• 2 days ago
Full video : Come, see Ghosts! || Acharya Prashant, conversation
00:00When somebody comes to you and says ghosts, you just do not have the conviction to say no
00:04because you don't have conviction in anything in your life.
00:07About everything in your life, you are anyway uncertain. Think of it.
00:11Is the common man absolutely certain about anything in his life? No.
00:14So how can he be absolutely certain that ghosts don't exist?
00:17And if ghosts indeed do exist and this man denies them,
00:21then ghosts are said to be of a vindictive nature and who knows what harm may come upon you.
00:27Why expose oneself to that kind of harm? Why run that risk?
00:31So simply concede. Admit that, well, you know, probably ghosts do exist.
00:35After all, so much documentation is there and all the great gurus are talking of ghosts
00:39and so therefore the ghosts, you know, why run the risk?
00:42Risk only because we are spiritually away from the truth.
00:46Therefore, the mind is afraid. Only truth can dispel fear.
00:51And when that truth is not there, when the spiritual truth is not there,
00:54then the mind is just a home to all kinds of darknesses.
