• 14 hours ago
Chris Holt, Joe Crann and Danny Hall discuss as Sheffield United take the win at Hillsborough.
00:00No, no, not really. No, I think you're right about the frustration
00:04But I don't think that's been building up over the last few weeks and months
00:07I think that's probably years and years and decades in the building in the building see reference, you know
00:12But going back into the 80s and 90s of Wednesday were the true, you know
00:16What dogs in the city when they had some unbelievable players internationals and a team of superstars didn't in Wednesday work. I'm sorry United
00:25Yeah seen as a team of cloggers really well, that's right
00:28You know, it's a bit unfair on them as players, but that's what the sort of perception was
00:32It was princes and porpoise almost wasn't it? And yeah, it was an 11-minute answer to the first question, which was I think
00:39You know, how was that Chris just sort of said go and then he just sort of launched into it in fairness an unbelievable answer
00:44Because she could just tell I was thinking as he was talking like because he really this message to the players before about this
00:50Is what you can do to sort of help change the narrative of the club house that they're thinking as I have done many times
00:55because while they're thinking
00:57Imagine being in that dressing room listening to this because they'll have been this will have been a sort of watered-down version
01:02He was saying to us in that
01:05Imagine a slightly less sweary. Yeah, I would imagine so
01:07Yeah, and I was thinking imagine being in that in that dress where the dressing room Hillsborough
01:11I could for a game or whatever and taking that in and thinking yeah, you know what we can be a part of this because
01:17Listen, his legacy at Bramble Lane is it's secure, you know, you could stop tomorrow and he would be the best manager of my lifetime
