हद Oggy and the Cockroaches ख गय! Hindi Cartoons for Kids
Short filmTranscript
00:00Shopping is done. Let's go home.
00:03What a dream!
00:05I'm hungry. What should I eat?
00:11I'm full. Now let's go home.
00:17Hey! My bag!
00:20My bag!
00:23My bag!
00:26My bag!
00:29Where is the way to my house?
00:32Yes, from here.
00:36Not from here.
00:38Then from where?
00:40Yes, from here.
00:42But this doesn't look like my area.
00:45Where did my house go?
00:47Not here, not there.
00:49Then where did it go?
00:51My mind is wandering.
00:53Let's go this way and see.
00:56What's this?
00:57The banana peel I threw?
00:59That means I'm back where I was.
01:02Where is my house?
01:04Brother, how will I go back home?
01:10At least I won't come back this way.
01:14You don't put food on the road.
01:16I'll put it in my stomach.
01:19People don't get anything to eat here.
01:22And he's putting food on the road.
01:25This is the last fruit.
01:28He ate everything.
01:30That was fun.
01:34What happened to me because of you?
01:37I won't be able to go home because of you.
01:40I won't be able to go home.
01:44Let me finish my food first.
01:47Now tell me, what do you say?
01:50Listen, I want to go home too.
01:53It's a cold night.
01:55Cockroach and cat are together.
01:57I'm feeling cold.
01:59I have to go home.
02:01Not mine, someone else's house.
02:03Wow, what a house!
02:05Shut up!
02:06The owner is right next door.
02:08Whether it's Sunday or Monday,
02:10I eat eggs.
02:11I beat people.
02:13Go and teach him a lesson.
02:15I will.
02:16No, you won't.
02:19Excuse me, Mr. Egg.
02:21I will beat you.
02:23Well done, my lion.
02:25My cockroach.
02:26Come here, cockroach.
02:28Mr. Egg is behind you.
02:30Come out or I will beat you.
02:32Don't leave me, cockroach.
02:34I will beat you, egg.
02:36Leave me.
02:37Today is Sunday.
02:42He didn't have the strength in his fists.
02:44And he didn't have it in his legs either.
02:47Hey, can we sleep inside?
02:51It's very dark downstairs.
02:53No problem.
02:54I have a torch in my nose.
02:56Great, I'm here.
02:58We have to get down carefully.
03:00Look down and walk.
03:02Wait, I'll go ahead.
03:04Hey, is anyone there?
03:06Look at this paper.
03:08It's not a paper, it's a sheet.
03:10Okay, good night, my friend.
03:12Good night.
03:14If I'm here, how can the night be good?
03:18Namaste, Baba.
03:21I'm very hurt this time.
03:23Me too.
03:24If you want to get beaten up, come back.
03:26That too with love.
03:28Hey, where will we go now?
03:30Look there.
03:32Great, let's go inside.
03:34It's such a lovely and quiet place.
03:36Don't talk.
03:38Go straight to sleep.
03:40You're right.
03:41Good night.
03:42Good night.
03:43This is my stomach.
03:45Not a double bed.
03:51Maybe with his help, I can find my wife.
03:54Yes, you're right.
03:56That's great.
03:57Pappu has become famous overnight.
04:00It's good.
04:02Where did you see my wife?
04:06You too?
04:07No doubt.
04:11Open the door, Augie.
04:13My dear Augie.
04:15I don't know where he is.
04:19Hello, Jack.
04:20Yes, Augie.
04:21Is Augie with you?
04:22No, not with me.
04:23He's been missing since we went shopping.
04:25I don't know where he is.
04:26Uncle, did you see my wife?
04:29Did you see Augie?
04:30No, uncle.
04:31I don't know what's happening.
04:32What are you waiting for? Let's go.
04:34Jack is here.
04:36Let's go, Augie.
04:37I don't know how Augie is.
04:39Let's go.
04:40Turn the lights.
04:41I'm turning them.
04:43I'm turning the car.
04:45It's not here.
04:46It's not here either.
04:47It's not here either.
04:49Where is it?
04:50I eat eggs.
04:51I beat people.
04:53Why are you climbing so high?
04:56What will you see from here?
04:58I'll get home from this top angle.
05:00There it is.
05:01Let's go.
05:02I'll quickly make a map to get home.
05:05Got it?
05:06Look at this.
05:08Master Baba.
05:10I got home.
05:15I'll call Augie.
05:24Where did this rain come from?
05:29Augie, where is my brother?
05:36We have to go left from here.
05:41Let's go.
05:42Hurry up.
05:43I'm coming, Master Baba.
05:45One more left.
05:48I don't know how long we have to walk.
05:51What is this?
05:52I think this is our house.
05:54Let me check.
05:55This is the map.
05:57I found my house.
05:59Where is my brother?
06:01He'll come.
06:03He's here.
06:04My Augie.
06:06Hi, my Augie.
06:08I'm coming, my Augie.
06:10Hug me, my brother.
06:12Where were you?
06:14Hi, Augie.
06:15My dear Augie is back.
06:17I'm here.
06:21Open Pappu's locker.
06:23Take out the food.
06:24I'll open it.
06:26I'm hungry.
06:28I'll eat.
06:29No, I'll eat.
06:30I'll eat.
06:31No, I'll eat.
06:35You guys are not eating.
06:37I'll eat.
06:51I like seeing the photos of these cars.
06:55I wish I could buy a car like this.
06:58Close your eyes and come with me.
07:02What is this, brother?
07:05It's a surprise.
07:06I'll show you.
07:08I've opened a garage here.
07:10I have all the latest equipment.
07:13And look at this.
07:14A petrol and air pump.
07:15How was it?
07:16Did your mental balance change?
07:19Don't worry.
07:20We'll earn a lot.
07:25Here is the garage.
07:29Did you see?
07:30The first customer.
07:31Come, sir.
07:32This way, please.
07:34Forget all that.
07:35The engine of my car is making a lot of noise.
07:40I'll check it right now.
07:42I don't know what's the problem.
07:46Let me see what's wrong with it.
07:52I got it.
07:53No problem.
07:54Come in two hours.
07:55The car will be ready.
07:58Let's park it carefully inside the garage.
08:02It's an expensive car.
08:05It's strong.
08:06It's well-spent.
08:11It's making an omelette.
08:12Go back.
08:13A little more.
08:14A little more.
08:17It's making a double omelette.
08:19I think I'll have to make a chutney out of it.
08:22Is it okay?
08:24Yes, brother.
08:25It's okay.
08:26The size is okay.
08:28Okay, brother.
08:29Bye, brother.
08:30Oggi, wait.
08:31Here are the clothes.
08:32Now you've become a mechanic.
08:35Here are the car papers.
08:36And betel leaves.
08:38The car should be ready in an hour.
08:40I'll sleep for a while.
08:44You start the work, Oggi.
08:46Don't worry.
08:47I'll do it.
08:48Look, brother.
08:49Brother is sleeping.
08:51Come on.
08:52I'll start the work.
08:54Come on, Oggi.
08:55Let's do it.
08:59I don't understand anything.
09:01Neither the engine nor the papers.
09:04Which one is broken?
09:07This one?
09:09This one too?
09:11This one too?
09:12The car will be destroyed.
09:17Did you understand?
09:18Where is the betel leaf?
09:19Not the betel leaf.
09:20The betel leaf.
09:24Why did the betel leaf burst like a bomb?
09:27Come on, Oggi.
09:28Get under the car.
09:32What should I do now?
09:39Now I can go under the car easily.
09:42Let me open this screw.
09:45What should I do now?
09:47Not you.
09:48We'll do something.
09:49Come on, Taplu.
09:50Hey, uncle.
09:51Hey, uncle.
09:52You are attacking me.
09:55This time I'll become an omelette.
09:58Don't laugh.
09:59I'll take it up.
10:01Hey, car.
10:02Go up.
10:03Did you see?
10:04I came out with my help.
10:06Where is that cockroach?
10:11I think there is something wrong with this wiring.
10:15I'll fix it.
10:17It's done.
10:18Now I'll close it.
10:21Come on, Oggi.
10:22Start the car.
10:24Where is the key?
10:25If you don't have a car, I'll open your mouth with this key.
10:30Speak further.
10:32I won't leave you.
10:34Catch him first.
10:37Long live the cockroach gang.
10:39I'll kill you today.
10:41I'll kill you, uncle.
10:43Catch him.
10:44Pick him up.
10:47Don't attack me.
10:49I'm safe.
10:50I'm safe from him.
10:51I'm safe.
10:54How do I catch those cockroaches?
10:55I understood.
10:56Now I'll have to become Tarzan.
11:02Be careful, cockroach.
11:03Oggi Tarzan is coming.
11:05Did you go?
11:06I didn't go.
11:07You lost the key, cockroach.
11:10This time I lost.
11:12Did you get the key?
11:13Or did you pick up the car?
11:17Where is the car?
11:18Is it going to hit the roof?
11:23I'll take revenge.
11:25I'll make you eat mango, chutney and minced meat.
11:34Whoever hits me will die.
11:39Brother is sleeping.
11:41I think I'll have to do something.
11:43Hey wind.
11:44Please make me like before.
11:47A little less.
11:48Now it's fine.
11:50Now I'll teach you a lesson.
11:51I'll teach you a lesson first.
11:55I'm dead.
11:57Till the time the cat is sleeping.
11:59I'll paint the car.
12:03Get out of here.
12:06Where will you go?
12:08Take this.
12:09Tire attack.
12:15Did you get the key?
12:16Now get away from here.
12:18I'll beat you up.
12:20I'll see.
12:21What is this?
12:22Only 5 minutes are left.
12:24And what is this?
12:26Cockroach painted the whole car.
12:28Will you do it?
12:29Get to work.
12:35Will you do it?
12:36The car is ready.
12:37Look at this brother.
12:39The work is done.
12:40It took a lot of time.
12:42I do such things in a jiffy.
12:44I think he has come.
12:46Give me my car.
12:472 hours are over.
12:50Your car's work is also done.
12:52I just got it.
12:53Hey mechanic.
12:54Give me the key.
12:58Look sir.
12:59Your car is running like a joke.
13:07The oil has started leaking.
13:08What will happen now?
13:12The car is gone.
13:13Only the steering is left.
13:14But you won't be left.
13:16I think this time I'll become young.
13:29Where is he?
13:30He hasn't come yet.
13:32What is this?
13:33My watch is also not working properly.
13:35Come soon.
13:37Come on.
13:38Come on.
13:41Come on.
13:42Come on.
13:43I don't know when he will come.
13:45I am here.
13:46I was scared.
13:49Now it will be fun.
13:50Cockroach, be careful.
13:52Now you will be released.
13:57Let him come.
13:58Taplu, hit him hard.
14:02I am scared.
14:05The food is ruined.
14:06That means the cockroach should be somewhere here.
14:09What happened?
14:11Nothing happened.
14:12But now it will happen.
14:15I really don't know anything.
14:17But now a lot will happen.
14:19I love you.
14:22Cockroach gang.
14:23Listen to me.
14:24You ruined my face.
14:26I won't leave you.
14:27Come on.
14:28Take me with you.
14:29I am coming.
14:30I am coming.
14:31First eat this chicken.
14:33Very tasty.
14:34Still I won't leave you.
14:36Cockroach gang.
14:37You are very difficult.
14:39And today I will do this difficult work.
14:49What happened to me?
14:50This was supposed to happen.
14:54Now see cockroach.
14:55What happens to you.
14:57Take this.
15:03Today wherever the cockroach goes.
15:05I won't leave them.
15:09Now I am safe.
15:13Take me out of here.
15:15Wherever the cockroach goes.
15:17I won't leave them.
15:20Today I will break you.
15:22I have a new idea.
15:27I will spray you.
15:30Still I will spray you.
15:34What is happening?
15:36I am scared.
15:39What is happening inside the bottle?
15:43Chemical is happening.
15:46What is this?
15:47How did the color of the medicine change?
15:49Stop uncle.
15:50Now I will spray you.
15:53Take this.
15:54Cockroach gang.
15:55Long live.
15:58My spray.
16:00Got it.
16:02See this.
16:05Take this.
16:06Get up.
16:10I won't leave you.
16:11Take this.
16:12Get out.
16:14Wherever you go.
16:16You won't be saved.
16:17What is happening?
16:19The thing on which I sprayed.
16:21It is melting.
16:26What is this?
16:27This CD is also melting.
16:29I am Tarzan.
16:32My spray.
16:33Your spray is with me uncle.
16:36I won't leave you.
16:42Cockroach gang.
16:43Long live.
16:45Don't spray me.
16:46I will also melt.
16:48I will hit you.
16:57Now no one will come here.
17:02I am gone.
17:04I was going to hit you.
17:08Because of these cockroaches.
17:10My head is gone.
17:14Not head.
17:15I will make your head disappear.
17:18What is this?
17:19To save others band.
17:21You got saved.
17:27You called me.
17:28I came.
17:30What is this?
17:31What is this condition of the house?
17:34What is this?
17:35Why this land has become like Chingam?
17:37Now you will also become like Chingam.
17:41I will make you a cucumber.
17:45What is this happening?
17:48I got the spray to chase away the cockroach.
17:50Cockroach stuck Chingam on it.
17:52And because of Chingam.
17:54Chemicals got mixed in the medicine.
17:56Do you understand?
17:57Means you have to save yourself from the spray.
17:59How will I save myself?
18:02I won't leave you.
18:03Leave me.
18:04First catch me.
18:07Hey, my brother.
18:08Sit in the car quickly.
18:10Come on.
18:11Brother, drive fast.
18:13There they are.
18:14You have a car.
18:15And they have electricity.
18:18Which is this model of the car?
18:21What is this?
18:22Those cockroaches have melted all the honey.
18:26Those cockroaches have crushed my neck.
18:31This is not possible.
18:34Today I will make the whole world melt.
18:36This spray is over.
18:38My bad luck is bad.
18:40Come on.
18:46Wait brother.
18:47I will go and get our spray back.
18:50This is over.
18:51I have to do something about it.
18:54What are you doing?
18:56I am not able to understand anything.
18:58Even I am not able to understand.
19:00But I will have to understand.
19:03May be this method will be useful.
19:11The work is done.
19:12Now you will be fine.
19:13Take this.
19:16My neck is straightened.
19:18Come on brother.
19:19We have to straighten the whole city.
19:21Come on.
19:24Did you see kids?
19:25How straight Auggie is?
19:27He is rectifying his mistake.
19:29Very good Auggie.
19:30Keep it up.
19:36I am tired brother.
19:38Even I am tired my brother.
19:40But we have done a good job.
19:42Yes brother.
19:44What is this?
19:49Come on cockroach.
19:50Now I will make you stick to Chingum.
19:54We have to teach him a lesson.
19:55Okay brother.
19:57He has taught him a lesson.
20:09What was it?
20:10You will make all the contestants laugh by looking at my body.
20:14It is so much fun.
20:16Look there.
20:17What is this?
20:18Mr. Cat.
20:19I will become this.
20:21Look at this.
20:22My fingers.
20:24This is nothing.
20:25I have fingers too.
20:33You too.
20:34What is so funny in this?
20:38What is the matter?
20:39The competition has started.
20:40People have come here from different places to participate in the competition.
20:44Is it?
20:46Fill the form properly.
20:47All of you come to the line one by one.
20:50I will become Mr. Cat.
20:53Even I am there.
20:54In the race.
20:56Auggie is not allowed here.
20:57This is a contest of cats.
20:58Not me.
20:59He is the contestant.
21:01Absolutely perfect.
21:02Absolutely perfect.
21:03Very good.
21:07I will see.
21:12You are not allowed.
21:13The cat is allowed here.
21:14Not a lion.
21:16I agree that my heart belongs to a lion.
21:18But I am a cat.
21:21If you lie, I will cut you like a crow.
21:24I don't mean that.
21:25He can participate if he wants.
21:27Come here.
21:28What happened?
21:29You go, Auggie.
21:31This is not my cup of tea.
21:33Come here.
21:34Put your thumb here.
21:35Who is he?
21:36He is my brother.
21:37We both are brothers.
21:44Everyone's preparation has started.
21:47It seems that Auggie's band is going to play today.
21:51I prepare myself.
21:54Absolutely perfect.
21:55His perfection was...
21:57Don't worry.
21:58You will win this contest, my brother.
22:01Look at this.
22:02I have put spinach in my teeth.
22:03I have removed it.
22:04This is the fragrance powder.
22:07Look at this.
22:08It is shining.
22:09Really, brother?
22:10All the best.
22:11Thank you, brother.
22:12Finally, the time has come for the competition.
22:15Don't worry.
22:16My brother Auggie will win.
22:18My cat Auggie will win.
22:20Shall we start the contest?
22:22Let's start.
22:23Ladies and gentlemen.
22:25Come in front of the cap.
22:27All the contestants of Mr. Cap.
22:30Give them a big round of applause.
22:38Judges have decided.
22:40The four cats that will go ahead are...
22:46He will win.
22:47He will win.
22:49He will win.
22:51Well done.
22:52Well done, my brother.
22:53I have come in the top four.
22:55Even I am thinking the same.
22:57I have come in the top four.
22:59I am leaving.
23:02Come ahead.
23:03I am not coming ahead.
23:04I will hit you hard.
23:06Look at this.
23:08Give me money.
23:09I will not give you money.
23:12Then how?
23:16And Auggie's contestant, Atta.
23:19Don't worry, uncle.
23:20The work will be done.
23:21Now Mr. Cat will be my monkey.
23:25I am tired.
23:27My brother, I told you.
23:28You have guts too.
23:29He will win.
23:30He will win.
23:31My monkey will win.
23:33I have got guts.
23:34The next round is the talent round.
23:38Look at my dance.
23:39And give me a chance to go ahead.
23:41Very smart.
23:45You spoke very solidly.
23:47Do you understand, uncle?
23:48Ten marks.
23:49Walk towards me.
23:51I have come.
23:52I have come.
23:54My dear.
23:57This is my name.
23:59My job is to dance.
24:01That too with big hair.
24:03I will set fire to your big hair.
24:06What is this?
24:07My big hair is burning.
24:09Oh no.
24:11He burnt my hat.
24:13And I put out the fire.
24:18You are a tough contestant.
24:20You are a bad judge.
24:21No problem.
24:22I will always keep my hat with me.
24:26Wear this underwear, my brother.
24:28No, brother.
24:29I will not wear this underwear.
24:31Wear it.
24:32Still you will not win.
24:34How does he speak so perfectly?
24:36I will show you.
24:38This round is the swimsuit round.
24:40It took me a year to make this swimsuit.
24:42Isn't it perfect?
24:45Let's go.
24:46We will meet again.
24:47I am here.
24:49Wear this underwear.
24:50Well done, my brother.
24:52I am the best.
24:53And my swimsuit is the best.
24:59I am Kabroo.
25:02Let's go.
25:03Let's start.
25:07Who bit me?
25:10Where did he go?
25:13Zero marks.
25:15Our finalists.
25:16Abhi and I.
25:21This is the last round.
25:22Body building round.
25:25Look at my body.
25:26Six pack.
25:27It took me a year to make this body.
25:30Where is my six pack?
25:31Leave the six pack.
25:32When will you get your six pack?
25:39Where are you hiding?
25:40What is happening?
25:42I got it.
25:45Get out.
25:48What is this?
25:49A cockroach.
25:55Why did my cat run away?
25:57How would I know?
25:58Give me my money.
25:59You want money?
26:00Give it to me quickly.
26:02He is angry.
26:05I will teach you a lesson.
26:07He ran away.
26:08Now we have to see his muscles.
26:14Look at my fingers.
26:18Look at this.
26:19How do you like it?
26:21Smart boy.
26:27I won.
26:28I won.
26:29I won.
26:30I won.
26:31I won.
26:32I won.
26:33I won.
26:34I won.
26:35I won.
26:36I won.
26:37I won.
26:38I won.
26:39I won.
26:40I won.
26:41I won.
26:42I won.
26:43I won.
26:44I won.
26:45I won.
26:46I won.
26:47I won.
26:48I won.
26:49I won.
26:50I won.
26:51I won.
26:52I won.
27:01You have been bitten by a rat.
27:06He has bitten me.
27:09You will be backfire.
27:10Look at that! It's a waterfall of water, Bidu.
27:13Come on, Bidu. Say, Halwa to him.
27:15Say it, Baba.
27:16Say it quickly.
27:17The water pond built by the mill has become a water park for the parrots.
27:22Come on, Oli. Let's play Oli.
27:26Who teased Oli?
27:28I won't spare him.
27:30Parrots, now you won't be spared.
27:33Take this.
27:37The water has blown us away, Baba.
27:41In the middle of the land.
27:43I will teach this cat a lesson.
27:47The photos have come out, Bidu.
27:49Move ahead quickly, Bidu.
27:51How quickly can I move?
27:53I have legs, not wheels.
27:54Move your legs away from me, Baba.
27:58We are here.
27:59The camera is also here.
28:00Come on, Taplu.
28:01I will turn on the power.
28:03Wait, Bidu.
28:04First, take out my photo.
28:06Come on, let's start.
28:08Now see, Bidu, how I will teach this uncle a lesson.
28:11What do you call this, Taplu?
28:13It's called cutting and pasting, Bidu.
28:15I don't know what Taplu is doing.
28:17But one thing is for sure.
28:19He is teaching the cat a lesson.
28:22The work is done, Bidu.
28:23Look at this.
28:25Well done, Taplu.
28:26Now, it will be fun.
28:27Hey, Oli.
28:28Now, see the duty of this Ogi.
28:30See, how I dive into the water.
28:33But I won't break.
28:34Because I am scared.
28:36The sun is rising, Ogi.
28:38Can you get me my sunscreen?
28:41It's there.
28:42Is this something to be asked?
28:43Look, I went like this and got the cream like this.
28:46The sun is rising.
28:47Keep the photo.
28:48Where is the sunscreen?
28:50Hey, what is this?
28:51My Oli?
28:52With Taplu?
28:54What am I seeing?
28:56Why didn't the lightning strike me before seeing this?
29:00Did it really fall?
29:02Ogi, sunscreen.
29:04Yes, I got it.
29:06Take your cream and become fair.
29:09Thank you, Ogi.
29:10You are welcome, Oli.
29:13Hey, Oli.
29:21Sorry, Oli.
29:22Thank you, Ogi.
29:23You saved me from getting black.
29:24Why did you click a photo with that cockroach?
29:29How are you?
29:30How are you, Ogi?
29:31How are you?
29:32Very good.
29:33What is this?
29:35Hold this glass.
29:36Hey, what is this in your hand?
29:39No, there is nothing in my hand.
29:43Ogi, at least tell me what happened.
29:45Now you will hide everything from me too.
29:47Now what is left to hide?
29:49My Oli clicked a photo with a cockroach.
29:53So what happened?
29:54Instead of crying, why don't you go and scold Oli?
29:58Wake up the cat inside you.
30:00You are right, brother.
30:01I won't leave you.
30:03Today I will teach Oli a lesson.
30:05Don't waste time.
30:06Go quickly.
30:12I melted.
30:13You are the best.
30:15Everything is upside down.
30:16Bring the camera.
30:18Follow me.
30:19You are very cute, Ogi.
30:22Pull me.
30:23Does anyone want to play tennis?
30:25Yes, both of us will play.
30:27I will get the racket.
30:29You are going to be in trouble.
30:33We got the racket.
30:34Now all of us will play tennis together.
30:37What is this?
30:38One more photo?
30:41Why isn't the earth breaking?
30:45Ogi, where are you lost?
30:46Come, let's play tennis.
30:48Ogi, come quickly.
30:50Let's start the game.
30:51Thank you, Ogi.
30:54I am ready.
30:55Ogi, service.
30:58Where is the ball?
30:59Why can't I see it?
31:01Even I can't see anything.
31:04Sorry, Ogi.
31:05How did this happen?
31:06I can't stay here anymore.
31:07I am going.
31:09What happened to him?
31:11I will show you.
31:13Ogi, what happened to you?
31:17Don't leave him this time.
31:19Go and scold him.
31:22Wake up the cat inside you.
31:26Hi, Ogi.
31:27Hi, Ogi.
31:28Have juice.
31:30You are so cute, Ogi.
31:34Now you will be in trouble, uncle.
31:37I will bite you so hard that you won't be able to speak.
31:39Hey, Oli.
31:42Who bit you?
31:45One more photo?
31:46I can't stay here anymore.
31:48I am going.
31:50But where?
31:51I don't know.
31:52But I am going.
31:58Ogi, where did Ogi go?
32:00I don't know.
32:04Ogi, what is this?
32:10Ogi, what is this?
32:13So all this mischief is done by those cockroaches.
32:16Ogi, Ogi.
32:18I didn't take any photo.
32:21All this is the result of those cockroaches' cutting and pasting.
32:24You call him and stop him.
32:26I will deal with these cockroaches.
32:30Your girl is back.
32:36Now I will jump down from this mountain with the car.
32:40Who is calling now?
32:44Was that soap a cockroach soap?
32:47Where am I going?
32:52Be careful, Ogi.
32:53My brother.
32:55You take rest here.
32:56We will play.
32:58Ogi, you look so cute in these clothes.
33:02I am ready, Jack.
33:04Yes, yes.
33:05I am also ready.
33:07Leave me.
33:08Otherwise I will be in trouble.
33:10Cockroach got the punishment of his game.
33:13And Milla too.
33:14But Milla is very happy.
33:16And I too.