Full Video: Dealing with a chronic medical condition || Acharya Prashant (2024)
00:00The newspaper vendor, he comes, he presses the bell, that happens early in the morning, 6am.
00:05Similarly, my pain comes at 6am. It's normal. Someone has pressed the bell. And it has to
00:09happen. In fact, if it doesn't happen, it'll feel weird. I too suffer from a chronic autoimmune
00:15thing. I don't think about it. It is normal. I don't even envision a future in which I'll be
00:20completely healthy. I have no such aspirations. I have total acceptance for my state. So I don't
00:26suffer. It pains. It hurts when you think of the alternative. It hurts when you think of the
00:32so-called healthy ideal. It hurts when you compare it with your past, when you were supposedly
00:38healthy. That's when it hurts. Just take this as normal. This is how it is. And there is no
00:44alternative. Just as 110 IQ is what it is, there is no alternative to raise it to 250. If there
00:51is no alternative, there is no comparison. If there is no comparison, there is no suffering.