• 1 hour ago
We're playing #fortnite Prop Hunt, and I'm hiding in plain sight to troll my friends!

00:00We're back in fortnite prop hunt and this level is really cool
00:04There are so many secret spots and there's even a secret ending that the props can use to win the entire game
00:11Make sure you use coach slogo in the fortnite item shop. Thank you. Everyone who's already doing so let's get into the video
00:16All right, we're hiding
00:20Bagel boy, baby
00:23Okay, we need to hide okay, yeah Finn you need to look away you always cheat you're looking bro
00:29He's turning Josh. He's turning. Okay corner Craner. This is apparently got some of the best hiding spots
00:35We've ever seen before. Okay
00:38Like this great thing. You're not allowed to listen when we're doing this. Wait, look at me Josh. What is that?
00:44Why have you got a wow?
00:46This is crazy. It looks like you've got a tape one. I do have a table. Oh
00:54I'm coming. Oh my god a secret
00:59Wait, so we can hide it here and that's not cheating. Oh, wait
01:03How do I?
01:06Sport there's a lot of props be something different then Craner. I don't I'm stuck Josh. I'm stuck
01:16May have just are you in an office block boys? I might have just become a different prop
01:20I think I'm stuck Josh as like the thing in the I'm in
01:25Above me crater. Can you stop complaining for one second? Okay, how do I get out of here Josh? I don't know
01:32I can't help you cry. No. Give me I see you Finn. I see you. I really can't give you anything
01:37I heard you above me running around. But how did you get up there? I guess I'm like
01:42I'm just kind of like stuck here. So I'll just chill. I know where you are. You're on top of that
01:47I keep I keep clicking the wrong button and it keeps playing voice notes
01:54In my ear
02:08He was in the other entrance to that little hiding spot, how did you go up there so quick Finn?
02:16Okay, did you know what did you know boys in blue he was right here are you still here crater?
02:22No, well, I did see dough boy before
02:26Okay, feel him. Well, he was in here
02:30Like he was a boy. Hello doll boy. He can see us
02:40I was stuck in a stupid wall, dude. Well, that's a you problem. All right, I'm next up. So you guys go and hide
02:46Good luck. Okay
02:49We've got
02:50That's the pop. Oh, that's are you kidding me? Am I really teammates with this idiot? Good luck. Are you guys in the play area?
02:58How are you Josh? Maybe you're in this outdoor garden. Very nice. Very beautiful. Very nice. Very beautiful. Got it indeed
03:05But that is not way
03:10Let me every time every time you see the ping prop ping count down Finn you need to shout at one
03:16Okay, okay, which one of these cups are you three two one?
03:24Bye Josh
03:32Classic slow go round. All right, great. It's nothing now. I'll see you in the game. Where's the game you're hunting do?
03:41used to that
03:44No, come here Finn we can be we can be this like this is oh, you know what I mean?
03:55The rules of the game, you know
03:58Can you see us?
04:00Okay, he can't see I already Finn you're good bro. You go. Oh, you know what?
04:04I feel like you guys went into the ladies room. Didn't you there is no way in heck. He's gonna find me here
04:10Hello lady is crazy
04:12You said that cuz I just went in the toilet when you said that but it was a different toilet
04:16Which one of you ladies is pissing? Okay. Okay, that's okay. Can you please do it on my way, baby?
04:21We ain't we incredibly inappropriate crayon say I am so sorry. I just felt it had to happen. You know, it doesn't the men's room
04:28Huh, maybe just stop talking about doing things in the bathroom in general. Are you guys perhaps a urinal? Huh? Whoa
04:35What is this?
04:37It's got a wait his ears checked. What is this? What in the Mario? Oh, it's a milk
04:44That's crazy. I was what in the Mario
04:48Wait, you could be Mario. I just found something Mario vibes. Hey Finn. Can I show you something? Wait?
04:54Yeah, come with me dude. It's a it's fun. Oh, hey, follow me. Are you guys running around right now?
05:00Great. I kind of suck. So I feel like we've got a bit more room
05:03Come with me the funny thing is what it's yeah
05:09Look at this, this is what I was talking about with Mario is sneaky. This is how we can escape Finn don't
05:16Wait, Mario. Okay. Hold on. I'm coming back. I'm coming back. Wait, hold on. There's a pipe here. There's no pipes. Anyway
05:25You might found a different pipe. But yeah, we can chill here. I mean, he's not gonna find us
05:29Okay, so I do have a little bit of a crater complaint to make and I know you're gonna make fun of me Josh
05:34But every time it's my round you guys go quiet as a bird with any sort of hits, okay
05:39Oh, whoopsie-daisy Josh. What was that?
06:01Well, it's one of these mother truckers is Josh. Okay. Can you he's the Apple? He's the Apple
06:07I can't believe it took Finn that long to dump me in
06:10No, I I didn't want it at first. He got through the pipe
06:17He's so small he's so small
06:21Do you think he would just like run back to where he was before that's kind of a job he's with me he's with me
06:26Is he with you he's so small I can't see Finn literally walked over me earlier
06:31There's a can you not see the Apple behind you fit? You're the Apple of my eye Finn. That's not him. That's not him
06:40He's got the kitchen I love Finn's explanations he's there
06:47No, no, he's there guys
06:56Where is he? This is really problematic when I try and open things. I have to do a voice or whatever
07:01Where is he? Where's he gone? Oh my god. What is a brain fart remix?
07:07I don't know, but you should definitely use it
07:17All right, you may think I'm not again dude, all right Josh where we go where we go
07:25Secrets remember I'm going in nine seconds guys nine seconds
07:32Three two one
07:35We think Josh hello ladies and gentlemen mostly gentlemen, though
07:40Hello, I don't know where you went Finn. Sorry. I kind of left you
07:45You guys in the playground perhaps no if it's not allowed there legally I know
07:51I have like a pretty interesting spot. All right. Yeah to be fair. Do you know I am I
07:58Think I thought for sure that was audio you should be using your ears
08:01Karina are you do you fight to can we find you in the woods Josh? No, you're not even a prop hunter
08:09What are you doing Finn? No, no, I'm asking him
08:12You guys have the AC units up here. Whoa
08:16Bro, there's like a whole world in here you can see me. Can you Josh?
08:21No, not right now. I can see your name tag, but I don't actually see you
08:24I see your name tag, but I can't see you. Yeah, funny that oh, I'm a bit confused. Oh
08:30I think I'm in a good spot. I feel like it's that the prop I am is kind of interesting on a scale of one
08:36Two, how interesting is it? Can you guys stop yapping for like a second?
08:41You know what I'm doing it I am going hardcore dude, you're just standing there. It's not hardcore. That's like the least hardcore thing
08:48I've ever seen. Well, you're not seeing what I'm doing on my screen. What is it? You're doing? What are you doing?
08:53Oh, he's missing. That's what he's doing. What? Yeah, what's he doing?
09:04Took you that long to figure it out. I turned up my volume way a hundred percent. Oh
09:13That's what I was doing Josh, well, that's all me use my ears I'm using my ear
09:21Had no chance of escaping that one guys. I'm not sure again. Oh, that's sorry
09:26I guess the game decided that you should be it twice because you suck
09:29Yeah, it feels sorry for maybe a thing that you need to work on yourself a little bit. Well, I'm not giving you guys
09:36seconds this way fall three two one
09:42Sleep it pinch you can say I feel like we've been sleeping on this, you know
09:47You can sleep on me anytime. I didn't even know this existed. Okay, it's been gives away a lot when he talks, isn't it?
09:55you guys
09:57Josh, what do you think?
09:59Exploring a bit that is actually really good. Yeah, since you guys found a place that you didn't think existed
10:05I'm thinking you're always bro is his worst enemy, right? I know. I'm I'm the ops right now, dude
10:10Hey, yeah, just join me. Just join me. Yeah, I
10:14Feel like we're just gonna get spot like if he gets into ping location
10:19I'm learning that in this game now if he gets close you gotta go like that's kind of how it goes, you know
10:26Yeah, wow, you're so smart Josh. Oh, yeah, if you put me up against you two, I do look quite smart. Whoa
10:32Excuse me. What is this out here?
10:36It's what do you explain what you see and then we can explain tell you what it is Ford coffee
10:41Okay, so you are at for coffee for night
10:48Why did you do that because I thought right now's the time I'll run but you jumped towards him
10:54Yeah, cuz I thought he ran into the diner thing
10:59Josh I hear him. I hear him
11:12You little sneaky sneaker son, have you got him? No, I'm stuck. Oh, wait, I didn't think I was stuck, but I'm stuck
11:19Are you stuck in the washing machine? No, I'm just stuck. I'm just stuck
11:23How do I get Josh your stepbrother and help him out? I where is he? I can't move
11:29Okay. Well, maybe give me a hit and I'll help you. No, I'm not giving you a head, bro
11:34I'm stuck and I'm the worst thing to be stuck as as well. This is gross
11:38Go through the question mark wall. Well, I'm not telling you and I see you
11:43Any last words really any last words? I want to see him. I want to see him
11:48Come come over it comes with the question mark. Why is he molding there? He is. He's the banana
11:56Josh got stuck. It's a banana
11:59All right
12:01I want to find some whoa
12:03Josh yeah, what what dude? That's good. I want it
12:09No, no credit quick quick quick quick
12:12Where are we going?
12:17All right, I'm here. What is going on guys? What's up, man?
12:23Looking good. I can't see you though. You can't see you. Unfortunately
12:29Like if I maybe you could come out into the open a bit so we could see how buff you're looking. Yeah. Oh
12:36Looking yeah, like those guns
12:41Take out those buns and I'm not just talking about your butt. No, we're talking about all the buns right now
12:48What do you mean glitching? It tells me you're like over here
12:51Well that you what maybe the audio is not working properly. Yeah, maybe the audio is a little bit odd
12:57I don't know if it might just be an audio error
13:00Audio errors happen. It's a it's glitching my
13:10Crazy things boys boys like it's crazy how glitch it's crazy how glitch can do
13:18It's what is going on?
13:21Crater, it's crazy with the glitch that can do sometimes Finn. Hey good
13:27Let's just be glitching
13:30What are you doing, where are you hiding?
13:33I I'm look I'm shot. Like if we were like this the whole time fair enough, but what the beginning was
13:41Something else Craner. Yeah, I know. I'm just seeing how far I could take it sometimes with Finn, you know, yeah
13:47He's like it's a it's a good experiment. You guys are you?
13:52You guys sit in very interesting places on the intelligence
13:59Too long, but I want to go this way. I saw this and you
14:03Delayed Oh stuck on this up here not down here
14:08Down here over to the right left. Whoa, what?
14:12Yeah, this is where so I found this
14:16Boys and girls ladies and Josh
14:20Yeah, that's pretty good
14:22I'm home. I want to go like here though. Oh, yes, we can like see better. Yeah
14:30Don't tell me this shush. Oh my god ping Josh look
14:36That that looks terrible Craner. No, I think it works
14:40Okay, but it looks here. I didn't hear you ping. I didn't hear you ping. I'm like currently
14:44It's so bad
14:47Are you trying to make it look bad describe him to me?
14:51No, I'm trying to like align myself a little bit Josh, but I don't think it's working scribe him
14:56You need to walk backwards like a lot or or look the other way
15:01This works, right? Yeah, I mean you're not yeah, I'm straight you're in here. I
15:06Am straight. How are you not figuring it out this Josh this glitched out?
15:12That's fine. If it doesn't even notice what we're two giant carpets moving around. He won't notice this me
15:18Can you see no, we can't we don't know where you are. Dough man. I can see you now
15:23You can't yeah, I can do something I just do you just I actually just jumped over the counter where is he
15:30Is he a pizza pit? I think so. Oh
15:37We're not good I see him. Yeah, I see. What do you say? We'll do something. I don't do something you for
15:43They jumped once jumped again described. I might hit you with your dough boy. Oh boy. Oh
15:50Oh my god, Josh, what are you doing hit the wrong button? How about we make a deal? What what are you offering?
15:57Okay, credit. Tell me where he is and I'll let you in
16:01And I don't trust you enough for that. Well, so why would we do that when we're in the same spot?
16:06So we haven't known each other for long enough in bro
16:10You didn't you need a sweet in the deal somehow. Yeah
16:17With or without oil
16:20With that's a trick question. I don't like oil without
16:25No, you already know
16:27I don't know Josh. I'm just trying to make things up right now to stall. Okay, I think I'll be honest
16:33You need to think outside of the pizza box. Okay. Can you just find out what that circle does? I want to know
16:39Yeah, you see me. Yeah, but like I don't see you but I could see what you did
16:44You might want to hide. Oh
16:47You saw me yeah your head popped up but you might want to hide are you are you glitching no
16:53No, we're not glitching Finn. You're so obsessed with us glitching dude. I already gave you a really big clue
16:58I genuinely gave you a big clue. I said think outside. Oh
17:03said think outside the box Oh
17:10Good right. Yeah, I'm actually a babe. I'm a baby thing. Maybe think on top of the box. Yeah
17:19Yeah on top guys you're not allowed to go out there come on who said
17:25Who's ever said that
17:27You even get up there no one has ever said that in the history of ever dude, bro
17:32It's like it was like a little can we all just stop bro-ing things, bro?
17:38To go up there bros. You can't do that bros
17:43Are you dying capable I
17:49Don't know Finn, where are we dude?
17:52But up my baby Belle baby Belle
17:56Bubba Bubba Bubba. I
17:59Know you're in here. Yeah
18:02Damn dang it, dude. I won't snitch on you doll Josh. Don't worry
18:21Did you survive
18:24Did you jump through the thing Josh ah
18:26No, come on
18:28Right now he's gone somewhere
18:33Did you jump through a tooth in we all jumped through we all jump through no
18:42All right guys, this is great is good well having fun dude
18:46I don't know how I got away with that. I'll be honest. Am I in the right place Josh right place wrong time wrong time
18:53wrong place right time
18:55Okay, yes, he's like stressing out a little bit so we gotta be
19:00Kind of
19:05Wait you can win. Oh no get to the secret exit. We gotta protect the emergency exit
19:12Come down there come down
19:15Don't let him go Craner. Don't let him go. I think he's pretty far away
19:25He's running behind you
19:31There's one with that you got punked dude, I got hella punk, dude