• 2 days ago
#fishing #outdoors #dronefishing #sharks #beachfishing #sharkfishing #fish #beach #florida #ocean #marinelife
00:00Oh boy, it's a, babe it's a monster.
00:07Alright so my girlfriend and I went to the beach, I was setting up some fishing rods,
00:11nice normal day, while she collects shells, put in the pipes, looking to catch some smaller
00:18fish for bait, here's a big ol' scallop she found, and it's time to get the drone out.
00:22Alright, first time using a swell pro, let's see if I can get it out there.
00:26Can I fly a bait out there?
00:28Well I'm glad you're here because if I, the thing floats, so if I crash this thing.
00:39Oh my god.
00:56Did it drop it?
01:10Going home baby.
01:12Oh my god.
01:14That worked?
01:26Oh my god.
01:52Alright y'all, getting a bite here.
02:22Alright, he's taking, gotta get the coochie cushion here.
02:34There he is.
02:40Let's grab some more.
02:46Let's grab some more.
02:50We're tying on a huge one babe!
02:54Oh boy, this is, babe this is a monster.
03:00Alright y'all, blew out my first bait with my swell pro, big ol' barracuda head, and
03:08we are hooked up on something massive.
03:12This is gonna take a while, I don't have a belt, I just got this, we call him a coochie
03:22I'm gonna land him and then let him go.
03:26No baby, you can leave it, okay.
03:30Baby open the bail, I want it on the ground.
03:34Pull the, I got you, go ahead and start reeling up the other one, hold on.
03:50Not sure what kind of shark this is, but big head shakes, slow movements, there she goes.
04:02Babe, I'm hooked on a monster right now.
04:06Woo, okay, it just woke up.
04:10Okay, Tyler's got a biggin'.
04:16What you got babe?
04:18Something huge.
04:34Babe, he's kicking my ass.
04:36This one ain't no joke.
04:40Don't worry about it, I'll get it.
04:42I really, so here's what I have to do here.
04:44I don't want us to be out here in the dark, this is an absolute monster of a shark, I
04:48don't want to like lose him, but I also don't want us to be out here all night, so I have
04:54to put the heat on this guy.
04:56He's either gonna get off, or I'm gonna get his ass in.
05:00This is like an absolute battle right now.
05:06Huge big jump in the water.
05:08Yeah, you probably saw a spinner shark.
05:12This is a big bull shark, or a hammerhead or something massive.
05:18Oh my god, he's wrecking us.
05:22Let me try to slow him down a little bit.
05:26Oh my god, this thing's huge dude.
05:30So that was a run.
05:32That took me friggin' 15 minutes to get that line back.
05:36He just took it all away from me.
05:38He's way out.
05:40Look at that, he's crushing me right now.
05:44Good thing you got a good line.
05:46I went like twice over here.
05:48Oh yeah, you want to get some braid.
05:52This is like 100 pound line.
05:54Alright y'all, getting in some line here.
06:04I dropped the drone like maybe 300 yards.
06:08But he's taking me farther than my drone took it.
06:12Come here.
06:14Are they serious about getting your car out of there before dark?
06:16Yeah, that's what we're trying to do actually.
06:18The last time we were here we had to haul ass because we couldn't see.
06:22Do they lock the gate or something?
06:26I don't think so because the last time we got over here it was dark actually.
06:30Oh shit.
06:32Yeah, I got out of here dark before too.
06:36He's kicking me.
06:38Come here.
06:40Holy God.
06:42Oh my God.
06:50He's taking me farther.
06:52He's making me work.
06:54I think it's a massive hammerhead.
06:56That was his last run.
06:58So I'm getting pretty tired.
07:02Oh you're fine.
07:08This thing is huge.
07:10Slow him down.
07:16I'm starting to shake.
07:18You got it man.
07:26He's about 100 feet off the ground.
07:30It's a hammerhead y'all.
07:32It is?
07:34It's probably 10-12 feet at least.
07:36I just saw it spin. It's a hammerhead.
07:38Did you get it on the glasses?
07:40Hammerheads have huge fins like that.
07:42This thing is massive.
07:44I'm going to need some help for real.
08:02I'm going to grab him by the tail if you want to help me out.
08:06This way.
08:10A hammerhead?
08:20Alright now try to gain line.
08:24Careful Tyler.
08:26I'm so tired now.
08:28I'm going to help you gain line.
08:30Go ahead.
08:32Keep coming.
08:36Keep coming.
08:38Use your muscles.
08:56There you go.
09:06There you go.
09:10Holy shit.
09:16Oh my gosh.
09:18That's a pretty good size.
09:24Oh my god.
09:26I'm sorry man.
09:28Help me pull her up.
09:30I'm sorry.
09:32Holy shit.
09:36Let's get her back.
09:42You're alright.
09:44I saw him.
09:50Be careful.
09:56Oh my god.
10:00That needs to be the better of bad news.
10:02Well I need all of y'all to leave now.
10:04So we can finish.
10:06We got to do a road down here.
10:08Well I can't catch another one of those.
10:10So we're out of here.
10:14No problem.
10:16I'm just glad it ended on a good note.
10:18Because I had to come down here and tell you you had to leave.
10:20Oh my gosh.
