• 20 hours ago
Ilim o Amal - Episode 17

Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv

#IlimoAmal #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv

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00:00The month of blessings, the ship of greatness, the cradle of life, the soul of Mecca, Medina
00:11All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and to the righteous.
00:16And peace and blessings be upon His Messenger, the Noble Prophet.
00:20After this, I seek refuge with Allah from Satan, the accursed.
00:25In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
00:28I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.
00:33Respected viewers of ARYQ TV,
00:38Our topic for today is,
00:44Ummul Mumineen Hazrat Sayyeda Aisha Siddiqa, may Allah be pleased with her.
00:52Ummahatul Mumineen,
00:57These are the women whom Allah the Lord of Glory has given the honour of being the most
01:03unique and unique women in the universe.
01:08Respected viewers, the condition of the dust that comes from the nostrils of the Prophet
01:18is such that Allah swears by it.
01:24The whole universe swears by the Lord,
01:27and the Lord swears by the dust that comes from the nostrils of the Prophet.
01:36Because these nostrils are attached to the feet of the one who has no equal in the universe.
01:42It is made clear in the Holy Qur'an,
01:46O' women of the Prophet,
01:52You are not equal to the women of the universe.
01:57You are not equal to them.
02:03Because they are the adornment of the adornment of that beloved.
02:10They are the adornment of the adornment of that beloved.
02:13There is no beloved in the universe like that beloved.
02:19There are sons-in-law in every house,
02:21but the sons-in-law of the Prophet are not like them in the universe.
02:26In every house there are in-laws,
02:30but the in-laws of the Prophet are not like them in the universe.
02:36There are children in every house,
02:39but the children of the Prophet are not like them in the universe.
02:44Hazrat Ummul Momineen Aisha Siddiqa,
02:49She is such a woman of honor.
02:54First of all, it is a great honor to be a Muslim.
03:02And when I opened my eyes, I saw Siddiq-e-Akbar.
03:08When he had become a Muslim,
03:14Siddiqa binte Siddiq-e-Akbar,
03:23My master, who is called either Humaira or Ruhi,
03:29and that Sayyida Aisha Siddiqa,
03:34whose authenticity,
03:38and whose
03:41to make arguments,
03:45to give arguments,
03:48to explain their purity,
03:52to spread their virtues to the people,
03:57Allah has not left it to the people,
04:00but has given them the verses of light.
04:04Whose honesty,
04:09is witnessed by the Lord.
04:12The Holy Quran is the witness and narrator of the Lord.
04:15And until the day of Judgment,
04:17as long as the Quran is recited,
04:20on the pure side of Aisha Siddiqa,
04:23those clear verses,
04:26will continue to be the adornment of Meherab and Mimbar.
04:30The Ummul Momineen of Sayyida Aisha Siddiqa,
04:34who have the honor,
04:37that at the age of her childhood,
04:40she attained the nearness of Prophet Mohammad.
04:44She became a slave of Prophet Mohammad.
04:48She became a slave of Prophet Mohammad.
04:54And then,
04:55Sayyida Aisha Siddiqa,
04:58brought the Holy Quran with her,
05:01and brought it in the chamber of Aisha.
05:04When the Companions present to Prophet Mohammad,
05:07the Tahaif, the Hadaya, the Nazrana Jad,
05:11they think,
05:14that the day Prophet Mohammad,
05:17will be in the chamber of Sayyida Aisha Siddiqa,
05:21they will present the Hadaya.
05:24They will present the Nazrana Jad.
05:26This much acceptance,
05:29and if we take the jurisprudential issues,
05:32the Ahadith-e-Noor,
05:35then the most training,
05:38and the jurisprudential issues,
05:40we get from the Ummul Momineen,
05:42Sayyida Aisha Siddiqa.
05:45And the traditions of Prophet Mohammad,
05:48The relationship of love with Prophet Mohammad,
05:51and the relationship of love with Prophet Mohammad,
05:55I will sacrifice.
05:57She was resting.
05:59My Master, Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
06:09These are the people of Seerat-e-Tayyaba,
06:13who are seeking our attention,
06:18We consider them to be men,
06:21who are oppressing women.
06:24My Master was thirsty,
06:27Huzoor did not refuse,
06:29He said,
06:31Huzoor reached to the well,
06:33where there was water,
06:35reached to the well,
06:37took the water,
06:41Ummul Momineen, Sayyida Aisha Siddiqa,
06:43Awake O Messenger of Allah,
06:45He said, Aisha,
06:47She was resting, so I said,
06:51You work all day,
06:55My Master,
06:57He appeared in the well of light,
06:59Ummul Momineen, Sayyida Aisha Siddiqa,
07:01Water, drink of life,
07:03He has taken water,
07:05He is saying, drink of life.
07:07My Master called out,
07:09Aisha, save water for me as well.
07:15Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa,
07:17saved water in the same well.
07:19When my Master,
07:21picked it up in the hands of Yadullah,
07:23He said, Aisha,
07:25Where did you put your lips?
07:27This is the love of Huzoor,
07:29with you.
07:31Ummul Momineen,
07:33Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa,
07:37It was Eid,
07:39they were busy playing,
07:41they were busy playing.
07:43So, as I was
07:45keen to watch the game,
07:47so I started
07:49watching the game,
07:51and Nabi Pak,
07:53also stood by me.
07:55And I,
07:57with my Master,
07:59kept watching the game.
08:01Huzoor did not move,
08:03so that Aisha could watch.
08:05She said,
08:07How much time has passed?
08:09A lot of time has passed.
08:11And further,
08:13you can imagine,
08:15I was young,
08:17and if a young girl,
08:19is keen to watch the game,
08:21then how long
08:23will she stand?
08:25So, Nabi Akram,
08:27also stood by me.
08:31with Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa,
08:33may Allah be pleased with her,
08:35the love,
08:37the bond of love,
08:39the bond of affection,
08:41is worth seeing.
08:43Regarding Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa,
08:45Huzoor said,
08:47I was shown
08:49a picture twice,
08:51it was of Aisha,
08:53for her Nikah.
08:55So, the Master of the Universe,
08:57Sayyeda Aisha Siddiqa,
08:59may Allah be pleased with her,
09:01who is the Ummul Momineen,
09:03no one in the Universe
09:05can be compared to her.
09:07The Mother of the Momineen,
09:09and her father,
09:11Sayyeda Siddiqa Akbar,
09:13may Allah be pleased with her.
09:15And her famous husband,
09:17Rasool Allah,
09:19may Allah be pleased with him.
09:21Allah is the Greatest.
09:23And whatever you say,
09:25the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
09:27never denied it.
09:29The Master of the Universe,
09:31may Allah be pleased with him.
09:33I would like to say,
09:35wherever there is
09:37a fire,
09:39the Prophet, may Allah be pleased with him,
09:41that place is also
09:45Wherever there is a green dome,
09:47a common person,
09:49wherever his
09:51Khameer is made,
09:53from the soil,
09:55he is buried
10:01may he be sacrificed.
10:05This is the place, Hujra-e-Aisha.
10:09And wherever there is a drain,
10:11the Lord swears
10:13that wherever
10:15my Master is resting,
10:17that place
10:19and that place will have
10:21respect and glory.
10:23And the soil of the grave,
10:25everyone carries it in their naaf.
10:27It is mentioned in the Hadith.
10:29It is sprinkled.
10:31So that Hujra-e-Noor
10:33of my Master,
10:35and that pure Noor,
10:39from that one soil,
10:41which was saved
10:43from the making of
10:45the pure body of the Prophet,
10:47that is Syedna Sadiq-e-Akbar.
10:49Now, since
10:51this is not the topic,
10:53I will not talk about it.
10:55Syedna Sadiq-e-Akbar
10:57and Syedna Farooq-e-Azam,
10:59from the soil of that Prophet,
11:01their pure body was made.
11:03And this is the reason
11:05that today, all three
11:07are buried there.
11:09So this Hujra-e-Noor
11:11is the Hujra of Hazrat Aisha Sadiqa.
11:13And Hazrat Aisha Sadiqa
11:15is the jurist of the universe.
11:19The one who understands the religion
11:21and the one who
11:23narrates the religion to the people.
11:25The one who
11:27explains to the companions.
11:29The one who
11:31narrates the traditions to the people.
11:33Ummul Momineen
11:35Hazrat Aisha Sadiqa.
11:37Ladies and gentlemen,
11:39they are the role models
11:41of Islam.
11:43They are the
11:47whose biography
11:49is a guide for
11:51the people of the world.
11:53And they are the reason for their
11:57For the men,
11:59for the Muslims,
12:01for the Momineen,
12:03for the people of the universe,
12:05they are the Seerat-e-Tayyaba
12:07or role model personalities.
12:09Today, we
12:11from the platform of ARYQ TV
12:13would like to say to the government of time
12:15that in the books of Nisaab,
12:17the Nisaab that is taught
12:19and the private
12:21schools and colleges
12:23should include
12:25the Seerat-e-Tayyaba
12:27of these personalities
12:29in their Nisaab.
12:31The Seerat-e-Tayyaba of the Ummahat-e-Momineen should be included.
12:33Where you include the history
12:35of the British philosophers and scientists,
12:37the Ummahat-e-Momineen
12:39who are the
12:41best of Islam,
12:43who came to the house
12:45of the Prophet
12:47and came
12:49to the house of the Prophet
12:51and attained the status
12:53that no one in the universe
12:55has attained.
12:57And their Seerat-e-Tayyaba
12:59are the
13:01examples of the Quran-e-Sunnah.
13:05We see the Quran every moment.
13:07We see the words of the Prophet.
13:11their Seerat-e-Tayyaba should be included
13:13in the Nisaab
13:15so that the daughters
13:17of the Ummah
13:19and the sons of the Ummah
13:21should know
13:23who are the heroes of the religion,
13:25who are the role models of the religion,
13:27and who are those
13:29holy personalities
13:31who offered
13:33their body, mind and wealth
13:35as sacrifices
13:37for their day and night,
13:39not for themselves,
13:41but for their Lord,
13:43the Beloved Prophet,
13:45the Master of the Universe,
13:47with the attributes
13:49of the Prophet.
13:51And for the love,
13:57honour and greatness
13:59of the Prophet,
14:01they should spend
14:03their day and night.
14:05And they should know
14:07that when people
14:09accuse them,
14:11their Lord gives them
14:13a clear proof.
14:15When people accuse them,
14:17their Lord says that
14:19they are not like them.
14:21When people accuse them,
14:23their Lord says that
14:25He is pleased with them
14:27and they are pleased with Him.
14:29When people accuse them,
14:31their Lord gives them
14:33the title of
14:35Radiallahu ta'ala Anhu
14:37and the title of
14:39their lifestyle,
14:41their way of life.
14:43And they should read the verses
14:45of the Holy Qur'an.
14:47The Lord says,
14:49I am a witness
14:51to the purity of Aisha.
14:53I am a proof.
14:55The reason for this
14:57is that the people
14:59did not spend their lives
15:01for themselves, but for
15:03the Messenger of Allah.
15:05Even after coming
15:07to the Prophet,
15:09arrogance and pride
15:11do not come near them.
15:13Today, when women
15:15come to a good house,
15:17when they are
15:19tied to a good personality,
15:23their arrogance,
15:25their pride,
15:27their words
15:29but when they
15:31come to the house of
15:33the Imam of the Prophets,
15:35they become the
15:37beloved of the universe.
15:41They become the
15:43adornment of the
15:45light of the Prophet.
15:47There are four levels of a woman.
15:49If she is a mother,
15:51there is heaven beneath her feet.
15:53If she is a wife,
15:55there is the center of the family.
15:57If she is a sister,
15:59there is peace of the heart.
16:01If she is a daughter,
16:03I would sacrifice
16:05Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa.
16:07If she is the
16:09center of the family,
16:13then she is the
16:15Imam of the Prophets.
16:17If she is a mercy,
16:19then she is for Siddiq-e-Akbar.
16:23Dear viewers,
16:25these levels, these virtues,
16:27this honor and greatness,
16:29this honor, this perfection,
16:31this greatness,
16:33Allah gives
16:35this honor to those chosen people.
16:43Allah chooses whom He wills.
16:47And then He bestows His blessings.
16:51And then the house of
16:53Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa is such that
16:55since the time of
16:57the Prophet,
16:59when she became friends with
17:01Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa,
17:03my Master used to
17:05come to this house every day.
17:07The mercy of the two worlds
17:09is so much that
17:11the eyes of this house
17:13are on her.
17:15And Sayyidina Siddiq-e-Akbar,
17:17who is the greatest
17:19of all the Prophets,
17:21the heir of the
17:23Imam of the Prophets,
17:25the successor of the
17:27Imam of the Prophets,
17:29came to this house
17:31and opened the eyes of
17:33Sayyidina Aisha Siddiqa.
17:35And then she spent her life
17:37in the presence of
17:39the Prophet.
17:41And rest in peace.
17:45Come, dear viewers,
17:47today, as Muslims,
17:49as believers,
17:51we should realize
17:53these things.
17:57this is the honor of
17:59ARYQ TV that
18:01we have not forgotten
18:03these beauties of ours.
18:05And those days
18:07are being remembered.
18:09And that message is
18:11being conveyed to the people.
18:13And people are being taught
18:15their love,
18:17their affection,
18:19their closeness.
18:21And their help
18:23is being taught
18:25in the way of
18:27explaining and
18:29staying on it.
18:31Therefore, dear viewers,
18:33this mother of the Ummah,
18:35Sayyidina Aisha Siddiqa,
18:37may Allah be pleased with her,
18:39who is the center of our love,
18:41keep your love
18:43attached to her.
18:45May Allah grant us all
18:47the ability to do good.
18:49Until tomorrow,
18:51Allah Hafiz.
