(Adnkronos) - Seduta sospesa più volte oggi alla Camera a causa del caos in Aula dopo le parole della presidente del Consiglio sul Manifesto di Ventotene che non rappresenterebbe "l'Europa che voglio". Proteste da parte dell'opposizione.
00:00Not if this is your Europe, but certainly it is not mine, said the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to the Chamber,
00:06who mentioned some passages of the Ventotene Manifesto addressing the oppositions, and then went on to rant in the Senate.
00:12According to Meloni, trade wars do not play to anyone and must be avoided in any way.
00:16In addition, he asked for concrete action for a new reindustrialization.
00:19At the end of the Senate session, he approved the resolution presented by the majority on the communications of the President of the Council in view of the European Council,
00:27which is scheduled for Thursday 20 and Friday 21 March.