• 6 hours ago
Both cruise lines have continued to make nothing but megaships.
00:00Hello cruisers, I am Dan Klein executive editor of come cruise with me. That is come cruise with calm
00:05We're a great stir. Okay, but behind us is perfect day at Coco Cayen
00:09I don't know if you can make it out
00:11There are two ships there one of them is the largest cruise ship in the world and next to me is Dennis post
00:17Dennis is the co-owner of postcard travel planning and Dennis. I'm sure you get questions for people all the time
00:23Should I take a big ship or should I take a small ship? How do you figure out that answer?
00:27So we try to qualify people when people call us to go on their travel if you want a little bit more quiet relaxing
00:34Don't want all the thrills then we go with with some of the older ships
00:38They're smaller ones less people, but icon being the world's largest cruise ship oddly enough plenty of room
00:44And it does not feel like there's 7,000 people on there plenty of quiet spaces Central Park is always quiet
00:49I think the other big factor is price
00:52So if you're an adult and you don't need all the best of bells and whistles
00:55Icon has a water park and ice skating and flowrider and everything you can imagine
00:59I don't use most of those things if you go on some of the older ships
01:03I'm gonna be on freedom of the seas which has many of those bells and whistles
01:06But any of the freedom or Voyager class we were just on Voyager of the seas Voyager doesn't have a lot of that
01:11But it had plenty of bars. It had plenty of music
01:14Restaurants were good didn't have as many restaurants, but the price if you're paying is much much smaller
01:20Dennis any last advice big or small so just will will qualify you and like Dan said price
01:27It means a lot to some people and spend it on the ship or spend it keep it in your pocket and use it for
01:33Buying souvenirs and doing some excursions. I will say to the people who are like I never want to be in a big ship
01:38There's 10 billion people that you can be crowded on a small ship on the big ships
01:43There's always someplace else to go and yeah
01:45I don't love certain things about icon the adult pool is too small
01:48But if you're on Oasis class ships with the exception weirdly enough of
01:52Harmony, which does not have an adult pool the adult pool areas are perfectly open perfectly big
01:57There's always space even though there's 7,000 people there. There's always gonna be a quiet space in the ship
02:02We're at great stir. Okay. I am Dan Klein. He is Dennis post come cruise with us soon
