• 2 days ago
In this episode, we finish up the bushcraft-style goat shelter and then move on to fencing. Instead of clearing a wide-open pasture, we put up fencing around a section of the woods, giving the goats plenty of natural shelter and forage while keeping them safe and contained.

With the warmer weather finally creeping in, we shift focus back to the kitchen. We tear down the interior paneling on one wall, hoping to find old hand-sawn boards underneath. If we do, we’ll leave them exposed and paint them white to give the kitchen a rustic look—like the inside of an old wooden ship. Meanwhile, Kelly guts the pantry under the stairs, getting it ready for new shelving.

While she works inside, I head into the woods, drop a big log, and use bushcraft milling techniques with my chainsaw to cut some hand-milled boards for building out the pantry. As the day winds down, Kelly goes foraging along the beach, collecting sea glass that she turns into wire-wrapped necklaces.

We finish off the video back at the kitchen table, answering some of the biggest questions from the comments in a sit-down Q&A session. We also want your help—we’re figuring out how to give away some of Kelly’s handmade sea glass necklaces in the next video, so drop a comment with your ideas!

Life out here is always changing, always challenging, and always rewarding—thanks for following along!


00:00We've got to take care of these goats, there's no vet bills out here, there's only bullets
00:10and we don't want to have to kill these goats sooner than later.
00:19Lisa's camo.
00:20I mean thank God we had a camo tarp just laying around this place, it would be awful godly
00:25looking with a blue tarp.
00:52First fencing, about to go down baby.
00:57This is a new one for me, I've never run a piece of fencing in my life.
01:03No idea how it's going to go, no idea if the goats are going to get out or, I'm sure the
01:08goats are getting out.
01:09I guarantee it's going to be a learning experience.
01:16This is the first staple of a thousand, no trouble telling her to do that before, yes
01:29thank you Kelly.
01:36Ok this is the next tree.
01:57Something about running fencing, I don't know, it's one of those things I've always
02:05dreamed of doing.
02:06I don't know why, if it's because running a fence is kind of like fortifying your voice
02:10for it or what, but running a fence is sweet.
02:23Oh yeah and goats aren't going to jump over that.
02:27Oh my god, thank you, hell yeah.
02:34Wow, yeah I just want to make sure it's like low, it's really as low as it can get.
02:54It's just like clearing, comes together really quick, holy.
03:08I think it will work really well, seems to be sturdy enough, I like putting them into
03:13trees rather than posts by themselves you know.
03:16Yep that's one side down, go across the front and back up, shoot, fortified, ok run.
03:28So interesting this fencing, goat's going to jump over this fence.
03:43I know.
04:13Oh we're almost there, we got like 60 feet left maybe to go, we're still on our first
04:23roll of water, we bought three rolls of water, I wasn't even sure if that was going to be
04:28Doesn't show my measurements Ralph.
04:33The beginning of the farm.
04:39Just like that we burned up a full day and I still have to cut some firewood tonight,
04:44Kelly's got to haul water, do her chores, and make supper so we got to crack on, shut
04:52her down and get back to it tomorrow, good job Billie Dean, that's a day.
04:58That's a wrap.
05:39We're here to pick up a 45 gallon barrel.
05:52There she is.
05:56The plan is to cut this guy in half, that way we have two water troughs, build a little
06:00frame, get some legs on there, and fill her up.
06:07Thanks to Gord, don't eatin' the barrel buddy, appreciate it, he's going to give us the old
06:14noose and just drag her home, that should do us, so this is the other side of the island,
06:31you guys never get to see over here, but this is just literally on the other side from where
06:35we are, and yeah the beaches over on this side are really sandy, really beautiful, there
06:43you go Billie Dean, ready to roll.
07:05There you go, there's your water trough Delilah.
07:36Here she is.
07:49Girl power.
08:04Oh that's a really straight cut.
08:08I'm proud of that one, that's right, that's right,
08:10thank you Mr. Pearson, agriculture mechanics class, boy.
08:23Two water troughs, all right so next step is going to be building the frame, before we
08:44let anything drink out of these they have to get washed.
08:48Good call.
08:49Definitely a big wash.
08:50All right, but no time to waste.
09:18Looks good to me.
09:50That looks good.
10:10There you go.
10:11Beautiful, that should work well.
10:14There you go Billie Dean, there's your water trough.
10:24It's a good height too for goats, because I've been told that goats like to poop in
10:30their water source, so someone told me to keep it nice and high, Andy from Home Hardware,
10:35your beauty, shout out Andy, he's the one that said make it this high.
10:40It's a great, also a great way to recycle an old plastic barrel.
10:44Yeah it's a really great way to do it.
10:46Yep, look at that, nice and light, simple, can't break it.
10:53That's great.
10:55Put it up into a lot of goat house I guess.
10:58Like Jack Sparrow in that movie.
11:01Same thing.
11:02Oh you're going up?
11:07What do you think?
11:10More on the downhill slope, because when we pour it out we don't want it to run into their house.
11:31Just like that, a few sticks, a piece of tarp, half a barrel, some fencing.
11:36It really does feel like a little farm all of a sudden.
12:27this old pinkish wall, wood paneling, whatever you call it, is coming down today.
12:34It's springish warm enough outside that we can start
12:37doing interior rentals again without like really freezing the house out.
12:40So we're gonna go ahead and tear this thing down, see what's behind it.
12:43It should be old plank boards like the rest of the house we hope.
12:45Hopefully not rotten and if all looks good maybe we'll paint it with some white paint,
12:50just to liven it up in here a bit.
12:57All the skillets.
13:08I don't know how many comments I've read, people ask where's the respirators.
13:12We got respirators and we're gonna wear them.
13:15Don't worry.
13:20Hopefully we can get this done quick because once we start tearing this wall out and turn
13:24the kitchen to a construction site, we can't really use it.
13:28So we want to get this done today and over with.
13:31There's that crazy clown, that crazy clown is still here.
14:00old snow shoes made out of some old telegraph wire, Joseph Picos.
14:21My guess is the stuff comes off just like nothing.
14:25I mean it's barely attached.
14:27It's just that old cheap wall paneling, that old wood looking stuff.
14:32You can see in here it's not even attached anymore.
14:36Big moment Billie Dean.
14:38Big moment, big moment.
14:39I can't wait to see what this place turns into.
14:41It's gonna be amazing from beginning to like you know ending.
14:45I'm sure you know it's a never-ending project but.
14:48Already from what it was like when first walked in here the first day it's so much cozier.
14:53All right let's get into it.
14:54Only thing left to do now is uh respirator up and get at it.
15:06Oh my god it wasn't even attached.
15:18Oh my god.
15:24Hello Robin.
15:46There we go.
16:02who knows how old that is.
16:04Look at that.
16:05That's some old ass wallpaper.
16:10Another layer, another layer, two layers we got.
16:17Another layer, another layer.
16:21That goes to show how many years of people have lived here.
16:25Look at that.
16:28Look at all the layers.
16:31This house is like an onion.
16:46Oh yeah.
16:47Oh my god.
18:17Oh my god.
18:30Oh I love how they're slanted.
18:33Our old crooked house.
18:35Oh she's crooked.
18:37She's crooked.
18:38Stairs crooked, boards crooked.
18:41Our bed's not level.
18:43All the things.
18:45Oh I love it.
20:18All right so I think I want to hang it right up top center
20:22because I'm going to have a kitchen spot right here.
20:25Little table and this will be
20:29oh yeah like right on that board.
20:34Centered enough.
20:35Nothing in our house is centered.
20:37Uh yeah actually I think it looks great.
20:48Yep no Ikea potholders here boy.
20:53Old piece of rotten driftwood, a few nails.
20:56That'll do for the next 20-25 years.
20:58That'll do.
20:59That'll do, that'll do.
21:00That'll do chicken loo.
21:02All right now let me reset the spot.
21:05Turn it on.
21:30That's pretty good for a day's work I'd say right there.
21:34Oh I really do love it.
21:38Great job Darlene.
22:14all righty folks today is the day.
22:16Kitchen pantry renovation time.
22:33Definitely need to be getting rid of this old light.
22:37The wires are not hooked up to anything and they will be be in take out.
23:32really looking forward to getting this whole pantry rebuilt
23:34because having proper storage for food off-grid is so essential.
24:10So while Kelly is in tearing out the pantry,
24:16I'm going to go up here in the garden and try and freehand a couple boards.
24:22There's really not too many logs right here around the house.
24:26They're suitable for milling but there's a couple.
24:29This one here is just good enough.
24:32I think I can mill it, freehand it.
24:34It's really straight.
24:35I want to follow this thing right here onto the trails.
24:44This big sucker right here, I can tell it's not fully green either.
24:49Down at the bottom here, I mean that's a good, you know, 10 inch diameter.
24:53It's a big log for around here.
24:57Here you go.
25:35That's a big hanger.
25:43I think the only option I got, I got to take a second one, let her fall.
25:53She snagged up on this one here.
25:54I mean that one should go anyway, whatever.
26:00She needs a little push.
26:09There she goes.
26:11Oh my god, no, right to another one.
26:16Oh, what a cluster.
26:17Oh, that'll work.
26:22That'll work.
26:25This here is the section we want anyway.
26:27That top bit will turn into firewood.
26:29That's a good looking log.
26:34Nice looking log, very nice looking log.
26:37All right, let's get her limb to get her up into position.
27:29All right, let's see how heavy this old girl is.
27:34Oh, that's light.
27:36That's one thing about Divera, it's nice and light.
27:42This was a big green spruce.
27:43Oh my god, it'll be heavy.
27:50Normally what I'll do for a real quick setup like this,
27:53I'll just drop two logs and lay those down there as a cradle.
27:56And the log I'm going to mill will sit up on top in the little valley between those two logs.
28:01And that's all you need.
28:02But you need something to hold the log that you're milling.
28:05Need to hold it like pretty stable.
28:08The more stable you can make that log you're milling,
28:10the better it's going to be and the easier it is.
28:23That's all you need.
28:27That's a quick bush cradle right there.
28:30It's a nice looking log.
28:32Let's mill it.
28:35Couple nails, a piece of string, and a saw.
28:38That's all I use.
28:42A string is just a reference point because otherwise,
28:45there's no chance you're going to hold a straight line.
28:47I mean, I'm not anyway.
28:55I mean, we're only making a few boards for a pantry.
28:59It doesn't got to be perfect.
29:01The goal is not to touch the chain and the string.
29:04If you cut the string, you failed.
29:31There you go.
29:34There's a straight line.
30:01That's going to make a nice board.
30:19I love that there's like old saw marks and stuff in it too.
30:22Just like the original boards in the house now.
30:25Except the saw marks in the house now weren't made with a chainsaw.
30:28It was all hand saw.
30:49That'll do just fine, sir.
30:52That'll do just fine.
31:11Beautiful board.
31:13Don't rub that.
31:44They're definitely long enough for a full length and then some.
31:48Okay, I'll get these things home and put them in the house somewhere.
31:51So they kind of see me start drying and tomorrow we can start doing the pantry, I guess.
32:01This girl's getting a new pantry.
32:05That's pretty good though.
32:06Look at that stack.
32:08That's one log, you know.
32:11One tree and it's not even a full tree.
32:12Still got the top piece for firewood, that big bottom chunk there for firewood,
32:17and all of these boards.
32:19I mean, that's a pretty efficient use of a tree, you ask me.
32:23Every lick of it.
32:50Slippery, slippery.
32:58Clop, clop.
33:10Get your boats over around.
33:13Scooter Doug, boys.
33:15Oh lord.
33:58You ready for supper?
34:54This one's beautiful in the amber.
34:58Oh, perfect.
35:13It's amazing to think that it's been in the ocean for this long,
35:16just rolling around wave to wave, going with the currents and going with the flow.
35:28Ah, oh no.
35:35Lost one.
37:43well scoats, this is our second Q&A.
37:46Last week, it seemed like everyone really liked us answering a few questions from the comments,
37:51so we're gonna do it again this week.
37:52Kelly has combed through and kept an eye as close as we could,
37:56and got some good questions for us this week.
37:58A lot of the comments on last video was more about Kelly's song
38:02than it was questions, it seemed like.
38:04Yes, I wanted to say thank you all so much for all the support on the song.
38:08I really appreciate that you all love it so much,
38:11and as of right now, this is the only place where you can hear it.
38:14That might change in the future, but for now, it's here.
38:17Yeah, I just want to say thank you guys so much.
38:19I really appreciate it.
38:21Someone wants to know,
38:23do we have to be concerned about predators here on the island with the goats and livestock?
38:26We don't really have to be too worried about predators around here.
38:28There's a fox on the island right now.
38:30We've seen once, see his track lots.
38:33As far as like big critters go, wolves, coyotes, black bear,
38:38very few and far between from what we were told.
38:40Paddy, our old neighbor here, said he's seen like one black bear out here in the past few years.
38:46So, as far as big predators go, snatching goats, not so much.
38:49The chickens, probably with the fox could be an issue.
38:53Might be something we have to deal with at some point.
38:55Okay, big question.
38:57Where did we meet?
38:58Good question.
38:59Lots of people are asking that.
39:00Where did we meet?
39:01We met on a farm in Virginia while Matty was on a tour with his buddy Adam shearing alpaca.
39:06I was working as a farm hand there and saw him walk in the door and the rest is history.
39:12Yeah, very random place to meet for a newfie and a Virginian girl.
39:18All over a few alpacas, believe it or not.
39:20Does Kelly sell the stuff she makes?
39:23I am not currently selling the stuff I make,
39:25but I do want to find a way to give away some of the sea glass jewelry that I've been making.
39:30You guys saw earlier that I made some on the beach here.
39:33There's so many people in the comments and watching these videos now that we have no idea
39:38how to give you a necklace like this or give you anything.
39:41So, we need everyone to get in the comments and let us know
39:44how do we go ahead and pick four or five people for next week
39:48to pick to give Kelly's necklaces to.
39:53We'll mail you these.
39:54We'll mail out four or five.
39:55How many are you sending?
39:56Yeah, five.
39:56I've got five right now.
39:57Yeah, we'll mail five of these out next week and in the Q&A,
40:00we'll tell you who we're sending it to.
40:02But we need to figure out how we're going to do that.
40:03So please, throughout the week, someone send us a good idea and a simple way to fairly pick
40:12whoever we send it to.
40:13Yeah, we'd love to give something back and share it because this is a pretty cool thing.
40:16This is right here from the beach, you know, made by Kelly.
40:20And I think a lot of people would like to have this.
40:26I've always wondered why people keep goats.
40:29So what are they used for?
40:30What's our plan with the goats?
40:31I really want to milk these goats.
40:33I want to breed them and milk them because I really love goat cheese, goat soap, all that stuff.
40:40And to be able to grow a herd would be wonderful.
40:42Kelly is really keen on the whole milk and all that stuff with the goats.
40:45I'm really keen on using the goats like a herd of little chainsaws on legs
40:51because I've been told by many people that goats love clearing land
40:56and they love chewing it all down and they'll scrub it right to nothing,
40:59which is what we want because we need a clear space to have pasture.
41:02We need like space where we've got long grass growing up every year
41:05to feed the sheep long term.
41:08Kelly's getting all fascinated with the goats, but really the main goal is sheep.
41:12We just need to make space for the sheep.
41:14We're running goats for a bit, but eventually Billy and all our friends
41:18will be on the table when we're done with them.
41:21Cycle of life.
41:22Cycle of life.
41:23That's homesteading, baby.
41:25One more question.
41:27What do we do if we need a doctor or medical services?
41:31Really out here, we only got a few options if an emergency should arise.
41:35Either get to the hospital ourselves, which would mean leaving here in the boat,
41:40a quick ride back to where the truck is, like going quick, maybe 25 minutes.
41:45Ripping on her after the weather was good.
41:47Getting the truck and then it's another like 30 minutes,
41:5235 minutes down the road to a highway if you're driving pretty quick also.
41:57That's a bit of a run and also there's a lot of moving parts there.
41:59You got to get in and out of the boat.
42:00You'd be relying on weather, road conditions, all that.
42:03If you know what Newfoundland is like, you can't always just get up and jump in a boat
42:06or drive down the highway.
42:08So really the only thing you could do is call a chopper.
42:13That's the only really thing you do is call a medevac.
42:16And that's pretty serious.
42:17Like we would have to be in dire, dire straits before we started calling the medevac.
42:22But that's the only way you could do it.
42:24And that's also a reason why a lot of people would be deterred from living in a place like this
42:28because being close to medical facilities is pretty important,
42:32especially for a lot of older folk and I get that.
42:37So being in a place that you can't just get in quick,
42:39it's definitely a bit of a wrench in the mix.
42:41But right now, you know, we just try to be safe.
42:44We got our health still.
42:45We're young enough to do it.
42:47Who knows when we're old stogies, if we don't have AI robots carrying us around by then,
42:53maybe we'll have to move back to town.
42:54Who knows?
42:55Who knows?
42:57That's a few questions answered.
42:59I know there's probably lots more in your question probably never got answered tonight,
43:02but we'll keep trying to just answer a few quick ones each week.
43:06Thank you again, Scouts for watching.
43:08Love you all.
43:09The outreach and love and support in the community and the chat has been great.
43:15We try and read and respond to as much as we can.
43:18And yeah, keep you guys keep watching, sending love and we'll keep making them.
43:22We're really enjoying it.
43:23So thank you.
43:24Thank you, Scouts.
43:25We love you guys.
