• 1 hour ago
निसूरा.(करौली).तिघरिया गांव के मोडान के पुरा में सोमवार को शहीद कुलदीप ङ्क्षसह गुर्जर की प्रतिमा का अनावरण पूर्व उपमुख्यमंत्री सचिन पायलट ने किया। शहीद को सम्मान देने के लिए अपार जनसमूह उमड़ा। जब तक सूरज चांद रहेगा कुलदीप तेरा नाम रहेगा जैसे नारों के बीच शहीद को याद किया गया। पायलट एवं अतिथियों ने कुलदीप की प्रतिमा पर पुष्प अर्पित कर श्रद्धांजलि दी।


00:00They will have to move forward.
00:02The education we get in schools,
00:04apart from that,
00:06we will have to learn from our families,
00:08from the people around us,
00:10and from our history.
00:12There is unity.
00:14If there is love and brotherhood,
00:16there is growth and development.
00:18I would like to request all of you
00:20to focus on education.
00:24We were talking about the army.
00:26I was fortunate
00:28to be a part of the Indian Army
00:30in 2012.
00:32Swagat Parizad was also
00:34a fighter pilot in the Indian Army.
00:36My grandfather
00:38was in the company.
00:40He was a constable.
00:42But the army,
00:46the feeling of the army
00:48in this country,
00:50there are 200 countries in the world,
00:52but among the citizens of any country,
00:54there is no feeling of the army
00:56in this country.
00:58And that is why
01:00we love our motherland.
01:02We love each other.
01:08A country cannot develop
01:10until there is
01:12mutual love and brotherhood.
01:14If we fight with each other,
01:16if there is fear,
01:18if there is hatred,
01:20then we cannot develop a country.
01:22The army
01:24is not
01:26a mere
01:30But the reality
01:32is that to join the army,
01:34lakhs and lakhs of children
01:38I am sad
01:40that even in the 1970s,
01:42the army job
01:44was reduced to a minimum.
01:48A four-year job
01:50and then you have to leave.
01:52If you
01:54fight for 5 years,
01:56you will be gone for 15-20 years.
01:58And those who want to leave the job,
02:00they do not get a leave for 4 years.
02:02For themselves,
02:04it is 3-3 years.
02:06And those who join the army,
02:08they get a job for 4 years.
02:10They are above 20-22 years.
02:12You retire, you get a job.
02:14This is not right.
02:16We forced it.
02:18I said you have to save money.
02:20You have to save money.
02:22There are a hundred ways.
02:24But think about it.
02:26You will waste time
02:28changing your name,
02:30changing your history,
02:34searching for a temple.
02:36But when it comes to the army,
02:38to help those families,
02:40to help them,
02:42the effort
02:44cannot be increased.
02:46We have started a scheme
02:48in the name of Agni Vivi.
02:50You want to send your children home
02:52after 4 years.
02:54What is the condition of the farmers?
02:58To buy the crops of the farmers,
03:00we have said that there should be a law.
03:02There should be a law on the land of Samarthan.
03:04Everyone is responsible for this.
03:06It is not just their responsibility
03:08who are running the country.
03:10When the crops are bought,
03:12the land of Samarthan
03:14is not bought.
03:16But you and I know
03:18that the land of Samarthan
03:20is not bought.
03:22There should be a law on it.
03:24We have moved forward with this thought.
