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36 Myths BUSTED In Fortnite CHAPTER 6!

Fortnite's NEW LIVE EVENT Is Here!

Fortnite OG Is BACK!

35 INSANE Little Details In Fortnite

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00:00Fortnite Lawless has officially released and now we're blowing up bank vaults,
00:04there are new mythics, and so much more. Everyone's dropping at the largest new P.O.Y. crime city.
00:09Technically it's called Crimson City, but as you know, nobody cares here. There's no rule of law.
00:14This place straight up feels like Gotham. From ransacked stores to dodgy back alley buildings,
00:20the city is full of detail. At the center of it all is the only building that's been looked after,
00:24the bank. This is gilded all around and protected with 24 hour security guards.
00:29You can walk in and look around freely, but the second you start acting weird like aiming guns,
00:34the guards will pounce on you. These guys are here to protect one thing and one thing only,
00:39the vault. If you want to get inside, there's no more key cards. Fortnite has changed its
00:44whole approach to vaults this season to make it truly feel like a bank job. Now you have to track
00:48down an item called Thermite. Once you have it, you can either throw this down as an explosive
00:52or take it to a vault door. Place it on it and your heist begins. Not only do you get insanely
00:57cool music, but every guard in the area will be summoned to come fight you. For a lot of players,
01:02they're staring at this Thermite wondering what is taking so long. Well, you just sit here,
01:06it'll take like five minutes, but you're meant to speed the process along by shooting the heated up
01:10locks. Welcome inside. This place is full of loot and you'll also notice some medallion looking
01:17items in a display case. Well, don't be fooled. This is Big Dill's new cryptocurrency. Gotta wish
01:22I was joking, but they're literally called Dill Bits. It's obviously a Bitcoin reference and in
01:26the blog, Fortnite says they don't carry over between matches, so spend them before your wallet
01:30goes to zero, but to the moon. If that wasn't enough evidence, they don't believe in his sus
01:35crypto. They also say it's more valuable than bars, asterisk. And Big Dill has more arrest warrants
01:40than he does top 40 tracks, so please don't take financial advice from a rapping pickle. What to
01:45learn here, they don't carry across games. If you want to spend them, you'll need to track down a
01:49gold mine. We'll get to what's in this mysterious black market in a second because there are other
01:53ways to become a criminal this season, like breaking into the new armored trucks. These
01:58spawn mid-match and you'll find them driving around the island, protected by an entire convoy
02:02with SUVs and motorcycles. Take them all out and you can throw down your thermite as normal,
02:06except now you have to fend off three waves of enemies. It's like an entire mission just to get
02:11that sweet, sweet loot. So what's actually new in this loot pool? Well, you'll be finding a ton
02:15of new weapons as you run around, especially in the heist bags, which give out fresh items.
02:20If you're lucky enough, you might find a new powerful weapon, the plasma burst laser. It works
02:24similar to the chimera ray gun from chapter two, except this packs way more of a punch to builds
02:29and players. Fans are also excited that we have a new melee weapon, the knee capper, kind of a
02:33brutal name, but I guess it's a brutal season because this baseball bat gives you a movement
02:38boost, a super quick attack, and you can charge it up to three levels of damage.
02:44Now crime city wasn't the only new POI. If you're wondering who owns all of these banks,
02:49well, you probably catch a hint from the wolf statues everywhere. It's owned by the baron
02:53Fletcher Kane and his house is on the map known as lone wolf lair. It's not as protected as his
02:58banks. You can pretty much just wander around this place, but there is a chance you'll find
03:02Fletcher himself, depending on your match. His boss spawns randomly each game at multiple
03:06locations, usually mid heist. Once you defeat him, you'll get his medallion. It's called
03:11unstoppable power, basically giving you the nitro dash from previous seasons. So yeah,
03:15you can knock back enemies with faster sprint, but he also drops a new weapon and the baron's
03:19double down pistol. If you know how to aim, this thing could be nasty at hitting shots,
03:23taking out players in like three hits. It's essentially a busted mammoth pistol.
03:28And speaking of the mammoth, players are also excited to see this fan favorite item back in
03:32the loot pool. It stood out in wilds as one of the best parts of the season, received a warm
03:36welcome back in reload, and now it's officially back in BR two. So if you can't get your hands
03:41on Fletcher's, you'll still be able to hit some crazy clips. If you prefer a more aggressive
03:44approach, rather than being precise, the collateral damage assault rifle, it's a pretty
03:48solid weapon. To be honest, the big polite, it's actually crazy good right now. My opinion,
03:53this will be nerfed in a week. So enjoy it while you can. So if you really want to be overwhelmed
03:57with choices season, look around the map for the new black market feature, whether it's near crime
04:02city or in the gold mines, you could find the secret weapon store that lets you spend gold on
04:06tons of items. Although if you want to buy the most prestigious weapons, that's where the deal
04:11bits come in. These can be spent on all of the latest seasonal items along with boons. And there
04:16might even be exotic weapons in here. If you're lucky enough, speaking of boons, there are a ton
04:20of new abilities this season. Most of the time you'll get a random one by opening a rare chest.
04:24If you want to track down a specific one, spend your deal bits on it in the black market, but
04:29there's only one boon per shot. There's abilities like the adrenaline rush, which gives you slap
04:33effect whenever you mantle hurdle or wall jump kind of insane because you can just spam it to
04:37have unlimited sprint for the rest of the game. Then we have the gold ammo boon. It's pretty
04:41self-explanatory. When you pick up bars, you'll get ammo too. If you want it the other way around
04:46though, there's the greed boon, giving you a ton of gold every time you open a chest or ammo box.
04:51And trust me, this one is basically a get rich quick scheme. They went all out this season,
04:55especially with the vulture boon, which tells you where an enemy died once they get eliminated,
04:59or we have the gold rush boon, which gives you the rush ability when you open or destroy a chest.
05:04But what is the gold rush ability? Well, if you farm a gold vein in the mines, you will suddenly
05:09be faster at sprinting. More importantly, you'll be able to farm at a ridiculous speed with more
05:14damage. If you don't want to hunt down a vein, you could either swim in gold infused water or
05:22find a gold splash. These are the replacement for chug splashes and will give you a 20 health or
05:27shield along with the gold rush ability. Now, all of this is before I've even gotten to the
05:32collab hiding in this season's battle pass. Mortal Kombat is finally in Fortnite after who knows how
05:37long and it starts with sub zero. Not only does he get his long deserved outfit, there's even
05:42a collab weapon on the map. This is his combat kit. And when you pick it up, you'll hear.
05:50This has two types of attack, the quick hand to hand combat and his ice slide.
05:56What truly surprised me about this season was a huge change to med mists. Now wait,
06:01hear me out on this. Usually healing items are super boring, except they want to turn the fart
06:06spray into a full on smoke grenade. So now you could throw it down and med mist the entire area,
06:11except it's a little glitchy right now and can just move away from you, which is awkward, but
06:15hopefully it gets better over time. Speaking of better consumables, the chug jug just got
06:19its biggest update of all time. Now it has 200 charge and you can drink it while walking around
06:24instead of instantly reviving all your health. This also includes shield and you'll slowly
06:28regenerate and save what you don't use for later. Basically Ford, I made the chug jug,
06:32the best healing item in the game, just like it was back in the O.G. days. They've also given us
06:37a strange new item called the porta cover. You would think this would be reserved for zero bill
06:40players, but anyone can find it. And it's exactly what you'd expect. You throw it down and here's
06:45some nice cover. It also includes a little sniper window that could be closed. Very convenient
06:50because we also have the new Falcon. I sniper thing has a really cool scope letting you choose
06:54between two different zoom levels and it's so satisfying to shoot, but you'll probably need
06:58more than a sniper to rob the armored train. Fletcher needs to transport his gold somehow.
07:03And this fortress of a train, it's one way to do it. Fortnite finally updated this after we've
07:08been begging for an upgrade every season. And while not only does it have turrets on top,
07:12we can now break inside. If you place Thermite on the roof and fend off enemies, you could pull
07:16off a good old fashioned train robbery. This allows you to jump down into the vault and grab
07:20all the loot and gold you could imagine. There's a reoccurring theme here with the season. Sure,
07:25it feels like some kind of payday theme, but in reality, it's all about gold. There's a reason
07:29Fletcher Cain has so much of it and it's because he literally has his very own gold mine at the
07:34new POI shiny shafts. Yeah, it's a modern day homage to Shifty from chapter one. This place
07:39could get claustrophobic quickly if you're in a fight, whether you're above ground or down in the
07:43mines. So to avoid getting jump scared down here, you could throw down a pulse scanner. It's
07:47fortnight's answer to the complaints about the recon from chapter two. Instead of having an
07:51overpowered radar gun, they've turned it into an item you have to throw down. It'll start scanning
07:56for you and reveal every vending machine container and enemy in the area. Speaking of vending
08:00machines, these have also been updated for the new season with four types. You could come across
08:04all dealing separate items. A few white people aren't talking about is outlaw oasis. This is way
08:10more chilled than the other chaotic locations because, you know, that's the point. Seems like
08:14this is Fletcher Caine's getaway spot, a place he goes to relax from the jacuzzis to the hot
08:19springs. It feels really similar to places we've had in previous seasons, but there is something
08:24interesting in his office. Check out these three statues that could be rotated. It's basically a
08:28puzzle and your reward for completing it is pretty cool. I'm saving our answer until our video
08:32tomorrow, but check out under the carpet if you're trying to figure it out for yourself.
08:36Maybe you already have, or maybe you're so good you've also got to win by now. Well, this season's
08:40victory umbrella is in your hands and it's the vault umbrella. There's not that one coming. Maybe
08:45I could have guessed this beforehand, but I can't lie. The design is incredible. It's just like
08:49predator peak, an unnamed POI that most players haven't even noticed yet. But just next to crime
08:54city, it's overlooking the skyline and you can find this huge rock in the shape of a wolf. This
08:58man has so much money he is terraforming his own mountains at this point. Sheesh. Let's take it
09:03back to the live event where he managed to defeat Shogun X. Well, a new soldier has replaced him
09:07with a brand new reward. This time around, instead of his blade, you'll get an enhanced
09:11mythic weapon, but most importantly, his medallion for infinite sprint or invisibility has also been
09:16reworked. Now it grants you the ability to summon shield bubbles from thin air. You don't even have
09:20to throw them down. They auto spawn whenever you heal. It's got to be one of the most useful
09:24medallions yet. With the new season comes a fresh battle pass. Well, a lot of fans have mixed
09:29feelings about this one. There are some insane outfits I got to show you. So of course we have
09:33Big Dill. Everyone knows about this guy, whether they like it or not. He's literally an industry
09:37plant and is currently in the middle of a rap beef with T-Pain for some reason. While you might
09:42have expected Sub-Zero to be the secret outfit, it's actually someone even more familiar to
09:46Fortnite fans. It's Midas. Technically it's outlaw Midas who's themed around a wild west style of
09:51criminal and he's unlockable in March. As for the rest of the battle pass outfits, here's a quick
09:56look at who else joins the lineup. And personally, I think it's a pretty solid cast this season.
10:00Now what kind of heist would it be without a sticky grenade launcher? It was first introduced
10:04with the last heist themed season and was a pretty good weapon for sticking to cars and even players.
10:08Now it is back just as good, especially with players escaping in armored trucks.
10:12If you're trying to get away from the explosives, your best escape is by a good old launch pad.
10:17It has been a while since we've seen these in VR outside of OG seasons and modes, but now it's back.
10:22On the flip side, it's only the itemized version for now. So you'll have to sacrifice an inventory
10:27slot to carry it around. Let me tell you about Fortnite's new feature called Moments. In your
10:31locker, you can find a section dedicated to these, letting you select music from your packs or jam
10:35tracks to play when you're dropping in from the bus or when you win a match. So instead of just
10:39hearing nothing gliding down or your lobby track when you've won, you can fully customize it. It's
10:43pretty sweet. You'll also notice some other familiar items in the loot pool, most notably
10:47the Striker Burst AR. This thing's returned several times over the years, starting as a
10:52normal burst, turned into a first person scope. Now it's updated again. You still get the scope,
10:56but you have the option to switch between it at any time, just like the SMG last season.
11:00The shield bubble is also carried over from last season's loot pool, but with a slight twist.
11:05Now it's the junior version, so expect a much smaller bubble throwing it down.
11:08It's everything new. Hope you guys enjoyed. It's Tommy. Keep it here on Top 5 Gaming.
