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(Adnkronos) - Presentato il programma della terza edizione del Premio Film Impresa che torna dal 9 all'11 aprile alla Casa del Cinema di Roma a Villa Borghese, portando sul palcoscenico temi cruciali come l'innovazione, l'intelligenza artificiale e il futuro del settore imprenditoriale. Durante la tre-giorni di eventi, proiezioni e incontri, saranno assegnati i Premi Speciali a Matteo Garrone, Pietro Salini e Luca Zingaretti, protagonisti di una manifestazione che unisce l'audiovisivo e il mondo delle imprese.

Ideato e coordinato da Unindustria, il Premio Film Impresa, è ormai un appuntamento consolidato, un luogo di incontro dove il linguaggio cinematografico si fonde con il racconto dell'imprenditoria.


00:00Presented the program of the third edition of the Film Prize Enterprise, which returns from the 9th to the 11th of April at the Casa del Cinema di Roma in Villa Borghese.
00:12During the three days of events, screening and meetings, special awards will be awarded to Matteo Garrone, Pietro Salini and Luca Zingaretti, protagonists of a demonstration that unites the audiovisual and the business world.
00:24Designed and coordinated by an industry, the Film Prize Enterprise is now a consolidated appointment, a meeting place where the cinematographic language merges with the story of entrepreneurship.
00:54This year, the jury, chaired by the famous producer, discographic and singer Caterina Caselli, will award recognition in the different categories and during the event, Matteo Garrone will receive the Ermano Olmi Award 2025.
01:21The meaning of the Film Prize Enterprise is to try to communicate, to give a contribution in the communication of the values ​​of the business culture, which are the vision of entrepreneurs, the daily work of collaborators, the relationship with the territory, the ESG themes, a whole series of values ​​that entrepreneurs express every day in their daily work in the factories of their companies.
01:48The demonstration will also be an opportunity to highlight the indissoluble link between enterprise and innovation, with special attention to artificial intelligence and the role that the audiovisual plays as a communication tool to tell the commitment of companies.
02:02Innovation and artificial intelligence are crucial themes for the development of the production and cultural sector, said Lorenzo Alei, Head of Audiovisual Cinema of the Lazio region, highlighting the importance of events like this for the growth of the local industry.
02:16We believe that artificial intelligence is already part of the life of the enterprise. We have asked important entrepreneurs to tell exactly what it means and what artificial intelligence will do in sectors such as health, manufacturing, administration and management. I believe that from this point of view, the Film Prize Enterprise can actually broaden the horizon of discourse, skills and information.
02:42During the demonstration, participants will also have the opportunity to deepen the themes related to training, inclusion and the audiovisual sector, with special attention to female entrepreneurship and sustainability.
02:54A special focus will be dedicated to the memory of Ennio Lucarelli, with the preview of a documentary that tells the story of a pioneer of the computer industry.
03:03The Film Prize Enterprise is confirmed as a cultural event of relevance, capable of attracting the attention of institutions, companies and enthusiasts.
