During a press briefing, NYC Mayor Eric Adams was asked about former Gov. Andrew Cuomo's (D-NY) attacks since launching his bid for NYC mayor.
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00:00pretty dismal outcomes.
00:02And then secondly, I wanted to talk about,
00:04you to talk about your opponent, Andrew Cuomo.
00:07You know, he's repeatedly said the city is in crisis
00:10and he said, New Yorkers can feel it.
00:13At one point he said, you don't need to look at a report,
00:15you don't need to look at statistics,
00:19but the crime stats are showing,
00:21as you've repeatedly said, that most crime categories
00:24is showing that crime is falling.
00:26But at the same time, you yourself have talked about
00:29feelings versus facts.
00:32I'd be interested in asking you whether you feel
00:36feelings are more important than the statistics
00:40or are they equally important?
00:42Do you regret maybe giving in so much
00:45to the way people feel versus what the numbers are showing?
00:51First, I don't know why you say I gave into
00:54the way they feel.
00:55Perception is reality to many people.
00:58And I think that's very important
01:01that you never, you know,
01:03you never just dismiss how people are feeling.
01:07I think that's wrong to do.
01:08I used to have this uncle,
01:09I used to say he must've been eight feet tall, you know,
01:12and he would shake my hand and he'll squeeze it.
01:15And I would say, Uncle Elliot, you're hurting my hand.
01:17He said, boy, that doesn't hurt you.
01:18I'm like, why are you telling me,
01:19how are you going to tell me what I'm feeling?
01:21And so I would never dismiss New Yorkers,
01:24but I can see why the former governor
01:27don't want to look at reports because, you know,
01:29you have to look at the reports of what he did
01:31when he was governor, you know, to tier six,
01:35the laws he passed that made some of our streets unsafe,
01:39what was done around mental health.
01:41There's a whole lot of things that you can look at.
01:44And so it's best to say, don't even look at reports.
01:46No, I said, look at reports,
01:47because reports, if you use your report to write your stories
01:51that tells us where we're moving forward.
01:54And so those numbers are significant of what we've done.
01:5720,000, over 20,000 illegal guns removed.
01:59We moved up our streets,
02:00almost 80,000 illegal vehicles moved up our streets.
02:03And so there's been some real success
02:08in what we've accomplished in this city.
02:10And what I tell the commissioner team all the time,
02:13we have to play a major role
02:15on making people feel safe as well.
02:18And it's interesting, what does that?
02:20Like, just interacting with the public.
02:22They walk inside the subway station.
02:24Hey, how are you, sir?
02:25How are you, ma'am?
02:25Is anything, is everything all right?
02:27Make it an announcement.
02:28We have a police officer on board.
02:30We put a cop on every train during the overnight hours.
02:33And so there's some real successful things
02:36that we are doing and what we accomplished.
02:40And we're gonna continue to do that.
02:41Now, with the homelessness,
02:43it really blows my mind
02:47that people don't see the difference
02:50between our city and other cities.
02:54We don't have those shantytowns over our cities.
02:57I remember when I came into office,
02:58people were sleeping in the subway system,
03:01under stairs, inside the tunnels, along the highways.
03:06When I drive around the city now,
03:09I used to, it was not difficult for me to find
03:12when people were sleeping all over the place.
03:14I can't find them now.
03:15When I do my late night ride around
03:17to try to catch, are we doing our job?
03:20And so if people don't see the success we've had
03:23and not having our cities look like other cities,
03:27people cooking on the sidewalk,
03:29using the sidewalks as bathrooms,
03:32all of these things that were being done
03:34in encampments and tents,
03:35we've done a great job,
03:37that the team has done an amazing job
03:39in bringing back normality.
03:40Now, the report that is used by the city council
03:44is not fairly accounting for what happens.
03:48They're saying, did the person take shelter
03:50immediately after you took down their encampment?
03:54That's just not the reality.
03:55Anyone who has done this work would tell you
03:58it takes a while to build up their trust.
04:00Sometimes people do the next day.
04:01Sometimes people get to notice
04:03that it was going to come down
04:04and they go get the help and they go into shelter.
04:07We took 8,000 people off our subway system
04:09that was sleeping and using our subway system
04:12as a place of reference.
04:14When you look at the investment,
04:15$650 million we're going to invest,
04:19we should be patting ourselves on the back.
04:22I go to these other cities,
04:25and you can just Google these other cities.
04:28You don't have it here in New York,
04:30and so we're proud of what we have done,
04:33and we've done it in a humane way.
04:34There's nothing that is dignified
04:38about sleeping on the streets.
04:40I've said that before,
04:41and I'm going to continue to say it,
04:43and some of the people who are critiquing this,
04:45they were pushing back on us
04:46when we did our initiative to get people off our streets.
04:50And so, that's all part of the noise.
04:51We know how good this job has been.
04:56Hi, Mr. Mayor. How are you?
04:57I'm doing well, thank you. Two questions.
04:59I wanted to ask first,
05:00there's a lot of anxiety right now
05:02among teachers and school leaders
05:04that the Trump administration
05:05may cut funding to New York City schools.
05:07As I'm sure you know,
05:09they currently receive about $2 billion a year.