• 3 days ago
*IV International Patria Colloquium continues on its 2nd day
*2nd day continues with workshops and exchange of learned experiences
*Renewed Israeli strikes kill over 400 Palestinians across Gaza
*Nearly 400 guests from 48 countries take part in the IV Patria Colloquium
00:00As the day of the second day of the International Patriarch Colloquium
00:04continues, let's go back live to Havana with a correspondent Belén de los Santos
00:07for all the details. Welcome once more Belén, what is new over there in Havana?
00:15Hello Luis, again we continue here at the University of Havana, second day of the
00:22Patriarch Colloquium as you were just saying and you were just going over some
00:26of the main events here. We continue to just go around the exhibitions, go around
00:31the different guests, you know that there are ongoing conferences, ongoing panels,
00:37also different media outlets showing the latest advancements in different
00:41technologies, all thought with a perspective of how to improve both the
00:46networking between these media outlets and also just a general perspective on
00:51how to use that technology to improve our communication strategies, our
00:57communication targets from the Global South and one thing that both you and
01:02our audience knows very well is that one of the greatest challenges maybe in the
01:08news world has been for the past year to how to cover that ongoing genocide that
01:14is happening in Gaza and we have tried from Tell Us Your English and also from
01:18all our media associates to really continue covering all of that
01:24information and just really transmitting what the situation is for the
01:30Palestinian population from our parts of the world and I'm here actually with one
01:35of our guests, he's Youssef Abou El-Rab, he's a Palestinian doctor but living here
01:40in Cuba, he was graduated here in Cuba and he's joining us today, thank you
01:46Youssef for joining us here in Tell Us Your English, I would like to start by
01:50asking you why come here to to Patriar, why participate in these discussions
01:55about the communication strategies? First of all thank you very much, I think one
02:01of the main struggles that we are having now as a Palestinians or new struggles
02:05that's urgent now is telling our story, how are we going to tell our story to
02:11the world, knowing that all of the social media and all of the
02:16not gonna, generally the media is controlled by imperialism countries, so
02:20they tell you the story that they want you to know, they don't tell you the
02:24full story, so I think is one of our main objectives here is to tell this story to
02:31the world, what's going on there, how is this genocide being
02:34committing, how many people, how many kids, women are being killed every day and
02:40the way that it's been happening. Of course and one for the past two
02:49years, one of the main issues and one of the main topics in this Patriar edition
02:54has been how to focus and how to target, how to communicate the reality of what
03:01is happening in Palestine and you were here with one of our main partners
03:07working with some technology that they developed on how to show what is
03:12happening in Gaza but in all of Palestine as well, can you tell us a
03:16little bit more about that project, how technology was used to show the reality
03:21in Palestine? Right, so as I told, as I said before is about telling the story
03:27and find alternative ways to tell it, we started with, we started using social
03:32media upon all the restrictions that have been put on us, now Mayadeen came
03:37with a new idea is about using the virtual reality glasses which is about
03:42usual thing that people usually may use it for fun, so we show
03:50the people the history, we show images, people saw images around
03:54social media and videos and stuff like that but it's not the same as being
03:58inside of it, being inside of the place, so the idea comes from here, once you put
04:02it on you're going to see yourself basically inside of Gaza or inside of
04:07Lebanon, you're going to see the destruction like as if you were there, so
04:10this has a major impact, major impact is not as seeing like a picture on your
04:16phone, so the idea come from here, also it's about taking advantage of
04:23all the new technology that is going on, that is coming up in this world, same
04:28happens for the AI, artificial intelligency, how we can take, use
04:33this for us, like how can we take advantage of it, so these are new
04:40projects that we're trying to work on. Exactly and those are the discussions
04:45that are being held here, how can we use that technology for our advantage, to
04:50show the situations of our peoples, thank you so much Yusef for joining us
04:54in Tell Us Your English, it's been a pleasure to have you and these are just
04:58some of the projects that are being showcased here and just as Yusef was
05:03very well telling us, it's just the possibility of using all of these
05:08technologies in our favor, in thinking creatively new strategies to really
05:14target what our communicative goals are, to show the reality of our peoples, to
05:19show the reality of the global south, to debunk the narratives from imperialist
05:24powers and that has to do with using artificial intelligence, that has to do
05:29with new technologies, but that also has to do with coming together with media
05:34outlets from different parts of the world to share those experiences, that is
05:38what this Patria is all about, so that is just a little bit more of what
05:43is happening here at the University of Havana, this is not over yet, this
05:47continues today and tomorrow Wednesday as well, so we will be bringing you all
05:51the updates, Luis we will continue to interview different guests, so stay
05:55tuned. And of course we'll stay tuned with you and your guests as they share
06:01their inputs on everything that is happening and the road that they can be
06:04walk to reach that moment of integration, of communication, but let's now take a
06:10break and we'll be right back.
