• 2 months ago
Watch the captivating 'Pleading Her Case' clip from DOC Season 1 Episode 2—an exciting new series on FOX from acclaimed creator Barbie Kligman. This groundbreaking medical drama masterfully weaves high-stakes scenarios with deeply emotional storytelling, offering an unforgettable viewing experience. Starring a stellar cast that includes Molly Parker, Omar Metwally, and Scott Wolf, DOC delves into life’s most defining moments through rich, complex characters and gripping narratives. With its unique blend of intense drama and heartfelt moments, DOC is shaping up to be the must-see television event of the year.

DOC Cast:

Molly Parker, Omar Metwally, Amirah Vann, Jon Ecker, Anya Banerjee, Scott Wolf and Patrick Walker

Watch DOC Season 1 now on FOX and stream on Hulu!


00:00Your platelets are a little low.
00:03Is that bad?
00:05It's not unusual, after all the fluids they've given you.
00:09What? I...
00:10I was talking to Simone. She's a doctor too.
00:13Yes, I'm aware.
00:15Your red cell count's also low and you're showing clinical signs of anemia.
00:18So we gotta make sure we're just looking at a lupus flare and you're not getting worse.
00:21You're gonna need a blood transfusion.
00:23Might be hard to find compatible blood that her body won't attack.
00:26She's right. I've been transfused a lot.
00:28I know. It can be more difficult, which is why I started the type and cross hours ago.
00:32In the meantime, I'm gonna put you on some IV fluids, get you a small dose of steroids, okay?
00:37And in case you're tempted to get a second opinion, don't.
00:43Okay? Come back and check on you.
00:46And the status of Dr. Larson? She's out of ICU, correct?
00:49Yes, and recovering nicely.
00:52Oh, good. I'm told that the transition has been seamless.
00:57Now, the nurse's contract is up for negotiation, so let's have a look.
01:09Dr. Larson, good to see you up and about.
01:13It's good to see you, Max. Glad you're still here.
01:17Oh, I'm CEO now, actually.
01:22So what can we do for you?
01:23Well, I came to talk about my future, um, about, um, returning to work.
01:31A bit premature, wouldn't you say?
01:35No, I was an attending physician in 2016. I don't see any reason that I couldn't return at that level.
01:42Well, given the neurological issues and the potential...
01:46We can set up testing for that.
01:49Dr. Miller, what do you think?
01:55We know that Dr. Larson was an excellent physician prior to the accident.
02:01But we have no real way of knowing what her capabilities will be.
02:05And it's not so simple as rewinding to 2016. A great many procedures and protocols have changed.
02:11I can relearn those.
02:12Even if you could, what do we tell patients? Are we obligated to disclose?
02:16We would have to consider every potential repercussion.
02:21Well, it might help to know if there are any precedents for this.
02:25No case is exactly the same, but yes, there are.
02:28There's a Dr. Jeff Gredis out of Dallas and a Dr. Nina Richman in Tulsa, and they...
02:34That is irrelevant until we know the full extent of your injury.
02:37But to be honest, you barging in here like this indicates impulsivity and a lack of sound reasoning.
02:44Both of which can be byproducts of your TBI.
02:51I am not impaired, Dr. Kamara. I am passionate about getting back to being a doctor.
03:03Well, thank you for making your case.
03:07We'll need to discuss it further.
