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Here’s your sneak peek at FOX’s bold new medical drama DOC Season 1 Episode 10, created by Barbie Kligman.

DOC Cast:

Molly Parker, Omar Metwally, Amirah Vann, Jon Ecker, Anya Banerjee, Scott Wolf and Patrick Walker

Watch DOC Season 1 now on FOX and stream on Hulu!


00:00What we know is a driver parked on the tracks and caused a derailment on the 805 train to Milwaukee.
00:05So far, we've learned that there are nine dead and 43 injured.
00:09Victims are being taken to Eastside, Westside, and St. Joe's Hospital.
00:13I gotta get to work.
00:22No. I need everyone in today. There is no day off.
00:25Mass Casualty Incident Protocol has been activated.
00:28Yes, I spoke to all department heads.
00:32No routine labs.
00:50TJ, how's your dad?
00:53Same as he was when you left, but now we're past the first 24 hours, and the best chance of reversing the paralysis is gone.
00:59I really don't think I was wrong.
01:01You never do, because you just steamroll over everyone, no matter the cost.
01:08This is a code orange. Number of wounded is up to 84. ER's over. Runover flows on its way up.
01:15We are about to see open fractures, blunt abdominal and chest trauma, amputations, head and spine injuries, penetrating trauma, including impalements.
01:25So, everyone's gotta be ready to jump in as needed for anything.
01:30We've got uncrossed Oneg in the coolers, trauma and emergency surgery supplies, and the blood bank is ready if we need to activate the Massive Transfusion Protocol.
01:39ICU and patient rooms are nearly full, so we will need to treat the wounded in the hallways.
01:45You ready?
02:00Let's go, people!
02:07What do we got?
02:08Unstable spine trauma, spinal cord injury with neurogenic shock.
02:10Dr. Macher, Dr. Park, compressors to keep the corp profuse. Place sandbags along the head. Get a lateral C-spine before moving on.
02:17Dr. Corbin was a combat medic. Whatever he says, do it!
02:22Dr. Larson, Dr. Baird.
02:24Patient has extensive burns. Assess depth and extent of burns. Start IV fluid resuscitation. Gonna need an OR.
02:29I'll get the IV.
02:30Dr. Heller.
02:31We need a full exam and fast assessment. Trend crits, large bore IV.
02:39You help me with this IV, please.
02:47Here's your X-ray.
02:49Enlarged heart silhouette.
02:50Right. Just as we suspected, pericardial clot causing cardiac tamponade.
02:53We need pericardial synthesis set and a portable ultrasound now.
02:57What does that mean?
02:58Ana, don't try and talk.
02:59I need an X-ray over here!
03:05Ray, can you get a sling so we can immobilize it?
03:09God, it's you.
03:11I'm sorry, can I help you?
03:12He's a hero.
03:13Think you're mistaken?
03:14No, no. I was right there. I saw you get my kid and four other people out of the burning train.
03:18Honestly, you got the wrong guy.
03:21I'll leave you alone, but... but thank you. And God bless you.
03:29I just did what anyone would have done.
03:32Okay, we're gonna get you cleaned up, see if we can get those burns properly addressed.
03:35Let me see if I can find your room so we can get you some more privacy, okay?
