aussi pieu qu'idéaliste. Ils entament une liaison qu'ils doivent cacher en cette cette période de chasse aux sorcières et autres "déviants sexuels". L'alchimie entre Matt Bomer et Jonathan Bailey participe à la réussite de cette histoire d'amour tragique qui retrace les difficultés rencontrées par la communauté homosexuelle aux Etats-Unis, du maccarthysme au sida.


00:00The trailer for Fellow Travelers starts right now.
00:03You don't want to miss it.
00:06Mr. Fuller, we believe we have reason to ask you a series of questions.
00:10What reason?
00:11We're not at liberty to say. Please have a seat.
00:17Have you ever attended meetings affiliated with the Communist Party?
00:22Our country is under threat from Soviet spies, but there's another risk to national security.
00:28What is your marital status?
00:30Single, but there is a special lady in the picture.
00:32Hulk is stunning.
00:36Have you ever had inappropriate physical contact with another man?
00:42Such a damn good liar.
00:46Do you like it this way?
00:47All this pretending.
00:49You're everything to me.
00:51If I was everything, you wouldn't be going where you're going.
00:54You should be careful.
00:56Everybody lies about something.
00:58We must beware of these communists and queers.
01:02These people are dangerous to this country.
01:05I look out of that city and think about what it denies us.
01:08We lie about who we sleep with.
01:10Not who we sleep with, it's who we love.
01:17Have you ever been in love with another male?
01:19I have loved you my whole life.
01:22My great, consuming love.
01:30Mr. Fuller.
01:32Answer the question.


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