Fortnite FINALLY Did It..
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Fortnite's Season 2 RUINED Them..
50 Easter Eggs In Fortnite SEASON 2!
Fortnite OG Is BACK!
35 INSANE Little Details In Fortnite
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Fortnite's Season 2 RUINED Them..
50 Easter Eggs In Fortnite SEASON 2!
Fortnite OG Is BACK!
35 INSANE Little Details In Fortnite
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00:00Fortnite finally did it.
00:02From the kneecap we're getting nerfed, to free skins, the live event, so much more,
00:07here's 20 updates that saved Fortnite.
00:09One thing we've all been desperate for is a change to rebooting.
00:12It was so bad that everyone now plays Reload, and Fortnite is trying to change that.
00:17Coming soon is a brand new feature that removes the point of reboot cards for good.
00:21So, instead of running across the map or battlefield to get your teammate's card,
00:24we'll be able to just pay gold and bring all of our friends in one payment.
00:28They'll even have shield that Assault Rifle is finally making it worth the hassle.
00:32Epic are seriously going all out in Chapter 6,
00:34like how we saw Blacklist the collab surprisingly release this season.
00:38You see, after teasing this all the way back in Chapter 2,
00:40we assumed Mortal Kombat was permanently cancelled because of its R rating.
00:44That seemed to be the case this whole time,
00:46until Sub-Zero made a shock appearance and even brought on Mythic along with him.
00:50To excite Mortal Kombat fans even more, they updated it with tons of easter eggs,
00:54from sound effects to the toasty uppercut appearing on your screen.
00:58And soon, Scorpion is joining the game as well.
01:01And players are seriously thanking Epic for bringing back one of the most beloved LTMs in history.
01:06The getaway has only been in Fortnite twice, but fans couldn't get enough of it.
01:10And for the longest time, we've been dreaming of what this would look like on a modern day Fortnite island.
01:14Now we get to live that dream, because not only did they bring back the getaway mode,
01:18they even accounted for all types of players.
01:20Whether it's a zero build version, or the world's first ranked LTM, people are loving it.
01:25And we gotta say thank you to Epic for finally making gold useful in Fortnite.
01:29I mean, we could always go to an NPC and grab a weapon, or hit up a vending machine,
01:33but most of us only cared if there was an exotic or a Mythic on sale.
01:36Now with black markets, not only is gold better than ever,
01:39it's also basically eliminated RNG from the game.
01:42One of the most annoying parts of Battle Royale has been desperately searching for your favorite weapon.
01:47And now, you don't have to.
01:48It also means you won't need to land at specific POIs for Mythics anymore.
01:52Usually, the best items of a season are locked behind a boss battle.
01:55This could take a ton of time fending off other players, making sure the boss is at your POI, all for one Mythic.
02:01Now, you can just rob a vault, grab your Dilbit, and spend it at the nearest black market.
02:05Players love this mechanic, and they hope it sticks around.
02:08This next decision by Epic is something you never see other developers doing.
02:12Out of nowhere, they revealed that anyone who's currently a year or more into their lifetime ban for cheating will be unbanned.
02:19While this sounds controversial by nature, it's actually a great decision that players are super thankful for.
02:24If kids decided to cheat once a few years ago, they could come back to the game with their lesson learned.
02:29Or, in the case of content creators like Jarvis, who were famously banned for life after making videos on how cheats work,
02:34they don't have to retire from Fortnite anymore.
02:37Some of those players aren't the only ones that deserve a second chance.
02:40The gaming Legends series has been kind of neglected by Epic over the years.
02:44Like last chapter, we only got four characters from video games.
02:48T-60 Power Armor, Raiden, and Snake.
02:50And that was the entire lineup for a year.
02:52Now, despite only being three months into 2025, we already have six gaming Legends.
02:57From Cyberpunk, to Mortal Kombat, now even the return of Lara Croft.
03:02And by the way, it's gonna be seven characters when Scorpion arrives.
03:05Now, they've also released crossovers that everyone can enjoy.
03:08And by everyone, I literally mean all players, because the new Invincible collab is free.
03:12Duplicate and her entire set is unlockable in the Spring Quests, meaning you don't even need to pay a single V-Buck to get a crossover.
03:19Now, we've talked about how they finally made gold desirable in Fortnite, so what's the coolest way to find it?
03:24Well, we've been waiting for a change to Llamas ever since 2017.
03:28That's because they mostly remained the same this whole time, until Epic brought them back for Season 2.
03:33They're now Gold Llamas, and judging from the name, you could probably guess what's hidden inside them, up to a thousand bars.
03:39Not only that, they also have a chance of granting you a Dilbit, which is the most useful thing a Llama could drop this season.
03:45We also gotta praise them for the evolution of Lobby Tracks.
03:48I'm not gonna lie, we were all pretty hesitant to spend V-Bucks on what was basically menu music.
03:53But then they evolved with the introduction of Jam Tracks.
03:56Now, these were playable songs in Festival, but also worked as emotes in-game.
04:00And Epic kept on making them better.
04:02A few weeks ago, they announced Music Moments.
04:04And now your Jam Tracks will play when you drop in from the Battle Bus, and they become your Victory Royale music.
04:09Think about it, all of these new features without even touching the price of tracks.
04:13You gotta appreciate it.
04:14Just like we have to thank Epic for the greatest mini-event of the new storyline.
04:18Last season, we saw the culmination of months of build-up, as Daigo prepared to face Shogun X in the Spirit Realm.
04:27The fact this was a huge-scale battle, and yet it was all for a mini-event, was barely advertised.
04:32I'm gonna talk about a round of applause here.
04:33With the amount of effort going into these season finales, it is truly bringing the magic of Fortnite back after years of drought.
04:40They also keep feeding us with tons of new weapons.
04:42Like, in the most recent update alone, they introduced three items into the loot pool.
04:46The Drill, Pump and Dump, and the Outlaw Shotgun.
04:49Usually stuff like this gets drip-fed over the course of a few weeks, but they didn't even stop there.
04:54They also introduced Black Market backrooms with over a dozen exotics and mythics ready for the taking.
04:59I think one of the most underrated aspects of Chapter 6 is the fact that Epic has kept a game-changing feature.
05:04Let's take a look at Wrecked.
05:06We got a ton of ways to customize our vehicles, including the removal of a pretty annoying item, the Repair Torch.
05:11Nobody had the energy to carry one of these around and waste an inventory slide just to repair their car.
05:16So, Epic came up with a solution.
05:18They introduced Healing Pads.
05:20Now, you can just drive to a gas station and heal up without ever leaving your vehicle.
05:24This was such a revolutionary change that they kept it, even when all of the other car changes were removed.
05:30And to this day, it is still the best quality of life update vehicles has ever had.
05:34Alright, what about vehicles that you can't drive?
05:37Well, even those have gotten better.
05:39The Train was one of the most exciting, but also disappointing updates of all time.
05:43We all wanted to hop on this thing and take a ride around the island,
05:46only for it to have no interior and just take you into the storm every match.
05:50So, Epic went back to the drawing board, and now it's fixed.
05:53There's a huge incentive to go here.
05:55It has its very own train heist with an entire vault on board you can break into.
05:59It also guarantees us a Sentinel Mythic Pump for robbing it,
06:02finally saving a feature that was on the brink of being forgotten.
06:05Now, I gotta admit, one of the largest complaints the community has had about Fortnite's growth these past few years has been the Battle Pass.
06:12The situation was getting insane.
06:14I mean, every time something new came out, it felt like Epic had already designed a pass for it.
06:18Fans were paying so much money just to keep up with all the content.
06:21And luckily for us, Epic listened.
06:23They recently announced that the Fortnite crew was getting a huge overhaul.
06:26All three Battle Passes for the same price.
06:29It's pretty cool, right?
06:30If you needed even more proof, they are dedicated to getting things right.
06:33Ballistic has been in a rough state these past few months.
06:36No new content or maps.
06:38I mean, players are struggling, and that is when Fortnite made a statement.
06:42They weren't abandoning the mode like Rocket Racing.
06:44In fact, it was the exact opposite.
06:46They wanted to get new content right the first time around.
06:49So, they're releasing early access maps just to test the layout.
06:52Of course, in a game like Ballistic, the layout is everything.
06:55And there's no point designing an entire map to completion if players just end up hating it.
07:00So, we're gonna be giving feedback from day one, which sounds awesome.
07:03Speaking of Rocket Racing, sadly the mode has been abandoned.
07:07But that doesn't mean our car cosmetics are useless now.
07:10Fortnite finally did something that should have been possible from the very beginning.
07:13Car trails now work in Battle Royale.
07:16So, if you've gained a collection of trails, you could actually show them off to your friends when drifting.
07:20Okay, we've also had some pretty serious issues with glitches this season.
07:23But we don't have to worry anymore.
07:25Epic has gotten great at patching exploits pretty much instantly.
07:28Whether it was flying from the Middle Island, or the deal quest giving you unlimited wins,
07:33clamping down on these is just as important as banning cheaters.
07:36And luckily, they're fast at both.
07:38In fact, speaking of hackers, they have just made it even harder for cheaters to play cup tournaments.
07:43Now, you can't even play one unless your total account level is over 350,
07:48stopping anyone from making a new account and jumping in with cheats.
07:51A ton of you may be thankful for this next change, but it's also split the player base in half.
07:56That's right, Epic has nerfed the kneecapper,
07:58turning down the knockback so you can't make cars fly infinitely anymore.
08:02This is good news for all the people who hated playing against the bat,
08:05and it's still pretty powerful, but the nerf was mostly to patch the car glitch.
08:09Did you know that Fortnite's also been listening to pro players?
08:12This simple edit has been removed from competitive mode,
08:14while they work to introduce the return of Syphon.
08:17Yep, this is back in ranked, and will give you health over 5 seconds.
08:20Let's also take a second to congratulate Epic for making Fortnite OG permanent.
08:24Thanks to this decision, we get to look forward to new seasons,
08:27new battle passes, and even the return of old live events this season.
08:31Now, in my most recent video, I talked about how the rocket cap was being cut in half,
08:35and you guys weren't happy about it.
08:37Epic were planning to drop this for 12 rockets, all the way down to 6,
08:40which I understand from your concerns would have killed all the fun of the RPG.
08:44Well, they listened. Now it's back to 12.
08:47So those were 20 times that Top 5 Gaming glazed Fortnite.
08:50I mean, Fortnite updates that saved the game.
08:52Anyways, it's been Tommy Kibitier on Top 5 Gaming.