El Presidente | One Bite
00:00All right, pizza review time, last one of the bunch, cuts and slices which had the craziest
00:28array of pizza combos, like this is a sweet oxtail one, so what they did, they gave us
00:33the cheese and then they gave us a bunch of assorted slices which, I'm not gonna, the
00:39oxtail would not be my jam, all right, so let's see what we got here, it started in
00:43Brooklyn, moved over, let's see what we got, all right, this is, we'll go after, this is
00:53the array of slices and like I said, they got salmon, lobster, everything, here's the
00:58cheese, this may be a chunk of Parmesan, big crust, that's how you like it, it's very
01:09hot so watch out, just came out of the oven, the undercarriage isn't there, that's what
01:19I like a little support, yeah there's no support, all right, what's this guy yelling at?
01:29What's going on?
01:31I don't know Chuck, I don't think he's talking to us is he?
01:34I don't know, he's just yelling at the guy, he walked over there, walked over there, I
01:39don't know, I don't think he's yelling at us, I don't think, yeah, oh my God, that's
01:44a-hole, oh my cheese, Parm lost all the cheese, do you want another one?
01:50You've got to reload the camera, Parm 0 for 1, Parm what's going on, Parm here, 0 for
02:06You need to clean it.
02:07The same guy actually had this clean.
02:10It is sloppy.
02:11Here we go.
02:12All right, let's try this here.
02:16It is falling off everywhere.
02:17Not my style.
02:18I don't know if this one's for me.
02:21This is great.
02:21This is what I look for on a pizza.
02:26The sweet sauce, the like softness of the dough.
02:32This is what I look for.
02:37I'm gonna give that eight, eight, five.
02:41Oh, that's crazy.
02:43Oh, yeah, it's my favorite.
02:45That is crazy.
02:46All right, jumper.
02:49I'd give it like a seven, six.
02:50It was pretty sweet.
02:51The sauce was good, but it was a little too soft for me.
02:55I wish it was a little bit more crispier.
02:58So what was it?
03:00Seven, six.
03:01Seven, six.
03:02I agree with everything that you said.
03:05This is to me like a football pizza
03:07after you've been drinking, got doughy, soak it up.
03:08By the way, shout out to the mums
03:10of the Maryland Foodie Boys
03:13who went out and had a little champagne in between this one.
03:16A little high noon champagne.
03:17So celebrating.
03:19I'm gonna go six, eight on it.
03:24The dough is, this may be a place
03:25that you get the unique slices, which you guys loved.
03:29So unlike Chuck Burrm, I don't like this kind of pizza,
03:33but I like the sauce, the sweet sauce.
03:35So I'll give it like a seven, one.
03:38Yeah, I'm with them.
03:40The sauce, I think was a little too sweet
03:42and it had like no crisp on it.
03:43So I think seven, one.
03:45Seven, one.
03:45All right, so this one was Chuck Burm's favorite.
03:49Do you guys want to try any of these wacky slices?
03:51Yeah, I'm gonna try that.
03:52I think I'm gonna.
03:53All right, here's what we got.
03:55Oh no, this is gonna be cheese.
03:58So here, they gave us all bunch of slices,
04:01which is, they had every slice under the book.
04:04So I don't even know.
04:06There's a grilled chicken.
04:08This one's like French toast.
04:09That one almost looks like a Philly cheesesteak, almost.
04:13You guys want to try any of them?
04:16I'll try this one.
04:18That's the one with the croutons?
04:19Yeah, it's French toast.
04:21That one looks like beef.
04:23French toast pizza.
04:25Oh, that's the top two, I think.
04:27Yeah, that is what they said, French toast.
04:29They said they had that one.
04:34You guys are more brave.
04:36You like it?
04:37So you guys like, yeah, you like the oxtail
04:40and you like that one with the cheese?
04:44It smells like just syrup.
04:45It's good.
04:46This is your homemade French toast.
04:50I don't know how they did it.
04:54Seven, seven.
04:55Seven, seven.
04:56I'd give this like a six, eight.
04:57The flavor on it was just like really weird.
05:01It's pretty interesting.
05:02All right, weird and interesting.
05:03That is Cut and Slices.
05:06We are East Houston, Houston Street, I believe they said.
05:10That is our wrap with the foodie boys
05:13who were, by the way, in there telling me
05:14more about you guys' plans.
05:16And even I was like stunned at what you guys got going on.
05:19So congrats on the success.
05:21Thank you for coming to New York.
05:23Any final words?
05:25Thank you for having me.
05:26No, no, no, thank you guys.
05:27Thank you guys.
05:28So congrats on the success and we'll be seeing you.
05:30Remember to follow them, MDFoodieBoysBZ,
05:36TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, the works.
05:39The newest food influencers on the block.
05:41All right, there we go.
05:43Nice job, guys.
05:45Thank you guys.
05:47Can we play this part?
05:48This is the best part.
05:50And Ryan likes it.
05:51What did he say?
05:53He started name dropping it.
05:54He said Ryan likes some girl.
05:56This girl he likes.
05:57Oh, you got, who?
05:59I don't like her.
06:01He's on to the next.
06:02How long ago was that?
06:04She cheated on him.
06:05Yeah, she cheated on him.
06:06It's a long story, sir.
06:08Things happen.
06:09They hung out, then the next day,
06:11she's at Target with another dude.
06:13When did this happen?
06:16It was the week before, no, wait.
06:18Had you guys blown up yet?
06:20Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, this was, yeah.
06:22So, yeah, so we hung out and then the day after.
06:28She was at Target?
06:29Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh my God.
06:31It's whatever, though.
06:33Who cares?
06:34He was in his feels.
06:35It's okay, he was in his feels.
06:35I was never in my feels.
06:36Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:39Oh, wait, she's gonna be crazy.
06:41You guys are going to the moon
06:42and she's just out with some schmo at Target?
06:45I don't know.
06:46Fuck, man.
06:47I know.
06:48Jeff Berm, that ain't right.
06:49I know, I know.
06:51Who takes a girl on a date to Target anyways?
06:53That's a lousy place to go on a date.
06:56Jeff Berm would take her back.
06:58Yeah, 100%.
07:00I don't want her.
07:00Yeah, she's for the streets.
07:02That's what they said.
07:03What about this new one you got?
07:04Yeah, what about the new one, Chubb?
07:05Yeah, where's he?
07:06You got a new one, Chubb?
07:07Yeah, yeah.
07:08Do you?
07:09He's FaceTiming her every night.
07:11That's not even true.
07:12We were on call last night
07:13and he left to go FaceTime this new girl.
07:14I didn't FaceTime her.
07:15While you were doing a pod?
07:17No, no, no.
07:18We were all like, we were all talking last night.
07:19That's just not true.
07:20It is true.
07:21That's not true.
07:22Yes, it is.
07:23Perm, I don't like this girl going to Target with a,
07:25I don't, that's bullshit.
07:27That guy's on my basketball team.
07:29Is he?
07:31Did you know they rub it in my face
07:32almost every time I hang out with them?
07:33That's brutal.
07:37I know.
07:37Friends like that, who needs enemies?